Mercury: A Visual Basic-compatible programming language for all Platforms | RemObjects Software
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A modern Visual Basic, with a Future, and for all Platforms.
A modern Visual Basic.
With a Future, and for all Platforms.

RemObjects Mercury

Mercury is an implementation of the BASIC programming language that is fully code-compatible with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET™, but takes it to the next level, and to new horizons.

Write VB-compatible Code, for Any Platform

With Mercury, you will be able to build your existing VB.NET projects, and leverage your Visual Basic™ language experience to write code for any modern target platform. That includes:

  • .NET, .NET Core, Mono and ASP.NET Core
  • The Java VM and any device that runs Java code.
  • Android, both the Java-based SDK and the CPU-native NDK
  • iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS (Cocoa, CPU-native)
  • Windows (CPU-native)
  • Linux (CPU-native)
  • WebAssembly, for web browsers and Node.js

You can read more about the platforms supported by the Elements compiler, here, and the full Visual Basic™-compatible Mercury language syntax will be available on all of them. And of course, you can mix Mercury code with any of the other five Elements languages in the same project, if you like!

Sophisticated IDEs for Windows and Mac

The Mercury language will be deeply integrated into our development environments. Develop your projects in our smart yet lightweight IDEs, Water on Windows or Fire on Mac – with project templates, code completion, integrated debugging for all platforms, and many other advanced development features. Of course, Mercury will also integrate into Visual Studio™ 2017, 2019 and 2022.

Mix Mercury Code With Other Languages

With Elements, all languages are created equal. Even within the same project, you can mix Mercury, C#, Swift, Java, Oxygene and Go.


Mercury, like the other five Elements languages, comes with an extensive toolchain that takes care of all parts of your development process – from IDEs to work in, over the compiler and auxiliary build tasks, all the way to your final product.

It also integrates deeply with the existing ecosystem for whatever platform(s) you are targeting. For example:

  • On Mac or iOS, you have full access to the entire range of Cocoa APIs. You can use .xib files, storyboards, asset catalogs etc. just as you would in Xcode.

  • On Android and Java, Mercury seamlessly uses the platform tools for "dex'ing" your Java code or creating .apk files, and has support for pulling in external Gradle packages as you would expect.

  • On .NET, you have full access to the framework library and third-party .dlls and libraries, and you can use NuGet packages to pull in code. You can target the full desktop .NET Framework, as well as .NET Core or Mono. And so on.

... and so on.

Get Mercury Now

Get your copy of Mercury now. Monthly and yearly options are available, and you can also get Mercury as part of the full Elements package, or our Suite Subscriptions.

Language Extensions

As part of the Elements family, Mercury automatically inherits a lot of additional special features, including but not limited to:

  • Compiler based cross-project Obfuscation (no external obfuscation tool needed anymore)
  • Aspect Oriented Programming (generate code from aspects)
  • Duck Typing (convert types to other types that you normally could not)
  • Soft interfaces (lets you use a type that does not implement an interface, but has the correct functions to be used as that interface)

...and so much more

While building Mercury, we are also looking at the VBLang community for historical requests, and see what we can add to our implementation. At this stage, we already implemented many existing requests, and have plans for many more.

You can read more about supported Language Extensions and VBLang Requests on our documentations site.

Follow @RemObjects, @VBMercury or @ElementsComp on Twitter for updates.

And discuss Mercury in our Mercury forum on RemObjects Talk.

* Visual Basic™ and Visual Studio™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

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Build native Android apps with Mercury:

Love the idea of Mercury, but prefer a different language?
Check out RemObjects C#, Swift or Iodine (Java) or Oxygene!

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