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Changes in Hydra

This document lists the changes introduced by new versions of Hydra.


New in the “December 2019” Release, Version 6.2.101 (Build .1237)

  • (Built: December 4, 2019)

  • Support for Delphi 10.3.3

  • Improved support for Lazarus/free Pascal


New in the “June 2019” Release, Version 6.2.99 (Build .1229)

  • (Built: June 10, 2019)


  • 82503: HY/Delphi: Compatibility with Lazarus/Free Pascal
  • 82186: HY/Java: Support for OpenJDK and JDK 9+
  • 82218: Integration with Visual Studio 2019


  • 82223: HY/N: Update project templates
  • 82465: HYD: .NET Interface Importer creates incorrect parameter definitions for TGuid parameter type
  • 82130: HYD: Cannot load .NET plugin containing public non-COM-compatible classes
  • 82449: HYJ: Plugin importer ignores custom plugin interfaces
  • 82432: HYJ: Switch to new PluginLoader API in the Plugin CodeGen
  • Fix for broken VSCT files
  • HY/J: CodeGen fix
  • VS 2017 support fix


New in the “March 2019” Release, Version 6.1.97 (Build .1221)

(Built: March 12, 2019)

Updated to be in sync with latest Remoting SDK, no further changes.


New in the “February 2019" Release, Version 6.1.97 (Build 1215)

  • (Built: February 20, 2019)


  • 81895: Hydra/Island: Use new COM Interfaces support in Elements/Island


  • 81812: .NET -> Delphi importer creates incorrect definitions for indexed properties
  • 81842: .NET -> Delphi importer doesn't generate inherited interfaces in proper order (base interfaces should go first)
  • 81810: .NET -> Delphi importer should use const modifier for method parameters by default
  • 81811: .NET -> Delphi importer uses incorrect type name for Byte[]
  • 81973: HY/.NET: .NET WPF Visual Plugins are being released too early
  • 81854: Hydra/.NET: Resources leak on WPF plugin unload
  • 81852: Hydra/Delphi should perform call of garbage collector for .NET plugins
  • 81543: Import of interfaces from .NET assemblies ignores complex types for method parameters/results
  • 81544: Import of interfaces from .NET assembly locks this assembly for a long period of time
  • Avoid bug with safecall calls in Delphi/linux
  • Hydra/Island: Templates should have Library output type instead of StaticLibrary


New in the “November 2018" Release, Version 6.1.95 (Build 1207)

  • (Built: November 28, 2018)


  • 80587: Java plugins in Delphi hosts
  • 81077: Support for Delphi 10.3 Rio
  • 80607: Support integration with Water


  • 80382: HY/.NET: Move assembly parser from PERWAPI to Mono.Cecil
  • 80415: HY/.NET: Switch Delphi Unit import to CG4
  • 80562: HY/Delphi: Update GUI for Tools -> Hydra -> Import Interfaces from .NET Assemblies
  • 80785: HY/Java: Provide better exception messages for exceptions happened in the Java plugin
  • 80672: Hydra/Island: Templates for Iodine/island


  • 81349: Add proper order for categories in the “Add New Item…” dialog
  • 80732: HY/.NET: Drop obsolete VS templates targeted for VS 2008
  • 80720: HY/.NET: Interface import cannot overwrite already existing code file
  • 80703: HY/.NET: MixedMode sample should ignore DPI Awareness of its WPF plugin
  • 81489: HY/Delphi: FMX edit controls show the cursor position incorrectly inside plugins
  • 80955: HY/Java: It is not possible to import .jar file if Java 1.7 is installed
  • 80679: HY/Java: NETtify interface and method names on import
  • 80673: Hydra/Island: Use EBuild for building binaries
  • 80731: Hydra: Deploy .NET, Java and Island templates for Water
  • 80880: Minor issues with importing .NET assemblies to Delphi
  • 80762: Wrong Version number for Hydra in Delphi IDE
  • HY/D: Updated .NET importer integration
  • HY/J: build to use EBuild
  • HY/J: Sample project fix
  • HY/J: Typo in sample plugin name
  • HY/J: Updated CodeGen API
  • HY/N: Pascal Parser code reorganization
  • HY/N: Switch to EBuild
  • Hydra .vstemplate files update (fixed Elements:Type and TemplateId)
  • Hydra Tools: Change method names to be more consistent across different code gens
  • Hydra Tools: Reimplementation of Delphi plugin importer
  • IDE integration assemblies should be built as AnyCPU
  • Samples should be Delphi7 compatible, i.e. written w/o UTF8 BOM
  • VCL Host project was adapted for D7


New in the “July 2018" Release, Version 6.0.93 (Build 1189)

(Built: July 19, 2018)


  • 78601: Hydra for Java


  • 79755: Expose method to allow control Tab focus flow in WPF plugins


  • 80154: .NET: Update cross-platform interfaces
  • 80113: .NET: Keys %&;(' trigger unwanted focus changes in VCL plugin
  • 80235: .NET: Retest/redesign Elements samples
  • 80112: Delphi - problem with THYVCLCrossPlatformPanel.CMDialogChar
  • 79818: Delphi interface importer creates C# files without '.cs' extension
  • 80332: Delphi: corner case in THYVCLCrossPlatformVisualPluginWrapper.ShowParented is fixed


New in the “July 2018" Release, Version 6.0.93 (Build 1189)

(Built: March 13, 2018)


New in the “March 2018" Release, Version 5.0.91 (Build 1169)

(Built: Match 13, 2018)


  • 79755: Expose method to allow control Tab focus flow in WPF plugins
  • 79361: Hydra components are missing from Visual Studio 2017 toolbox
  • 79600: Tab works incorrectly in WPF plugins when AcceptsTab is enabled in a TextBox


New in the “October 2017" Release, Version 5.0.89 (Build 1157)

(Built: October 17, 2017)


  • 78586: HY/D: additional guard code for THYVCLCrossPlatformVisualPluginWrapper
  • 78237: HY/D: compatibility with ExpressBars 17.1.4
  • 78228: HY/D doesn't “Install Import from .NET Assemblies” if VS is not installed
  • 78098: Installer does not detect VS2017 running
  • 78589: Int32 is used to store handles on x64 platform
  • 78184: Provide better error message when Delphi ModuleController cannot instantiate .NET plugin due to lic error
  • 78525: Race condition in the lic validation code
  • 78100: Remove from VS2017 during uninstall


New in the "July 2017" Release, Version 5.0.87 (Build 1149)

(Built: July 11, 2017)


  • 77851: Dropped support for VS2012
  • 77887: Delphi: Remove the 'Download Hydra License' menu item in RAD Studio
  • 77888: Delphi: update menu in IDE
  • 77903: Hydra samples are not displayed on the Everwood Welcome Screen in VS2017
  • 77669: .NET NonVisual plugin misses one of the cross-platform interface definitions
  • 77711: .NET: Update Delphi WPF sample
  • 77880: Instantiation of WPF plugin fails in Delphi host


New in the "April 2017" Release, Version 5.0.85 (Build 1141)

(Built: April 13, 2017)


  • 76775: NEW: Build native plugins in C#, Oxygene, Swift and Java with "Island" in Elements 9.1.
  • 77232: Support for Delphi 10.2
  • 77217: Support for Visual Studio 2017
  • 74753: Create Silver templates for Hydra Project Items and Projects


  • 77203: Update Hydra IDE package to use updated IDE integration code (based on RO SDK one)
  • 76976: IHYCrossPlatformNonVisualPlugin should have the same declarations on different platforms
  • 76788: FMX plugin: host window lose active window state
  • Hydra: Drop outdated samples and project files


New in the "November 2016" Release, Version 4.0.83 (Build 1133)

(Built: November 11, 2016)


  • 76562: HY/D: Problem with focusing controls in FMX plugin
  • 76561: HY/D: workaround for Delphi issue (RSP-15178)
  • 75569: HY/D: Memory Leak with FMX ModuleManager
  • 75273: Use 'Hydra' folder to deploy project and item templates
  • 75165: HY/N: WPF Plugin item templates aren't displayed in the VS Add New item dialog 

New in the "May 2016" Release, Version 4.0.81 (Build 1127)

(Built: May 2, 2016)


  • Support for Delphi 10.1 "Berlin"


New in the "September 2015" Release, Version 4.0.79 (Build .1119)

(Status: September 21, 2015)


  • Support for Delphi 10 "Seattle"


  • 71862: XE5 and later: Problem with showing FMX form from FMX plugin


New in the "March 2015" Update Release, Version 4.0.75 (Build .1103)

(Status: March 13, 2015)

Provides compatibility with the March 2015 release of RemObjects SDK for Delphi.


New in the "September 2014" Update Release, Version 4.0.75 (Build .1101)

(Status: September 24, 2014)


  • 69390: Support for Delphi XE7


New in the "June 2014" Release, Version 4.0.77 (Build .1099)

(Status: June 23, 2014)


  • 67587: Support for Delphi XE6 Update 1


New in the "Spring 2014" Release, Version 4.0.71 (Build .1073)

(Status: March 28, 2014)


  • 66790: Support and templates for RemObjects C# for .NET


  • 66917: should have the same timestamp in all products
  • 66792: Installer problems with VS2013
  • 65665: Wrong name for Hydra+RO Delphi IDE packages


New in the "December 2013" Release, Version 4.0.71 (Build .1071)

(Status: December 13, 2013)


  • 65054: Hydra integration for Visual Studio 2013


  • 64747: Hydra components missing in Visual Studio toolbox
  • 64434: Change default install folder


New in the "October 2013" Interim Release, Version 4.0.69 (Build .1087)

(Status: October 4, 2013)


  • Support for Delphi XE5


New in the "Fall 2013" Release, Version 4.0.69 (Build .1085)

(Status: September 10, 2013)


  • 63794: VS2013: Everwood is not removed after oxygene uninstalling
  • 63762: Improve build script (client-side)
  • 63487: Visual appearance of plugin is broken when Delphi themes is turned on
  • 63077: GDIPlus crashes on x64 systems
  • 62704: Installer should check if is FMX package installed before building corresponding packages.


New in the "Winter 2012" Release, Version 4.0.65 (Build .1065)

(Status: November 30, 2012, Revision master-10721a9)


  • 59293: Fix installer description for Visual Studio 2012
  • 59265: Trial: Delphi applications are run without warning about trial
  • 59264: Welcome screen doesn't contain Hydra in Visual Studio 2012
  • 59041: Generate


New in the "Fall 2012" Release, Version 4.0.63 (Build .1055)

(Status: October 5, 2012, Revision master-df4a0d7)


  • 55742: Support for Delphi XE3


  • 58521: No everwood path in library
  • 58378: Unable to build ROClient sample
  • 58227: Package Checker offers wrong packages
  • 57602: [FMX] Plugin is not repositioned with scaling
  • 57348: Drop shipped binary packages for Delphi 7 and Delphi 2007
  • 56973: Import arrays from Delphi to .NET produces wrong data types
  • 56650: ParentWindow is not released in plugins
  • 53823: Tab in the WPF not wroking properly
  • 52976: Tab doesn't work in the embedded WebBrowser


New in the "Summer 2012" Release, Version 4.0.61 (Build .1029)

(Status: May 31, 2012, Revision master-3ec4b20)


  • 54593: Support for Visual Studio 11 (based on the Beta)


  • 56055: SDK Services sample crashes without proper bpl path
  • 55557: FMX: User tab key handler
  • 55524: "None" platform breaks the wizard
  • 55157: User method to handle focus chages
  • 54730: FMX: Focus square is lost in the net plugins
  • 54658: Fix classname case sensitivity
  • 54429: FMX: Tab is broken in WPF plugins
  • 54424: FMX: Tab is broken in WinForms plugins
  • 54414: Window blinking when showing FMX plugin
  • 54156: Unmnaged modules doesn't properly release resource
  • 54046: App hangs when ModuleManager is used inside dlls
  • 53849: Focus is not retained in Visual plugin


New in the "Spring 2012" Release, Version 4.0.57 (Build .991)

(Status: February 23, 2012, Revision master-a3294bf)

this is mainly a bug-fix release


  • 53832: [FMX] ModuleController should be singleton
  • 53779: AV in RO Client sample
  • 53545: Window blinking when showing silverlight plugin
  • 53500: x64 applications use wrong BPLs
  • 53465: Replace HY+RO samples for trial with description
  • 53396: Package settings doesn't save on build
  • 53298: D6 doesn't supports extended RTTI
  • 53294: All samples must use runtime packages
  • 52954: Plugin doesn't restore focus after window reactivation
  • 52107: Application.OnIdle doesn't work in delphi plugins


New in the "January 2012" Release, Version 4.0.55 (Build .971)

(Status: January 27, 2012, Revision master-a0e3c34)

This is the initial release of Hydra 4.


  • 52013: Silverlight plugins for Delphi Hosts
  • 48194: Win64 support for Delphi XE2
  • 46882: FireMonkey plugins and hosts


  • 51686: Package checker should remove new XE2 packages when running in other Delphi versions
  • 50868: Move all Readme's to the wiki (Hydra)


  • 53211: NRE in MixedMode sample
  • 53171: Import units fails on Oxygene project
  • 52982: Wrong module load in managed samples
  • 52959: Flickering when loading a WPF VisualPlugin from Delphi
  • 52925: Fix WideCharToShortString for D7
  • 52885: TryLoadModule works incorrectly (VCL)
  • 52577: Rename/move hydra classes
  • 52300: MixedMode sample does not automatically copies core assembly
  • 52039: Possible AV on module unload
  • 52012: Unable to unload managed module that is loaded in new app domain
  • 51666: Unable to unload managed module
  • 51638: Wrong error handling on module load
  • 51533: Work around GDI+ initialization problem
  • 51479: Remove unused code
  • 51345: AV in RepositoryEditor when moving toolbars up/down
  • 51243: set correct product version in binary files
  • 51085: Wrong package checker behavior on packages named like '_D2010'
  • 50712: AV in ReleaseInstance


New in the "Fall 2011" Release, Version 3.0.53 (Build .931)

(Status: September 23, 2011, Revision master-c08f2a4)


  • 50223: Support for Delphi XE2


  • 49938: Add build action to fix CRLFs on all Samples and Templates (all products)
  • 49912: Install binaries only if correspondent version of Delphi is found
  • 49591: HY/Oxygene templates need {$HIDE H7} in .Designer.pas files.
  • 49590: HY/Oxygene samples need {$HIDE H7} in .Designer.pas files.
  • 48981: Set refcount for plugins to prevent plugin destruction during construction
  • 48978: NRE
  • 48978: Rebirth: RemObjects.Hydra.LoadedManagedModule's method 'UnloadModule' throws SerializationException
  • 48616: Samples project files for pulsar
  • 48509: Var parameters imported wrong from a unit
  • 48489: Methods imported from unit have wrong order
  • 48378: "Download Hydra License" menu in VS is redundant and can be removed
  • 47743: Exception is thrown when trying to access menu or toolbar controller of a cross platform host
  • 47707: Cross platform host isn't set for unmanaged plugins
  • 47668: CheckPluginAttribute throws an exception on managed plugins
  • 47666: CheckPluginType returns wrong results for a managed plugins
  • 47570: Converter should check for safecall
  • 47446: Can't set plugin Host to null
  • 47441: Can't set module controller Host to null
  • 47436: LoadManagedModule fails under .Net 4.0 if loading in new AppDomain
  • 47434: Installer should not show readme if running in silent mode
  • 47399: UnitTest: Create test for a managed modules
  • 47396: CheckPluginType always returns false
  • 47357: UnitTest: Create test for an unmanaged modules
  • 47222: General infrastructure for Hydra Tests
  • 46432: Instance ref doesn't removed when instance is released
  • 46321: AV in a plugin that hosted by host and other plugin
  • 46162: Shortcut doesn't work with with XtraBarManager
  • 46092: Prevent module from unloading while it has active plugins
  • 44508: Memory leak in ReleaseInstance
  • 25545: Delphi 2007 IDE: ROMenu doesn't work when project is localized
  • 24116: Make TAction.OnUpdate work for cross-platform environment


New in the “Spring 2011” Release, Version 3.0.51 (Build .881)

(Status: March 24, 2011, Revision master-891c64c)


  • 17445: New cross platform actions


  • 10355: Better compatibility with Lazarus/FPC
  • 10349: Allow converter to be invoked from BCB


  • 46732: Remove ISupportInitialize from SplitContainer init code
  • 46109: Remove IEnumUnknown from ICLRMetaHost
  • 45892: THYLocalService should use factory only in run time
  • 45792: Focus isn't set if control is placed in container
  • 45686: Optimize Hydra unit references
  • 45429: Tab doesn't work with DevEx GridControl in managed host
  • 44930: Delphi 2010 packages has wrong Base config
  • 44706: Installer shows size only for .net part
  • 36257: Installer shows size only for .net part
  • 33157: Import interfaces that inherits from other crossplatform interface
  • 12530: licenses.licx file misplaced in templates
  • 10961: XActions: Toolbar and menu support
  • 10493: THYManagedVisualPluginWrapper.Destroy throws an exception if THYPluginPanel destroyed
  • 10400: Tab doesn't work with DevEx GridControl in unmanaged host
  • 10396: Fix for OnPanelDestroy method
  • 10223: XActions: create UseLegacyActions for backward compatibility
  • 10120: ModuleLoader.pas copied in wrong directory


New in the “Winter 2010” Release, Version 3.0.49 (Build .861)

(Status: November 24, 2010)


  • 44021: New Host Application Template for .NET


  • 44304: New "Services Communication" sample
  • 44127: CLRWrappers: Create wrappers for CLR and GC
  • 42865: Support for Delphi XE
  • 21599: Update form templates to use partial classes


  • 44540: Warnings in uHYAutoUpdateClient
  • 44227: SingleAppDomain: AppDomain can't load assemblies from different folders
  • 44162: Samples missing in Managed Projects (All) solutions
  • 44082: Runtime error in template
  • 44081: Hydra template error with net 2.0 framework
  • 44034: RemObjects.Hydra.Designtime does not installed into GAC
  • 43936: Line breakes are broken in samples
  • 43820: Oxygene samples references are broken
  • 43812: Line breakes broken in RemObjects SDK services sample
  • 43775: Managed plugin doesn't get notified when loosing focus
  • 43379: Templates for C# Builder doesn't work
  • 43143: Memory leak in WPF plugins
  • 43097: Mnemonics doesn't work in Delphi plugins
  • 43061: Mnemonics doesn't work in .net plugins
  • 43046: Aligned controls can disappears in delphi plugin hosted by a .net host
  • 43001: Hydra_RO has wrong description
  • 42956: Warnings in RemObjects SDK Services sample
  • 42908: Package checker doesn't work with Delphi XE
  • 42856: AV is thrown instead of real exception if CLR initialization is failed
  • 42839: Possible AV in package checker in D7
  • 42801: Show method is empty in WPF plugin
  • 42800: Visible property ignored in WPF plugin
  • 42799: VisualPlugin visible property is always set to false
  • 42793: Service.IsPrivate should hide services in RODL for clients
  • 42665: AutoUpdate sample has wrong types in its event handler
  • 42515: Hydra is not uninstalled completely from VS
  • 36886: Docking/undocking tdxDockPanel causes plugin to disappear
  • 36779: Declare HYAutoUpdateService as abstract in the HydraAutoUpdate.RODL
  • 36315: Action shortcuts not working
  • 34916: Drag and drop does not work when WPF plugin in Delphi host
  • 33735: KeyDown, KeyPress events aren't fired in the VisualPlugin
  • 29942: HY projects from wizard ask to be upgraded from bdsproj to dproj in d2009
  • 27981: Package Checker for D7 doesn't accept directives
  • 26583: AutoUpdate: THYFileUpdateInfo.Version is empty
  • 18159: Cursor keys don't work in splitter, in unmanaged host/managed plugin
  • 17513: Mnemonics works only on first loaded plugin even if second plugin has a focus
  • 17064: Make ModuleExplorer sample compilable without RO installed
  • 16838: Weird file behavior in SetBuffer


New in the “Summer 2010” Release, Version 3.0.47 (Build .841)

(Status: August 11, 2010) – revision r47849


  • 40279: Tested and prepared all Delphi products for upcoming Delphi XE, and added _D15 packages source
  • 38446: Changed all .NET products to use Oxfuscator
  • 39083: New "Everwood 3" Welcome form and licensing system in all Windows products


  • 42312: HostPanel doesn't remove reference to a plugin on UnhostPlugin call.
  • 42173: Tab works incorrectly in plugins, when AcceptsTab is set in the TextBox
  • 41980: Property "components" is not initialized in Prism templates
  • 41970: Hydra WPF plugins build fails, if they build against .NET 4.0
  • 41969: VS doesn't set Target framework property
  • 41967: Hydra WPF items doesn't shown in the "New Project" dialog if target framework is 4.0
  • 41885: Major bug in HY sample for .NET - "Mixed Mode"
  • 41607: Remove BPDX servers from Hydra+RO samples
  • 40997: Hydra license check may fail if dynamic assembly is passed
  • 40818: RemObjects SDK Services sample throws exception on plugin load
  • 40817: All hosts in Actions sample should be placed in Bin directory
  • 40558: OnCompareUpdates event doesn't fire if file size differs.
  • 40537: Unmerge events don't fire in the THYPluginControlsRepository
  • 39964: Regenerate files from Hydra Auto Update service RODL
  • 39955: Hydra tabbing fails with exception when comes to the HyperLink control
  • 39885: THYStdVCLToolbarController returns wrong toolbar count
  • 39877: OnAfterMergeToolbars event doesn't fire
  • 39345: Pass UserData from ModuleController to the host.
  • 39278: Suppress the "RemObjects Hydra Plugin Host Panel" text on the HostPanel
  • 39129: The description of the visual plugin, the supplied UserData and Description is empty
  • 39054: In uHYPluginFactories:THYPluginFactory.CreateInstance the host is only assigned if the instance supports the IHYPlugin interface, however the host property is declared in the IHYHostAware interface
  • 39053: Creating a visual plugin as a normal form, without factory, will cause the fFactory to be nil and throws an access violation when freed. Same for non visual plugins.
  • 38976: Add EnforceActionsSecurity for NonVisual plugins
  • 38737: Add the OnSetHost event for .NET plugin (like in Delphi)
  • 38042: Hydra (VB) creates .vbc file instead of .vb when importing interface from the Delphi unit
  • 37718: Click event is not fired when pressing Enter button
  • 35503: Review situation with HYSafeCallError
  • 30585: Remove un-.NET-like prefixes in default event handler parameter names
  • 17661: Tab focus doesn't work for managed WPF plugins hosted in unmanaged host


New in the “Spring 2010” Release, Version 3.0.45 (Build .821)

(Status: March 2, 2010)


  • This release adds full and official support for Visual Studio 2010 (based on the Release Candidate)


  • 38039: Hydra/Delphi library warning
  • 38030: Hydra installer issues
  • 37415: loading plugin without modulemanager gives nre at loading
  • 36626: Designtime AV when closing plugin


New in the “Winter 2009” Release, Version 3.0.43 (Build .801)

(Status: November 27, 2009)


  • 8131: Problems with .NET part of "Delphi WPF" Sample
  • 8108: Recompile packages causes warnings in Delphi 7
  • 8107: Recompile packages failed
  • 8002: Hydra components are not added to VS toolbox
  • 7983: Problem with ModuleExplorer sample
  • 7980: IDE packages should have search path to Everwood\Bin instead of Everwood\Dcu\Dxx
  • 7575: Usage Delphi 'path override' feature instead of system path
  • 6189: Host's control focus doesn't get lost when entering a managed plugin
  • 5945: Plugin instances for a module
  • 5874: Guid .NET properties cause Delphi host app to crash
  • 5789: Resizing modal plugins
  • 4828: Add an option allowing to assign a custom host
  • 3870: Add global flag to not add Exception name to unregistered safecall exceptions (DA & HY)
  • 3246: Plugin focus problems in unmanaged host


New in the “Fall 2009” Release, Version 3.0.41 (Build .791)

(Status: September 10, 2009)


  • 7236: Support for Delphi 2010


  • 7151: Phased out binary support for Delphi 6 and Delphi 2006
  • 6431: New installer based on InnoSetup


  • 7508: "Plugin module" can't be created
  • 7486: ChromeLanguageSupport -> OxygeneLanguageSupport in importer
  • 7460: Hydra Video link in welcome page is broken
  • 6911: Delphi to .NET importing interface issue
  • 6877: Hydra -> Package Settings doesn't properly work for D2009/2010
  • 6225: NRE in LICX processing, when there's a bad dll ref
  • 6077: New Project wizard extension issue


New in the “Summer 2009” Release, Version 3.0.39 (Build .777)

(Status: May 29, 2009)

Interim build provided to match RemObjects SDK and Data Abstract (no changes in Hydra itself since Build .761)


New in the “Spring 2009” Release, Version 3.0.37 (Build .761)

(Status: February 27, 2009)


  • 6197: On some systems, not all dlls are installed in the GAC properly
  • 5506: Everwood Welcome dialogs have wrong colours


New in Version 3.0.35 (Build .741)

(Status: November 28, 2008)


  • 6115: Update the setup script to include *.dof for samples
  • 6107: Remove unused variable from Hydra_Core sources
  • 6055: Tab & Accelerators support for Delphi Visual Plugin, .NET Host
  • 5881: Licensing says "Invalid License Version" at startup when it cannot find the license file at all
  • 5028: Tab key beeps for Managed plugin with TextBox


New in Version 3.0.33 (Build .721)

(Status: August 29, 2008)


  • 5290: Full support for Delphi 2009 (Tiburon) and its new Unicode strings (no binaries are shipped for Delphi 2009 yet, as the final version was not available when .721 shipped. You will need to build the D12 .groupproj file to manually install packages in Delphi 2009. We will provide an updated build that automatically installs into Delphi 2009, once it is available)


  • 5697: Hydra Oxygene templates don't show in Oxygene 3.0
  • 5697: typo in install script
  • 5847: Update the importer to support System.DateTime <-> TDateTime
  • 5736: Importing a generic interface: wrong name
  • 5520: Images in Toolbar get displayed crappy (for ExpressBars 6)


New in Version 3.0.31 (Build .701)

(Status: May 28, 2008)

There have been no changes to Hydra for .31


New in Version 3.0.29 (Build .661)

(Status: February 22, 2008)

Interim build provided to match RemObjects SDK and Data Abstract (no changes in Hydra itself since Build .651)


New in Version 3.0.27 (Build .651)

(Status: December 14, 2007)

New Features

  • 4578: Implement AddSeparator for IHYToolbar


  • 4898: Couldn't recompile HY/.NET sources because DesigntimeConsts.pas was missing from setup
  • 4839: Improve use of BeginUpdate/EndUpdate
  • 4772: Package Checker tries to fix the _D2007 package suffix with D11

New in Version 3.0.25 (Build .631)

(Status: October 25, 2007)

New Features

No new features are provided, as the .25 further concentrated on quality assurance.


  • 4629: Show Everwood Helpful Tips for Delphi 2007 projects
  • 4557: Ship Everwood Source IDE Package Code
  • 4554: Update with the latest definitions
  • 4536: Package Checker should be updated to support _D11 packages


  • 4626: .NET products show wrong "trial expired" when local license is older than build
  • 4452: Update Installer for D11 packages RO, DA and HY
  • 4241: New Hydra projects are created with wrong packages option (BDS2006)


New in Version 3.0.23 (Build .613)

(Status: August 25, 2007)

New Features

No new features are provided, as the .23 concentrated on quality assurance.


  • 4272: Delphi 2005 integration for Hydra is disabled in Setup


New in Version 3.0.21 (Build .601)

(Status: June 30, 2007)

New Features

  • 3837: Provide option to unload managed and unmanaged plugins from .NET host
  • 3662: New "Welcome Page"
  • 3283: New Support for Visual Studio 2008 (experimental)


  • 4081: Update Installers and EW to "Visual Studio 2008"
  • 3889: Update Hydra icons to include large 256px vista version
  • 3887: README: D2007 requirements now include Update 1
  • 2860: Improve Package Checker to process dpk's "requires"
  • 2442: Streamline Package Checker logic


  • 4120: Trial license should not expire when updating to a new build
  • 3911: Rare AVs on destroying mixed-mode plugins
  • 3876: Fix for Delphi 2007 to detect updated component paths
  • 3768: Rename"RemObjects Service" Sample
  • 3657: fixed AV on creating a Service Plugin from the New Items dialog
  • 3499: HY setup doesn't install Delphi tree if only Delphi 2006 is found
  • 3464: Drop support for Delphi 2005 for RemObjects SDK parts of Hydra


New in Version 3.0.19 (Build .565)

(Status: April 20, 2007)


  • 3321: Added revised RemObjects SDK Services sample
  • 3318: Create IHYHost wrapper around IHYCrossPlatformHost
  • 3293: Managed "Host" is not accessible from unmanaged plugins [introduced new CrossPlatformHost property]
  • 3239: Implement ISupportErrorInfo for error propagation across COM boundaries
  • 3184: Support for new CodeGear Delphi 2007 for Win32
  • 3009: Menu&toolbar merging is now supported for non-visual plugins, as well
  • 2921: Additional different .NET plugins for Mixed-mode sample


  • 3425: Delphi 2007 compiler doesn't handle variables in search path; adjusted setup to install full paths
  • 3412: Fixed compatibility for Developer Express ExpressBars 6.0
  • 3323: Problem processing emailed assemblies for interface import
  • 3320: RemObjects SDK Services sample don't display correct data for /rodl
  • 3309: PackageChecker shouldn't check don't-use-packages projects
  • 3292: cleared needless package list for all Hydra packages in config
  • 3245: abstract .NET classes were considered valid plugins
  • 3232: Actions sample: problems with output directory setting
  • 3225: Smart Package Prompt preselected a wrong option


New in Version 3.0.17 (Build .551)

(Status: February 22, 2007)


  • 3128: Improved support for MDI forms (Delphi)
  • 2923: New InstanceID property on managed plugins
  • 2918: Managed Hosts need to provide I*Host interface to plugins, like unmanaged host already does
  • 2863: LoadModule should return module instance (.NET)


  • 3232: Actions sample: problem with output directory
  • 3222: AutoUpdate sample had wrong package settings
  • 3182: Cannot cast unmanaged plugin to custom interfaces from managed host
  • 3163: Fixed typo in "Template not found" exception message
  • 3160: Solution for tab problem with Developer Express XtraLayout control in unmanaged host (extracted DoSelectNextChild and made it virtual)
  • 3157: HostPanel mustn't have TabStop set to true (.NET)
  • 3096: Fixed ControlRepository editor opening on double-click (Delphi)
  • 3041: implemented IHYCrossPlatform* interfaces for THYNonVisualPlugin
  • 3034: When tabbing into managed plugin it takes two tabs before you land in the first control in the tab order.
  • 3030: Plugin size isn't changed properly inside HostPanel (.NET)
  • 2999: License handling problems
  • 2996: Stack overflow when using Ctrl+[Key] mnemonic on managed plugin
  • 2992: Delphi WPF sample: wrong host's output dir
  • 2991: Delphi WPF sample: description doesn't appear
  • 2990: CloseMe sample's folder needs to be renamed to SelfClose.
  • 2989: Minor internal design tweaks
  • 2988: Security sample: unable to delete the first line from the listbox
  • 2985: Fixed bad caption in Browse dialog for Delphi import
  • 2950: Fixed problem with skipping "Configure Advanced Options"
  • 2949: Fixed problems with VisualPlugin reference counting (Delphi)
  • 2916: Failed to load unmanaged Delphi 32 plugin into managed host when running under .NET 1.1
  • 2913: plugin licence should only check the same dll the concrete class is defined in
  • 2899: IHYCrossPlatformHost.SendMessage missing (deprecated SendMessage altogether, in favor of using custom interfaces)
  • 2236: Tab focus doesn't work properly in managed plugins hosted in unmanaged host
  • 2124: Testing samples for memory leaks in Hydra sources


New in Version 3.0.1 (Build .541)

(Status: December 14, 2006) - First Release of Hydra 3.0


  • Introduced managed version of Plugin Library (Hydra for .NET)
  • Support for C#, Oxygene, Visual Basic and Delphi for .NET managed plugins
  • IDE Integration support for Visual Studio 2005
  • New Project and Plugin Item templates for managed projects in Visual Studio and Borland Developer Studio
  • Support for mixed-mode managed/unmanaged plugins and hosts
  • Support for importing managed interfaces as Delphi source code
  • Support for importing Delphi interface code as managed code
  • New "Package Checker" for easier upgrading up projects between Delphi versions


  • 38: Rework RODL merging code to use real XML processing


  • 1262: Added option to create folder when creating projects from templates
  • 1262: fixed BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE value in folder dialogs for Delphi 6
  • 2281: Add proper BDS glyphs and use proper palette name
  • 2643: "Create New Folder" checkbox was removed. Folders are now created automatically if needed.
  • 2643: Project Wizard folder name now provides a history drop-down
  • 2868: UI Sample is now looking in the right place for HydraModule.dll
  • 2871: MegaDemoPackage.bpl is now built to the project folder. Also, changed packages build order.
  • 2883: Fixed hints & warnings
  • 2907: Fixed "Hide unaffected items" checkbox anchors.
  • Renamed UI sample to "Actions"