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Changes in Elements (Oxygene, C# and Swift)

This document lists the changes introduced by new versions of Elements toolchain, including the Oxygene Language, RemObjects C#, Silver and Fire.


New in the “November 2017" Release, Version 9.3.103 (Build .2211)

(Built: November 3, 2017)

Major new Features in Elements 9.3

  • 78444: Iodine: WinForms Support
  • 78442: Iodine: WPF Support
  • 78553: Native debugger support for Linux


  • 78235: C#: allow keywords after .
  • 78417: Confusing error message “Interface types not allowed on unmanaged records”
  • 78463: Iodine: __struct support
  • 78542: Iodine: Access to interface consts when implementing it
  • 78550: Iodine: allow .class
  • 78439: Iodine: Support for __ref parameters
  • 78469: Swift: __Field to declare an actual non-property field
  • 78828: Swift: Cocoa templates updated for latest Swift
  • 78131: Swift: support for combining protocols via &
  • 78628: Use MPF with VS2017 for now
  • Android: Better errors from aapt (don't treat "note:" as error)
  • Basic support for the new GDBServer debugger; Ubuntu on Windows
  • Merged DelphiRTL
  • Merged EBuild
  • Merged Everwood5
  • Merged IslandRTL
  • Merged libToffee
  • Merged RTL2
  • Merged Samples
  • Merged SwiftBaseLibrary
  • Ship new Xcode 9.1 SDKs

New Features in Fire

  • Editor: Breakpoints should visually indicate if they are resolved or not
  • Editor: Full CC for Android Manifest files
  • Editor: New "Flatten Selection" and "Expand Selection" editor commands
  • Skip unnecessary rebuilds when re-running the same project w/o any changes made
  • Support for images command in debug console

Enhancements in Fire

  • Menu item to show EULA
  • Ongoing abstracting of CrossBox support into EBuild
  • References: Allow dragging of Island/NDK projects to Cooper projects to add a project reference (will work in EBuild only)
  • Smaller Mono footprint, making for a smaller bundle
  • Template manager now property delay-loads, causing ~1.5s startup time improvement

Fixes in Core Elements

  • 78559: "Out/var" fix-it is bad
  • 78884: A TwoWay or OneWayToSource binding cannot work on the read-only property 'MissingSDKName'
  • 78480: Accessing a member of a nullable struct gives weird error
  • 78657: Adjust project templates (including Web templates) for VS2017 mpf
  • 77777: Android: Preflight checks don't see the fresh installed Android Studio + Android SDK bundle
  • 78668: Bad fix-it for "var" and "inherited" call
  • 78653: Break point line numbers get confused by .inc files
  • 78433: Bug in string value of Any?
  • 78077: Building generates FixIts for non-existent XAML files in /obj
  • 78595: C#: class doesn't see local method from .ctor
  • 78214: C#: WPF events get inserted with bad spacing
  • 78656: Can't add linked file to shared library
  • 78692: Can't add reference
  • 78676: Check and Fix Testcases
  • 78263: Class View: some options don't work
  • 78511: Code completion getting in the way for Swift print
  • 78593: Codegen issue for mono only
  • 78573: Compiler error
  • 78516: Compiler Error
  • 78454: Cooper: Debugger stops on second exception while beign stopped already
  • 78421: Cooper: Error executing task JavaSigning: Collection was modified
  • 78479: Cooper: Problem with parsing FX signature
  • 78522: Cooper: Simple enum iteration fails to compile
  • 78552: Crash when completing a mapped to XXX sentence
  • 78827: Dupe "with" in error message for .ctor
  • 78475: Echoes: compiler emits assemblies with incorrect DebuggableAttribute set
  • 78452: FXGen missing from CrossBox
  • 78120: GetBaseInfo returns nil/error when in an undefined #ifdef
  • 78804: GetDefinitionText show wrong definition for sequence
  • 78180: Go to Definition, GetDefinitionText do not show properly value for SystemFunction
  • 76692: IDE: Show All Files - Include In Project doesn't work for single file
  • 78495: Idione: class member shows as "local field" hover info
  • 78702: IE for Unknown Identifier
  • 78570: Implicit overload issue
  • 78907: Internal error
  • 78655: Internal error compiling project with shared library
  • 78455: Internal Error in "current block" on unfinished property
  • 78675: Internal Error with writeLn(Convert.TryToInt32("9223372036854775807"))
  • 78826: Iodine template issues
  • 78777: Iodine/Island: NRE in Quick Watch window
  • 78549: Iodine: "No overloaded constructor" for anon interfaces
  • 78497: Iodine: r gets no case-mismatch error, bundle does
  • 78440: Iodine: AutoFix for "wrong param modifier" error for __ref inserts var (and misses space)
  • 78450: Iodine: Bad CC for Attribute
  • 78494: Iodine: CC contains bad elements
  • 78056: Iodine: CC for enum includes do and import keywords
  • 78441: Iodine: CC is missing "new"
  • 78299: Iodine: EUnit TestClass template creates code that cannot be compiled
  • 78560: Iodine: IE when compiling against Java 1.6
  • 78499: Iodine: NRE in Go to Definition
  • 78548: Iodine: Problem with generic inference from ancestor?
  • 78509: Island : IE with Class Contracts
  • 78209: Island Core references; IDE should not add hint path
  • 78557: Island RTL: debugger can't show values for simple types like double
  • 78160: Island/C#: method from parent class is getting called instead of current class
  • 78779: Island/Linux samples don't show any output
  • 78673: Island: [Used(Inherit := true)] doesn't seem to work for EUnit/release
  • 78477: Island: AddReference does not add reference properly
  • 78476: Island: Can not compile linux console app that uses InternetPack
  • 78252: Island: executables generate .fx
  • 78353: Island: Go To Definition problem
  • 78744: Java debugger: problem with evaluating class instances
  • 77779: Java: Preflight check doesn't detect incorrect JDK path
  • 78508: Latest Water fails with IE on v9
  • 78473: MakeSwifty: NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults did not get renamed
  • 78762: No item templates for shared project
  • 78598: NRE compiling project
  • 78846: NRE when using #selector with quotes
  • 78694: Oxidizer NRE
  • 78156: Oxidizer ObjC: lost the round brackets
  • 78167: Oxidizer ObjC: Problem with multiply-assigment
  • 77358: Oxidizer ObjC: wrong result for particular testcase
  • 78585: Oxidizer paste index out of range
  • 78198: Oxidizer, PeekAtDef, GetDefText testcases are failed
  • 78198: Oxidizer, PeekAtDef, GetDefText testcases are failed - fix for Java testcases
  • 78792: Oxygene CodeDom produces wrong code for array initializers
  • 78792: Oxygene CodeDom produces wrong code for nested classes
  • 78577: Paste C# fails with "Not Implemented"
  • 78567: Performance issue in array for loop
  • 78714: Problem with aspects and Services.GetType
  • 78707: ProjectReference throws an error when no name is specified
  • 78297: Property Pages: Host Application property doesn't allow to open dialog window for selecting file
  • 78349: Refactoring: "Extract method" inserts semicolon after method call (Swift)
  • 78906: Refactoring: "Rename" problem in WinForms app
  • 78873: Refactoring: "Switch to classic syntax" change method name 'Main' on 'main$$'
  • 78872: Refactoring: Rename doesn't work
  • 78879: Regression: Cant assign field to same-named var
  • 78435: SBL fails compiling some code
  • 78437: Swift: ?? doesn't propagate nullability correctly
  • 78462: Swift: CC is not "soft" when typing a closure parameter
  • 77968: Swift: need to be able to skip named parameters in the middle, if they have defaults
  • 78727: Swift: NRE after creating project
  • 78666: Test project to reproduce the E621
  • 78898: Toffee/C#: Internal error compiling a class
  • 78866: Toffee: "invalid record" in testcase
  • 78596: Toffee: bad code in .h for Tuples
  • 78691: Toffee: HI doesn't honor enum constant as start value for other enum
  • 78576: Toffee: HI import for const char array is broken
  • 78840: Toffee: internal error building
  • 78865: Toffee: testcase NRE
  • 78635: Two Internal Errors with latest FPS and FireCoreApp
  • 77206: Type error in tooltip with a nested type
  • 78457: Unable to debug Hydra plugin in Visual Studio using Delphi host app
  • 76723: VS2015: 'Add new class' item absent in shortcut menu
  • 78822: VS2015: Adding new EUnit TestClass item to the project fails on dupe EUnit reference
  • 78571: VS2015: Can not replace existing references (Island, RTL2), always adding default path
  • 78264: VS2015: resource item template doesn't create associated designer file
  • 77746: VS2015: Search option on Class view display wrong results
  • 77751: VS2015: Some Class view options don't work with shared projects
  • 78283: VS2015: Swift Split Page item template for WinRT doesn't compile
  • 78024: VS2017: "Insert directives in upper case" is not taken into account
  • 78774: VS2017: An exception is shown on creating iodine android app
  • 77877: VS2017: build always rebuilds all
  • 78757: VS2017: C# cocoa templates issues
  • 78447: VS2017: Class view, Object Browser should not contain SharedProject in project list
  • 78319: VS2017: Debugger shows variables that aren't present
  • 78775: VS2017: EUnit android app Iodine doesn't attach r file to project and fails to rebuild
  • 78389: VS2017: Go to Definition works incorrectly
  • 78449: VS2017: GoToPosition does not work for Class view, Object Browser
  • 78757: VS2017: Hydrogene cocoa templates issues
  • 78380: VS2017: IDE allows to add references for wring platform
  • 78719: VS2017: Impossible to rename form name in WinForms app
  • 78464: VS2017: Marking a file with Build Action “Resource”, it disappears from Solution Explorer
  • 78807: VS2017: No item templates for WPF and Shared projects
  • 78763: VS2017: Problem with adding reference to shared project into existing project
  • 78282: VS2017: Problem with CirrusInterface sample
  • 78357: VS2017: Swift: Adding a button and a WinForms PropertyGrid control corrupts code
  • 78693: VS2017: Unable to load Microsoft.Build.Framework
  • 78375: VS2017: Web.config file is empty, prevents debugging
  • 78721: VS2017: WinForm: only 1st event is put into 'designer-generated code' region
  • 78795: VS2017: WinForms: problem with showing designer
  • 78343: VS2017: WPF: Error displayed when adding event handler
  • 78535: VS: Error in Go to Definition
  • 76756: VS: if Xcode version is invalid or has no SDK files, VS shows the "new SDK detected" dialog badly
  • 76689: VS: Show All Files shows hidden files and folders, .sln files, project files
  • 78783: VS: Silver Cocoa templates issues
  • 78496: Why is E622 separate from E464 and has no fix-it?
  • 76595: WPF Application: CC doesn't contain controls with closed XAML
  • 78903: WPF designer shows odd error for Oxygene template
  • 78420: Wrong Peek at Def that keeps duplicating with each invoke
  • 78915: Wrong setting for Optimize in debug config, for some tempplates
  • 78094: XAML Nesting is broke for some files
  • 78468: XML CC: Three issues in core engine
  • Allow non atomic volatile reads.
  • Bad deployment SDK value in watchOS app template
  • Bad namespace placeholder in Iodine template
  • Bad rollup/sort order for Blank Universal app
  • Change check for Universal tools
  • Codegen fixes for TLS/Android.
  • CrossBox won't start
  • Exception when concatenating string + integer
  • generate.train: only zip up libraries if libraryBaseFolder exists.
  • Iodine: Missing macOS templates
  • LLVM Update

Fixes in Fire

  • Abstracted common logic about island architectures & co into shared IslandHelpers class in EBuild
  • Background NRE fix for editor smarts triggering in non-project code text files
  • Better (still tentative) handling of multi-file item templates (before, all files got the same name, last one won)
  • Better build phase parsing for EBuild, support for targets.
  • Better code snippet quote escaping for Oxygene single-quote literals
  • Better exception handling/logging when setting up Mono
  • Better handling of errors when trying to load a project with xml file
  • Better messaging when Mono is disabled
  • Couple places where UpdateFile was called inconsistently for shared files
  • debugger: Android: Ignore android.system.GaiException
  • Debugger: Android: Ignore sun.misc.CEStreamExhausted exceptions
  • Debugger: Better handling of the debug console prompt drawing, if stdout comes in AFTER the debugger broke
  • Debugger: console didn't handle ir well when console mode was active but new debugger lines came in
  • Debugger: Console would allow to delete one too many chars
  • Debugger: Console would sometimes stay active when manually stopping a paused session.
  • Debugger: Enhancements to how it reacts when two exceptions come in at the same time;
  • Debugger: Island debug API cleanup
  • Debugger: NRE on empty exception messages
  • EBuild: --skip-projects
  • Editor: __assembly keyword was missing for Iodine
  • Editor: __field keyword highlighting for Swift
  • Editor: __struct keyword for Iodine
  • Editor: lifetimestrategy keyword for Oxygene v10
  • Editor: Allow - & co as valid token character for XML CC;
  • Editor: C#: allow unescaped keywords after .
  • Editor: Crash when trying to save a file that has broken UTF-8 data
  • Editor: expand soft selection in XML to whole attribute value
  • Editor: New Iodine keywords
  • Editor: New Iodine v10 keywords
  • Editor: New Swift keywords
  • Editor: Potential crash when SF Mono font was fund buy SF Mono Bold font did not exist
  • Editor: replaceSelection would not always preserve selection properly.
  • Error messages with line breaks (such as an IE) would show badly in jumpbar
  • Error messages would not match up is .sln path had a dash, due to inconsistent URL encodings
  • Fire/DA: Could not generate strongly typed data tables for Relativity.
  • Fire/DA: Generate DataAccess Class did not fill DA-specific variable placeholders in the template
  • Fire/DA: Generate DataAccess Class did not generate anything
  • Fire/DA: Need deploy and load RemObjects.SDK.CG4.dll as well.
  • Fire/DA: NRE when invoking "Generate Strongly-Typed Data Table Classes"
  • Fire/DA: Show proper error message the DA codegen fails
  • Fix for version Elements check, v9 vs v10
  • Island: problem registering CB w/o a default key file
  • Leak in Cross-Platform menu system
  • Merged/reworked Register CrossBox sheet for Fire and Water
  • Newly added Favorite projects would not get persisted.
  • NRE fix in addProjectReference for projects not in the SLN
  • Offer "Resource" build action on Echoes and Cooper projects
  • Pass IslandLddExePath to EBuild when using embedded compiler
  • Problems processing .fireplugins
  • Proper error message when loading a template fails
  • References: Crash when adding references to a project that had zero
  • References: don't add RTL2 reference to WatchKit app; do add it to the extension, if so requested
  • Some color fixes for "80's Blue" theme
  • Templates: watchOS template wizard did not show
  • Toffee: Get List of deployment SDKs in Project Settings dynamically rather than hardcoding the list
  • Toffee: Moved a bunch of Toffee SDK logic out of Fire into EBuild for reuse
  • URL fix for Apple IOS Cert portal
  • XML CC: support for expanding soft-selection for CC to cover full XML attribute
  • XML Reformat: PreserveEmptyLines


New in the “August 2017" Release, Version 9.2.101 (Build .2181)

(Built: August 18, 2017)

Major new Features in Elements 9.2

  • New language: Iodine (Java) for all four platforms
  • 77897: Island: New "JNIExport" aspect for Android/NDK
  • 78109: Island: New Android NDK Extension templates
  • 78038: Island: New native Windows debugger
  • 78136: Island: Task/async support
  • 77981: MacPack: leverage fast file copying on APFS
  • 78084: New "Dependency Property" aspect for WPF
  • 78133: Swift: Full support for init? on all platforms
  • 77937: Swift 4: SE-0168 Multi-Line String Literals (also SE-0182)

Smaller Enhancements in Core Elements

  • 77933: Android: detect ADS running and emit a warning/error for debugger
  • 77891: Better error when a namespace from the default uses does not exist
  • 78046: Better error when assigning to a record property's field
  • 78231: Island: [JNIExport] Attribute should add [DllExport] as well
  • 78097: Island: Add shlobj.h to imported headers for Island Windows runtime
  • 77708: Island: allow [Used] attribute to be inherited
  • 77699: Island: Auto-select CB for Island project (Linux and Windows)
  • 77881: Island: Import WinHttp* functions for Island Windows
  • 78123: Swift: cleaner error for unsupported operator types
  • 78179: Swift: drop "W50 ++/-- is deprecated" warnings because, why not
  • 78259: Swift: pointers should not need ? to be nil
  • 77977: Variable inferred with explicit "as not nullable" should be considered non-nullable
  • Allow await on any type with a single await method
  • Android: Better errors from aapt

Features in Fire

  • New language support for Iodine (Java) for all four platforms
  • Debugger: New Disassembly View
  • Editor: Auto-complete XML closing tags when typing </
  • Editor: Draw inline messages on a separate line if they'd otherwise cover text on the current cursor line
  • Editor: Highlighting oil surrounding/matching XML element tags
  • Editor: Infrastructure for XML CC, and concrete support for CC in .plist files
  • Editor: Visually highlighting of the “current scope" around the cursor
  • New "Convert to LF" options, per file and per project
  • New “Show Debug Console on break" option
  • Search: History, via Cursor Up/Down in Search Pane
  • Search: New embedded Search Pane
  • Search: New Filter box at the bottom of the sidebar tree views

Smaller Enhancements in Fire

  • Debugger: Enable full LLDB debug console for MI
  • Debugger: Ignore .NET exceptions for missing AWSSDK.XmlSerializers
  • Debugger: Ignore CLR exceptions for missing *.resources.dlls
  • Debugger: ignore common internal "androidgetaddrinfo failed: EAINONAME (hostname nor servname provided, or not known)" exception on Android
  • Debugger: Show process name in "Process started" message
  • Editor: Improvements to how popups are placed/resized, when editor space is constrained
  • Editor: preselect the item with matching case in CC dropdown, if there's multiple variants
  • Editor: syntax highlighting for Swift 4 escaped line breaks in strings
  • Editor: syntax highlighting for Swift 4 multi-line strings
  • Editor: Syntax-coloring for compiler magic functions
  • Editor: Unofficial "CodeEditorUseBold" option, can be used w/ custom fonts
  • Improved UI for update checking/notification
  • Island: Better handling if a CrossBox 2 server's password is missing from Keychain
  • MacPack: leverage fast file copying on APFS
  • Nesting of .xaml files under their matching *Controller source files
  • New “Collapse all" context menu option in Solution Tree
  • Startup performance improvements
  • Updated to to using newer Mono (5 April 2017) internally

Fixes in Core Elements

  • 78230: "Clean" for Island is incomplete
  • 78141: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" during compile
  • 77890: "With Shell" installed does not upper to integrate with VS2017, if VS2015 is not yet installed
  • 77910: (E0) Internal error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  • 78159: 0 = nil should only work for native external consts
  • 77905: Android: "Architectures" list is empty
  • 77944: Android: can't assign RTL2 string to overloaded text property
  • 78298: Android: Edit interface in Android Studio fails
  • 77916: Bad caption and two missing subitems
  • 77895: Bug with include files
  • 78041: Build Events page missing
  • 77850: C#: CC does not show const keyword
  • 76749: C#: Pressing Enter after property definition inserts wrong brackets
  • 76748: C#: Pressing Enter in the enum definition adds extra brackets
  • 76757: C#: Pressing Enter in the Interface definition adds extra brackets
  • 77994: Can't init struct, error E110
  • 78363: Cannot add a new class to a Swift/Cooper project
  • 78102: Cant use WPF designer in Shared Project
  • 77366: CC for #ifdef could be uppercase or preserve case
  • 76866: CC for Swift contains extra keywords
  • 77647: CC problems with named loops
  • 77329: CC shows too much stuff in Swift enum
  • 78009: Compiler error with Elements 9.1
  • 77884: Compiler fails with internal error 'Attempted to access an element as a type incompatible with the array.'
  • 77886: Cooper: Internal error compiling InternetPack
  • 78021: Create test-cases for switch to unified/classic syntax
  • 77766: Echoes: confusing error calling extension method w/ wrong parameter
  • 78190: Echoes: exit vs. result with await
  • 78294: Echoes: IE in Class Contracts sample
  • 77882: Echoes: Problem with writing FX signature
  • 78152: Elements command line problems
  • 78182: ElementsCC.exe --assembly switch is not respected with a single file
  • 78005: Empty iterator causes (E0) Internal error
  • 77863: Error in Calculator sample
  • 77691: Files in shared project also show VC# errors
  • 78405: Fix casing gives NRE
  • 77896: Go to Definition doesn't show if a type is a pointer TO a struct
  • 77739: Hide "Manage NuGet Packages" for non-echoes projects
  • 77906: IDE crashes in Clear References
  • 78064: Inline method generates internal error GOUNKEX170
  • 77836: Island and Cooper: error when running w/o debugger (Ctrl+F5)
  • 78233: Island and pointers: Generic parameter cannot be an unsafe type
  • 77870: Island app with a main() w/o result will have a random exit code
  • 78209: Island Core references should get hint path
  • 77630: Island internal error
  • 77945: Island/Android: crashes when trying to "new" an Object (when the GC loads)
  • 78043: Island/Linux: Linker error
  • 78221: Island/Windows: can't debug x86_64 apps
  • 78153: Island/Windows: Debugger problems
  • 78382: Island/Windows: hangs on raising exception
  • 78151: Island: "Internal error: Invalid record" with Task/async
  • 78116: Island: 2 CrossBox bugs
  • 78177: Island: Can not compile Delphi RTL tests for Island (Windows and Linux)
  • 77901: Island: Can't build dynamic lib for armeabi-v7a
  • 77902: Island: can't load NDK binary in Android app
  • 78232: Island: cant' use writeln() or _androidlog in NDK
  • 78408: Island: Disable x86 for Android/NDK
  • 77942: Island: dynamic library doesn't emit .fx file
  • 77978: Island: Internal Error with RTL2
  • 78082: Island: problem calling Linux shared libraries
  • 78106: Island: Two problems with NDK support
  • 78225: Island: Windows debugging: GetMembers not implemented
  • 78028: Keyword "implementation" is added twice after Switch To Classic
  • 78381: Missing files in templates
  • 78333: Mono Class library template has some missing files.
  • 78030: No project file conversion
  • 78000: NRE in CompleteClass
  • 78008: NRE in RenameClass in particular test-case
  • 77934: Overload issue
  • 77225: Oxidizer C#->Oxygene crash
  • 77679: Oxidizer C#: cant handle multi-part .ctor calls
  • 78156: Oxidizer lost the round brackets
  • 78414: Oxidizer: Import "Language" to "Language" is shown only for Echoes projects
  • 77374: Oxidizer: problem with if_msghdr
  • 74557: Oxidizer: Unchecked/Checked keyword
  • 77428: Oxidizer: UnknownType in particular test-case
  • 77371: Oxidizer: Wrong if condition
  • 78351: Oxygene: 'Interface' item template should use unified syntax
  • 78350: Parameter type for anonymous method seems wrong
  • 78054: PeekAtDef show class name as Error
  • 78066: PeekAtDef shows methods as abstract in interface
  • 78029: Pressing F1 does... nothing!
  • 77846: Problem generating .fx
  • 78396: PropertyPage: DeploymentTargetSDK versions missed latest values
  • 77868: Recoverable error when create iOS project without close the current project
  • 77842: Refactoring RO C#: Wrong Indent and missing namespace after Move Type
  • 77983: Reference is removed after reloading shared project
  • 77439: RO/C#-compiled Code.dll throws IE building Echoes.dll
  • 77796: Selecting more than one method and selecting Refactor --> switch to unified syntax only move one method
  • 77743: Swift Extract method always add the method on top of the file Fix
  • 77744: Swift Extract method fails using Mandelbrot sample fix, test-case
  • 78313: Swift/Cooper: Compiler NRE with let c = a ?? b
  • 78339: Swift/WPF: Event handlers code is not added
  • 78345: Swift: After renaming a component, designer fails to generate default event handler
  • 78346: Swift: Can rename a control with '_' but then I can not modify and can not build
  • 77924: Swift: closure rejected as parameter unless its trailing
  • 78271: Swift: CollectionViewController template broken
  • 78125: Swift: confusing error when using a non-simple/non-constant default value for a parameter
  • 77957: Swift: Enums Issues
  • 77968: Swift: need to be able to skip named parameters in the middle, if they have defaults
  • 78132: Swift: new Codable.swift code file causes other SBL parts to break
  • 76704: Some files aren't uninstalled
  • 78052: Some properties of dependency assemblies are missing
  • 77787: Some samples have wrong Properties icon
  • 77833: Swift methods with prefix should not sync prefix-less to Xcode
  • 78359: Swift: toString() not called properly on enums
  • 78196: Swift: Can't use return nil in failable init?.
  • 77469: Switched over to EBuild.CodeGen4.dll
  • 78191: Toffee debugger: when breaking on signal, exception message contains \0 chars
  • 77622: Toffee: self parameter on record methods is corrupted is some circumstances
  • 78371: Toffee: capture errors/warnings from actool & co
  • 77334: Toffee: HI does not import NSLocalizedString
  • 77956: Toffee: HI import fails on Xcode 9 SDKs
  • 78127: Toffee: NRE Compiler regression, crash when accessing Url fields
  • 77993: Toffee: Two Internal errors with nullable structs in FCE
  • 77999: Toffee: W8 warning with [ToString]
  • 78080: Use Code Snippets from CC
  • 78006: Visibility rules differ across platforms
  • 78149: VS 2017: Find All References does not work
  • 77767: VS 2017: Installer doesn't register .elements, .pas, and .swift file types
  • 78108: VS 2017: There is no menu item "Add new class..."
  • 77837: VS 2017: Unable to add Solution project reference
  • 77979: VS15: Data should be saved property group without condition
  • 78079: VS17: Class View does not show icons for items in tree
  • 77949: VS17: Copy Local isn't false, it's empty
  • 77696: VS17: packages.config has "file not found" icon
  • 77883: VS17: setting a working dir in the user column doesn't do anything
  • 78289: VS2015 Cocoa saves "Clear Settings" as string into setting for some properties
  • 78286: VS2015 Swift: WCF Service App doesn't compile
  • 78255: VS2015 WinPhone8.1 Share Target item designer error
  • 78247: VS2015 WinRT project - no simple class or interface item templates in Add new item
  • 78012: VS2017: "Use folder name in namespace for new file templates" is not taken into account
  • 78362: VS2017: $rootnamespace$ in templates gets replaced with empty string
  • 77666: VS2017: Add default BuildAction for android-xml file (AndroidResource)
  • 78356: VS2017: Adding an event and removing from properties and cursor never will go to the event anymore (part 1)
  • 78301: VS2017: Adding new EUnit TestClass item to the project fails on dupe EUnit reference
  • 77831: VS2017: Adding new EUnit TestClass item to the project fails to replace $lowerprojectname$
  • 78256: VS2017: App manifest item fails to compile
  • 77801: VS2017: Bad smart-indent in C# file
  • 78022: VS2017: BuildAction does not contain all items for WPF project
  • 78347: VS2017: Can not display WinForms designer
  • 77893: VS2017: CB does not show servers in Nougat project
  • 77894: VS2017: CB shows local server for Toffee projects
  • 77799: VS2017: Errors (from shared projects?) don't show in the list
  • 77745: VS2017: Find All references does not work
  • 77991: VS2017: Increased memory when switching configuration
  • 77965: VS2017: Manage NuGet Packages shows Unsupported project error
  • 77768: VS2017: No Everwood Welcome Screen after installation
  • 77797: VS2017: Oxidizer import menu is missing in solution explorer
  • 78329: VS2017: Oxidizer: Import as does nothing
  • 77867: VS2017: Oxygene: add Settings.bundle to an iOS project show recoverable error
  • 77783: VS2017: problem with showing properties of shared project
  • 78103: VS2017: Shared project doesn't show Page .xaml files
  • 77995: VS2017: Some options are missing
  • 77642: VS2017: Support cirrus reference node (show empty cirrus node in the project)
  • 77998: Vs2017: Templates don't work unless .net is selected
  • 78410: VS2017: Update 3 stops showing content of dependencies
  • 78410: VS2017: Update 3 stops showing content of dependencies (showing content of dependencies)
  • 77515: VS2017: UWP support (added project capability)
  • 77515: VS2017: UWP support (changes into templates - TargetFramework and TargetFrameworks)
  • 78096: VS2017: wrong icons for .xaml and nested .xaml.cs files
  • 77742: VS: C# editor cannot handle interpolated stings
  • 77755: VS: No icon in project switcher for island projects
  • 77765: VS: Toffee debugging: unicode chars come thru to console as surrogate pairs
  • 78069: VS: Wrong icon for nested source files
  • 78402: VS: Wrong item's menu name in Option-Project and Solution
  • 78245: WinForms project doesn't compile
  • 78340: WinForms: C#: adding event handlers causes formatting issues
  • 77972: Wrong Tuple declaration
  • 78095: XAML Events get inserted badly
  • Better error when android VM dies before connect
  • Cleaned XML for all .vstemplates
  • Cleanup of all template files *tabs, consistent line breaks, trimmed lines
  • Conflict between Elements.exe and Elements.dll (Renamed to ElementsCC.exe)
  • Error parsing C#, Java and Swift \x strings
  • Fix for array alignment
  • Fix for debugger crash
  • Gradle: also consider $androidHome/extras/m2repository/
  • HI: Xcode 9 (Beta) support
  • MakeSwifty tweak for not matching the cut off portion of a param to existing members
  • Merged DelphiRTL
  • Merged EBuild
  • Merged EUnit
  • Merged Everwood5
  • Merged IslandRTL
  • Merged libToffee
  • Merged Marzipan
  • Merged RTL2
  • Merged Samples
  • Merged SwiftBaseLibrary
  • New AppIcon set in Templates, part 2
  • Ship Xcode 9 SDKs (Beta 5)
  • SSH: workaround for Mono/H2 codegen bug?
  • Toffee: New/complete AppIcon set in iOS Templates

Fixes in Fire

  • Adjustment for GetDefinitionText
  • Auto-upgrade ToolsVersion to 4.0 in project load
  • Better layout for license text in Project view
  • Better maintain proper selection in Search Tree, as term changes and current file leaves and re-enters the list
  • Better tabbing in Search Pane
  • Caption in Types tree should show "Loading..." or "(Disabled)" if there are no types (yet)
  • Catch exceptions that happen while discovering Android devices
  • CC dropdown would sometimes jitter horizontally.
  • Could drag files out of Fire to all locations (e.g. Finder)
  • Crash in CC with related ranges due to missing workaround for MZ reference counting bug
  • CrossBox 2 registration dialog did not allow login w/ password, if key file didn't exist at all. Also, don't pass key file name to debugger if it doesn't exist
  • Debug Console did not show for CLR debugger (Water) and new non-MI Island debugger (Water and Fire)
  • Debugger: Disable debug panel tool bar buttons more granularly (pause vs continue, etc)
  • Debugger: fixes for exception messages (better handle empty type; escape #0 chars in message)
  • Debugger: Log debug engine exceptions to console
  • Debugger: Show LLDB console exceptions as stdout.
  • Debugger: “Error getting locals" message could not be copied to pasteboard
  • Don't exit full screen when Cmd-. or Escape is pressed outside of the code editor
  • Don't try to apply fix-its if the file does not exist (workaround for 78077: Building Water generates FixIts for (non-existent) XAML files in /obj)
  • EBuild: Don't do a full EBuild re-resolve when merely reacting to reference file changes
  • EBuild: Newly added references would not resolve until project reload
  • EBuild: pass --clean and --rebuild flags to EBuild properly
  • EBuild: Pass internal Toffee SDK and References to EBuild (for build, and for resolve)
  • Editor: after typing a character with shift key, shift+cursor to select would skip that char.
  • Editor: Cleanup/nil checks in dead key code
  • Editor: Comments didn't not highlight as such in XML files
  • Editor: did not show properly, if a file had #0 characters
  • Editor: Don't draw message location rects to overlap with inline message text
  • Editor: Don't draw search rects to overlap with inline message text
  • Editor: Fixed NRE in XML/getHoverInfoForExpression
  • Editor: Inline error messages should only ever draw their first/single line.
  • Editor: Page-Up/Down (to scroll w/o moving cursor) did not work
  • Editor: Shift+Cursor selection would only work with up/down/left/right combos, not with Home/End&Co
  • Editor: XML reformatting should use new "preserve line breaks for attributes" option
  • Error when opening Add References sheet with shared references in project
  • Files in Search tree should not show as expandable, since they won't show their children
  • Fix for getOrGoToLocationOfDefinition calling back to editor on wrong thread
  • Fix for how Arguments Manager migrated old-style arguments
  • Fix for how project references got added via drag/drop
  • Fix for solutionAsksToShowExceptionDetails crash caused by enforcing wrong tread
  • Fixed default architectures for Island/NDK
  • Fixed potential deadlock in DebugSession
  • Fixes for “Run w/o Debugging”
  • Handle .scnassets files as Xcode files
  • Island references should expose CopyLocal flag, if they are .dll or .so
  • Island: don't assume to use default key file, if it doesn't exist
  • Island: Proper error message when key file does nit exist
  • More granular check for projects that can debug but not run w/o debugging
  • Moved XBuilder logger from FireManagedHelper into the core Elements.dll
  • NRE fix in executionPointsPerLine
  • NRE fix in getLocals
  • NRE proofing in DebugStackFrame
  • NRE proofing in executionPointsPerLine
  • NRE-proofing in DebugStackFrame during debug session shutdown
  • Potential fix for crash in TouchBar code for canDeploy check
  • Pressing “Escape" should not exit full screen the pressed in an empty filter text field.
  • Proper default build action for .xaml files
  • Regression in 9.1: Android Debug Activity dropdown was empty
  • Regression in 9.1: Backspace with active CC would accept CC, then delete last char
  • Regression in 9.1: Could not select all valid build actions
  • Regression in 9.1: Per-file types would not show in jump bar
  • Regression in 9.1: Tab would not accept non-incremental CC
  • Regression in 9.1: Xcode file submenus were broken; “Reveal in Finder” menu did not work
  • Regression in 9.2: Crash reports did not work anymore
  • Search tree root node should not show as expandable if there are no results
  • Search: Don't allow "replace" on read-only or console-mode text editors
  • Search: Don't allow search term with line-breaks from global search pasteboard
  • Search: Enable/disable search panel buttons, depending whether the current view can search and/or replace
  • Search: Search Pane buttons didn't work for log view
  • Settings view didn't show actual Android devices in CrossBox dropdown
  • Show "None" in active project popup, if no project is selectable
  • Some preventive locking in DebugSession to potentially fix random crashes on "break"
  • Some speed improvements in Add References with Gradle
  • Sort per-line build messages properly, so the main/first one always shows first
  • Special editor handling for closing curly brace, semicolon, etc did only work properly on US(-like) keyboard layouts
  • Switched Project View over to auto-layout, finally
  • The "All Namespaces" list has inconsistent casing
  • The "Show Auto-FixIt Notifications" setting was not honored/used
  • The “Open Quickly" dialog would draw text that overlapped between columns
  • Two fixes for build goal logic (wrong case in output type; non-Elements projects)
  • Unnecessary high CPU load when building, due to how the build log updated its syntax coloring
  • Xml files: proper support/check for "Page" build action

Fixes and Improvements to Elements RTL

  • String.IndexIgnoringCase
  • Added Convert.ToBase64String, Base64StringToByteArray
  • Added GetComputerName function for all platforms
  • Added a new Url constructor
  • Added GetDesktopFolder for Island/Windows
  • Added TextStream and BinaryStream
  • Better error for StringFormatter.FormatString
  • Better error message for invalid URI in XML namespace
  • BroadcastManagerSubscription.object should not be weak (old/forgotten commit)
  • Enable IndexOfAny(array of chars), LastIndexOf and `Trim(chars)1 for Island
  • Enable `String.CompareToIgnoreCase1 for Island
  • Fix for changed NSUUID API in Xcode 9 SDKs
  • Fix for Environment.macOS.GetIsHighSierraOrAbove for non-Echoes
  • Fix for nil XmlElement.Value
  • Fix: String.PadEnd would cut off the string, on Cocoa, as thats how stringByPaddingToLength works.
  • Fixes for GetFilesAndFolders on Island
  • fixes for HTTP Island/Linux
  • Generate BitCode for iOS, tvOS and watchOS release versions
  • HTTP for Island/Linux
  • HTTP for Island/Windows
  • Implicit cast from String to CharSequence on Java
  • Island HTTP, added async
  • Make Url.TryUrlWithString work w/o internal exception
  • More flexible URN parsing
  • New Folder.GetFilesAndFolders, and changed some Folder APIs to return Immutable lists
  • New TryUrlWithString
  • New Uri.Equal/NotEqual operators
  • Ported Random over from Sugar, made it used shared native implementation for all for platforms
  • Proper exception when a Url can't be cast to NSURL (say because its bad)
  • Regression: XmlDocument.FromString didn't capture exception properly
  • Support for APFS copyfile() in Echoes/macOS and Toffee
  • Url.UrlWithString should not add additional percent encodings
  • Url: fixed Equals to work with NSURL/Uri
  • Url: getting FilePath must remove percent encoding while Path must not.
  • XML reformatting: missing line break after comment
  • XML: ChildIndex property for element added
  • XML: Common list for attributes and namespaces added
  • XML: CursorPosition out parameter added in NearestOpenTag; working with Errors (WIP)
  • XML: ErrorInfo member added
  • XML: prefix processing added
  • XML: Return ErrorInfo instead of raising exception added
  • XML: support for XML CC Engine
  • XML: Use TryUriWithString instead of UriWithString
  • XmlDocument.FromString fix
  • XmlDocument: Use URI for namespaces, not URL

Fixes and Improvements to Delphi RTL

  • Added DateToStr, TimeToStr, DateTimeToStr Island/Windows
  • Added DelphiString.Join(sequence)
  • Added System.Registry
  • Added TFormatSettings initialization for Island/Windows
  • Fix typo on x64 TOSVersion code
  • Fixed GetKeyNames
  • Fixes for DateTimeToString for Cooper
  • Fixes for String.setchar for Cocoa
  • Fixing DateXXXToStr bugs
  • Improved DateTimeToString
  • Improved TFormatSettings


New in the “May 2017" Release #2, Version 9.1.99 (Build .2151)

(Built: May 31, 2017)

Fixes in Core Elements

  • 77890: "with Shell" installer does not offer to integrate with VS2017, if VS2015 is not yet installed
  • 77891: Better error needed when a namespace from the default uses does not exist.
  • 77897: Island: "JNIExport" aspect
  • 77901: Island: Can't build dynamic lib for armeabi-v7a
  • 77902: Island: can't load NDK binary in Android app
  • Merged RTL2

Fixes in Fire

  • Regression in 9.1: Android projects would always get company prefix added to namespaces, even if the name already contained dots
  • Regression in 9.1: Crash in CC with related ranges due to missing workaround for MZ reference counting bug
  • Regression in 9.1: Newly added references would not resolve in IDE


New in the “May 2017" Release, Version 9.1.99 (Build .2141)

(Built: May 21, 2017)

Major new Features in Elements 9.1

  • 77005: Android NDK support for Island
  • 77619: Debugging Island Linux apps in Bash on Windows 10
  • 77423: New Properties and Debug Arguments editors for Visual Studio, matching Fire
  • 76695: New standard [Error]/[Warning]/[Hint] attributes
  • 77010: Raspberry PI and Linux/ARM support for Island
  • 74991: Visual Studio 2017 integration (experimental)
  • All new “Elements RTL” cross platform library
  • Delphi RTL for Island

Smaller Enhancements in Core Elements

  • 77392: Android: improved support for Android 25 and ADS 2.3
  • 77218: AnsiChar support for Echoes & Cooper.
  • 77148: Better support for GradleReferences
  • 76731: C# string keyword now honors the "DefaultStringType" for Sugar, Elements RTL and Delphi RTL
  • 77058: Explicit "case mismatch" errors (opposed to just "unknown identifier") for C#, Swift and Iodine, with auto-fix support
  • 77274: Union support for Island & Cocoa
  • 76989: Visual Studio should automatically detect Android SDK in default location
  • Improvements to let CrossBox run in --console mode w/o on Mono 4.8 and later
  • Ship Xcode 8.3 and 8.4 SDKs
  • Support macOS in #available; warning text fix

Features in Fire

  • Interactive Debug Console for LLDB and EDB
  • New "Use RTL2" option in "new project" dialog
  • Significant Performance improvements for Code Editor redrawing
  • Support for Auto-Fixing certain build errors
  • Support for managing Gradle references via Add References
  • Touchbar support for MacBook Pro
  • Use EBuild to better resolve references and package references in the IDE

Smaller Enhancements in Fire

  • "Enable only this project" should also expand/collapse elevate Shared Projects
  • Allow dragging files from Finder into the Argument Manager
  • Avoid/skip project picker if a Shared Project is only used by one real project anyways
  • Better multi-option Architecture picker in Project Settings
  • Build log coloring
  • Context menu in tab-bar to switch between open project windows
  • CrossBox 2 support for Darwin and Toffee (internal only)
  • Debugging: "Browse for Symbol" dialog should (try to) pre-select properly-named file, when entering the right folder
  • Debugging: Better message when trying to run on an unavailable Android device
  • Debugging: context menu option to reset the debugger thread if it gets stuck.
  • Debugging: show "started testing" instead of just "started" when running in test mode
  • Debugging: Show line number as suffix in thread tree
  • Debugging: Show process name in "Process started" message
  • Debugging: Show status of managed debug thread in debugger tabbar
  • Don't get gradle/aar references from /obj anymore, as we get them from EBuild now
  • Editor: Cmd-Left/Right should behave like Fn-Left/Right used to
  • Editor: Ctrl+T to transpose two characters at cursor
  • Editor: Ctrl+Y to delete current line
  • Editor: Draw arrow when code is indented far enough to be out of view
  • Editor: drawing optimization
  • Editor: Enable CC inside directives such as #if
  • Editor: Fn-Left/Right (Home/End) to scroll to top and bottom of document w/o moving cursor
  • Editor: More precise behavior for Option-Left/Right
  • Editor: New len code snippet.
  • Editor: Option-Up/Down to move to beginning/end of line and/or up/down to next line
  • Editor: Support Command-Delete, Option-Delete, Option+Fn+Delete and Command-Fn-Delete
  • Editor: Support for properly picking the right nested language for .aspx/ashx files
  • Editor: Tentative support for nested syntax highlighters and for .aspx files
  • Editor: Use new RTL2 XML for XML reformat, show inline errors when reformat fails.
  • Enabling/Disabling a project should also enable/disable and collapse/expand relevant shared projects
  • Filtering in Add References dialog
  • If output does not exist but folder does, "Reveal Output in Finder" menu now changes to "Reveal Output Folder in Finder".
  • Improvements to how references get reloaded when they change, during build or externally
  • Improvements to persisting/moving error message locations when editing closely around them
  • Improvements to Project view layout, and added basic language and source metric stats
  • Island: Export All Types option
  • Island: Linux armv6 project settings
  • Island: Support for Island/NDK
  • More project XML style adjustment to match VS, to avoid git ping-pong (BOM, no final line break)
  • Nest related files with a common base name (e.g. Project.X.pas under Project.pas)
  • New "Add existing files" context menu
  • New "New File..." context menu
  • New project icons
  • Only show Cocoa Provisioning Profiles that aren't expired.
  • Option to disable a Shared Project (and all it's referencing projects)
  • Persist last build state in .cache file (and also restore error counts on reload)
  • References should reload when the underlying file changed externally
  • Reworked and improved "New File/Project" dialog
  • Show project statistics for shared projects, too.
  • Show recent and favorite solutions in Open Quickly.
  • Show SDK version for Simulators in CrossBox menu
  • Show success/failure status off last deployment session in jump bar
  • Showing Echoes/NuGet in Add References when using pre-release EBuild option
  • Trim ends of lines on save
  • Trim whitespace at end of line when editing
  • Updated to to using newer embedded 4.8.1

Improvements for Island

  • 77291: [Packed] support
  • 76964: Eliminate classes that aren't used, in optimization
  • 77171: event support
  • 77186: ExportAllTypes" Island option
  • 77153: Linking to dynamic library
  • 76499: Manifest resource support
  • 76799: OS library access: add commctrl.h for Windows
  • 76706: Shared GC (between exe and dlls)
  • 77644: SQLite support
  • 77612: Support for case value type of
  • 77316: “between” support
  • Support for COM and Hydra 5 Mixed-Mode apps

Improvements for Iodine (Preview)

  • 77282: Allow closure parameter to reuse an existing variable name
  • 77281: Allow field and method with same name
  • 77467: Cant use [] to reference an array's type
  • 77455: Interface ancestors needs to use extends
  • 77064: Issues with Hex Constants and Unsigned SHR
  • 77465: Support for __out/__ref
  • CodeDom fixes

Fixes in Core Elements

  • 76804: A few odd compiler bugs with WaterProjectSystem.
  • 76928: An internal error occurred when inheriting a generic class
  • 77731: Android Activity item template adds name with wrong case in XML
  • 77003: Android app fails to build with RTL2 references
  • 76840: Android: 2 bugs: Enum params problem and operators problem
  • 77296: Android: Broken .apk when using associated types
  • 77636: Android: need to package /jni stuff from .aar references.
  • 76219: Android: Overload operator! in mapped class to Boolean cause [INSTALLFAILEDDEXOPT]
  • 77552: Android: Problem with "assigned"
  • 77150: Android: Project with two (legitimate) R classes causes nested "R.R" to show in type list
  • 77145: Android: two issues with android & the new property pages
  • 77732: Android: Wrong class name for Fragment item template
  • 76896: Another "Internal error: Reference to object not set as an instance of an object" (iOS)
  • 77445: Anther IE in H2-compiled Code.dll
  • 77066: Assert error with await
  • 76464: Bad code after current line inserts bad ()
  • 76818: Bad error message for C#
  • 77048: Bad IL Format Exception when using Abstract Properties
  • 77569: Bad line info for EUnit method
  • 76869: Blank lines in Windows Form Swift .Designer file when it is regenerated
  • 77300: Broken code gets compiled, throws Java Verify error at runtime
  • 77076: Bug in generics expander for meta classes
  • 77394: Build Dependencies menu is missing for non-echoes projects
  • 76904: Build.gradle doesn't have the right build action after adding
  • 76568: C# and Swift don't put child files under the parent item
  • 77251: C# Cocoa library: incorrect scope of properties
  • 77483: C# completion inserts random {}
  • 77733: C# extension and mapped item template fails to add
  • 77123: C#: #ifdef confuses reformat
  • 77359: C#: another case mismatch that isn't reported as such
  • 76624: C#: Go to Type Definition doesn't work
  • 77057: C#: no error when using wrong case for writeLn
  • 76550: C#: Setting bundle item template is never actually created
  • 77493: C#: two CC issues
  • 77854: Calculator samples contains wrong path to RemObjects.Elements.SharedProject.targets
  • 77224: Can't call "new" on "class of", redux
  • 77009: Can't load UWP project property page
  • 76765: Cannot assign native string to strong Sugar.String property
  • 77062: Cannot call named .ctor on mapped class
  • 77355: Cannot declare Java method with constrained generic parameter in Oxygene:
  • 76806: CC broken for "new Foo with|"
  • 77163: CC doesn't show interfaces, only if ancestor list contains a specific type
  • 76589: CC for implements after dot doesn't work
  • 76843: CC inside #ifdef has bad/no image index
  • 77221: CC on meta class shows properties as getter methods
  • 76805: CC shows "duplicate main method" among legitimate errors in C# Main()
  • 77319: Change StartArgument in WCF service library
  • 77677: Changing value of "optimized" for debug doesn't take effect
  • 76734: Class completion does not add 'const' modifier on implementation
  • 76707: Class Completion generates wrong code
  • 76969: Class double call in Cocoa
  • 77452: Class property problem in Cocoa
  • 77623: Coalesce fails with generic types
  • 76791: Compiler hangs on recursive ancestry
  • 76768: Compiler thinks nullable T is NSNumber
  • 76163: Conditional breakpoints show "Cannot evaluate" after hitting a bp
  • 77001: Confusing error message for extra pair of ()
  • 76259: Cooper: Can not use the values of a set of (XXXX, YYY) type (enum type defined inline), compiler error.
  • 77116: Cooper: cannot assign nil to nullable record parameter
  • 76999: Cooper: Compiler crash with "let AMAZONS3REGION ="
  • 76887: Cooper: load error with RTL2
  • 77391: Cooper: The UI designer is not shown in Android Studio 2.3 and above, when you use "Edit UI files in Android Studio"
  • 77040: Cooper: Two problems with fileprivate
  • 77264: CoreDebug: regression: FieldAccessException launching debugger
  • 77209: CpuType isn't exposed anymore (new properties panel)
  • 77204: Create docs xml for rtl2, sugar, island, libtoffee, libcooper, libechoes, swiftbaselibrary
  • 77449: CrossBox is not working on Mono 4.8?
  • 77241: CrossBox preselect window: checkbox looking so misaligned, set checkbox as checked by default
  • 77033: Debugger crashes VS2015, problem with array of WideChar (iOS) (
  • 77422: Debugging: Expose option on Mono debug engine to run w/o console (for Water)
  • 77079: Debugging: Working Directory setting does not take effect
  • 76792: Descendant mapped type can't see protected members from ancestor, for property getter
  • 76614: Disable windows forms designer for Shared project
  • 77724: Drop down lists in C# confused about nested types
  • 77536: EBuild fails to build with IE on Windows, with latest
  • 77275: EBuild: add an ExtraGeneratedOutput to the compiler task
  • 76984: Echoes: "cannot find operator to evaluate <error> = RTL2.String"
  • 77576: Echoes: "Method not found: '?'."
  • 77036: Echoes: Can't call extension method across dll boundaries
  • 77178: Echoes: compiler gets confused about ctor parameter type
  • 77146: Echoes: E0 Internal error: Could not resolve member op_Implicit on RemObjects.Elements.RTL.String
  • 77223: Echoes: E0 Internal error: EC Cannot Simplify Identifier
  • 76882: Echoes: E0 Internal error: GOUNKEX137 with inline
  • 77220: Echoes: IE in FixMetaClass
  • 76790: Echoes: IE in latest WaterProjectSystem
  • 77499: Echoes: inlined extension methods aren't visible across assembly boundaries
  • 76812: Echoes: Internal error with inline in RTL2
  • 77288: Echoes: Invalid IL
  • 77169: Echoes: Invalid IL code in RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Url:RemovePercentEncodingsFromPath
  • 77321: Echoes: NRE when using ":"
  • 77180: Echoes: type inference in for/each loops is broken for mapped classes
  • 77357: Echoes: WinForms Templates need to have AutoScaleMode set
  • 77104: Echoes: WPF bug
  • 77424: Echoes: wrong positions when stepping over/into inline funcs with Mono debugger
  • 77133: Edit Arguments dialog too large
  • 76802: Enum comparison problem in Android
  • 77165: error E0: Internal error: Could not resolve member GetBytes on RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Encoding
  • 77442: Error running test cases on COOPER
  • 76973: Errors are not shown with a red line in the editor
  • 77183: EUnit (Android) does not work with the latest version of Elements
  • 77720: EUnit test app for Cooper (java) template doesn't generate debug info
  • 77831: EUnit: RO C# and Oxygene TestClass template create class that cannot be compiled
  • 76310: Exception in RemObjects.Oxygene.VisualStudio.Editor.14.dll!RemObjects.Oxygene.VisualStudio.Editor.MarkerAdornment.CreateHighlight
  • 76511: Expose environment options (that get passed to the debugger) in project options
  • 76853: Extension class throws an Internal error on compile
  • 77317: File in use issue for lldb
  • 77489: Fix Oxidizer testcases
  • 77309: Fixes for differences between VC# and H2 exposed by Elements.Code project
  • 77365: FixIt for case actually changes to a different identifier
  • 76160: Go to Definition does not work for types inside a delegate
  • 77166: Go to Definition showed nil for IPHostEntry
  • 76905: Gradle broken
  • 77184: HTML Editor in VS2015 - Time lag
  • 77262: IL Errors for RemObjects.Water.BaseLibrary.dll
  • 76793: Implement new property pages from VS2017 for VS2015
  • 77044: Inline arrays end up as regular arrays
  • 77361: Inline X is T problem (Cocoa)
  • 76832: Inlining bug in rtl2 dictionary
  • 77472: Inserting a method via cc indents at 1
  • 77760: Installer does not detect VS2017 running
  • 77078: Internal error in project
  • 77172: Internal Error when using Generics, Iterators, type aliases and loop pattern matching
  • 77020: Internal error: LPUSH->U159 (iOS)
  • 76862: Internal error: Reference to object not set as an instance of an object (iOS)
  • 77305: Internal Error: Unknown type ID: f ----------> Dynamic Array
  • 76383: Island CC: doesn't show XML comments for inherited
  • 77566: Island debugger fails to stop ion exceptions on mono
  • 77591: Island debugger: NRE when trying to run on RPI
  • 77665: Island debugging: invalid cast from MIObject to MIString
  • 77546: Island internal error
  • 76781: Island RTL: endless loop with try/except
  • 76851: Island RTL: Internal Error when using unified syntax
  • 77444: Island RTL: optimize typeof(T) == typeof(Concrete) in Island
  • 77052: Island RTL: private declaration doesn't work as needed
  • 76931: Island RTL: Problem with Services.CreateDelegate
  • 76861: Island RTL: Problem with COM aspect
  • 77021: Island RTL: problem with compiling in debug mode
  • 77131: Island RTL: Problem with compiling island project
  • 77582: Island RTL: Problem with debugging x64
  • 76716: Island RTL: two types has wrong namespace
  • 77607: Island VS: "local" CB should only show for Windows projects, not for Linux or Android
  • 77604: Island VS: Buttons in register CB2 dialog are cut off
  • 77603: Island VS: Cant connect/test a CB2 server with password, if "Agent" is checked
  • 77606: Island VS: No error when trying to run a Windows app on a remote Linux CB
  • 77602: Island VS: Password field is plain text
  • 77601: Island VS: Registering a CB2 server with space in the name breaks CB
  • 77608: Island VS: should not need to select a CB2 for Windows apps
  • 77478: Island Windows apps get Console even when set to WinExe
  • 76691: Island/Posix: VS tries to debug locally instead of specified CrossBox
  • 76951: Island: "E0: Internal error: EC Cannot Simplify Identifier" when using String.Split() in RTL2
  • 76841: Island: "int is object" cast triggers error
  • 76982: Island: [ToString] and DefaultStringType don’t work on Island
  • 77272: Island: disposeAndNil() gives error
  • 77514: Island: E0: Internal error: Unknown op ImpCast in EUnit
  • 77586: Island: for each causes abstract error
  • 77564: Island: if value in (..) fails
  • 77573: Island: in operator does not work on RTL2 strings
  • 76140: island: add debugger support for arrays
  • 77377: Island: Break on exceptions
  • 77108: Island: Can not link a console application using Delphi RTL
  • 77130: Island: Can not link a Windows app that uses Delphi RTL and Elements
  • 77605: Island: can't run Linux console app from VS, "No such file or directory."
  • 77579: Island: cannot use 'in' in flags
  • 76953: Island: Can’t build Mandelbrot/Linux with new LLVM
  • 77312: Island: CoCreateInstance problem
  • 76914: Island: Compiler error with using syntax
  • 77537: Island: debugger doesn’t seem to break on exceptions
  • 75792: Island: division by zero is not caught properly
  • 77668: Island: Error compiling DelphiRTL tests for in release mode
  • 77412: Island: Exception when resolving references in Water due to uninitialized MSBuild logging
  • 76907: Island: Extended type info for Island
  • 76346: Island: Go to Definition for RTL works incorrectly
  • 77596: Island: IE building Delphi RTL tests for
  • 76956: Island: internal error with RTL2
  • 77043: Island: LLVM NRE in RTL2
  • 77305: Island: Locking/Invariants bug
  • 76061: island: members combobox shows incorrect datatypes
  • 77522: Island: MSBuild dependency check is wrong for Linux
  • 77157: Island: Peek at Definition doesn’t show virtuality of members
  • 77055: Island: Problem with breakpoints
  • 76880: Island: Problem with using delegates
  • 77595: Island: RTL2 tests for windows fail to build, "LLVM ERROR: Broken function found, compilation aborted”
  • 77518: Island: Swift/Mandelbrot fails with NRE
  • 76924: Island: The output path at Release is empty for Island templates
  • 77584: Island: Two problems with mapped type inference
  • 77174: Island: Using an an interface function as an action crashes
  • 76825: Island: VS hangs when building Island Linux project
  • 77653: Island: VS/CB: "invalid parameters" for test, adding works
  • 77654: Island: VS/CB: local server should NOT be hidden for Linux app, if it has Linux Subsystem
  • 77631: Island: VS: debugging problems
  • 76955: Island: Weird error passing value to List .ctor via type alias
  • 77527: Island: Weird namespaces show in list
  • 77692: Island: Windows exceptions still don't get always caught in Release
  • 76821: Island: Windows: Simple code works fine in Debug and raise Exception in Release
  • 77331: Island: WinExe needed as Output Type for Island
  • 76902: Island: Wrong icon for Island project
  • 76947: Island: xbuild error on Mono 4.3
  • 77318: Linked source code files are not displayed in the Solution Explorer
  • 77482: Make the > disappear if you press = or space immediately after the <
  • 76980: Make writing of .fx (and other output files) atomically
  • 76733: Menu text should be based on the language
  • 76966: Mistaken "Type mismatch" compile error when use Win2D in UWP
  • 77258: Module load event & execute command for lldb
  • 77492: Mono Debugger's "no-console" mode does not capture all output
  • 77502: Mono Debugger: still breaks on wrong/magic line number
  • 76970: More problems interacting with RxJava
  • 76800: Multiple references remobjects.elements.eunit in Android EUnit project
  • 77740: New Swift Project, Blank App (Universal Windows) does not compile
  • 77773: New UWP project fails to compile
  • 77637: No extended RTTI for generic instantiations
  • 77376: No start menu icon provided for Shell based installs
  • 76619: Non-Cirrus assembly added via 'Add Cirrus Reference' is displayed in the 'Cirrus References' node
  • 77703: NRE in GenerateDefinition - NRE fix - test case for current issue - fix for Issue77158 test case
  • 76871: NRE in RemObjects.Elements.Island.dll!IslandOutput.b__0
  • 76827: NRE in RemObjects.Elements.Island.dll!IslandOutput.PrepareMethod
  • 76483: NRE in RemObjects.Oxygene.CrossBoxClient.dll
  • 76297: NRE in RemObjects.Oxygene.dll!BaseParser.AddMessage
  • 76849: NRE in RemObjects.Oxygene.dll!RenameRefactoring.Rename
  • 76693: NRE in RemObjects.Oxygene.dll!TypeName.getNameInCodeWithNested()
  • 76491: NRE in RemObjects.Oxygene.VisualStudio.FlavorHelpers.dll
  • 76488: NRE in RemObjects.Oxygene.VisualStudio.Project.14.dll!RemObjects.VisualStudio.Project.ProjectReferenceNode.ReferencedProjectOutputPath.get
  • 76722: NRE when typing method name
  • 77197: NullReferenceException in code that uses 'await' method call
  • 77266: Odd behavior with LocationRequest (Android, Oxygene, Extended Constructor)
  • 77068: OutofMemoryException during opening Code solution
  • 76363: Oxidizer and parentheses Fix
  • 76764: Oxidizer C#->Oxy generates crap ctor members
  • 77225: Oxidizer C#->Oxygene crash Workaround fix
  • 77594: Oxidizer ObjcToC#: Exception collection was modified
  • 76673: Oxidizer(Java->Oxy): 6 failed loop test cases
  • 76563: Oxidizer(Java->Oxy): parentheses are not added in particular test case
  • 77185: Oxidizer, GetDefinition, ImplAbstract tests are failed
  • 76860: Oxidizer: C# -> Swift. Properties are converted without getter and setter
  • 76873: Oxidizer: C# -> Swift. Try-Catch-Finally block is inserted incorrectly
  • 77372: Oxidizer: ObjCToOxy: NRE in particular test case
  • 76736: Oxidizer: Pasting c# code gives argumentnullexception
  • 77323: Oxygene editor settings sometimes are changed to 4
  • 76890: Parameter List has 0 as default for boolean, not false
  • 76308: Peek at Definition (and Go to Definition) codegen should set Optional flag on interface methods
  • 77159: Peek at Definition does not show arguments for block/delegate types
  • 77158: Peek at Definition doesn't show if a property is readonly or write-only
  • 77160: Peek at Definition includes unnecessary comment
  • 76807: PEVerify error with Water/RTL2
  • 77302: Playing with dictionaries and Integers on COOPER platform
  • 76249: Port Oxidizer test cases from VS to OxidizerRunner
  • 77715: Potentially crucial test case failures for H Class - Cooper and Echoes
  • 76113: Problem with Refactor.Rename Fixes T76113
  • 77283: Project doesn't compile anymore
  • 77162: Property page doesn't show "changed" right away
  • 77047: Property page VS15: Argument dialog should have owner
  • 77018: Property Page VS15: Arguments isn't working
  • 77024: Property page VS15: Change style of Argument dialog
  • 77012: Property Page VS15: Double clicking "Test Projects" crashes the IDE
  • 77014: Property Page VS15: hanging "working directory" disappear when pressing enter/leaving 77012: Property Page VS15: Double clicking "Test Projects" crashes the IDE
  • 77049: Property Page VS15: VS does not see DebugHostApp
  • 77143: Property Page: need to adopt new properties
  • 77253: Property page: Prefer32 doesn't work when its set on project level only
  • 77149: Property Page: VS does not see changes for EnableUnmanagedDebugging
  • 77142: Property pages: add EnableUnmanagedDebugging property
  • 77505: PropertyPage: AndroidMinVersion is missing
  • 77198: PropertyPage: Make grid columns not go infinitely wide
  • 77102: re-introduce refactoring
  • 73834: Refactor | Remove unused usings doesn't take account of the XML comments
  • 76801: Refactor | Rename: doesn't display the right class
  • 76658: Refactoring RO C# : Introduce variable doesn't work
  • 76659: Refactoring RO C# : Sort Methods do nothing
  • 76662: Refactoring RO C#: Duplicate names for methods and files are allowed
  • 76659: Refactoring RO C#: Sort methods do nothing - adjust position for insert
  • 76660: Refactoring RO C#: strings shifted in extracted method
  • 76640: Refactoring: 'Sort Methods' works differently every time (Oxygene)
  • 76635: Refactoring: Duplicate names for variables, methods and files are allowed (Oxygene)
  • 76657: Refactoring: Extract Method couldn't extract nested loops
  • 76647: Refactoring: problem with Rename
  • 76643: Refactoring: some menu items don't work in unified syntax (Oxygene)
  • 76925: Regression: latest compiler crashes LLVM when building CG4
  • 77276: Regression: Toffee HI fails
  • 77140: Regression: type inference for mapped List broken across assembly boundaries, for Echoes only
  • 76583: Remove adding mscorlib from SilentUpgrade
  • 77384: Rename file in VS2015 gives "duplicate key error"
  • 77182: Repositioning Cursor After Auto Parenthesis
  • 76824: RTL2 fails to build on CI2
  • 76913: Sample for Selector issue
  • 77759: Shared project ignored island license
  • 76785: Shared reference is removed after reloading project
  • 76584: SilentUpgrade must update references according to the target
  • 77285: Soft selecting in CC in particular test case
  • 77617: Solution fixer for VS2015
  • 76535: Some templates ask to save the project right after creating the project
  • 77016: Specify path dialog is gigantic
  • 77060: SSH Apis needed
  • 77322: Stack overflow in compiler
  • 77325: Stack overflow in RemObjects.Oxygene.dll
  • 76909: StaticAddress attribute
  • 77684: Stepping into a method touches locals before hitting the start line
  • 77026: Strange behavior in the new multi-column panel for setting properties
  • 77468: Strange bug: String not in array
  • 77000: Sugar/RTL2: Guid.NewGuid().ToString() fails
  • 77126: Support Defines in the editor
  • 76413: Swift CC: provide an entry to insert a method call with trailing closure from CC
  • 76929: Swift Extension protocol resolution
  • 75992: Swift Oxidizer Bug
  • 76977: Swift: ? results in Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  • 76390: Swift: can't get parameters for a method call if ) isn't typed yet
  • 76388: Swift: CC for enums fails if there's only a dot
  • 76979: Swift: Discriminated Union with Generics: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  • 76625: Swift: Go to Type Definition doesn't work
  • 77310: Swift: index property setters don't work?
  • 76978: Swift: MakeSwifty badly transforms onImage
  • 76417: Swift: Odd .ctor CC error with space between class name and (
  • 77031: Swift: Regression in .9.0: Multiple variable definition in one line
  • 76885: Swift: Regression in rethrows in 9.0
  • 76826: Swift: Resources.resx and Resources.Designer.swift don't shown in dependency
  • 77101: Swift: two copies of "value" in CC
  • 77707: Swift: Two weird errors with returning tuples
  • 76854: Swift: unable to compile WinForms app after setting Value in NumericUpDown
  • 77245: System.ArgumentNullException in RemObjects.Oxygene.VisualStudio.Language.14.dll!CustomColumn.GenerateEditingElement
  • 76430: System.ArgumentNullException in RemObjects.Oxygene.VisualStudio.Project.14.dll
  • 77404: Thread.Resume gives error deprecated error instead of warning
  • 77114: Toffee debugger: shows members for a nil object value
  • 76762: Toffee: "DefaultStringType" breaks compatibility of string literals with AnsiChars
  • 77333: Toffee: "in" operator is broken for mapped strings
  • 77034: Toffee: "out" struct breaks when captured for closure
  • 77541: Toffee: "weak" fix broke lots of stuff
  • 76936: Toffee: if (available("OS X 10.12")) does not hide deployment target warnings
  • 77167: Toffee: Another [ToString] problem
  • 77550: Toffee: another leak, in RTL2.Task.Run
  • 77141: Toffee: bogus "Ambiguous call to overloaded method "Add"
  • 76886: Toffee: bogus "E110 Ambiguous call to overloaded method Contains" in one place only
  • 77332: Toffee: calling inherited iterator causes Stack Overflow
  • 77168: Toffee: can't use "new" with "class of"
  • 76767: Toffee: can't use __strong or __weak on generic type
  • 77175: Toffee: cannot pass actual types to "class of"
  • 77237: Toffee: compiler gets confused about number of parameters to "inherited"
  • 77230: Toffee: Compiler no longer sees extension .ctors in UIKIt
  • 77634: Toffee: Crash in looping boxed chars
  • 77634: Toffee: crash when looping BoxedChars
  • 77471: Toffee: crash with implicit/weak blocks
  • 76995: Toffee: EC Cannot Simplify Identifier
  • 77073: Toffee: Error with objc_destroyWeak when using method pointers
  • 76988: Toffee: generated .h code contains odd "Projection" types
  • 76763: Toffee: generated .h emits overloaded global methods badly
  • 77621: Toffee: IE calling writeLn in Swift
  • 77173: Toffee: IE in .h generation for libEBuild
  • 77035: Toffee: IE in FireCodeEditor after large refactoring
  • 76996: Toffee: IE when building a plain Command Line app new from template
  • 76789: Toffee: IE with my latest changes in FireProjectSystem
  • 77559: Toffee: implicit blocks broken when not on self
  • 77231: Toffee: Internal error building latest EBuild
  • 77188: Toffee: internal error building latest libEbuild
  • 77551: Toffee: internal error compiling latest FireBaseLibrary with interlockedCompareExchange
  • 77082: Toffee: Internal error when passing # char literals to mapped function
  • 76983: Toffee: Internal error with latest compiler
  • 77549: Toffee: Leak in LINQ/foreach
  • 76939: Toffee: no warning when using NSEvent.stage, new in 10.10.3, on a 10.9 deployment target
  • 76726: Toffee: no/empty debug evaluation for structs
  • 77181: Toffee: NRE when not initializing a tuple result
  • 77809: Toffee: obsolete warning emits message "might not be available on deployment targets lower than iOS 2.0" instead
  • 77563: Toffee: one more leak with for loops in sequences
  • 77144: Toffee: over-release with method-to-block conversion
  • 77095: Toffee: regression: LLVM crash in FPS with latest
  • 77193: Toffee: RTL2 HttpException .ctor crashes with broken parameter pointer
  • 77500: Toffee: two array parameters get mixed up
  • 76870: Toffee: type aliases get emitted badly into .h
  • 76674: Toffee: Weak Linking is broken for NSTouchBar
  • 77440: UInt comparison wrong when done in an alias
  • 77383: Unable to create Android app in VS15
  • 76545: Unable to start WCF C# Syndicate Service Library
  • 77200: Undefined symbol issue
  • 76724: Universal Resource (resw) item template should support AppxManifest build action
  • 76653: Universal Resource (resw) item template should support PRIResource build action
  • 76965: using inc() with a const integer generates internal error
  • 77015: Visual Studio crashes when compiling this project (iOS)
  • 77215: Visual Studio debugger: cannot see values in QuickWatch
  • 77050: VS changes project file after opening particular test case
  • 76975: VS debugger: out variables are shown incorrectly
  • 76352: VS IDE: 'System.InvalidOperationException' in mscorlib.dll
  • 76522: VS IDE: hide duplicated variable in Locals
  • 76962: VS IDE: replace clear in combobox with separator & Clear Settings
  • 77007: VS IDE: typo in Add reference
  • 77693: VS15: Failed to create Web application
  • 77749: VS2015: Problem with creating Windows Universal application from template
  • 77670: VS: "Cocoa Exceptions" need to be renamed to cover "Island" as well
  • 76529: VS: 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Data.dll
  • 77512: VS: Add New Item dialog almost empty for non-Echoes projects
  • 76671: VS: Add References should check files depending on platform
  • 77832: VS: Android AVD & SDK Manager menus no longer work, need to be removed
  • 76846: VS: collapsed #ifdef looks bad
  • 76888: VS: Don't always add Properties folder to project
  • 76756: VS: if Xcode version is invalid or has no SDK files, VS shows the "new SDK detected" dialog badly
  • 76991: VS: Java/Android SDK dialog doesn't properly scale in 2.0 DPI
  • 76933: VS: locals show empty names and values in debugger
  • 77053: VS: Problem with Configuration manager
  • 77748: VS: Problem with creating Portable Class library
  • 76786: VS: problem with scroll control on Build page
  • 77754: VS: Problem with Swift->Net->WCF->WCF Service templates
  • 76952: VS: Properties ignores *.user
  • 77199: VS: XIB file gets its build action changed
  • 76987: VS: “.resw" project template needs proper SortOrder
  • 77151: Warning for "ineffective" assignments
  • 77583: Water: PEVerify Error
  • 76883: Weird "W8 Method ToString() hides a method in parent class with [ToString] attribute.
  • 77379: Weird problems at compiling project
  • @2x product images for Everwood Welcome screen
  • AAR resolving did not consider the Hint Path

Fixes in Fire

  • "New Folder" would behave oddly
  • "re-save all" menus for Files and Projects;
  • "Reveal in Finder" didn't work for references if their path was non-canonical (also made the display path canonical, as well)
  • "Reveal Output in Finder" would not enable for Island/Windows static libs (wrong extension)
  • .SLN file should not contain lines for Shared projects, it confuses VS
  • .xslt files should be treated as XML
  • available() tweaks
  • ADS Import fixes
  • ADS Sync stops working after the first change
  • Allow .rocs extensions for C# files
  • Allow UnsupportedSyntaxDefinitions.unknownLanguageSyntaxDefinition to be used as a "language w/o own keywords"
  • Android SDK versions where sorted wrong and had the wrong default value
  • Another enforceCursor fix
  • Apply only the first auto-fix for a given message; there can be multiple options
  • Arguments were not passed when running Echoes or Java app w/o debugger
  • Arguments were not passed when running Toffee macOS app w/o debugger
  • Auto-FixIts sometimes applied even if the buffer was changed after the build was started
  • Avoid duplicate project lookup when processing "build finished" message
  • Avoid extra dispatch_async in FBLSingleThreadedQueue
  • Avoid potential debugger NRE when evaluating on a symbol-less stack frame
  • Better cleanup of static stuff on shut-down, to make it easier to look for real/actual leaks
  • Better handling of absolute Windows paths in projects
  • Better handling when reloading a bad/broken .elements files
  • Better log message for "bad index"
  • Better logging if a SLN fails to load due to an exception
  • Better nil handling in getDefinitionPeekForLocation
  • Better sorting/grouping of templates in New File/Project dialog
  • Buffer-over-read in sha1String;
  • Catch and log exceptions in blocks
  • CB2 managed Disconnect was called on wrong thread, causing Mono crash
  • CC for directives is lowercase for Oxygene, should be upper-case
  • Certificate Leak fix in KeychainHelpers
  • Changing the replace string in the search dialog should not turn off an intermittent "search whole words"
  • Closing a solution failed if no view was active
  • Code snippet tweaks, and new snippets for Island
  • Color improvements to build log in black theme
  • Comment/uncomment block would leave a bad selection
  • Could not drag files onto the main "Project" node to add them to the project
  • Could not run internal EBuild
  • Couple build fixes
  • Couple cleanup fixes for DebugTree & previous FCE changes
  • CrossBox 2 passwords should be stored in KeyChain
  • CrossBox 2 servers should not show for Echoes or Cooper projects
  • CrossBox API improvements
  • Ctrl+Shift-A should show arguments for active project
  • Debugging: "Error getting locals" message could not be copied to pasteboard
  • Debugging: Debug console would not always redraw when deactivated
  • Debugging: don't sort an evaluation's children, use the sorting we already get from the debugger
  • Debugging: Drop "ignored exception" messages, when running EUnit tests
  • Debugging: Fixes related to symbol browsing and an NRE fix in DebugStackFrame.uniqueID
  • Debugging: Ignore "unsupported encoding name" exceptions, as Mono throws those on Windows
  • Debugging: Ignore expected "FileNotFoundException" when running Mono WinForms app
  • Debugging: Island debugger needs to be passed the right Architecture
  • Debugging: Island debugger: pick the right/best exe to upload depending on target CrossBox arch
  • Debugging: Module load event & execute command for lldb (hooked up module events)
  • Debugging: potential crash fix for debugEngineStoppedWithExceptionType
  • Debugging: Some exceptions have an extra "(null)" in the message as shown from the debugger
  • Define and some tweaks for debugging project/solution release; Fix for "Open Projects" context menu;
  • Detecting external file changes could still stop working some times
  • Disable "Open In Terminal" if output folder doesn’t exist
  • Disable "Reveal Project in Finder" for missing projects
  • Disable support for "Manage" dialogs, project settings and build/debug, if a project does not have a valid license
  • Dragging a shared project to add a reference would add it twice (regression from fixing the dragURL to drag both the .elements and the .projitems)
  • Dropped redundant dispatch to managed thread in FileBuffer when adding/removing files
  • Echoes: added v4.5.2 thru v4.7 as known Target framework values
  • Editor: assembly should not highlight as keyword, in C#
  • Editor: After jumping between build messages, Shift-Cursor to select would sometimes select a random range.
  • Editor: after typing a character with shift key, shift+cursor to select would skip that char
  • Editor: did not adjust its displayed width when pasting a long string
  • Editor: did not show properly, if a file contained #0 characters
  • Editor: disable EOL marker
  • Editor: Don't attempt to reformat on paste when managed subsystem isn't loaded
  • Editor: drawing optimization: don't draw gutter when asked to draw area that doesn't include it.
  • Editor: Editing away an error message in a file shared between projects would sometimes jump to a different location in the file
  • Editor: Hide "[Fix-It]" message until we actually support fix-its
  • Editor: Minor draw/rect performance tweaks
  • Editor: Minor Performance updates for (mainly Elements) Syntax Colorer
  • Editor: refactored _softSelection to use a FBLSelection _softSelection;
  • Editor: refactored CC to no longer nee Mono on main thread
  • Editor: Special editor handling for closing curly brace, semicolon, etc did only work properly on US(-like) keyboard layouts
  • Encapsulated more settings via GlobalSettings
  • EUnit messages were url-decoded, should not be
  • EW Licenses changed callback happens on bg thread
  • File notifications stopped working after a slow-delete/redetect (such as when switching git branches more than once)
  • FileBufferManager didn't use canonical URLs and hilarity ensued
  • Files and Folders outside of the project directory (ie with ".." paths) did not show in jump bar correctly.
  • Fire/DA: crash on base RODL XML
  • Fire/DA: RO/.NET import did not use KnownRODLs
  • Fire/DA: updated to latest DA CodeGen API changes
  • Fire/DA: use namespace for RODL, if provided
  • Fire/DA: use proper dialect for CGJavaCodeGenerator
  • Fix for "collection was modified" crash in checkLicense()
  • Fix for build status string
  • Fix for calling niceThreadName, which relies on Mono, on main thread
  • Fix for crash when there were absolute Windows paths in a project
  • Fix for Island template categories/grouping
  • Fix for potential NRE on solution reload
  • Fix for some code paths relying on being able to call managed APIs on main thread
  • Fix for the SLN buffer sometimes reloading when temp SLN got saved for build
  • Fix: Two copies of elements.jar would be added to an Android test app from template
  • Fixed possible crash during building when solution settings were modified while being saved
  • Fixed potential deadlock in DebugSession
  • Fixes for Register CB2 Server dialog
  • Forward/backward navigation stacks got mixed up in .cache file; also, forward stack always got cleared on project reload, anyways.
  • Freshly opened files would sometimes show a "temp highlight" on the first line
  • Hide inline message for #error, too
  • Hide non-implemented Debug|Attach menu
  • Improvements to DebugSession.close
  • Improvements to how placeholder (i.e. dupe) package references get handled and shown
  • Improvements to how the project's language mix (and thus licensing) gets re-calculated when shared projects change or get referenced
  • Improvements to Settings view in Black theme
  • Improvements to what triggers a full tree reload/redraw
  • Internal: better task names for debug managed tasks
  • Island EUnit projects were not detected as test projects
  • Island/Android tweaks
  • Island: fixed available output types Windows vs Linux
  • Island: Proper error message when keyfile does not exist; don't assume default keyfile if it doesn't exist
  • Launch Android SDK Manager & VDM Menus no longer work, need to be removed
  • License check should also apply to Shared projects, and various related tweaks
  • Licensing fixes and other cleanup/infrastructure for multi-target "mixed" (not true Gotham) projects
  • Link between projects and shared projects got broken when the latter got reloaded due to an external file change
  • Managed API: avoid first ClearReferences() call, for project load performance
  • Merged: Unnecessary High CPU load when building, due to how the build log updated its syntax coloring
  • Missing files would erroneously show "(spaces)" suffix in tree view
  • More consistent use of BroadcastManager.unsubscribe, should eliminate a couple more crashes
  • Moving file within a shared project would fail
  • Multi-Target support (preparation for EBuild/Elements 10)
  • New "CPS" targets files were missing from Fire, causing builds to fail w/ embedded compiler; EBuild API tweaks
  • Non-code views should also honor the theme coloring
  • NRE Fix for tree view on missing projects
  • NRE Fix for when unknown CrossBox Server was in project
  • NRE fix in dictionarySplitPerIntegerKey for -1 values
  • NRE Fix in CB2 code when running Fire w/o managed project system
  • NRE fix in executionPointsPerLine
  • NRE fix in solutionAsksToSelectBuildMessage
  • NRE fix when stopping a debug session w/o engine
  • NRE fix when trying to select a message on a missing file
  • NRE proofing in calculateProjectStatistics
  • NRE proofing in DebugStackFrame
  • NRE Proofing in DebugStackFrame context menu
  • NRE proofing in log handling when solution is closed while being built
  • NRE proofing in Search View Controller
  • NRE proofing when debug session is active on shutdown
  • NRE-proofing in
  • NRE-proofing in CrossBoxManager.sharedInstance?
  • Only save every 60s in background, and when app loses focus, instead of every second
  • Optimized file saving to move more work to a background thread
  • Option to generate (unsigned) Community License files for the current SLN; tweak for how Shared projects are handled in CLs.
  • Paste did not work in debug console; also couple NRE fixes for the debug console as well
  • Performance and memory improvements for project load and for templates
  • Performance improvements to "canRun" check, could cause beach-balling
  • Performance: don't keep all template XMLs in memory after initial load;
  • Persist project GUIDs in SLN file properly
  • Position of debug panel splinter did not persist across restarts
  • Position of split views only persisted when they got collapsed and expanded again, not when they were just dragged and then Fire as closed
  • Potential crash due to Mono API calls on main thread in fireDebug_getCodeModelErrorsForLine
  • Potential crash in Complete Class
  • Potential crash on in CrossBox dropdown logic with unsupported projects in the SLN
  • Potential crash with unicode symbols in error messages
  • Potential fix for crash in touchbar/canDeploy
  • Potential NRE fixes in indexPathForItemInJumpBar
  • Potential NRE when opening project via File|Open...
  • Potential race condition in VDKQueue that could crash Fire when files changed externally
  • Project would sometimes show "(reloading)" instead of "(loading)" even on first reference resolve
  • Projects created w/o new subfolder would have bad RootNamespace and AssemblyName settings
  • Proper/New Shared Platform icon
  • Properly load templates in background on first invoke of "New Filer/Project" dialog, rather than beach balling
  • Reference cleanup did not apply extension trimming for Island projects
  • References: "Remove Reference" did not work for package references
  • References: Add References dialog didn't show references as checked if their case did not match
  • References: Adding a new reference to a project would not resolve it until reload
  • References: allow indirect package references show multiple times in the tree, if pulled in from multiple places
  • References: Color Package References in gray if they aren't resolved via EBuild yet
  • References: names should be sorted case-insensitively in Add References
  • References: Removing a reference did not fully remove it from the managed project; Unresolved references could wrongly show struck-out
  • References: tweaks to more cleanly resolving newly added package references that were already indirectly referenced before
  • Reformat could sometimes mess up subsequently typed changes, if it was slow to trigger.
  • Renamed "Enable Only Referencing Projects" menu
  • RTL2 namespace added by New project wizard should be lowercase for Java
  • RunBuildsInDebugger option (not exposed in UI yet)
  • Running Android SDK manager from Tool menu would block Fire's main thread until it was closed
  • scrollAndPlaceCursorOnLine crash fix
  • Separate Xbuild and Ebuild Syntax Colorers
  • Shared Projects did not pick up external changes to the .projitems file
  • Shared Projects should show DefaultLanguage setting
  • Should not allow dragging references to a Shared Project
  • Show Call Parameter List had inconsistent info for .ctor external names and parameter prefixes, depending on source language
  • Show placeholder icon for templates that don't come with a proper icon
  • Show WinExe option for Island only on Windows
  • Solution Tree did not redraw right away when dropping hint path
  • Solution with a "files" project would fail to open.
  • solutionAsksToSelectNode was missing Types tree
  • solutionAsksToShowExceptionDetails crash fix caused by enforcing wrong tread
  • Some preventive locking in DebugSession to see if that fixes some random crashes i'm seeing on "break"
  • Some refactoring and small performance tuning in FCE
  • Some warning fixes for missing == null & co
  • Started using libEbuild for some of the path logic in Fire (Echoes projects only)
  • Startup performance improvements & tweaks
  • Streamlined quotedStringIfNeeded
  • Streamlined externalMonoPath
  • Support for determining platform/sub-platform via Mode/SubMode instead of .target name
  • Support for externally configurable Echoes frameworksBasePath (not exposed in UI yet)
  • Template category fixes, again
  • Theme fixes & new "80's Blue" theme
  • Theme tweaks for package references in black theme
  • TouchBar support: if (available fixes
  • TouchBar: better update when active projects changes externally, NOTIFICATIONFILEACTIVEPROJECTCHANGED
  • Trim ends of lines on save; only replace tab chars at beginning of line
  • Trim whitespace the end of files when creating from template
  • Tweaked logging in reloadContentsFromDisk(); disabled Ebuild resolve log output
  • Tweaks for version check if user was logged in but didn't own Fire lic
  • Tweaks to background file saving
  • Tweaks to reference load logging
  • Updating the hint path for a reference would make it saved with / and not \ in the project file
  • Use colored icons in "Open Solutions" context menu, to indicate solution status
  • Welcome screen and About box changes
  • Welcome window would sometimes show when launching Fire, even though solution(s) were being opened
  • Workaround for ^C crash due to bug in MZObjectList.countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
  • Workaround for 77559: Toffee: implicit blocks broken when not on self (setting "Work in" project was broken)
  • XmlConfigFile needs to recover from handle bad files
  • Yet better handling of enabling/disabling of shared projects and their related projects via context menu

Fixes and Improvements to Sugar and Elements RTL

  • [Warning]s for most missing Island implementations
  • Binary and Char (Extensions) should be Island ready
  • BroadcastManager``, Dictionary`, both pending cleanup
  • Char.ToLower/ToUpper for Island
  • Convert.HexStringToInt* for Island
  • Convert.ToString(aDigitsAfterDecimalPoint) for Island
  • Convert.ToString(UInt64) overload
  • Convert.ToString didn't show leading 0 for doubles < 1
  • Convert.ToUtf8Bytes
  • Convert.ToUtf8Bytes fixes for Java and Cocoa;
  • Convert.TryTo* should accept nil strings
  • Convert cleanup for fewer IFDEFs
  • Convert fixes for Island
  • DateTime.ToString
  • DateTime for island (mostly)
  • DateTime improvements: implicit cast operator, and fixes for equality operators and nil
  • Dictionary for Island
  • Encoding.GetString did not honor offset/length on Island
  • Environment.OSBitness and Environment.ProcessBitness
  • Environment API tweaks, and Island support
  • Exception.CallStack; Environment.DesktopFolder
  • Exception.Message for Toffee
  • Exception.StackTrace
  • File.Exists was also true for Folders, on Toffee only.
  • File.Size
  • File.WriteBytes/WriteBinary should use the atomic APIs on Cocoa
  • FileUtils.WriteText should take an encoding
  • FirstObject, LastObject, RemoveFirstObject, RemoveLastObject on List
  • FullUserName and MachineName on Environment
  • Guid
  • Guid is Island-proofed (with two not-implemented-yet warnings)
  • Guid: implemented byte access and EmptyGuid for Toffee, equality operators, added tests
  • HTTP
  • HttpResponse.TryGetContentAsXmlSynchronous was broken;
  • ImmutableBinary, extracted Range to its own unit
  • ImmutableDictionary, and changed behavior when accessing unknown key (return nil, don't throw)
  • ImmutableList<T>
  • inlines and performance tweaks
  • List withRepeatedValue .ctor
  • List<T> API tweaks, should now work for Island too.
  • List .ctor fix
  • Math tweaks for Island
  • MutableVersion on immutable List and Dictionary
  • NETSTANDARD define
  • NewLine -> LineBreak
  • Path.ChangeExtension would return just the last path component, if new extension was nil
  • Path.GetNetworkServerName; Url.*PathRelativeToUrl now handles absolute windows URLs as well
  • Path.GetPath() RelativeToPath()
  • Path added more apis specific for Unix or Windows style paths
  • PositiveInfinity/NegativeInfinity for Island
  • String.Split should return a List, not an array
  • String.SplitAtFirstOccurrenceOf, Http.SaveContentAsFileSynchronous, Folder.CopyContentsTo
  • String.StartsWith/EndsWith implemented for Island
  • String.TimEnd was broken for Toffee
  • String.TrimNewLineCharacters
  • StringBuilder, Encoding should mostly work for Island
  • StringBuilder: potential fix, held back by 77082
  • StringDictionary and ObjectDictionary alias; new Dictionary.Add overload.
  • Thread
  • ToMutableList, SubList, ReplaceAt/ReplaceRange and JoinedString on List<T>
  • Unique(Mutable)Copy on Dictionary, inline bug fix/workaround
  • Url.copyWithZone and fix for GetSubUrl
  • Url.hash didn't use the canonical version, breaking use of Urls in, say, dictionaries
  • Url.UrlWithChangedPathExtension
  • Url implicit casts
  • Url needs to implement hash on Cocoa
  • Url: fix for CanonocalVersion crash on Release config
  • Url: improvements; implemented isEqual for Toffee
  • UrlWithFilePath() relativeToUrl(); have RemovePercentEncodingsFromPath fall back to ASCII when UTF-8 fails
  • XmlDocument.FromBinary (Toffee)
  • XmlTokenizer: performance improvements.
  • Added #$FFEF to WhiteSpaceCharacters
  • Added Path.ExpandTildeInPath, Cocoa only
  • Added String.EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant for Island
  • Added basic stream tests, fixed write method.
  • Added Community License File
  • Added Path.PathListSeparatorChar
  • Added read & write overload, changed abstract ones
  • Added some inlining
  • Added Stack and Queue
  • Added Stream related classes
  • Added TempFolder & GetTempFolder
  • Additional Url.Equal overload is needed (76817: Equals operator isn't called as expected, if type is too concrete)
  • Allow Path.Combine to accept and pass thru a nil base path
  • Allow dots in XML element names
  • API improvements in Url (PercentEncoding, equality operators) and String (replace range)
  • API improvements to List (params .ctor and Unique(Mutable)Copy
  • API tweaks to BroadcastManager
  • Better nil handling in List.Add()
  • Broadcast Manager cleanup
  • BroadcastManager fix: non-Toffee ignored source object and always notified all
  • BroadcastManager fixes for properly keeping subscribers weak on Toffee
  • BroadcastManager improvements
  • BroadcastManager/Echoes: fix for allowing subscribing inside a broadcast
  • BroadcastManager: fixed unsubscribe API to allow unsubscribing per object
  • BroadcastManager: proper read/write locking (for Echoes only, need to abstract ReadWriteLock class
  • Broken XML header if version is not set
  • Brought back a couple inlines that caused problems before
  • Build armv7s and i386 chunks for iOS, too
  • Build fix for missing System.Net namespace
  • Change Nodes type from 'sequence of ' to ImmutableList
  • Changed nio.ByteBuffer to ByteArrayOutputStream for Cooper MemoryStream
  • Changes for Range ctor
  • Check string length instead of #0
  • ConvertEntity when saving to file added
  • Disable HTTP for Island, for now. Needs a full-fledged implementation at some stage, using IP
  • Disabled List.ToSortedList() omniscience's Cooper for now
  • Don't escape / in Json
  • Don't replace quotes symbols in attribute values
  • Dropped FileUtils class
  • dropped ISequence<T>.Contains (it's in libToffee and cooper.jar now, like the rest of core LINQ)
  • Dropped FolderUtils;
  • Dropped Implicit cast operator from NSArray to List<T>
  • Echoes: Task EnableRaisingEvents
  • Echoes: Task should not open a cmd window
  • Echoes: Task would sometimes trigger the finished callback before the last output.
  • Enabled PadLeft and PadRight methods for Island
  • Enabled Replace overload for Island
  • Enabled a couple more APIs for Island, on String and List
  • Enabling Queue and Stack for Island
  • Enabling read, write, flush, FromFile and SetLength FileHandle methods for Island
  • Expanded Convert
  • Expanded String path methods, and Path class
  • Extension methods for .NET to make working with .ToList().x* easier w/o extra casts
  • Extra ToSortedList overload in List Extensions
  • FileExists/FolderExists should handle null
  • FileOrFolderExists mismatch
  • Fix for .NET's UTF-8 Encoding not stripping the BOM
  • Fix for 76792
  • Fix for FilePathRelativeToUrl when using absolute Windows URL
  • Fix for ImmutableList<T>.SubList
  • Fix for new Binary() on Island; Guid .ctor should not mess with the source array, on Echoes or Island.
  • Fix for Task
  • Fix for ToPlatformPathFromWindowsPath & co on Windows
  • Fix for NativeXmlDocument and HTTP; enabled Json and HTTP
  • Fix for parsing XML Entities
  • Fix for stricter new calls
  • Fix for UrlWithFilePath and absolute Windows paths
  • Fix for Windows network path URLs missing a /, on Windows only.
  • Fix issue in StringBuilder.Replace
  • Fixed Dictionary semantics for adding nil
  • Fixed sequence Contains to do proper equality
  • Fixes for 77082 and 76887
  • Fixes for List and XmlDocument on Echoes
  • Fixes for preserving whitespaces in attributes and namespaces
  • Fixes for previous
  • Guid .ctor should not mess with the source array, on Echoes or Island.
  • Guid fixes for Island, test tweaks for Guid and String.Trim
  • HTTP: needs to throw exception when XmlDocument is nil
  • HttpException .ctor crashes with broken parameter pointer
  • Implemented Task (Echoes and Toffee only for now)
  • Implemented most parts of XmlDocument for .NET (at least those used by WPS)
  • Implemented XmlDocument, for now as mapping to NSXMLElement and for macOS only.
  • Implicit cast form dateTime to java.util.Date, only for Cooper
  • Improved XmlDocument.ToString
  • Improvements to Url.SubUrl APIs
  • Improvements to Url and XmlDocument, new string members for file path access
  • Improvements to how Task handles the callbacks on Echoes
  • Improvements to how Windows network paths are stored in URLs
  • Include LINQ in main namespace
  • Island tweaks; RTL2 library project for iOS
  • Island/Android build fixes
  • Island: Generate debug symbols even for release
  • Lots more work for Url and string paths
  • Made DateTime a class consistently for all platforms
  • Math & File/Folder done for Island
  • Mode (e.g. "POST") is not being et for HTTP request on Cooper
  • Mode (e.g. "POST") is not being et for HTTP request on Cooper)
  • More Try* APIs that will return nil instead of throwing, on Http, Json and Xml.
  • more nullability annotations
  • More work on Url
  • Moved Json support over from Sugar & made it compile for Island. pending more API tweaks.
  • New Encoding.GetBytes() includeBOM() overload (only handles Toffee and UTF8 for now)
  • New List withCapacity .ctor;
  • New String APIs
  • New StringBuilder.Append(Value: Char) overload
  • New Url.TryRemovePercentEncodingsFromPath API
  • New Url.UrlWithFragment/UrlWithoutFragment
  • New XML
  • nil Proofing in List.JoinedString
  • Notification => NSNotification mapping for Toffee
  • NRE fix for Guid.TryParse
  • NRE fo for nil encoding in XmlDocument.SaveToFile
  • NRE Proofing in BroadcastManager/Echoes
  • Options for BOM and final line break in XML
  • Overload for Url.RemovePercentEncodingsFromPath
  • Preserve "native: XmlDocument wrapper in sub-namespace
  • Reflection (wip, far from done)
  • Regression in PathRelativeToUrl if host was nil vs empty.
  • Reimplemented String.Split for Cooper natively, to behave compatibly with the other platforms
  • Saner .ctors in XmlDocument (partial)
  • Saving Xml with XmlFormattingOptions
  • Some inlines and performance fixes
  • Some extra APIs for XmlDocument
  • Some fixes for Task
  • Some missing "Not Implemented for Island" attributes on String
  • Some more missing String API implementations for Island
  • Speed improvements/caching in Url
  • Started work on Url (clean platform independent implementation, not mapped)
  • Static Compare methods own String and DateTime
  • Streamlined all storage in RTL Collections for Toffee
  • Streamlining in Xml's AddElement
  • String name fix
  • Support for Android NDK Island platform
  • Support for encoding multi-byte chars in Url
  • Thread constructor is not working
  • TimeSpan.TotalDays was wrong
  • Toffee: RTL2 HttpException ctor crashes with broken parameter pointer
  • tvOS and watchOS versions
  • Url & Path Tests now succeed on Windows too
  • Url.AddPercentEncodings needs to handle UTF-16 surrogate pairs properly
  • UrlEncode did not encode chars > #122. oops.
  • Use a proper internal class instead of tuples in Broadcast Manager
  • UserUserHomeFolder and UserApplicationSupportFolder
  • Workaround for 77000: Sugar/RTL2: Guid.NewGuid().ToString() fails
  • Workaround for 77333: Toffee: "in" operator is broken for mapped strings
  • XML formatter doesn't honor NewLineForAttributes
  • XML Layout problem, with "new line for attributes"
  • XML: Try* methods, better exception on mismatched tag
  • XML: Decode hex and dec entities
  • XML: fixes for quote handling
  • XML: Get attribute by "Prefix:Name" added
  • XML: performance improvements (streamlined FirstElementWithName)
  • XML: performance improvements.
  • XML: save using the proper encoding

Fixes and Improvements to Delphi RTL

  • Added a mix of commonly used functions
  • Added Ansichar type for Cooper and Echoes
  • Added Delphi AnsiString
  • Added FileStream and Stream general purpose function tests
  • Added hashCode and equals to AnsiString
  • Added IniFiles (WIP, just interface)
  • Added Island/Android project to SLN
  • Added more AnsiString tests, fixed methods
  • Added more DateUtils TestCases
  • Added more DateUtils tests
  • Added more DateUtils tests, fixed MilliSecondOfTheYear
  • Added more TDateTime functions
  • Added more TDateTime functions, split SysUtils
  • Added SysUtils.DateTime tests (WIP), fixed methods
  • Added TDateTime type and some functions (WIP)
  • Added Tests for AnsiString, fixed a bunch of methods
  • Added ToString method; fixed toffee failures
  • Added TOSVersion
  • Added TStringBuilder
  • Added TStringBuilderTests and additional SysUtils
  • Adjustments yo use RTL2 instead of Sugar
  • Case fixes; turned on Cross-Platform mode for the Toffee projects
  • Change constant type to fix recodeDateTime in Cooper
  • Change fData order, fixed Insert
  • Collections and string fixes
  • DateTimeToString, DateTimeToUnix and UnixToDateTime
  • Delphi AnsiString
  • Echoes version should be strong-named
  • Enabled Stack and Queue
  • Enabled TMemoryStream
  • Fix for Strings.LoadFromFile hanging
  • Fixed FileExists, added SysUtils file functions tests.
  • Fixed formatting in all project files
  • Fixed many IniFiles methods, added IniFiles tests
  • Fixed spacing in all source files
  • Fixed String.Remove(a, b) for cooper
  • Fixed tests and improved AnsiString.Replace
  • Fixes to compile using RTL2
  • IniFiles
  • InternalCompareString for Island Windows and Linux
  • More AnsiString work
  • More DateTime functions added, compiling work for Island
  • More TDateTime functions
  • Namespace fix (RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Delphi)
  • Pending TStringBuilder methods
  • Progress on Streams
  • Some fixes for toffee
  • Some source formatting fixes
  • String compiling for Island, lot of methods implemented
  • Support Island/Android NDK
  • SysUtils clean up and new functions implemented
  • TDateTime and friends progress
  • THandleStream work
  • Try to fix failure on echoes test due to file path.
  • TStream & friends interfaces
  • TStream, THandleStream, TMemoryStream and TFileStream
  • UINT64 IntToHex overload for COOPER


New in the “November 2016" Release, Version 9.0.97 (Build .2071)

(Built: November 21, 2016)

Major new Features in Elements 9

  • Island: new platform for compiling native Windows and Linux executables
  • New “Unified class” syntax for Oxygene
  • Support for some C# 7.0 language features
  • Support for Swift 3.0 (details below)
  • Integrated EUnit Testing in Fire
  • All new “Delphi RTL” compatibility library (preview)
  • Fire 2.0

Smaller Enhancements in Core Elements

  • 75201: Allow current*() CMFs to be used as default parameter values, and execute is the caller's context.
  • 76510: Allow looser pointer conversions
  • 75497: Automatically define “ANDROID” when compiling against android.jar
  • 75513: Better error message when trying to override a non-accessible method.
  • 76316: Better error when forgetting () on a method call inside switch
  • 74932: Better/unique error message when overload matching fails due to nullability mismatch only
  • 74729: Better/unique short error message when nullability doesn't match
  • 75831: Cooper: get* Methods with mismatched parameters should not become properties
  • 75670: Cooper: Improved Java property conversion rules (all languages)
  • 76137: Delphi RTL: DefaultStringType needs to support records
  • 76458: Disassembly support in the debugger
  • 75777: Hide "obsolete" warnings inside if (#)available
  • 75319: Need readLn() Compiler magic Function
  • 75502: Nullables are now known non-null inside if x <> nil and if assigned(x) blocks
  • 75431: Option to allow public types to be mangled on Cocoa
  • 74881: Proper support for importing and linking Cocoa .frameworks (from Fire only)
  • 75671: Show [] or () in CC, for clarity
  • 75382: Support for C# 7.0 Digit Separators
  • 75644: Support for declaring static fields in mapped types
  • 76530: Support for three-part version numbers in .fx files
  • 75837: Upgrade libNougat to libToffee when opening projects
  • 75650: Use files directly instead of converting to R.pas

Features & Enhancements in Fire

  • Activate iOS Simulator app or Mac app after launching in debugger
  • Check for Android devices faster, when deploy failed because of missing device, or when a device is selected from menu
  • Copy/Paste in “Manage Conditional Defines” dialog
  • Editor: Cmd-P to show parameters for current method call
  • Enable Iodine templates, as teaser
  • Integrated Unit testing with EUnit
  • Island support, (templates, debugging, etc.)
  • Nougat References: "Show source" for .java files
  • Show percentage while deploying to Android device
  • Show some project settings for Shared Projects
  • Show yellow icon while debugging/deploying
  • Simulator support for Xcode 8.0 and later
  • Support "deploy only" (Cmd-Shift-D) to iOS simulator as well
  • Support for CrossBox2 servers for Island
  • Support skipping of re-deployment to Simulator when app bundle hasn't changed between runs
  • “Manage Debug Arguments” dialog
  • “Manage Default Uses” dialog

Fixes in Core Elements

  • 75860: Collections.sort broken after introducing Iodine ? support
  • 75601: const Set of char seems to be nil
  • 75314: DllImport type mismatch
  • 75482: new [] { .. } in C# mode infers the wrong type
  • 75625: nullable float * double does bad cast in Java
  • 76669: nullable Int32 parameter cause wrong overload to be called
  • 76211: string != string compiles incorrectly
  • 76533: All templates have iOS and OS X category among Add new item templates list
  • 75710: Android: += operator cause internal error
  • 74743: Android: app fails to run with SBL methods overloaded by name only
  • 76426: Android: compile error for nested inlined methods
  • 69545: Android: error compiling android project after adding “Clip Drawable” item template
  • 75246: Android: Illegal Access Error when access non-pubil method with parameters in closure
  • 75914: Android: Internal error for inlined extension method with Class as return type on Android
  • 60530: Android: Manifest doesn't need debuggable="true"
  • 76054: Android: new and old codes are merged in final .dex, sometimes
  • 75954: Android: operator overloading is not invoked when null is involved
  • 76380: Android: problem with enum elements in EUnit projects
  • 76197: Android: problems with rebuild
  • 76557: Android: unable to change BuildAction for Android file, "Gradle is not a valid value for BuildAction."
  • 75921: Android: uncaught translation error
  • 76187: Android: uncaught translation error - var parameters
  • 75695: Android: Values in the Build property page always unselected after opening project
  • 75759: Android: Verify/dex errors using an enum across project boundaries
  • 75799: array type inference fails when inside if expression
  • 76334: Auto-Fix changed “STring” to “StringStringString”
  • 75936: Bad "Potential null value is implicitly cast to not nullable String" error with coalesce()
  • 75775: Bad error for typo in if #available
  • 74733: Bad followup error for failed .ctor call
  • 76378: Bad type inference and cannot call members on instancetype
  • 75557: Bad type inference for tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier
  • 76056: Bug on rename refactoring
  • 73086: C# "struct var not initialized" hints are a bit over-zealous
  • 75489: C# bug in shl
  • 75988: C# Extension failed to implement interface with ambiguity
  • 75987: C# Extension failed to override base class method
  • 75991: C# indentation for try and if is wrong
  • 75568: C# Null-conditional Operator failed for array
  • 76648: C# Page-Based App (iOS) template does not compile
  • 75611: C# Parser: make it understand missing "class" keyword
  • 76260: C#: #if block indents badly
  • 74984: C#: CC parser doesn't seem to know "var" keyword
  • 74697: Can't call members on dynamic<T>
  • 76151: Can't insert breakpoint on continue keyword
  • 75428: Can't set a Swift string as a TextView's text
  • 75784: Can't use class of inside .ctor call of generic
  • 76419: CC and Parameter list are inconsistent for C# and Oxygene .ctors
  • 76120: CC doesn't contain static method from extension class
  • 75778: CC doesn't know about cross-platform mode
  • 76321: CC for Sugar.String is incomplete
  • 76615: CC for Cocoa (only?) shows () pairs for each parameter
  • 76126: CC shows odd $mapped overloads.
  • 75026: CC, Go to Definition and Peek at Definition don't see extension method
  • 76139: CC: Filter Swift-renamed Foundation types in non-Swift CC
  • 75514: CC: hint should show parameters and result type
  • 75607: CC: No "el" in CC
  • 75689: CC: NRE when if statement is incomplete or wrong
  • 75667: CC: wrong CC when typing space after && in C#
  • 75983: CC: wrong indentation of "{" after "foreach" statement in C#
  • 76342: Change item template filtering to use Elements:Type flag for filtering, instead of file names
  • 75518: Changes to the SDK picker for "OS X" vs “macOS"
  • 76250: Check that EUnit templates (all languages) expose debug info for debug configuration
  • 76277: Cocoa: "Internal error: Type rtl.BOOL could not be found in foreign .fx file AppKit
  • 76235: Cocoa: .h issues, take 5
  • 76223: Cocoa: .h issues, take 4
  • 75549: Cocoa: async call triggers EXCBADACCESS on Cocoa
  • 76218: Cocoa: DefaultStringType type inference fails
  • 76215: Cocoa: nameOf() should take into account mangled names
  • 76587: Cocoa: NSTouchBarItem .ctor gets badly imported
  • 76134: Cocoa: all templates should use writeLn, not NSLog
  • 76425: Cocoa: Assigning an array to itself will cause error on iOS
  • 75996: Cocoa: Bitcode exception in rtl
  • 75977: Cocoa: can't call 'menu property on NSButton (regression from MakeSwifty)
  • 75976: Cocoa: can't call setTitle, but title = works (regression from MakeSwifty)
  • 74783: Cocoa: Cast gives no matching overload
  • 75555: Cocoa: CC fails on "indirectly used reference QuarzCore", everywhere
  • 75848: Cocoa: CC shows the "mangled" version of method names, and inserts badly.
  • 76307: Cocoa: CC, C#: explicit type cast breaks CC
  • 76306: Cocoa: CC: description shows in CC dozens of times
  • 76594: Cocoa: char to int comparison triggers boxing
  • 76228: Cocoa: chooses wrong overload when using inline functions
  • 76274: Cocoa: compiler can't auto-reference “Toffee” (vs libToffee) from libSugar.fx
  • 76663: Cocoa: compiler gets confused by multiple subscripts in mapped type
  • 76167: Cocoa: compiler prefers enum from unused namespace over one that’s actually used
  • 75556: Cocoa: confusing error when passing struct to interpolated string
  • 75925: Cocoa: constructor with default arg not called by default from child class
  • 75760: Cocoa: delegate is executed in wrong context on iOS
  • 75554: Cocoa: delegate will cause objc_weak_error when dealloced on iOS
  • 76025: Cocoa: generated .h file has problems compiling in Obj-C
  • 76025: Cocoa: generated .h files have missing spaces for _Nonnull
  • 75969: Cocoa: generated .h need to reflect "mangled" class names
  • 76496: Cocoa: internal error and can’t match complex generic extension method
  • 76170: Cocoa: internal Error building Delphi.RTL test
  • 76234: Cocoa: internal error calling inline method
  • 75843: Cocoa: Internal error in case type of: Corrupted bitcode
  • 75995: Cocoa: Internal error when use mapped class of double[] on iOS
  • 76330: Cocoa: Internal error with event OnChanged: delegate in library
  • 76598: Cocoa: internal Error with latest Fire/develop
  • 75793: Cocoa: Internal error: Corrupted bitcode
  • 75849: Cocoa: Internal error: Corrupted bitcode when __strong(delegate)
  • 76597: Cocoa: latest RTL2 crashes LLVM
  • 75807: Cocoa: libEUnit, Sugar and problems with other libraries
  • 76095: Cocoa: LLVM crash building Delphi.RTL (iOS version only, macOS is fine)
  • 76171: Cocoa: LLVM Crash building FireCodeEditor with latest
  • 76375: Cocoa: macOS breakpoints are off for "throw"
  • 73351: Cocoa: Mapped class to Class can't work on iOS
  • 76017: Cocoa: Methods with same name in different class conflict on iOS
  • 76190: Cocoa: More problems with generated .h files
  • 75938: Cocoa: Multiple problems with breakpoints in iOS
  • 75553: Cocoa: No overloaded method error for extension methods on iOS
  • 75696: Cocoa: NRE in GetStoryboard
  • 76546: Cocoa: NSWindowController and co item templates show compiler errors
  • 75808: Cocoa: page problem in Properties for EUnit MAC project
  • 75897: Cocoa: Regression: Linq.Select hangs
  • 76315: Cocoa: Simulator support for Xcode 8 and later, CrossBox part
  • 76209: Cocoa: still more problems with generated .h files
  • 75511: Cocoa: Strange (and elusive) problem with overloaded method
  • 76551: Cocoa: UIActivity item template shows compiler errors
  • 76645: Cocoa: UIcollectionViewController template fails to compile
  • 76052: Cocoa: Undefined symbol _objc_msgSendSuper2_fpret when call base method on iOS
  • 76367: Cocoa: VS: show all debug progress messages while launching Simulator in the debug pane
  • 75842: Cocos: Frame not in module error and not yellow line in breakpoints
  • 76221: CodeDom: interface method is generated with body
  • 75580: CodeDomProvider ReferencedAssemblies not honoring framework path
  • 76021: Compiler doesn't count base class methods as ones implementing some interface method in inherited class
  • 75485: Compiler error in Cocoa project
  • 76130: Compiler NRE trying to build latest EBuild
  • 76435: Complete Class (Oxygene) is always adding two new methods if using with attached code
  • 74747: Complete Class adds fTarget: FxTarget;
  • 74770: Complete Class creates method without class name
  • 76434: Complete Class fails sometimes (attached sample code)
  • 75253: Complete Class messes up given code
  • 75912: Constructor with default argument does not work when inherited
  • 76155: Cooper: "Inconsistent stack height" in Delphi.RTL PadRight
  • 76263: Cooper: typeof() crash on Java
  • 75265: Cooper: Cannot find EUnit jar when using internal compiler
  • 75439: Cooper: confusion with getX methods and property magic
  • 75828: Cooper: getter-to-property broken for TimeZone.ID, plain Java only
  • 75862: Cooper: Java stack underflow
  • 75600: Cooper: Java VerifyError comparing enum in generic field
  • 76423: Cooper: Java: JAR verify error
  • 76467: Cooper: Problem with passing parameters in Console App
  • 76043: Cooper: Unexpected top-level exception
  • 76465: Cooper: VarParameter in java should unwrap when displayed.
  • 75417: CoreDebug doesn't set working dir for macOS
  • 76564: CoreDebug: cant be stopped while "deploying"
  • 76143: CoreDebug: Cooper session never starts if environment vars are specified
  • 76122: CoreDebug: Impossible to evaluate variable
  • 75909: CrossBox: Devices are shown for Echoes project
  • 76246: CrossBox: NSLog crashes under macOS Sierra (Mono/Sierra bug)
  • 75929: Current CrossBox selection should persist for default project
  • 76614: Disable Windows Forms designer for Shared project
  • 75422: Duck typing bug
  • 76084: Echoes: .NET Core adds mscorlib ref even if System.Runtime is present
  • 76420: Echoes: [Notify] problem with descendant classes
  • 75460: Echoes: Are aspects available to UWP applications?
  • 75451: Echoes: Blank UWP enables some compatibility options
  • 76608: Echoes: Broken references in the Windows Phone 8.1 Unit Test App
  • 75675: Echoes: can no longer use [STAThread]
  • 76687: Echoes: Cannot compile WinPhone 8.1 UnitTest App
  • 75780: Echoes: Compiler NRE with implements
  • 76287: Echoes: Embed Interop DLLS for ADODB fails
  • 76534: Echoes: Empty project has wrong references (3 other templates had the same problem)
  • 75454: Echoes: Error message on blank UWP project in Oxygene
  • 75810: Echoes: Index out of range in flow code in Silverlight project
  • 76473: Echoes: Internal error calling an inline method with an const object.
  • 75910: Echoes: internal error in EBuild
  • 75822: Echoes: Internal error: Cannot Simplify
  • 74140: Echoes: Internal error: System.ArgumentException
  • 76181: Echoes: Invalid IL generated with DefaultStringType and alias
  • 56050: Echoes: Metro apps shouldn't include "internetClient" capability by default
  • 75798: Echoes: multi-part methods with default parameters don’t work across assembly boundaries
  • 76572: Echoes: New Windows Phone 8.1 Swift WebView app crashes on startup
  • 75219: Echoes: Odd type mismatch error in EUnit
  • 75939: Echoes: Problem with SilverLight projects
  • 76128: Echoes: Problems building ROSDK interface (with old RO/.NET) with latest, due to __
  • 76384: Echoes: References problem when I create a project and WPF designer problem
  • 75752: Echoes: Several problems when adding a datasource
  • 60660: Echoes: Silverlight “Add Item|Navigation Page” doesn't generate constructor
  • 75857: Echoes: some hints get emitted twice.
  • 76115: Echoes: Throw exception when use ref in struct on UWP
  • 75785: Echoes: Two problems with chained call to named .ctor
  • 76586: Echoes: Unable to add File Open Picker contract item to WinRT project
  • 76244: Echoes: Unable to launch Swift WinRT application: InvalidProgramException
  • 76536: Echoes: Universal ClassLibrary. "Add new item" window does not show items for parent in tree
  • 75455: Echoes: UWP and Windows version (adjusted targets)
  • 75455: Echoes: UWP and Windows version (copied 8.21 targets to the msbuild folder)
  • 76030: Echoes: Weird occasional compile error for UWP
  • 76129: Echoes: Windows universal templates for C# are broken
  • 75540: Echoes: WinRT app is not compiled
  • 76684: Echoes: WinRT C#: NRE when adding item template
  • 76719: Echoes: WinRT FileOpenPicker item template: code in App.xaml is inserted into other method
  • 76678: Echoes: WinRT Swift: SearchResultsPage template doesn't compile
  • 75063: Elements.exe resolves relative paths from current dir, not from project dir (Echoes only)
  • 75804: Empty namespace currently not allowed
  • 75163: Error about wrong overload, when number of parameters is correct and zero.
  • 75972: Error E189 with dynamic object which supports indexed access
  • 76628: Error E619 shows "unknown type" instead of "void"
  • 76604: Error renaming class file on created project
  • 75687: Error with nullable values
  • 76667: Exception in CrossBox when running macOS project
  • 75516: FinishComplete should not set dynamic type
  • 76471: Fix for macOS landing try/finally in nested catch pads
  • 75967: Fix if, while, foreach, case etc. statements in C# indentation
  • 75440: Formatting of case
  • 76220: FXGen broken due to name mangling
  • 75547: Go to Definition doesn't work with "double-level" generic parameter
  • 75586: Go to Definition for tableview.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier is wrong
  • 75836: Go to Definition get wrong result
  • 75757: Go to Definition problem in LunarLander
  • 75769: Go to Definition should return all errors
  • 76161: Go to Definition sometimes does not work across projects
  • 76591: Go to Definition that’s located in metadata causes error for WinRT, WP and UWP projects
  • 75833: Go to Definition: remove error ExternalTypeCannotJump from List Errors
  • 75706: HeaderImport with AppAuth-iOS
  • 76035: HI: regression: first param prefixes for imported methods are broken worse now
  • 76509: Hide UWP templates if no VS Update 3 is installed
  • 74803: How to use Accelerate in Swift?
  • 53928: Improved messages in samples
  • 76605: Inconsistent template names for Swift / Java / EUnit templates
  • 75993: Indentation fix for partial methods (Oxygene and C#)
  • 75606: Indentation is wrong after non-begin/end loop
  • 75654: Indentation wrong in particular testcase
  • 74766: INSTALLFAILEDDEXOPT and MSB4044 (part 1)
  • 75840: Instancetype in obj c code
  • 76358: Internal error because of an XML comment
  • 75913: Internal error for inlined method with default argument
  • 76676: Internal error IOE when using await
  • 75803: Internal error: Cannot get type for global/valuetype (typeOf())
  • 75795: Internal error: LPUSH->U159 with mapped to constructor()
  • 75794: Internal error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (property in record mapped class))
  • 75602: InvalidProgramException when using Using within Task method with await
  • 76271: InvalidProgramException when using dynamics and not casting
  • 75868: Issue compiling partial classes: calling partial methods from .ctor
  • 75132: LLDB returns broken paths for stack frames with windows-style debug symbol paths
  • 76182: LLVM crash with Delphi.RTL, iOS only
  • 76217: Locationless error E44: No member "GetEnumerator" on type "Type!" when using @Implements
  • 76452: Making a method inline causes error while creating an instance of the object (disallow virtual inline methods)
  • 75475: Managed struct implementation
  • 76335: Mapped types problem
  • 74547: Mapped types: static methods can be called with class type as parameter
  • 75425: Merge resolve type visitor with resolve method intf/impl logic
  • 75694: Method default param value of default(TimeSpan) fails in 32-bit
  • 76416: MethodType is wrong for .ctors
  • 75676: Move ampersand logic to the GetNameOfLocation (Editor.QuickInfo)
  • 75474: Namespace completion
  • 75564: Nested methods, virtual constructor and class of
  • 75915: Not nullable default in case
  • 76205: Not nullable regression
  • 76133: NRE in GotoDef for &Remove method
  • 75853: NRE in IDE when completing event handler in XAML designer
  • 75920: NRE in java project
  • 75481: NRE in project
  • 76224: NRE in Xcode Sync
  • 75320: NRE when press Enter in empty file
  • 74864: NRE when using .self
  • 76064: Odd "Variable expected" when assigning to struct members
  • 76028: Odd followup for badly inferred var type
  • 75546: Optional closure calls can NullPointerException
  • 75999: Oxidizer (Java) should use Iodine parser
  • 76045: Oxidizer (ObjC->Oxy) Some testcases failed
  • 76278: Oxidizer (ObjC->Swift): NRE in case when type is unknown
  • 75767: Oxidizer -> Swift needs to insert _ for first parameter
  • 74631: Oxidizer and default
  • 73695: Oxidizer C# -> Oxygene. Initialization of class properties (or fields) is inserted incorrectly
  • 75979: Oxidizer Errors with Visual Studio and Windows
  • 76006: Oxidizer incorrectly translates Delphi interfaces
  • 76057: Oxidizer paste bug
  • 75646: Oxidizer strips parenthesis when it shouldn't
  • 75647: Oxidizer turns array literal in array ctor
  • 74837: Oxidizer: Silent failure and poor error messages (changed CGRawStatement to CGUnsupportedStatement)
  • 76418: Oxygene and C#: duplicate /ctors show in CC, w/ and w/o with prefix
  • 75581: Oxygene CodeDomProvider generates assembly attributes in the wrong place
  • 74903: Oxygene does not detect nested for loops using the same loop var
  • 75825: Oxygene indentation should leave wrapped lines as it is
  • 75818: Oxygene indents try/except wrong
  • 75817: Oxygene indents unit keyword visibility incorrectly
  • 76222: Oxygene interface method can contain body
  • 75522: Oxygene internal error
  • 75826: Oxygene smart enter wrong after try/except/end
  • 75820: Oxygene: else inside for each is indented wrongly
  • 75814: Oxygene: wrong case indentation
  • 75968: Oxygene: wrong indentation inside case statement
  • 75815: Oxygene: wrong indentation inside comments
  • 75480: Oxygene: XML comments doesn't like of
  • 74773: OxygeneBinderException
  • 76415: Peek at Definition doesn't show enum values
  • 76391: Peek at Definition doesn’t show details for blocks
  • 75700: Peek at Definition shows wrong parameters (for static methods?)
  • 75855: Port OxygeneEventbinding to use CG4
  • 76199: PostBuildEvent is executed before .targets file is referenced
  • 75523: Problem compiling RemObjects.Elements
  • 76414: Problem with (E111) Variable expected error
  • 75957: Problem with inheritance through mapped classes (in previous versions worked correctly)
  • 75764: Property access throws System.FieldAccessException
  • 73773: Refactor: Remove unused usings completely breaks the formatting
  • 74440: Refactor: Remove unused usings removes System.Linq
  • 75573: Refactoring problem
  • 76020: Refactoring/Renaming is broken
  • 75371: Refactoring/Renaming misses items
  • 75935: Reference is added in wrong branch
  • 75966: Reformat in case should honor 4-space indent
  • 75340: Reformat indents extension method declaration badly
  • 76476: Reformat unindents comments when pasting
  • 75779: Reformat: bad indent for end when pasting a new class declaration
  • 75930: Regression Swift.dll & Sugar.dll broken with latest compiler
  • 76699: Regression: Invalid IL in Elements.RTL2.Tests.Shared.ConvertTests:TestInt32
  • 76005: Regression: LLVM crash in Fire Core App
  • 76371: Regression: new Internal Error on Cocoa in latest
  • 75850: SharedProject and if aa then test2; else test3; problem
  • 75852: SharedProjects, CC and properties problem
  • 76556: Some Android swift item templates don't compile
  • 76272: Source code corruption after editing an .aspx file
  • 75424: Strange text for a require
  • 75703: String and Integer types are not resolved after opening a project
  • 76296: StringFormat exception in tokenizer
  • 75477: Switch to unified refactoring and spacing
  • 56410: Template app manifest is lacking version info
  • 75782: Two bad reformats in Oxygene with wrapped properties.
  • 74584: Two more bogus nullable warnings
  • 76154: Type inference for struct-based DefaultStringType does not work
  • 76696: Unable to compile C# UnitTest app
  • 76553: Unable to compile java - swift - tiny project
  • 76554: Unable to compile java swift applet template
  • 75668: Unlabeled shouldn't rename parameter with # 75669: NRE in Unlabeled
  • 75851: Unrecognized selector when use member method as delegate on iOS
  • 75924: Using "dec" or "inc" on properties tries to access compiler generated internal backing field
  • 75882: Version check testcase
  • 75997: VS 2015 crash when compile for iOS
  • 75578: VS adds bad hint path when SDK is "macOS"
  • 76237: VS is closed after loading iOS project
  • 76329: VS is not responding in middle of typing code
  • 76376: VS-Side changes needed for new CrossBox
  • 75608: VS2015 crash when debugging Android app
  • 76547: VS: Can't create “NSWindowController with .XIB” item template
  • 76325: VS: Cannot set breakpoint in Swift global function
  • 76357: VS: Collection modified error when closing VS with GoToDef editors opened
  • 75392: VS: Defines and highlighting
  • 75788: VS: DropDowns item should show keyword override for method
  • 75570: VS: Editor: NRE in TagAggregator
  • 76273: VS: Enter inserts garbage } in Swift
  • 76582: VS: Error list oddly filters errors
  • 76606: VS: EUnit “Test Class” template was shown only for the .NET platform
  • 75435: VS: Expose MangleTypeNames option in the VS IDE
  • 75789: VS: Failed to create UWP project in VS2015 Update 3
  • 75878: VS: Item templates have overlapping names
  • 76149: VS: Java reference paths cannot be set via Visual Studio options dialog
  • 76602: VS: Java/Android preflight check dialog mentions Wiki instead of documentation site
  • 76119: VS: log shows Object reference not set to an instance of an object. after pressing any key in editor
  • 76592: VS: NRE on closing VS
  • 76177: VS: NRE when removing reference
  • 76343: VS: Renaming a .xaml file screws up the project
  • 75483: VS: Round bracket highlight function is missing
  • 76542: VS: Shared project doesn't show item templates for all platforms
  • 75994: VS: Swift Problem in Editor
  • 76370: VS: the architecture box properly isn't shown on the Property/Build page properly
  • 76279: VS: typing print() in an empty swift file puts () before print
  • 75673: VS: typing too fast ends up with NewExpression instead of New
  • 75506: VS: Var with switch to unified syntax refactoring
  • 75790: VS: ‘Exclude from project' with folders in 'Shared Project' does not exclude the folder from project
  • 76364: VS: “Current session is dismissed” error in Editor
  • 75519: Weird error passing nullable parameter inside an if != null block
  • 76118: Wrong CC in the Swift after "extension" keyword
  • 76474: Wrong cursor position for Swift WinRT designer
  • 75041: wrong hint in CC
  • 76345: Wrong IL code being generated
  • 76379: Wrong IL code being generated
  • 75809: Wrong indentation in Oxygene
  • 75982: Wrong smart indent in oxygene case statement
  • 76539: Wrong sub-platform filtering for tvOS apps
  • 76191: XcodeSync: 5 million bogus errors
  • 76227: XcodeSync: iOS projects have SDKROOT = macosx;
  • 54382: XML documentation warning level doesn't work properly
  • 76617: “Add Existing folder bundle…” menu item adds item with white icon to project
  • 69546: “Drawable clip” item template assigns same name by default

Fixes in Fire

  • "Add References" dialog didn't properly show non-system references from both "OS X" and "macOS" subfolders
  • "e" or "p" would badly highlight as number when preceded by a number and then space.
  • "Reveal Output in Finder" did not take Simulator path into account for non-bundle Cocoa projects
  • "Signing (Java)" project setting was broken
  • NSLog did not show in debugger on Sierra (fixed via via OSACTIVITYDT_MODE)
  • NSLog is back when running the simulator!
  • After jumping between build messages Shift-Cursor to select would sometimes select a random range.
  • After jumping between build messages Shift-Cursor to select would sometimes select a random range.
  • Avoid extra calls to "Evaluate Locals & Watches" when there's no debug session active.
  • Bad things happened when the underlying .SLN file changed on disk. sometimes.
  • Better handling of per-session debug state for purposes of status display and jump bar coloring
  • better message instead of empty project picker, if shared project isn't referenced
  • Build messages should always jump to the right line, even when re-selected
  • CC no longer sees SDK defines such as "IOS"
  • Code snippets expanded badly if the paste board had multi-line content
  • Color code inside () of Swift and Java attributes as attribute.
  • Cooper: abstracted setting of ignored exceptions, and added
  • Could not add Android resource files that automatically go into a subfolder
  • Cross-Project GTD did not always work consistently
  • Don't allow deploy/run on a version with a lower SDK than the Deployment Target
  • Don't cache Xcode folder path
  • Don't strike-out "missing" file if it's generated
  • Don't strip .aar extension of references, as its needed for proper .aar processing
  • Dropped call to NSWorkspace.noteFileSystemChanged in VDKQueue
  • Editor: cursor was off by one when navigating to build messages with ranges.
  • Editor: Dead Key handling also needs to be applied for non-Option keys, to handle " on US International keyboards.
  • EUnit messages were url-decided, should not be.
  • Expired license or license file would show as "trial expired"
  • File reload did sometimes not pick up changes from git due to a time-gap between the original file deleting and the new file being written. Now i'll wait a second and recheck again.
  • Files added to shared project don't get added to managed project system until restart
  • Files would sometimes show erroneously "(spaces)" during initial load of project
  • Filter item templates based on project's sub-platform
  • Fix for regression in number syntax highlighting.
  • Fixes for latest MZ import
  • Font caching in editor
  • Hide __Global from per-file type dropdown list
  • Improved/fixed handling of reloading files during/after build
  • Improvements to how .ctors show in Call Parameter list
  • Inline locals would not always clear when stopping debug session
  • iOS Simulator only supports --stdout on Xcode 8.1 and later
  • Navigation stack did not properly reflect navigating between multiple line items (say build messages) within the same file* new Deployment target of 10.10 for Fire
  • Navigation stack support for stack frames, threads and debug sessions
  • NRE proofing in type loading when projects get closed
  • NRE-proofing in Project.removeFiles() for files w/o an element
  • Parsing simulator devices would fail if one was in "shutting down" state
  • Passing environment vars to mac OSapps didn't work
  • Path in Stack Frame view should be truncated in the middle if it's too long
  • Potential crash when Search Pasteboard had a nil string
  • Potential NRE fix in Search Tree on project close
  • Print call stack along with exception, in FBLSingleThreadedQueue
  • Project dependencies would get lost when a project was reloaded for external change
  • References did not select in jump bar
  • Search pasteboard should sync both ways, and updater to external change
  • Selecting an item not available in jump bar should select the project root node
  • Show a message about NSLog & Co not working when debugging, where applicable.
  • Shut down iOS Simulator when Fire terminates.
  • Some badly escaped quite in command lines printed to the build log
  • Some more NRE proofing
  • Support for "Option-X, X" dead key keyboard entry
  • Support for Messages Extensions (ExtensionType project property and selecting stickersiconset as App Zico )
  • the Projects popup would not enable when adding a second project
  • Toolbar customizations did not persist cross restart
  • Tweaks to false positive float light lighting with certain letters after .
  • Updated list of deployment targets
  • Use OSACTIVITYDT_MODE for Simulator tools too (even though it doesn't help w/ the actual app output)
  • Version label in About box got cut off
  • Window|About menu did not work

Fixes and Improvements to Silver & Swift

  • 76565: All Swift item templates should add reference to a Swift
  • 76585: All Swift Projects should have reference to Swift assembly
  • 76226: Inline Locals don't work for Swift
  • 74396: Swift 3.0: (SE-0003) Removing var from Parameters and Pattern Matching
  • 74957: Swift 3.0: (SE-0031) Adjusting inout Declarations for Type Decoration
  • 74650: Swift 3.0: (SE-0034) Disambiguating Line Control Statements from Debugging Identifiers
  • 74796: Swift 3.0: (SE-0037) Clarify interaction between comments & operators
  • 74795: Swift 3.0: (SE-0046) Establish consistent label behavior across all parameters including first labels
  • 74960: Swift 3.0: (SE-0047) Defaulting non-Void functions so they warn on unused results
  • 75179: Swift 3.0: (SE-0048) Generic Type Aliases
  • 75386: Swift 3.0: (SE-0081) Move where clause to end of declaration
  • 75398: Swift 3.0: (SE-0096) Converting dynamicType from a property to an operator (actual fix depends on T75106)
  • 75874: Swift 3.0: (SE-0099) Restructuring Condition Clauses
  • 75884: Swift 3.0: (SE-0102) Remove @noreturn attribute and introduce an empty Never type
  • 75890: Swift 3.0: (SE-0103) Make non-escaping closures the default
  • 75887: Swift 3.0: (SE-0115) Rename Literal Syntax Protocols
  • 75886: Swift 3.0: (SE-0117) Allow distinguishing between public access and public overridability (open keyword)
  • 75495: Swift 3.0: fileprivate(set) fails to compile
  • 73982: Swift 3.0: Better Translation of Objective-C APIs Into Swift
  • 75432: Swift 3.0: emit a warning when an @IBAction methods is missing _
  • 75637: Swift 3.0: “Unlabeled Refactoring: shouldn't rename .ctor parameter
  • 75180: Swift 3.x: (SE-0025) Scoped Access Level
  • 75184: Swift 3.x: (SE-0066) Standardize function type argument syntax to require parentheses
  • 75274: Swift Compatibility: @convention(block) doesn't compile
  • 75133: Swift Compatibility: allow more than one var isn let (and var) decl
  • 75450: Swift compatibility: Allow selector in @objc attribute
  • 75374: Swift Compatibility: Cannot use inout in closure
  • 76036: Swift compatibility: failable .ctors are broken
  • 74911: Swift compatibility: Foundation: if let needs to allow providing a type
  • 74908: Swift Compatibility: Foundation: typealias needs to be allowed inside funcs
  • 74910: Swift Compatibility: Foundation: multiple patterns in a case statement
  • 75200: Swift Compatibility: honor non-mutability on 'let' struct vars
  • 76089: Swift Grand Rename: Foundation.String hides Sugar.String
  • 76504: Swift Grand Rename: can't call renamed function even though CC shows it
  • 76024: Swift Grand Rename: CC on NSArray sometimes shows swift-field names, in C#
  • 76269: Swift Grand Rename: ensure proper handling when using a renamed name to implement an interface
  • 76256: Swift Grand Rename: Go to Definition and CC show wrong data
  • 76013: Swift Grand Rename: HI metadata has prefix of first parsmeter set to same as the method name
  • 76258: Swift Grand Rename: HI passed id to MakeSwifty instead of the real type name, sometimes
  • 76026: Swift Grand Rename: HI: properties from categories aren't considered for MakeSwifty.
  • 76035: Swift Grand Rename: HI: regression: first param prefixes for imported methods are actually broke worse now (uppercase URL shouldn't be changed to uRL)
  • 76255: Swift Grand Rename: inconsistencies when overriding using Oxygene
  • 76254: Swift Grand Rename: lets me override the same method twice, using old and new syntax
  • 76023: Swift Grand Rename: Regression: calls to non-renamed methods get badly mapped as if swiftified. sometimes.
  • 76016: Swift Grand Rename: Regression: local funcs hide property
  • 76505: Swift Grand Rename: renamed interface method doesn't hit
  • 76528: Swift Grand Rename: show warning if a renamed method matches on name, but there's a type mismatch.
  • 76320: Swift Grand Rename: still can't implement renamed interface members
  • 76305: Swift: "address of" & operator failing inconsistently
  • 76079: Swift: "E552 Convenience constructor cannot call base constructor" message is reversed
  • 76396: Swift: "Result type from lambda's or anonymous method does not match, expected "Void", but got "Void""
  • 75565: Swift: .ctors can be called with with prefix
  • 75335: Swift: 6 errors that do make sense
  • 74189: Swift: @noescape closures should not require "self." and optimize capture of self.
  • 76270: Swift: _ = doesn’t hide W47 method result is unused
  • 76085: Swift: Char becomes String when using with ?: operator
  • 75449: Swift: convenience init complains about not being initialized
  • 76153: Swift: DefaultStringType breaks Swift character literals
  • 76135: Swift: DefaultStringType: Sugar.String fails for let.
  • 76264: Swift: dynamicType() doesnt work
  • 75712: Swift: func keyword missing from CC list
  • 75548: Swift: guard let foo = try? results in Internal error: An item with the same key has already been added
  • 76071: Swift: an init() that throws should not fail on not initializing required fields?
  • 76408: Swift: annotation issue with var on Cooper
  • 75544: Swift: Array of Tuples shorthand notation produces: "variable" is used as a method error
  • 75846: Swift: bad name mangling for initWithFrame .ctor
  • 76688: Swift: Blank Page item template has C# code in it
  • 75963: Swift: C: inserts duplicate private keyword
  • 76372: Swift: Calling a Swift-renamed method fails at runtime
  • 76318: Swift: can't access error property w/o try
  • 75964: Swift: can't allow _ and an external name
  • 76106: Swift: can't build Fire with latest, various errors
  • 76049: Swift: can't call swiftified methods without a prefix on the first parameter
  • 76323: Swift: can't declare two globals that only differ in case
  • 73153: Swift: can't iterate over dictionary
  • 74339: Swift: can't pass wrapped nullable to write() even though it takes null, in theory.
  • 75702: Swift: can't use ! in string interpolation
  • 76192: Swift: can't use Range type as subscript parameter on String
  • 74066: Swift: can't use an enum as default value, if it also has "more fancy" items
  • 76086: Swift: can't use case with ...
  • 76369: Swift: cant call writeToURL with or without new try syntax
  • 75869: Swift: can’t define a type alias inside a static class
  • 76014: Swift: can’t return exit code from main() on Cooper
  • 75106: Swift: can’t use dynamicType & need to review type handling in general
  • 74037: Swift: can’t use throws/try! on Toffee and Cooper; no error when omitting try! on Echoes
  • 76389: Swift: CC adds escape ticks around self
  • 75512: Swift: CC doesn't show visibility keywords when typing at the front of one.
  • 76083: Swift: CC doesn't understand case .onQueue(let q): switch syntax
  • 75593: Swift: CC fails on "property is write only"
  • 76319: Swift: CC fails with "cannot safely cast to unknown type"
  • 75505: Swift: CC inside .ctor call shows properties
  • 75829: Swift: CC now inserts method signature badly
  • 76355: Swift: CC should add colon to Swift parameter (and change method icon)
  • 76412: Swift: CC should add space after ":" when inserting a parameter prefix
  • 75592: Swift: CC soft completion for this particular case
  • 76257: Swift: CC: shows external parameter as __parameterName
  • 75148: Swift: class can be used as boolean but doesn't support boolValue
  • 76324: Swift: Comparing chars to char literals fails, with Sugar
  • 75128: Swift: compiler doesn't enforce nullability on value types for Sugar.JsonValue .ctor.
  • 75334: Swift: compiler doesn't recognize init implemented for protocol
  • 76051: Swift: compiler doesnt see non-public type alias
  • 75212: Swift: compiler gets confused when a struct and class have same name, things it’s an extension
  • 76037: Swift: compiler gets confused with overloaded .ctors
  • 75713: Swift: completing an overridden func adds dupe code.
  • 75747: Swift: confusing CC when trying to add a method parameter prefix
  • 75845: Swift: confusing error on func call when only label is mismatched
  • 76554: Swift: confusing error when local-scope item hides type
  • 75870: Swift: confusing messages when a parameter prefix has a case mismatch
  • 75701: Swift: Cooper: can't access SBL-defined Int.max
  • 76094: Swift: crash on char/uint cast
  • 75943: Swift: crash with type inference
  • 75220: Swift: default constant value doesn't properly translate between projects
  • 76265: Swift: emit a warning if interface method is missing _
  • 75567: Swift: enum issue
  • 75956: Swift: error for "mismatched parameter label" on trailing closure
  • 76328: Swift: Extension methods don't work across projects, if they have an external first-parameter name
  • 74340: Swift: HI: support swift_name for importing ObjC APIs
  • 74625: Swift: Improper error for extension init
  • 76127: Swift: inconsistent errors about (bad) parameter prefix
  • 74849: Swift: initialization of resources is inserted with error in WinForms designer
  • 74092: Swift: interface on class extension fails on not finding the matching method
  • 76157: Swift: Internal Error in SBL
  • 76650: Swift: iOS Master/Detail template fails to compile
  • 76649: Swift: iOS UIActivity item template fails to compile
  • 76333: Swift: issues with missing parameter prefixes in Peet at Definition
  • 76266: Swift: LLVM crash
  • 75748: Swift: need "soft selection" when inserting _, redux.
  • 76411: Swift: no CC in closure until i type a character
  • 75395: Swift: no error when an overriding method doesn't match external names
  • 75300: Swift: odd error about inaccessible .ctor
  • 76356: Swift: override method list is too short
  • 75394: Swift: Oxygene can't call a Swift method with method with external name
  • 75763: Swift: Peek at Definition shows <init>
  • 75210: Swift: Protocols: curious "invalid cast" exception
  • 75215: Swift: Protocols: weird nullability mismatch error
  • 75423: Swift: refactoring sould insert the _ for parameter
  • 76173: Swift: Reformat after indented string indents badly
  • 75771: Swift: reformat indents lines after ;
  • 76108: Swift: regression from 76093 fix (?) causes NRE
  • 75419: Swift: regression with nullables
  • 75927: Swift: regression: Bogus "W47 method result is unused" in init()
  • 75464: Swift: regression: cannot use string in switch
  • 76138: Swift: Regression: partial classes no longer work if not all parts are marked
  • 75414: Swift: regression: two override problems
  • 76351: Swift: static funcs only sometimes need () to be called
  • 76407: Swift: still runtime crash with some renamed methods
  • 76093: Swift: Struct field turns nil
  • 76091: Swift: struct properties come thru as methods across fx boundaries
  • 75776: Swift: support for #show/#hide directives
  • 75973: Swift: syntax error if semicolon following computed property declaration
  • 75883: Swift: two problems with } hover info in do/catch
  • 76267: Swift: two problems with arrays of tuples
  • 76158: Swift: two very odd warnings that make no sense
  • 76075: Swift: warning that init() hides a method in base class
  • 76304: Swift: weird "no such overload"
  • 75856: Swift: weird error for anon assignment on Cooper
  • 75955: Swift: weird error for duplicate return
  • 75332: Swift: weird error when overriding generic method
  • 76299: Swift: Windows Forms: InitializeComponent regenerated with MainForm.Type
  • 76339: Swift: WinForms designers are broken for DA Swift samples
  • 74502: Swift: wrong & misleading "Convenience constructor cannot call base constructor" follow-up errors.
  • 74046: Swift: wrong error when using self in extension init
  • 76314: Swift: wrong prefix false in error message
  • 74043: Swift: wrong/confusing error when implementing iterator in nested function
  • 76276: Swift: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: SwiftString on Android when using Sugar or EUnit
  • 76065: Update all Swift templates to 3.0

Fixes and Improvements to Sugar

  • 75908: EUnit does not work properly on Android
  • 74954: Sugar needs to be able to pull libxml2 in automatically, on Cocoa
  • 76111: Sugar: Sugar.Linq namesspace mapping is broken (regression)
  • 76494: Sugar: NRE in Sugar.HttpResponse..ctor (if WebException had no Response)
  • 76015: Sugar: Regression: odd error about label mismatch on mapped static func
  • 76110: Sugar: static vs. member methods in mapped classes are broken
  • class method Folder.GetSubfolders
  • Convert.ToString didn't show leading 0 for doubles < 1` on Cooper
  • DefaultStringType attribute was missing
  • StringBuilder.AppendLine() was broke for nil
  • ToString changed to consistently return a native string, not Sugar.String, on all platforms,.
  • Added missing Operators for Sugar.String + Object
  • Better HttpException
  • Fix for sqlite3_ vs. sqlite
  • Fix for String.PadEnd on Toffee
  • Fixed static methods on File and Folder
  • Improvements to Sugar.String from DelphiRTL work
  • Made Http.GetContentAs*Synchronous public
  • Made PlatformString public
  • More static overloads on File
  • New Convert.TryToDouble, TryToInt64 and TryToInt32 methods
  • New constructor to Dictionary
  • New static versions of String.Equals.
  • Recursion in operator Binary.Implicit with latest compiler
  • Regression: (Last)IndexOf(char) was broken for Toffee

Fixes and Improvements to Delphi RTL

  • This is the first release to include the Delphi RTL library.


New in the "August 2016" Release, Version 8.3.95 (Build .2031)

(Built: August 18, 2016)

Fixes and improvements in Core Elements

  • 75434: "Internal error: Unknown type passed to GetFxType"
  • 75162: "Invalid constant reference" error compiling extension method for pointer type on Cocoa
  • 75942: .NET: Add new item should not contain iOS item
  • 74906: .NET: DataSet/DataTable debugger custom viewer not working
  • 75243: #if ELEMENTS directive can only be used on the first line
  • 74716: /quiet switch for Elements.exe
  • 75337: @ToString complains about nonexistent parameters
  • 75103: case does not behave properly inside inline
  • 75146: coalesce() infers type badly (if the type is clear but nullability differs)
  • 75403: defer inside a closure
  • 75296: Adding interfaces to (external) types with extension types
  • 75346: Android: API level warnings don't trigger inside closures
  • 75409: Android: App doesn't start
  • 75286: Android: badly parsed warning when referencing android-support-v7-appcompat
  • 75344: Android: Can't build Android app "target CooperAndroidBeforeCompile: Input string was not in a correct format."
  • 75428: Android: Can't set a Swift string as a TextView's text
  • 75234: Android: CC on is not working
  • 75378: Android: dex error in SBL
  • 75463: Android: E0 error compiling code
  • 75193: Android: Expression bodied operator + Indexer = VerifyError
  • 75222: Android: Inefficient generated code for simple if condition on Android (part 1)
  • 75281: Android: just chasing a layout doesn't update the .apk
  • 75357: Android: Oxygene array decl form breaks mapped method parameters on Android
  • 75373: Android: Skipping target "CooperAndroidBeforeCompile" because its outputs are up-to-date.
  • 75608: Android: VS2015 crash when debug Android app
  • 75138: Android: “Appcompat” project, long build time
  • 75343: Android: “No such static member” on the R class
  • 75460: Are aspects available to UWP applications?
  • 75204: Attribute, mapped and event - Internal error: Type Mismatch
  • 75239: Attributes for properties aren’t written out properly sometimes on nougat
  • 67086: Bad tooltip for a constant definition
  • 75557: Bad Type Inference for tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(CC hint)
  • 75221: Bogus error trying to call length in an static extension method.
  • 75021: Broken and inconsistent nullability info in generated .h file for FireBaseLibrary
  • 75139: Bug in array dim comparison
  • 75323: Bug Resolving Echoes references where hintpath was ignored for sugar.
  • 75407: C#: GetTextDefinition doesn't get value for constant
  • 75173: C#: Odd CC errors.
  • 75223: C#: rename file broken
  • 74807: CC fails on "unresolved generic", but code compiles ok
  • 75504: CC in type doesn't show inherited interfaces
  • 75324: CC Model has Syntax Errors for interpolated strings
  • 75191: CC: No CC after a "complex" with statement
  • 74601: CC: Support for list of known conditional defines in CC
  • 75218: Cocoa: BAD_ACCESS when using "result :=" in ctor style ctor
  • 75518: Cocoa: Changes to the SDK picker for "OS X" vs “macOS"
  • 75033: Cocoa: compiler allows assigning nullable struct to non-nullable
  • 75444: Cocoa: HI: failures for Xcode 8 SDKs
  • 75084: Cocoa: MSBuild ProcessAssetCatalogs does not respect out of date of input/outputs properly when building
  • 75327: Cocoa: NSDate & NSArray get confused with extension types
  • 75354: Cocoa: Simulator architecture picker is broken
  • 74759: Cocoa: Support initializing (NS)Set with a [] literal / arrayLiteralConvertible does't work
  • 75227: Completing open { inserts lots of whitespace
  • 75225: Completion eats last line
  • 75263: CoreDebug: support passing environment vars
  • 75707: CrossBox: FxGen was missing from inside CrossBox
  • 75102: Default struct and parameter declarations
  • 75115: Deploy stdole.dll to CrossBox folder, because Windows 10 keeps deleting it
  • 75247: Deployment is incorrect after unload/reload Android project on VS 2015
  • 75124: Doesn't show in CC inside select
  • 74745: Don't allow await in .ctors and nested methods
  • 75288: EUnit reference is added twice
  • 75265: EUnit template projects broken for both Android and plain Java (template fixes)
  • 75096: Go to Definition should return message when outside #ifdef
  • 75120: Go to Definition: Add path of file in metadata
  • 75280: Illegal Format Conversion Exception in string literals containing UInt
  • 74897: Inlined method with generic ref parameters cause problems
  • 75441: Installer: Use InnoSetup's gacinstall instead of gacinstall.exe
  • 75358: Internal Error (E0) in latest build
  • 75317: Internal error and a weird error on generics
  • 74755: Internal error in SBL when readLn() is inlined
  • 75313: Internal error with an error on property accessor
  • 74758: Invalid hover info for } on undefined code
  • 75878: Item templates have overlapping names
  • 75194: Java: [ToString] aspect fails on Cooper only
  • 75399: Java: confusing error on anonymous class
  • 75326: Java: internal errors when attempting to add an uppercase ToString Extension
  • 75160: Java: reference paths property pages shows error
  • 75283: Java: switch on nil string crashes with NRE
  • 75267: Mapped and Class of problem: Not implemented as required for interface "IDesignLibrary"
  • 75197: Method tip: Wrong syntax for Swift methods with selector
  • 75108: NRE in BaseTypeToCodeGenerator.CreateProperty
  • 75928: NRE in Calculator sample(Silver)
  • 75233: NRE in GetTypeFromTypeReference method
  • 75320: NRE when press Enter in empty file
  • 75044: Nullable array extension method causes InvalidProgramException
  • 72886: Option to show implicit “to non-null” casts as warnings
  • 75291: Oxidizer: code doesn't seem to import correctly
  • 75487: Oxidizer: Java to Oxygene misses @Override
  • 75500: Oxidizer: Java to Oxygene: Generic parameters should not be empty
  • 75360: Oxidizer: Java to Oxygene: ignore ASCII symbols
  • 75498: Oxidizer: Java to Oxygene: problem with cast in particular testcase
  • 75501: Oxidizer: Java to Oxygene: returns only one const
  • 75493: Oxidizer: Java to Oxygene: single constructor with parameters gets things confused
  • 75490: Oxidizer: Java to Oxygene: The 'not equals' is converted badly
  • 75438: Oxidizer: Java->Swift cant handle @Override(testcase)
  • 75282: Oxidizer: Java->Swift loses half the code
  • 75359: Oxidizer: Paste C# as Oxygene problem
  • 75338: Oxygene: calls non-extension-method with different case even when using «»
  • 75362: Pass expression multidim/singledim array indexes as 0 based, not Oxygene indexes
  • 75377: Passing local to expression tree should make it into a block var
  • 75121: Peek at Definition gets error instead of definition
  • 75072: Peek at Definition useless when a block parameter doesn't have the right signature (or is still missing)
  • 74824: Peek at Definition: crash when assembly cant be resolved
  • 75366: Problem with highlighting for breakpoints
  • 75208: Problem with syntax highlighting 1
  • 75209: Problem with syntax highlighting 2
  • 75926: Problems with Remoting sample (Oxygene/.NET)
  • 75073: R.Java->R.pas conversion fails on attached file
  • 75238: Regression in label with for/while loops
  • 75306: Regression: can't build Fire/ROCG in latest develop
  • 75345: Regression: can't build FireDA: Make Elements prefer non extension methods to extension methods on OSX.
  • 75372: Regression: E209 Generic parameter "T" for this method call could not fully be resolved
  • 75315: Regression: LLVM IE building SBL
  • 75136: Support for extension classes on interfaces
  • 75186: Tentative __extension support in C#
  • 75159: Terribly confusing errors when using keyword as identifier
  • 75190: Trying to work out how to use GetAttributesForProperty
  • 75276: Tuple causing crash at runtime
  • 75226: Typing interface in C# emits }
  • 75578: VS adds bad hint path when SDK is "macOS"
  • 75478: VS Studio is Crashed by an uncaught exception from RemObjects.Elements.Toffee.dll during build
  • 75496: VS: Import files: Need to set UTF8 header
  • 75352: VS: Rename file and syntax highlighting problem
  • 75538: VS: Toffee Migration
  • 75585: VS: Trying to change File Properties Build action fails
  • 75268: VS: Unload project and Visual Studio crash
  • 75627: VS: Visual Studio crashes if incorrect CrossBox data was entered
  • 75308: W37 Obsolete error message string is misleading
  • 75224: When completing, casing should matter in CC
  • 75032: WinForms designer fails on some forms
  • 75217: Wrong Bracket highlighting on swift
  • 75169: Wrong indent after lock
  • 74986: Xcode sync should add error in Class.h file when error

Improvements to Silver & Swift

  • 73982: Swift 3.0: Better Translation of Objective-C APIs Into Swift (Prep work)
  • 74423: Swift 3.0: Modernizing Swift's Debugging Identifiers (SE-0028)
  • 73978: Swift 3.0: Remove C-style for-loops with conditions and increments
  • 73977: Swift 3.0: Remove the ++ and -- operators
  • 74781: Swift 3.0: Replacing Equal Signs with Colons For Attribute Arguments (SE-0040)
  • 75178: Swift 3.0: SE-0071: Allow (most) keywords in member references
  • 74944: Swift compatibility: Foundation: support for contained (protocol) extensions
  • 74774: Swift Compatibility: Prefix operator overloading can not be implemented
  • 75264: Swift's try? results in corrupted .jar: catch (Object var10) instead of Throwable
  • 75341: Swift/Java: adding any interface to a struct via extension requires implementing equals and hashCode.
  • 75074: Swift/Java: can't declare a write-only property
  • 75244: Swift: "Duplicate Method" in Protocol Implementation for Swift Struct Types in Extension
  • 75262: Swift: ..< gives wrong result in for loop
  • 75406: Swift: Void vs. () on Cooper
  • 75195: Swift: bad CC inside ctor call
  • 75211: Swift: bad indent on reformat
  • 75161: Swift: bad reformat for catch clause
  • 75401: Swift: Build fails on ?: operator
  • 74103: Swift: can't find (one specific) extension method on ISequence
  • 75284: Swift: can't overload global func on parameter names
  • 74693: Swift: can't overload interface methods by secondary names
  • 74096: Swift: can't use override in enum
  • 75322: Swift: Can't use Extensions to apply Protocols
  • 75351: Swift: Cannot use anonymous variable label with if let
  • 75301: Swift: can’t call custom unary - operator
  • 75248: Swift: CC fails for a reason, but has bogus "variable expected" messages in the error list
  • 75205: Swift: CC for Self inserts instancetype
  • 75249: Swift: CC NREs after malformed if let clause
  • 75144: Swift: CC/CM confused by shortcut enums, and not seeing extension methods?
  • 75203: Swift: compatibility: don't actually allow default when declaring a default parameter.
  • 75299: Swift: compiler confused about typealias in protocol
  • 75325: Swift: compiler fails to match interface implementation in Extension
  • 75158: Swift: confusing errors for mere missing () in for loop
  • 75448: Swift: convenience init cannot be required
  • 75449: Swift: convenience inits complain about not being initialized
  • 75361: Swift: Form Designer is broken
  • 75285: Swift: lots of internal errors in latest SBL
  • 75196: Swift: more bad CC, "variable expected"
  • 74731: Swift: Nougat .ctors can be called with with prefix (CC is wrong too)
  • 75259: Swift: optimize for ... and for ..< loops even if the left and right side is more complex
  • 75213: Swift: Protocols: can't extend CGContext(Ref)
  • 75214: Swift: Protocols: IE if protocol extension AND protocol define the same method
  • 75350: Swift: reformat messes up switch
  • 75464: Swift: regression: cannot use string in switch
  • 75278: Swift: renewal app crashes with bad IL
  • 75339: Swift: show proper message for missing () even inside writeLn()
  • 75236: Swift: simple ..< and ... loops should be optimized to use for/to internally
  • 75347: Swift: support if #available() for Android API checks
  • 75228: Swift: terrible error recovery for (now un-allowed) default
  • 74041: Swift: warning for "as" cast that should be known safe

Features & Enhancements in Fire

  • Android: Better support for .gradle files, and for setting Gradle path in Preferences
  • Android: Gradle references in IDE
  • Android: ”Live" folders for ./res (wip)
  • Create .xip file distro
  • Debug: Use coloring in Debug Console to distinguish StdOut from Debugger messages
  • Debug: red coloring for exceptions in console
  • Debug: Re-enabled Exception info popup.
  • Option to show compiler/framework-provided defines in Conditional Defines Manager window.

Fixes in Fire

  • Adjustment for changed enums in macOS 10.12 SDK Beta 2
  • Android: "Signing (Java)" project setting was broken
  • Android: More tweaks for redirecting error messages reported on /obj to the real file; show files from /obj as read-only if redirect doesn't work.
  • Android: AndroidPackMultidex option
  • Android: references should always be added as "copy local" (except for android.jar)
  • Android: “Predex” project setting
  • Arguments were quoted badly when passed to debugee
  • Build: Only build active .exe project (and libraries) for Run, Test, Deploy & Co.
  • Debug Console and Peek at Definition had light background, even on the dark theme
  • Debug: CoreDebug doesn't set working dir, for Cocoa/macOS
  • Debug: Could not copy Watches to clipboard properly.
  • Debug: Enforce a linefeed before debugLog() messages, if there wasn't one already (fix)
  • Debug: Exception view could get too large
  • Debug: More consistent support for passing args and env to debugee.
  • Debug: show error in UI, if Locals could not be retrieved forma stack frame; don't show locals i red, when selected;
  • Debug: Watches/Locals: automatically drill in to show nested properties of some types, such as XmlElement
  • Don't strike-out "missing" file if it's generated
  • Editor: __extension keyword for C#
  • Editor: C# Syntax colorer did not handle using \ to escape curly braces in interpolated string.
  • Editor: Don't save BOM header for .gradle files
  • Editor: Slight refactoring and improvements to number syntax highlighting
  • Editor: ”e” or "p" would badly highlight as number when preceded by a number and then space.
  • Files would sometimes show erroneously "(spaces)" during initial load of project
  • FireDA: no more _Events files in RO/.NET (don't generate them, delete them on update)
  • Fix for files w/o any indents being treated as "use spaces, not tabs"
  • Fix for how non-default configuration names get written into SLN
  • Fix for pathRelativeToURL now working reliability due to comparing Objects, not Strings
  • Fix for regression in number syntax highlighting.
  • Fix for size warnings in main window .xib on macOS Sierra
  • Improvements to how Fire handles projects with "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU'"
  • Include EUnit binaries in Fire, as well.
  • Latest Dash doc set for Cocoa uses "apple" prefix
  • License display tweaks for project licenses (missing ".")
  • MangleTypeNames project options for Cocoa
  • NRE-proofing in CodeCompletionResultWrapper.insertPlainText
  • Potential NRE in Conditional Defines manager
  • Project settings: DefaultsProviderClass supersedes platformSupport.defaultValueForSetting
  • Rebranding: Nougat -> Toffee
  • Rebranding: OS X -> macOS
  • Removed annoying VDKQueue log message
  • Removed workaround for 75519
  • Show proper "nil" vs. value in debug evaluation for nullable value types (.NET only for now)
  • Support for "CR" line break style in files (and upgrade to all-CRLF on save, if mixed)
  • Support for "macOS" SDK naming
  • Support for /.../ comment highlighting in Oxygene
  • Support for SF Mono as editor font
  • Swift: fileprivate keyword
  • Updated list of Cocoa Deployment Target versions for settings pickers
  • Use two spaces for CodeDom calls (.resx, .settings) in Oxygene

Improvements to Sugar

  • 75265: Fire: EUnit template projects broken for both Android and plain Java (invalid cast error)
  • 75754: SQLiteQueryResult has no column names
  • Convert.ToString(, aDigitsAfterDecimalPoint) did not (a) properly force digits if they were zero on Cooer and Toffee, and (b) work properly if asking for no digits, on Cooper.
  • Path,GetParentDirectory should not return "..."
  • Sugar.Linq namespace fixes
  • Can't load a Json string that's not an object. Tweaks to Json parsing.
  • Convert.ToString(, aDigitsAfterDecimalPoint) had problems on Java
  • Cooper: no result from To*TimeString
  • Expanded Sugar.Environment (true OS property from MonoHelpers; CompilerMode and CompilerSubMode)
  • Fix for Convert.ToString(Double)
  • Fix for HTTP on Nougat to always call callback on tread to not block the NSURLSession
  • HTTP: Catch exception while accessing ResponseCode; better ToString() for Request
  • Invariant string upper/lower-casing and comparisons.
  • More mappings on Locale and TimeZone
  • New DateTime.DayOfWeek
  • New Folder.GetFiles(aRecursive)
  • New PlatformString type alias
  • New Thread.Async
  • No , as thousands separator in Invariant conversions, and in Json
  • Some cleanup for Xml API
  • Upper-case ToString and Equals on Cooper
  • Workaround for `ID1 not being accessible.
  • workaround for issue in 8.3


New in the "May 2016" Release, Version 8.3.93 (Build .1986)

(Built: May 2, 2016)

Features and Improvements in core Elements

  • 75052: ** (power) operator for Oxygene
  • 75030: VS: Introduce Build Out of Process global property
  • GetTargetSDKType 10x speed improvements

Fixes in core Elements

  • 75130: "Error: Invalid constant reference" build failure
  • 75029: += fails on struct member (only if in closure)
  • 73242: <= and >= operators don't give expected results when comparing nil strings (Java)
  • 74757: @objc shows as @AnyObject in PeekAtDef
  • 75125: [ToString] doesn't work for Echoes, when Sugar is in uses
  • 75080: for each loops cause Gendarme warnings
  • 74977: new doesn't take in account namespace length when auto-inserting
  • 74919: Android Widget Attribute Code Completion in layout-xml (reverted 74365)
  • 74130: Array should not be compatible with static array on Cocoa.
  • 74935: Bug: Make new string resource states it is already there
  • 75005: C# CC fails on missing ( after if, but with wrong error
  • 75086: C# hover info on closing } for new array is wrong
  • 75015: C#: bad error recovery for missing name in property decl
  • 74984: C#: CC parser doesn't seem to know var keyword
  • 75006: C#: internal error on missing ( after if
  • 74806: C#: Overzealous "field not assigned" warning
  • 75081: C#: regression: lost recovery when missing ; and compiler things its a multi-part method call
  • 75035: Call stack contains unknown methods
  • 75040: Can't convert Java code to Awift with switch statement using String
  • 75059: CC broken on nested calls on NSURL
  • 75087: CC fails on IBObject (in different file), if Foundation is used only via Default Uses Clause project setting
  • 75085: CC rendered useless by invalid identifier at current token.
  • 74813: CC wrong if a method is following new
  • 74865: CC/Go to Definition: Bogus "Attribute IBObject not allowed here" errors in CC or Go to Definition
  • 74936: CC: inconsistent CC and still (inconsistent) errors about IBObject
  • 75008: Compile error for do..while loop on Android
  • 74846: Complete Class for operator loses result
  • 75020: Complete Class insert code at the wrong place
  • 75101: Debug: index out of range
  • 75105: Doubles get packaged badly for dynamics params array
  • 75064: Elements.exe ignores --refpath when there's a hint path
  • 75063: Elements.exe resolves relative paths from current dir, not from project dir (Echoes only)
  • 75025: Finalizer in nested class bug
  • 74963: Fix failing testcases: stable
  • 75126: Fix for optimization
  • 74877: Fix test case in Oxidizer (Cs to Swift) and small cleaning code
  • 75083: Fix-it for case fixes wrong thing
  • 75031: For loop with continue hangs at the end
  • 75057: Go to Definition and GetDefText is not shown for ForEach statement
  • 75066: Go to Definition doesn't work on type of var
  • 75028: Go to Definition Refactoring
  • 74994: Go to Definition returns empty text in particular test case
  • 75043: Go to Definition shows "abstract" for interface members
  • 75112: Honor project setting for default encoding for Swift files in VS
  • 75053: issues with duck typing
  • 75016: Need to fix 3 test cases in CodeSolution
  • 75088: Need to fix test case ImplementInterfaceSwift.Issue74127_part2
  • 74916: Cocoa: MKMapRectMake & Co macros broken
  • 74981: Cocoa: BAD_ACCESS newing up Sugar<List>
  • 74871: Cocoa: Duplicated items in code completion
  • 74582: Cocoa: No warning when passing a non-object "native array" to a %@ format string
  • 74847: Cocoa: RaiseNullReferenceException cuts off the stack again :(
  • 74996: NRE in GetTypeFromTypeReference method
  • 75065: NRE in Rename
  • 74886: Operator error +=
  • 74928: Oxidizer (C# to Oxy): problems with enum
  • 74894: Oxidizer (Obj to Swif) returns wrong code for *const
  • 74682: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxy): problem with Bitwise Operators <<= and >>=
  • 74899: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxy): problem with FOUNDATION_EXPORT
  • 74829: Oxidizer: C# -> Swift. Event definition is converted with error
  • 74832: Oxidizer: C# -> Swift. Subscribe on event should be inserted as +=
  • 74878: Oxidizer: Cast exception
  • 74880: Oxygene 8.3 no longer compiles code that uses a custom aspect
  • 74990: Oxygene: Properties appearing in method implementation CC
  • 74773: OxygeneBinderException
  • 74826: Peek at Definition: GenerateDefinition returns empty
  • 75022: Peek at Definition: shows `override1 for interface members
  • 74917: PeekAtDef shows MKMapRectMake() parameters as n nullable. they aren't
  • 74943: PeekAtDefinition doesn't include interface ancestors
  • 74767: Problem with brackets in autocompletion
  • 74788: Problem with class completion
  • 74739: Problem with parsing hex numbers: System.ArgumentException
  • 74784: Problem with renaming a variable in anonymous method
  • 75123: Redundant/Confusing error when passing valid type to method expecting unknown type
  • 75018: Reformat: bad reformat with previous statement was wrapped/indented
  • 75013: Reformat: still bad indent for pasting in a wrapped line
  • 74901: Regression: dispatchgetmain_queue() is zero again :(
  • 74837: Silent failure and poor error messages in Oxidizer
  • 75115: stdole.dll needed for to CrossBox, on newer Windows 10 builds
  • 74965: Storyboard fxies.
  • 75003: String interpolation bug
  • 75004: Sugar: [ToString] attribute to apply on methods
  • 74548: Sugar: compiler gets confused between mapped and underlying type.
  • 75049: Two issues with oxidizer
  • 75051: Using Complete Class on extension class gives bad result
  • 75032: Winforms designer fails on some forms
  • 74740: Wrong error in CC on particular testcase
  • 74750: Wrong indentation in Swift
  • 74965: Xcode Sync UI no longer working(testcase)
  • 74122: “Enter” in the middle of an XML comment is not working correctly
  • Bitcode fixes.
  • Build and ship Sugar.Data
  • tvOS support: default certificate name changed

Improvements to Silver & Swift

  • 74939: Swift case enum in enum itself gives odd errors
  • 74887: Swift CC: don't show func keyword in override CC after func
  • 74884: Swift CC: don't show override keyword in CC after var keyword
  • 74883: Swift CC: don't show snippets after "override var"
  • 74876: Swift CC: Show CC override subscript items after subscript keyword
  • 74985: Swift Compatibility: willSet (and didSet?) should not be called when setting a property from init
  • 74896: Swift Compatibility: Foundation: allow init in enums
  • 74895: Swift Compatibility: Foundation: allow throws on init()
  • 74892: Swift Compatibility: Foundation: allow lower visibility for extensions
  • 74953: Swift compatibility: Foundation: arrays need to be initialize able with a "..."
  • 74898: Swift Compatibility: Foundation: can't new up an array of self
  • 74941: Swift Compatibility: Foundation: cant see type aliases defined in an extension (in same file even)
  • 74946: Swift compatibility: Foundation: weird error on interface ancestry list
  • 69641: Swift Compatibility: implicit init? and init! initializers
  • 74882: Swift compiler hangs on valid code
  • 73957: Swift enums don't allow custom rawValues
  • 74933: Swift parser doesn't recognize subscript after override keyword
  • 75071: Swift/Cooper: compiler confused about abstract vs overridable methods.
  • 75076: Swift: no warting own unreachable code after fallthrough
  • 74869: Swift: "__reintroduce"
  • 75127: Swift: "Cannot access members on wrapped nullable type Sugar.DateTime?", even though i'm using ?.
  • 74914: Swift: "previous declaration was here" w/o line info
  • 75129: Swift: oldValue is wrong in didSet
  • 74978: Swift: throws methods don't return proper result
  • 74648: Swift: Add support for : Type in "for in" loop
  • 75079: Swift: Bad reformat in catch{}
  • 75078: Swift: Bogus "Case for identifier ".ctor" does not match original case "init"" in CodeGen4
  • 74999: Swift: Can't iterate over Sugar or .NET dictionary with tuple
  • 74780: Swift: CC after func inserts duplicate func keyword, and baldy-wrapped }
  • 74786: Swift: CC: bad CC on var name
  • 74938: Swift: CC: weird "there's no ctor with this overload) error when completing said .ctor
  • 74969: Swift: compiler can't see nested associated type from associated type
  • 74809: Swift: compiler doesn't see enum member when using shortcut syntax
  • 74968: Swift: compiler ignores undefined associated type (Self.whatever)
  • 74885: Swift: Dereferencing values
  • 74891: Swift: Dictionary literally cant be passed as id
  • 74112: Swift: erroneous "method does not return value"
  • 74866: Swift: imported enum in switch cases forces me to handle each value twice
  • 74094: Swift: interfaces on enums
  • 74907: Swift: internal error on __FILE__
  • 75067: Swift: misleading error when missing name prefix in .ctor call
  • 74934: Swift: Nested do catch shows duplicate variable problem
  • 74889: Swift: new-style enum [.a,.b] combination gets inferred type as array
  • 75024: Swift: nil CC result for an entire file; no errors in Errors list
  • 74937: Swift: PeekAtDef shows parameters as nullable, they aren't.
  • 74888: Swift: reformat gets confused badly by closures
  • 74794: Swift: Review and fix templates
  • 74101: Swift: still two issues with try!
  • 74945: Swift: wrong type name in error message about associatedtype not being set

Features & Enhancements in Fire

  • GTD now works between projects in there same solution
  • New "Convert to Tabs" context menu option on files that should have tabs, but don't
  • New "Find at Cursor" shortcut, ?E and Shift?E
  • New shortcut: Use ??-Up/Down to move between build messages in the same file
  • New shortcuts for "Add Breakpoint..." and "Remove all Breakpoints"
  • New ”Copy all Messages" menu item
  • References: Dragging a shared project reference should update Hint Path for existing reference
  • References: Mark conditional References with a ~
  • Search: Add search content to system-wide find pasteboard too.
  • Support for "Deploy w/o running" for Android apps

Fixes in Fire

  • "Reveal in Finder" did not work for paths with ".."
  • "Show Swift" option for reference showed when there was a .cs file but no .swift file.
  • Adding an already existing reference should update/add Hint Path
  • Adjust message selected in jump bar when moving left/right between messages in the editor and when cursoring up/down between lines/messages
  • Adjustments for changed default profile names for tvOS
  • After browsing for source for a debug symbol, view should update & switch to that source file right away
  • Allow Shift-Esc to show CC error list even when CC works
  • Always show the (non-first) selected message even when the cursor isn't on that line.
  • Apply "related ranges" for CC; preserve cursor when applying ^C changes
  • Avoid extra call to _managedProject.ProjectSettingsModified on initial load, should speed up things.
  • Bad/mangled debug symbol paths when file was compiled on Windows
  • Better bug reports for CC, GoToDef and PeekAtDef
  • Build Message cache would sometimes not persist across restart
  • Build Message View did not update when switching between different messages reported on the same non-source file.
  • CC & Co now update immediately to adding/removing a shared project reference
  • Changed shortcut: use ??L to toggle between inline short long error message.
  • Don't save files with tabs, if they didn't contain any tabs when loaded
  • Don’t draw message count if it gets isn the way of the cursor
  • Dragging a shared project should drag both the .elements and the .projitems file
  • Elements-special messages (such as Hints) came thru as generic "Warning" when external compiler did not match internal one
  • Fix up errors messages rerouted on /obj/* back the the real file, it exists outside of /obj (eg. for Android layout-xml errors)
  • Fresh Cross-platform EWLicense implementation
  • Hover info on end and else was not showing, as it did for }
  • Hover infos should always collapse to a single line
  • IDE should not resolve to internal references, when using external compiler
  • Ignore certain annoying internal Mono exceptions by default, when debugging .NET apps
  • Improvements to finding "whole word only" strings in files that also contain the search term as non-whole-word
  • Island: adjustment for finding references in architecture subfolders & other tweaks
  • More flexibly enable actions that require a "currently selected project", when current project is more ambiguous to determine
  • NRE fix for license check on close; managed project settings got updated on main thread, potential deadlock.
  • NRE-proofing in SolutionTreeController.indexPathForItemInJumpBar?
  • Options to sort build messages in different ways
  • Oxygene: tuple keyword was missing from highlighter
  • Potential NRE in Defines manager, with bad active configuration
  • Preserve cursor location and selection for undo actions better
  • Project settings tweaks, for CreateIPA and for Managed/Native debugging.
  • Show more than just one CC error message when CC fails
  • Show project location as path, not as URL
  • Skip re-deployment to iOS device on subsequent runs, if the .app bundle did not change.
  • Stop collecting build messages after 500
  • Swift: __reintroduce\ keyword (CodeDom and Fire syntax highlighter)
  • Syntax highlighter: support for interpolated strings in C#; ignore escape chars in @-strings

Improvements to Sugar

  • Consistent DateTime formatting string patterns
  • DateTime: New ToShortDateString and ToShortTimeString members
  • File.DateModified/DateCreated; DateTime.TimeSince
  • File: New DateModified and DateCreated and TimeSince members
  • Fixed deployment target for tvOS
  • Http.ExecuteRequest did not properly report back all exceptions, on Java
  • Json: additional cast operators, nullability annotations, API cleanup and new .ctors
  • JsonDocument should allow non-Object roots
  • New Convert.ToString(Double) overload
  • New String .ctor overload.
  • Path: GetFileNameWithoutExtension returned full path, instead of just the filename
  • Silver: Can't iterate over Sugar dictionary with tuple
  • Sugar.dll shook be versioned with Elements
  • TimeZone support
  • Url: New GetParentUrl and GetSubUrl methods


New in the "March 2016" Release, Version 8.3.91 (Build .1964)

(Built: March 25, 2016)

Features and Enhancements

  • 74653: inline method optimizations
  • 74585: Upgrade .target imports on project load
  • 74491: Update cooper.jar and Echoes.dll referents on projects load in VS
  • 74358: New and improved "Elements.exe" command line compiler
  • 74334: Implement "yield" in Oxidizer
  • 74325: Cocoa: perform "ar"/"lipo" locally for static libraries
  • 74288: Build Java vs. Android in different obj/ temp dirs
  • 74156: Rename com.remobjects.elements.rtl.jar to cooper.jar — phase 1
  • 74154: Move echoes/cooper/Cocoa special metadata to fx
  • 74113: Implement readLn() Compiler Magic Function
  • 74036: Can't use Obsolete(, true) on Java
  • 73926: VS: Expose "min version" drop down for Android
  • 73809: Cocoa: .o output support
  • 73788: MacPack support for .dylibs
  • 73783: Gradle and .aar dependencies for Elements (Java)
  • 73756: Support inline properties.
  • 73731: Expose new options for Android
  • 73727: Android incremental/multidex support
  • 73659: async/await on Cocoa
  • 73658: async/await on Java
  • 73442: Change dropdowns to use new Codegen4
  • 71351: ASP.NET 4.5 and 5 templates (DNX)
  • 71351: ASP.NET 5 templates (Web Forms)
  • 71165: Cocoa attributes
  • Experimental command line compiler support for Linux
  • Support for iOS 9.3, tvOS 9.2 and watchOS 2.2
  • Vast improvements to Oxidizer

Features and Enhancements to Fire since Preview 2

  • Helpful error messages when CC or Go to Definition fails
  • New "Managed Conditional Defines" dialog
  • New "Managed Namespaces" dialog
  • New "Verify Bitcode" option
  • New Project Picker the invoking editor smarts in shared projects
  • Option to not show build start/end notifications
  • Option to remove Hint Path
  • Option to toggle Hint Path between abolute and project-relative
  • Show details about reference’s Hint Paths
  • Show metadata hover info for "}" and "end"
  • Show proper error message when CC or Go to Definition fails
  • Show warning message when no debug symbols were found for current device's iOS version
  • Sync version numbers between Cocoa projects and extensions
  • Vast performance improvements in all areas
  • Vastly improved Dark Theme

Features and Enhancements to Swift

  • 74323: Swift 2.2: Referencing the Objective-C selector of a method (#selector())
  • 74299: Swift 2.2: Swift Language Version Build Configuration (#if swift(>=2.2))
  • 74299: Swift language extension: new #if elements(>=2.2) syntax
  • 74285: Swift Compatibility: @objc attribute needs to accept a type name
  • 74219: Swift language extension: ”__using"
  • 74180: Swift 2.2: Replace typealias keyword with associatedtype for associated type declarations
  • 74099: Swift: revise syntax for how generic parameters get inherited from base types and interfaces
  • 74064: Swift: allow types that implement Swift.(I)BooleanType interface to be used as booleans
  • 74026: Swift: need to allow more characters for operators
  • 73995: Swift Compatibility: @inline attribute
  • 73994: Swift Compatibility: "..." params syntax should be allowed not only for the last param
  • 73981: Swift 2.0: @nonobjc attribute.
  • 73980: Swift 2.0: Recursive enums with indirect keyword
  • 73976: Swift 2.2: Allow (most) keywords as argument labels
  • 73939: Swift language extension: “__lock"
  • 73687: Swift: need support for @noescape, @autoclosure attributes
  • 73600: Swift: make "self is required" a fixable error
  • 73470: Swift: odd "switch/case" syntax not supported
  • 60781: WCF Application templates (Swift)

Enhancements and Fixes to Sugar

  • .Missing ctor prefix in call to HttpWebResponse withException
  • .oxygene -> .elements
  • Better error message when Json parsing fails, hopefully
  • Consolidated "Cryptography/Utils" into "Convert"
  • constructor FileHandle was broke for Cocoa, when creating a new file
  • Convert.ToDoubleInvariant()
  • Convert.ToHexString was broken, as was Json encoding of ASCII entities > $7f
  • CreateFolder did not create parent folders recursively, on Cocoa
  • DateTime: Now should be UTC across all platforms
  • Dictionary keys/values should be a sequence, not an array
  • Enabled case warnings and Cross-Platform Mode (to hide first-letter case warnings)
  • File.Read*() was broken
  • Fixed Sugar.Data SQLite SQLiteHelpers.BindArgs column index
  • Folder and File support for WinRT and WindowsPhone
  • Folder APIs should use Lists, not arrays
  • Hide a known W28 warning
  • HTTP Allow setting headers
  • HTTP: AllowCellularAccess property (used on Cocoa only for now)
  • HTTP: fixes to DELETE and PATCH request methods
  • HTTP: Tweak for handling Codes > 300
  • Implemented ToOctalString/ToBinaryString; cleaned up ToHexString
  • Json: floats should always have a decimal point, so they'll the read back as floats again
  • Json: Floats with decimal point should always be READ as floats, too
  • Json: Integers should be more compatible with Floats; allow casting a floatValue to Single, not just Double.
  • Json: simplified API to allow access to all types of node data w/o casting, and better compatibility between float and int.
  • JsonArray helper methods
  • JsonDocument.FromFile was broken
  • JsonDocument: more API improvements
  • Made Convert.ToString more compatible with .NET
  • Made FolderUtils obsolete
  • Made static Path class more consistent
  • Made Sugar.IO.File more consistent
  • Made Sugar.IO.Folder more consistent
  • Make SQLite disposable on all platforms
  • More precise parameter name in Random
  • New .SLN with fewer projects to work in
  • Nullability annotations & fixes (wip)
  • Nullability annotations in File
  • Older WinRT API used for better build server compatibility
  • Remove post-build events
  • Several fixes for SQLite on Cocoa
  • Small fix to File
  • Sugar.Convert should be fully static
  • Sugar.HTTP: Don't cache (and we should add a flag, later)
  • Updates for latest compiler
  • Workaround for 74547: Mapped types: static methods can be called with class type as parameter


  • 74870: Swift: cannot handle "_" in delegate/block typealias
  • 74867: Swift designer: The type 'System.Windows.Forms.Form' has no property named 'components'.
  • 74862: Swift designer: Invalid parameter to 'new' call
  • 74861: Swift designer: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value
  • 74859: NRE in Swift WinForms designer
  • 74850: C#: WinForms Designer code is inserted without indent
  • 74849: Swift: Initialization of resources is inserted with error in designer
  • 74848: NRE in CsC (lockdown)
  • 74845: Wrong cursor position when double-clicking on button in WinForms Designer
  • 74843: Oxygene loses all properties in the designer
  • 74842: Cocoa: NRE building latest DocsGenHelper
  • 74839: Extensions mapped to anonymous classes
  • 74835: NRE compiling Java code
  • 74834: Swift: DataSet has designer code generated with errors (CodeDom issues)
  • 74828: Swift: components added twice in the autogenerated designer code
  • 74825: C#: Click event is added more and more after reopening UserControl
  • 74823: C#: Unsupported Expression type "System.CodeDom.CodeMethodReferenceExpression"
  • 74823: C#: Unsupported Expression type "System.CodeDom.CodeMethodReferenceExpression" (part 1)
  • 74822: C#: Unable to switch to codebehind on the Component
  • 74816: Unable to compile Oxygene WP 8.0 project
  • 74814: Swift: Extension class is recognised as component
  • 74811: Swift: Unable to work with WinForms designer
  • 74810: Swift: designer code is inserted with wrong indent
  • 74803: How to use “Accelerate” framework?
  • 74801: Add Error for GetBaseInfoAt method
  • 74798: Fix Complete Class testcase (Issue74578) in lockdown
  • 74794: Swift: Review and fix templates
  • 74793: Wrong placeholder names for partial methods
  • 74779: No CC to override methods in the end of file
  • 74778: Wrong CC in the end of file
  • 74777: Wrong error message for CC on enum
  • 74775: Swift: Internal error and problem with global initialization order
  • 74770: Complete Class create method without class name
  • 74766: Android: INSTALLFAILEDDEXOPT and MSB4044
  • 74765: Allow Tab key to auto-complete
  • 74764: VS: Can't modify Deployment target version of iOS project in VS 2015
  • 74761: Swift: CC does not show proper items on Swift.Array
  • 74748: Swift: CC doesn't show items for Swift enum in access array
  • 74747: Complete Class adds fTarget: FxTarget;
  • 74746: VS: Wrong language CodeDom is used for .designer.cs/.designer.swift
  • 74744: Cocoa: uncaught NRE when debugging iOS app w/o OS debug symbols
  • 74736: Test failure: Cirrus samples fail to build
  • 74730: CC: Swift CC shows multi-part name with () instead of :
  • 74725: Bug in java code
  • 74723: Oxidizer: Comment isn't generated after attributes
  • 74718: Swift: count() returns twice the items as length()
  • 74717: C# CC: no items for nullable type
  • 74714: Missing namespaces in CC
  • 74710: Wrong indentation for the partial string
  • 74709: Linker error when calling generic method in class mapped to class on iOS
  • 74708: Java VerifyError using inout parameter
  • 74707: Set codegen bug
  • 74706: Iterator compiler crash
  • 74705: “Extract Method” problem
  • 74704: CC: Swift: shows $New in CC list
  • 74703: CC: Swift: shows "init:" after func
  • 74701: CC: Swift: "length cannot be less than zero" on "func"
  • 74700: CC: Swift: shows crap members, in addition n to valid enum members, on "."
  • 74699: CC: shows on invalid var, until i type
  • 74698: CC: bad error message for unknown type
  • 74696: Swift: += is broken in latest (lockdown)
  • 74689: Test Failure: no count() on Swift/Java, even though its in SBL
  • 74688: Test Failure: Internal error in Swift Calculator Sample
  • 74685: Exception when opening a particular project
  • 74684: Can't apply "Lazy" attribute
  • 74683: Two boolean issues
  • 74677: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with Increment and Decrement Operators
  • 74675: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with ^= operator
  • 74674: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with |= operator
  • 74672: Swift: no CC on WithElement
  • 74669: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with &= operator
  • 74668: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with %= operator
  • 74667: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with /= operator
  • 74666: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with *= operator
  • 74666: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with -= operator
  • 74665: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene): problem with -= operator
  • 74664: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException in AndroidPack
  • 74663: Error E62 assigning to captured variable as it thinks it's type Void
  • 74660: CC: no proper CC for member
  • 74659: A very odd error (class refs)
  • 74657: Go to Definition doesn't work in particular testcase
  • 74656: Swift: cannot call String extension .ctor
  • 74655: Problem with Extension Methods
  • 74649: Oxidizer and generics
  • 74647: Complete Class completes "number range" to Int64
  • 74646: Cocoa: "error: Invalid record" when signature doesn't match between "number range" and Int64
  • 74641: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): problem with >>= operator
  • 74640: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): problem with <<= operator
  • 74639: Oxidizer (C# to Swift): += paste error
  • 74639: Oxidizer (C# to Swift): += paste error Testcase
  • 74638: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): problem with &= operator
  • 74637: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): problem with |= operator
  • 74636: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): problem with ^= operator
  • 74635: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): and %= operator
  • 74635: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): and %= operator Tests
  • 74634: Oxidizer and += -= etc
  • 74633: Swift CC: wrong CC on parameters
  • 74630: Oxidizer and virtual properties
  • 74629: Oxidizer and nested types
  • 74628: No member "FirstOrDefault"
  • 74626: Cannot assign structures to "Any" type
  • 74624: Error generating cocoa executable
  • 74618: Oxidizer tests failed
  • 74614: Swift: no proper CC for second half of mutli-part method call
  • 74611: Java issue with nullable inset
  • 74610: Oxidizer Import results less than expected
  • 74609: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): problem with /= operator
  • 74608: Swift: cannot overload property and func?
  • 74606: Swift: obscure error on @inline in CG4 with latest
  • 74605: CC on invalid code should give me an error message, not obscure options
  • 74603: Oxidizer: check suffixes u,l ul,f,d,m
  • 74602: Swift: CC shows "init" in places where it shouldn't
  • 74598: CC: Return parameter names for multipart items
  • 74597: Swift: Wrong CC on class name
  • 74596: Cannot compile LINQ query with array access in its condition (.NET 3.5)
  • 74595: Changing target .NET framework version crashes VS
  • 74594: Oxidizer and struct
  • 74593: Wrong CC for Swift partial methods
  • 74592: CC doesn't see defines from references
  • 74591: CC: return error message when ifdef is not defined
  • 74590: Redundant generated code in generic class on Android
  • 74589: Complete Class inserts already implemented methods for properties
  • 74588: Paren completion inserts bogus (
  • 74586: Swift: CC: Some global methods are missing in CC
  • 74579: No CC on "callback" on Cocoa
  • 74578: Complete Class doesn't complete properties any more
  • 74576: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): problem with += operator
  • 74575: Inconsistent CC in Swift
  • 74574: Swift: Wrong CC for parameters in constructor
  • 74572: ARC issue with NEW call.
  • 74570: Compiler NRE when dealing with a string based enum
  • 74568: Failed to use mapped class to System.WeakReference on .NET/UWP
  • 74566: Swift: no proper CC for enums after ".", unless there's characters typed
  • 74565: Swift: bad cursor location after CC for multi-part method
  • 74564: Cocoa: compiler lets me call non-existent method
  • 74561: Oxidizer and do while
  • 74560: Oxidizer and operator
  • 74558: Oxidizer and parameter modifiers
  • 74556: Swift: still can't use internal class in global main() code
  • 74555: Swift: didSet doesn't work
  • 74553: Swift: do/catch does not catch NSErrors
  • 74549: Enum type not recognised across package boundary: cannot assign "LibraryEnum!" to "Integer"
  • 74543: Reformat: Indent should stay as it is for undefined ifdefs
  • 74542: Bogus nullable warning when assigning new array
  • 74540: Bogus nullability warning, Cocoa only
  • 74536: Cooper: "Uncaught translation error: stack: underflow"
  • 74535: Swift: "signature for method doesn't match", Cooper only
  • 74534: Swift: no proper error when missing () for call side subscript accessor
  • 74532: Swift: bad CC in method call
  • 74528: I have cases where the "uses" doesn't seem to work
  • 74527: Hex code doesn't compile
  • 74526: CC wants to re-insert namespace, even though its present inline
  • 74525: Wrong CC in Swift
  • 74524: Swift: Create var doesn't work
  • 74523: C#: Create var doesn't work
  • 74519: Swift: bad error when calling a property with ()
  • 74518: VS: After renaming .cs file highlighting is missing
  • 74517: VS refuses to save files
  • 74516: Oxidizer cannot handle "uL" suffix on constant.
  • 74515: Oxidizer (Obj->Swift): NRE in particular testcase
  • 74514: Fix for interface mapped android sqlite
  • 74513: NRE in Go to Definition in 74512: Problem with using .swift in Echoes projects
  • 74512: Problem with using .swift in Echoes projects
  • 74511: NRE compiling existing project
  • 74510: Oxidizer Bugs
  • 74508: Sugar.String no longer assignment compatible with system.string ----- SIM exception
  • 74507: Mapped problem in last version
  • 74505: Swift: can not infer enum type after "?:"
  • 74504: Swift: type mismatch with dictionary literal and "?:"
  • 74503: Go to Definition should shown all definitions of partial class
  • 74499: Complete Class misses default value of method's parameter
  • 74496: Regression: Cocoa: internal error
  • 74495: Elements.exe can't resolve "android" without ".jar" extension
  • 74494: Regression: struct initializers return all zero, only when inlined.r
  • 74493: Regression: NSLog() warning bubbles out of inline method
  • 74490: Swift: four odd errors/warnings
  • 74489: Complete Class misses constructor's name
  • 74488: Swift: compiler allows for-each with tuple over incompatible type
  • 74487: Compiler and CC get confused about mapped vs real types, in slightly different ways
  • 74483: Post Build Event Macros not resolved
  • 74468: Oxidizer (ObjC to Swift) NRE in particular testcase
  • 74467: Two issues with Class Completion
  • 74466: Swift: "if let" turns Swift.Dictionary into NSMutableDictionary
  • 74464: Hide empty node in class view
  • 74462: Swift: CC inside closure adds self prefix for global consts
  • 74461: DropDown: NRE in CreateEvent method
  • 74460: VS: Launch with instruments is broken
  • 74458: Swift: no Go to Definition on a .ctor call the assigning to a "let" var
  • 74455: Can't "Go To Definition"
  • 74454: Can't call multi-part methods across .NET assembly boundaries
  • 74453: Cocoa: no warning for mismatched format string arguments, when using more complex placeholders
  • 74452: Regression: CG4 Extension Methods cant be found
  • 74451: Regression: BADACCESS in _SugarCollectionsList Add
  • 74450: App fails with cross-assembly multi-part name on NET, works on Mono
  • 74449: Swift: no CC for enum values after ".", unless there's already a letter typed
  • 74442: Extension completion generates inappropriate code
  • 74441: Build event macros
  • 74440: Refactor: Remove unused usings + System.Linq
  • 74439: Swift: cant use events in Cocoa: IE and weird error
  • 74438: Exception and return value in Locals panel
  • 74437: Listing the contents of .fx files
  • 74433: Swift: private(set) visibility not enforced
  • 74432: Task.ConfigureAwait(false) broken
  • 74430: Swift: Failed to compile print(separator terminator) method
  • 74429: Regression: can call print() but not println()
  • 74427: Bad indentation for "require"
  • 74426: Regression: error message for missing "override" on init() is missing the actual method name
  • 74425: Wrong indentation after method call with multiline parameters
  • 74421: Java debug step into has issues
  • 74418: Oxidizer (ObjC to Oxygene) adds "begin ...end" after each case
  • 74417: Label for android pre-build event is shown for java project
  • 74414: Android debugger: breakpoints fail after code edit
  • 74412: Oxidizer: != null
  • 74411: Oxidizer: for loop with <
  • 74410: Error E334: "await" requires the .NET 4.5 Framework, or higher
  • 74405: ImplementAbstract insert 2 properties instead of 1
  • 74404: Internal error (Null reference exception) in Java project
  • 74403: Rename RemObjects.Dynamic.dll to Echoes.dll
  • 74401: Go to Definition, GetTextDefinition don't work on code after keyword where
  • 74397: Swift SLB: Internal Error when adding new .ctor to String Extension
  • 74395: ImplementAbstract. New code is inserted in a wrong place
  • 74390: Swift: nullability not enforced across assemblies?
  • 74388: Swift: Confused message when passing type name instead of var name
  • 74387: Swift: bad error "E335 "await" is not allowed in iterators" when using __wait in main()
  • 74385: Swift: System.InvalidProgramException
  • 74384: Swift: no error or warning for using == instead of =
  • 74382: Reformat: bad paste for "case" statement in Swift
  • 74378: "$New" still shows in error messages
  • 74374: Oxidizer: Java to Pascal: converts hex number literals to decimal
  • 74371: CC regression
  • 74370: Android CC: core classes are missing
  • 74369: Oxidizer (ObjC->Oxygene) : NRE in particular testcase
  • 74367: Complete Class inserts extension type instead of real type
  • 74366: Reformat badly indents "begin" for method after var or const block
  • 74365: Hide "The element ... has invalid child element" warning
  • 74361: Reformat: bad indent for empty try/finally
  • 74360: Reformat: "consts" indent badly.
  • 74357: Swift: Events cannot have a not-nullable type OR a nullable one.
  • 74351: 3 NRE's in "catch method" in test project
  • 74350: Complete Class adds __Global in method name
  • 74349: Swift: problem assigning to property off self, in nested closure
  • 74348: Internal error: EC Cannot Simplify Identifier
  • 74346: Fix stable testcases for oxidizer
  • 74345: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): NRE in particular testcase
  • 74344: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): Nil value shouldn't be added in statement
  • 74342: Metaclass bug
  • 74341: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): Cast exception in particular testcase
  • 74338: Confusing error message when calling a global with mismatched martial method names
  • 74335: Oxidizer: NRE in VisitExitStatement method
  • 74331: Oxidizer should show "Not Implemented exception"
  • 74330: Cannot rename a generic parameter
  • 74328: Review and fix all failed samples
  • 74327: QuickWatch can't evaluate extension methods
  • 74322: Oxidizer (Obj->Oxygene) missed default in serial cases
  • 74319: Oxidizer (Obj->Oxygene) missed one case
  • 74315: Obj to Oxy: If expression is missed in case
  • 74314: Oxidixer (ObjC to Oxygene): wrong converted code for assignplus
  • 74313: Oxidizer (ObjC- to Swift) missed return value in case statement
  • 74312: Fix stable testcases
  • 74308: Wrong indentation after if without begin/end block
  • 74306: Wrong indentation in case - insert values
  • 74304: GetPreferredItem doesn't work
  • 74302: type is geenrated wrong
  • 74300: No error when defining a duplicate static .ctor
  • 74297: WebProject sometimes shows .pas files without colourizing
  • 74295: Failed to use lambda with mixed regular/ref/out args
  • 74290: Compiler detects recursive constructor call when there is none
  • 74284: Constant set doesn't retain it's type between assemblies
  • 74283: Need to add new item in CCItemImageIndex and set it for Extension
  • 74281: Fixed nil in GetBinaryExpression method
  • 74268: Optional Int64 comparison breaks dex loading
  • 74265: Internal error in Oxygene test suite
  • 74264: CC in nested class definition
  • 74263: Confusing error message for XML comments
  • 74262: Return value on tuple is not right
  • 74254: Not implemented exception in Pascal C#
  • 74252: Paste C# loses a lot of details
  • 74251: No CC inside class var new
  • 74250: Bad compiler error in testcase
  • 74249: ImplementInterface doesn't work if there's no keyword public in interface
  • 74248: Swift: Regression: rodl2code.Echoes crashes with "invalid code in main()"
  • 74244: Cross Platform Mode no longer hides case warnings when only first letter differs
  • 74238: Commenting (* stops abruptly
  • 74236: Regression: weird error "Member "length(parts)" on type "Integer" is a variable" when using Swift.Sequence.count().
  • 74231: Complete Class breaks code
  • 74226: Cocoa: "Ambiguous overload MAX()" if one param is an unwrapped nullable
  • 74225: Swift: no hover info on "}" for closure
  • 74224: Swift: bad hover info for "}" on "catch"
  • 74223: NRE in Go to Definition
  • 74223: NRE in Go to Definition Fixed testcase
  • 74221: Swift: regression: can't use ¡ anymore.
  • 74220: Go to Definition (VS2015)
  • 74216: If-then-else expression regression
  • 74213: Unable to use UInt64 constants
  • 74212: Several Cooper/Swift issues reported via support
  • 74211: What is future future nullable integer?
  • 74204: On Java/Android invokevirtual is required for bridges
  • 74199: Update Web Item templates
  • 74196: Disable error for strong/weak
  • 74193: Swift: (wrong) "E524 Method reaches end without returning a value" when returning an iterator
  • 74192: Swift: .ctor on class and interface (extension) should not be ambiguous
  • 74191: Error messages should not contain "$New"
  • 74188: LoopStatement end doesn't give end definition text
  • 74185: Wrong indent in the Statements.pas file
  • 74178: Inconsistent "(E578) Cannot map to nullable type" when mapping to Java or Cocoa integer type
  • 74177: CC is not always sorted correctly
  • 74176: Swift: "no matching overload", calling static method on enum
  • 74174: Swift: new linker errors with CG4 in latest (part 1)
  • 74173: End for method and class shoul show definition text too
  • 74170: Failed to define expression bodied operators
  • 74166: Support for .xproj project (MVC6)
  • 74155: Allow mapped types to decide if inlining should be done on a per item level
  • 74152: Conditional breakpoints for the new Debug Engine
  • 74150: Swift: cant use Int64 in "()" syntax on 32bit Cocoa
  • 74147: Swift: SBL regression: cannot pass "long" as "int"
  • 74146: Swift: regression for SBL, "E28 Unknown type "ForwardIndexType" though its defined.
  • 74136: ArgumentOutOfRange expression for IndentLineFixIt method
  • 74135: Wrong renaming class name
  • 74134: Swift: class needs to be public to be used in main()
  • 74133: Swift: regression w/ nested funcs in latest; and Internal Error
  • 74132: get definition text (ie hover api) show code before begin for hover on end
  • 74131: Formatting issue with Oxygene
  • 74128: There's wrong code after Create Variable
  • 74125: Swift: confusing error when accessing method as subscript
  • 74123: Namespace adding is too zealous
  • 74122: Enter in the middle of an XML comment is not working correctly
  • 74121: Swift Sorter example not compiling
  • 74120: support .aar lib as references in android project
  • 74117: Swift: NRE in do/catch block
  • 74116: Swift: error message refers to "inout" instead of "&"
  • 74115: Swift: cant pass const to a @autoclosure
  • 74114: Swift: can't reuse local var name as closure parameter
  • 74111: Swift: linker error using latest SBL in Cocoa
  • 74109: Unnecessary follow-up error for unknown identifier
  • 74102: Swift: can't use generics on an operator-named func
  • 74097: Swift: cant access "rawValue" in enum
  • 74095: Swift: cant use type alias in an enum
  • 74091: Swift: external names don't work for (certain?) extension methods
  • 74090: Reformat madly indents comments
  • 74089: “Create Variable” is missing
  • 74088: Cannot call ctor defined on an interface extension
  • 74087: Can't call static function defined on interface (extension)
  • 74084: Swift: nested types show as "$anonymoustype$XX" in Fire type list
  • 74082: Can't define implicit conversion
  • 74081: Return functions not work?
  • 74076: Swift: cannot init "let" field from init()
  • 74075: Problem with highlighting
  • 74074: Swift: bogus "variable needs to be initialized" error
  • 74065: Swift: "cannot assign nil to [nullable enum type]"
  • 74063: RemoveUnusedUsing shouldn't rewrite code when all usings are used
  • 74062: RemoveUnusedUsing remove unnecessary item
  • 74060: Cocoa: debug info for var parameters is off
  • 74052: Swift: generic contraints don't seem to work
  • 74050: Swift: bad error recovery for missing "{" in protocol decl
  • 74048: Swift: cannot assign "" to "string"
  • 74047: Swift: wrong type mismatch error in extension init(), Cooper only
  • 74042: Native array fix
  • 74040: Swift: internal error
  • 74039: Error message shows internal name for property
  • 74038: Swift: can't return a tuple with named fields
  • 74035: Swift: internal error
  • 74034: Echoes: Inline functions don't work (Echoes/Swift)
  • 74033: Rather confusing error when applying a non-attribute class as attribute
  • 74028: Swift: compiler cant handle "rethrows"
  • 74027: Swift: compiler gets confused with "try!"
  • 74023: Swift: bad reformat with trailing closure
  • 74022: Create "named" code folding for {$IFDEF } block
  • 74019: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range
  • 74016: XAML: double click on control doesn't switch to code-behind
  • 74015: Intellisense is broken for XAML in Universal projects (VS 2015)
  • 74011: Implement interface oxygene
  • 74008: Cooper: extension ISequence { gives “new() not supported”
  • 74007: Implement interface doesn't show "read" in Oxygene
  • 74005: C#: CC shows wrong ctor(s)
  • 74004: Peek at Definition does now show Ancestor
  • 74003: Incorrect code for local string constant in method
  • 74002: Swift: no valid CC for type names at all
  • 74000: Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right in an XML comment
  • 73999: Tab in an XML comment
  • 73996: Swift: "Indirectly used type "RemObjects.Oxygene.System.WarnUnusedResult" is defined in an unreferenced assembly ()", and internal error
  • 73991: Oxidizer: NRE in paste objc as Swift
  • 73989: WPF: Highlighting is broken after adding more than 2 events
  • 73988: WPF: method in inserted in the middle of the another method
  • 73987: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): Coalesce operator is not inserted in property getter
  • 73986: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene). Property with complicated attributes gives NRE
  • 73985: Swift: can't redeclare a local param as read-write var
  • 73984: when watchOS or tvOS SDK is missing, VS doesn't ask to download new ones
  • 73979: Swift: function parameters that aren't "inout" should be considered "let" inside the function
  • 73975: Fix Format... testcases in stable
  • 73972: .ctor name is generated wrong for swift method
  • 73963: Swift: weird error about accessing a wrapped nullable, when using shorthand enum syntax
  • 73962: Swift: obscure/wrong "H16 Method reaches end without returning a value", Cooper only.
  • 73961: Swift: bad reformat for wrapped "if let" statement
  • 73959: Partial classes don't trace correctly in debug
  • 73958: Visual Studio 2015 markers
  • 73944: Implement interface C#/Swift
  • 73938: "Ambiguous call to overloaded method"
  • 73937: Swift: Use same rules for globals as members for parameter prefixes
  • 73936: Oxidizer: NRE in paste objc as Swift
  • 73935: Java.lang.Verify error with mapped members
  • 73930: Constants are not always displayed in the right navigation combo box
  • 73929: Internal error: An item with the same key has already been added (partial fix)
  • 73928: Double click on XML comment
  • 73925: Can't set a breakpoint on } in C# function
  • 73924: There's message after Go to Definition "Git you are trying to edit read-only file"
  • 73923: VS loses highlighting + NRE
  • 73919: Swift: cannot delay-init a let variable
  • 73913: NRE in paste objc as Swift
  • 73912: New item template for android & java projects (all languages)
  • 73909: CC not working for designer objects in VS2015 universal windows app?
  • 73907: Cocoa base static library files moved location in Xcode 7.2
  • 73906: Swift: block types are always nullable
  • 73905: Go to Definition return get; set if property is readlonly
  • 73904: No "anyexpression" cc
  • 73900: XML comments: when a type is not found, the error message is not explicit
  • 73899: Null reference exception in project
  • 73896: Swift: bad wording ("method init") in error message about ctor
  • 73894: Java.lang.VerifyError
  • 73890: C# completes "for (int i)" to "for (int if)"
  • 73889: Reformatting breaks all code in C#
  • 73888: Wrong cursor position (+1) after pressing enter inside {}
  • 73883: Echoes: NRE after pressing Tab
  • 73879: Swift: ’? ?' operator not behaving as expected
  • 73877: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): call to base constructor is missing
  • 73876: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): unable to convert try catch
  • 73874: Crash in simple app
  • 73871: Enum based on Int64 causes dex error in Android Studio
  • 73867: Improve internal error reporting for exceptions
  • 73866: Android manifest target/minsdk version not properly updated
  • 73865: C# debug info issues
  • 73864: insert all values in switch indents to 0 in C#
  • 73863: Enter in switch in C# gives exception
  • 73861: Enter after // in C# ends on 0
  • 73860: eEter completion breaks stuff
  • 73859: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): failed to convert 'enum'
  • 73858: Completion inserts wrong (
  • 73857: C#: editor inserts wrong }
  • 73855: Wrong cursor position after pressing enter inside ()
  • 73851: C#, Swift: NRE after Rename file
  • 73850: Editing .swift causes Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
  • 73849: CX doesn't show insert all anymore for case
  • 73846: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): ?? operator is not supported
  • 73844: Bug in "await" on android
  • 73843: On non-.NET; hide CirrusLoader's types from CC listing (except in Attribute dropdowns)
  • 73841: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): Attributes are ignored
  • 73840: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): 'new class' is not supported
  • 73839: Double click on XML comment
  • 73838: Automatic XML comment generation
  • 73837: Enter in the middle of an XML comment is no more working
  • 73836: Bad CC in a class definition
  • 73835: A nil value is displayed as null
  • 73833: Refactor | Remove unused usings is too zealous
  • 73829: Swift: item in DropDowms show keyword "func"
  • 73828: Oxidizer fails on simple type cast statement
  • 73824: Code completion and tuples
  • 73821: Don't allow mapping to "nullable" or "non-nullable" types, only base types
  • 73820: Problems with the editor in the latest version
  • 73818: Callback not called properly
  • 73817: New debug expression evaluator doesn't know about method result
  • 73815: There's impossible to import .h-file in Android project
  • 73814: NRE when import h file in Android project
  • 73812: System.BadImageFormatException: Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.
  • 73808: “Prefer32bits” msbuild property not always set
  • 73807: Adjust SelectCurrentWord for strings and comments
  • 73805: Swift: DropDown contains value '$anonymous' instead of type name
  • 73804: WinForms designer fails ater adding new button
  • 73802: Incorrect base method calling cause StackOverflow on Android
  • 73799: Inline void method + C# 6.0 Expression Bodied feature = Compile error
  • 73796: ASP.NET template should be .NET 4.0+
  • 73792: .xaml loses highlighting after saving the file
  • 73790: Expose gradle path option
  • 73786: “Go to implementation”
  • 73785: Async and breakpoint problem
  • 73781: Unbox bool throws assert on LLVM
  • 73780: Ctrl+Backspace gives an exception
  • 73779: Need to rename GenericParameters to GenericArguments in BaseTypeToCodeGenerator.pas
  • 73778: Swift: Bad error recovery for missing parameter name & generic parameter type
  • 73776: Problem by dragging ActiveX COM Components from Toolbox onto a Form
  • 73770: Swift: DropDown contains value of Boolean property
  • 73768: Inc/dec doesn't accept mapped type as 2nd arg
  • 73765: FXGen doesn't find Mono on El Capitan
  • 73763: Generic version of ContinueWith
  • 73762: Compile error when implement interface on .NET/Android
  • 73759: "Type mismatch, cannot find operator" error has empty type name
  • 73757: Cocoa: must implement optional property (but not method)
  • 73754: Oxygene: Const in DropDown shouldn't show value
  • 73751: Swift: Generated method is shown in DropDown
  • 73750: Swift: Wrong value for override property in DropDown
  • 73749: Function delegate problems on iOS
  • 73748: Swift: Wrong value for abstract property in DropDown
  • 73745: Aspects partially broken in 8.2
  • 73743: Go to Definition show .ctor name for constructor in particular case
  • 73742: Rolled up code doesn't match actual code
  • 73741: Result type from lambda's or anonymous method does not match
  • 73740: Internal error and ambiguous call
  • 73726: Inc() and mapped to Integer
  • 73725: Compiling typeof(MappedClass) will crash VS2015 on iOS
  • 73723: Enum from mapped to System.Int32
  • 73722: Mangled name shown in CC dropdown
  • 73721: CC doesn't work in particular case
  • 73720: Extension methods issue
  • 73714: "new X()" doesn't show inherited .ctors properly
  • 73712: DropDowns shouldn't show values for constant (Oxygene)
  • 73709: Errors in CC for operators
  • 73708: Adding service reference with Oxygene
  • 73707: Debug launcher ignored start dir
  • 73705: Android Swift samples failed to compile
  • 73702: [Cirrus] IMethodDefinition.SetBody can't be compiled
  • 73700: Throws syntax in Swift is wrong
  • 73699: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): "partial" keyword is ignored
  • 73698: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): Access modifiers for property getter or setter are ignored
  • 73695: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene). Initialization of class properties (or fields) is inserted incorrectly
  • 73694: Build action for multiple files
  • 73693: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): Call to generic method is inserted without type argument
  • 73690: Extension method doesn't compile any more with 8.2
  • 73688: “go to implementation/interface” should be hidden(or disabled) for languages that don't support it
  • 73685: Swift: cannot declare closure with "throws"
  • 73684: Swift: Weird error for convenience init
  • 73683: Refactoring
  • 73680: Oxidizer: translate "int" to "Int" for Swift
  • 73679: Oxidizer: handle anonymous classes
  • 73675: Swift: Item in DropDown isn't selected
  • 73674: Mapped class can't be deduced in lambda expression
  • 73673: Double-click on an identifier that starts with a '&'
  • 73672: Swift templates: Remove explicit Main method
  • 73671: Swift: GetDefinitionText don't work on "super" in following project
  • 73670: Swift: Highlighting, Go to Definition, GetDefinitionText don't work on type in constructor's parameter
  • 73667: Swift: GetDefinitionText doesn't work on expression "super.init"
  • 73664: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene. Comments at the end of the method are missed
  • 73663: Swift: cannot implement Equatable via ==
  • 73662: Swift: confusing error trying to add an extension to "qosclasst" and implement "description"
  • 73661: Swift: wrong error about visibility on partial classes
  • 73657: Complete Class of clas constructor becomes clinit
  • 73655: Swift: broken CC after i add ( for method call
  • 73646: Output type error is shown after click on project
  • 73645: Error E0: Internal error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object caused by lazy var
  • 73640: Swift: Go to Definition don't work on "super"
  • 73640: Swift: Go to Definition don't work on expression "super.init"
  • 73637: CrossBoxServer is nil until Cocoa project is selected
  • 73636: Unable to install latest develop on 32-bit system
  • 73632: C#: Wrong value in dropdown
  • 73631: C#: Go to Definition doesn't work on "base"
  • 73630: C#: GetDefinitionText returns definition about property/method on "base"
  • 73629: Application property page for Universal project differs from VC#
  • 73628: fQueue is nil when solution has waiting for retargeting project
  • 73627: Weird CC dropdown for properties
  • 73626: Complete Class for constructor in mapped type ends up as $New
  • 73625: C#: Go to Definition doesn't work on "this"
  • 73624: C#: GetDefinitionText returns definition about property/method on "this"
  • 73621: .vsixmanifest is installed to wrong place
  • 73615: Swift: GetDefinitiontext shows wrong value on "self"
  • 73614: Oxygene: GetDefinitionText shouldn't show words "public. abstract, sealed" for methods and class
  • 73613: Swift: GetDefinitiontext shouldn't show words "public. abstract, sealed" for methods and class
  • 73612: EE: allow access to this.fprivateVar
  • 73611: C#: GetDefinitiontext shouldn't show words "public. abstract, sealed" for methods and class
  • 73610: UAP templates DEBUG profile has optimized set
  • 73608: New EE gives internal error for local eval
  • 73607: C#: problem with code folding (for method)
  • 73597: FMW fails to build with internal error in “develop”
  • 73594: Swift: Go to Definition and GetDefText don't work in case body
  • 73592: Swift: problem with code folding
  • 73591: Resort entire list: for every namespace inserted there are at least two newlines added after the uses
  • 73590: There's shown wrong method in DropDowns
  • 73581: NEW EE: anon var is lost
  • 73573: Swift: bad CC in rodl2code.Cocoa Program.swift
  • 73567: Cocoa: debugger gives "invalid Objective-C method 0x002e (DWTAGsubprogram),"
  • 73564: Refactor | Remove unused usings does ... nothing
  • 73561: Swift: .ctor parameters show uppercase in CC
  • 73551: Cocoa: Make sure BB's are ordered in sequential order so objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue finds it's opposite properly
  • 73544: Swift: bad smart-indent for curly after switch
  • 73542: Oxidizer: “Not Implemented"
  • 73538: Go to Definition: cannot see definition of type used inside block type
  • 73537: Bad reformat after intended nesting of "if" and " for {}"
  • 73530: Reformat: bad indent in Oxygene after IF
  • 73529: DropDownList is empty in Swift
  • 73528: Swift: broken CC for types, (in switch?)
  • 73525: Reformat: Swift: bad indent when pasting multiple lines after "case"
  • 73509: Android - add postbuild action that will run after creating .jar before creating .apk
  • 73506: crossboxhelper would sometimes launch the wrong SDK version of a named simulator
  • 73503: Cocoa: problem with CC
  • 73499: Errors is shown as warnings
  • 73498: Problem with renaming generics types
  • 73495: “develop” fails to compile
  • 73493: Problem with Go To Definition
  • 73492: WinRT Unit Test Library shows TestPlatform reference as unresolved
  • 73486: Cocoa: CC stills shows "$New"
  • 73476: Go to Definition doesn't work on particular case
  • 73468: Cocoa: Swift: cant have a static method called main()
  • 73464: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): += is not converted properly
  • 73463: Oxidizer (C# to Oxygene): 'partial' 'sealed' keywords are missing
  • 73459: How to disable the debugger on android
  • 73435: WinForms (Swift, C#): need to add line after method
  • 73432: Designer (C#, Swift): method's body has wrong indent after changes in designer
  • 73429: Cocoa: better error if internal type is used on non-public interface method
  • 73426: Bad automatic indentation
  • 73421: Designer (Swift): new field is inserted in wrong place
  • 73418: Reformat for Oxygene: Bad un-indent for wrapped "if" statement
  • 73412: Implement char.isEqual on boxedchar/ansichar
  • 73408: Regression: Sugar fails to build with latest on Cocoa
  • 73399: Swift/Cocoa: Extension methods show badly in CC
  • 73395: Designer (C#): new field is inserted in wrong place
  • 73391: Unable to create Portable Class Library
  • 73390: Refactoring: remove SelectionManager and Editor from the Oxygene solution
  • 73249: Swift: doesn't allow "[NSObject: AnyObject]"
  • 73163: C#, Windows Phone: Code behind cannot recognize elements in xaml file
  • 73087: dynamic issue with implicit overload
  • 72931: Bad error range for "cannot override with lower visibility" error.
  • 72863: Sugar: E44 No member "stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters" when using Url.UrlEncodeString.
  • 72701: Sugar ExecuteRequest does not work on Cocoa
  • 72558: Extreme slowness in the editor and memory loss (reproducible)
  • 72554: Time unit bug in Sugar.Threading.Thread.Sleep
  • 72345: Notify in observablecollection subclass
  • 72147: Stack depth issue
  • 70677: VS2015: no template for ASP.NET Web site / Oxygene
  • 69951: Set default selected category in the Add New Item dialog to Swift for Swift project
  • 69529: Adding new DataSet into Swiftlight project doesn't resolve System.Data reference
  • 68702: Add errors when using private/internal/unit members from public mapped types
  • 68375: Enumerate an enum feature
  • 66807: Solution load speed
  • 62116: Properly address allowing "await" in async
  • 57788: Problem when evaluating a nullable value
  • 34163: SaveAll and Project Modified State Do Not Work
  • Call in Tuple should always use the Foundation version with varargs. Also fixes the NSArray calls.
  • CreateIPA option did not work for tvOS
  • CreateIPA should be false/off in Extension templates
  • CreateIPA: Pack WatchKitSupport2 folder
  • crossboxhelper: typo fix,and one more known error message, 0xe80000d0
  • Drop "RSS Feed" option from installer (hasn't worked for a long time)
  • HI changes for importing things from Windows.h
  • LIPO: Support packing AR based on the original .o
  • MacPack tweaks: Xcode version string; don't embed Partial.plists
  • MacPack: added back logging of individual files being copied
  • MacPack: write Pkginfo file
  • new .vstdir files
  • New installer icons
  • New Welcome images
  • Cocoa Target: don't write Pkginfo for OS X app bundles (regression from the weekend)
  • Cocoa Target: remove dold/dupe code that copied WK for WatchKit Apps
  • Ran all template images thru ImageOptim
  • SBL: Mirror doesn't DEX properly.
  • Ship fewer old SDKs
  • tvOS templates should have bit code on by default
  • Various CodeDom fixes for Swift
  • watchOS: bad default device family set by MacPack, for watchOS apps
  • Wrong "IOS" vs "TVOS" custom defines passed for tvOS SDK.


New in the "December 2015" Update Release, Version 8.2.89 (Build .1909)

(Built: December 21, 2015)


  • Cocoa builds would fail when using Xcode 7.2 because the location of some static libraries had changed.
  • Ship iOS 9.2, watchOS 2.1 and tvOS 9.1.


New in the "November 2015" Update Release, Version 8.2.89 (Build .1899)

(Built: December 1, 2015)


  • The Visual Studio 2015 Shell was not offered to install on Windows 8.x
  • Potential crashes after updating to Visual Studio 2015 Update 1
  • Potential crash in Fire after creating a new Android project
  • Cocoa FXGen would not find Mono on El Capitan and crash as result


New in the "November 2015" Release, Version 8.2.89 (Build .1891)

(Built: Friday November 13, 2015)


  • Ship the Visual Studio 2015 Shell
  • Labeled "break" and "continue" in all three languages
  • Silver: Support for static classes
  • Silver: Support for __external
  • Silver: Swift 2.0/2.1 language features
  • Echoes: Windows 10 Universal Application Platform (UAP)
  • Echoes: Windows Forms support for RemObjects C# and Silver
  • Cocoa: tvOS Support
  • Cocoa: watchOS 2.0 Support (in Fire)
  • Cocoa: New "available()" system function
  • Cocoa: Bitcode support
  • Cocoa: "dynamic<T>” to support "kind-of" types
  • Cocoa: support for __kindof in ObjC imports
  • Cocoa: Ship iOS 9.1, watchOS 2.0, tvOS 9.0 and OS X 10.11 .fx files
  • Cocoa: Ship libz.fx
  • Refactoring: Sort methods in implementation alphabetically
  • Refactoring: Move class to new file
  • Refactoring: Organize Uses Clause
  • Refactoring: Introduce Variable

Enhancements to Elements

  • Cooper: Support for attaching numeric values to enum values
  • Cocoa: warn if a method hides a base method but the signature doesn't match, parameter type wise
  • Cocoa: New default defines for Cocoa sub-platforms: OSX, IOS, WATCHOS, TVOS, SIMULATOR etc.
  • Cocoa: Support for new user-defined Simulators in CrossBox and VS
  • Cocoa: Updated to latest LLVM backend
  • Support for implementing a default iterator (GetSequence)
  • Better error recovery for unknown/broken # directive
  • Nullability: warnings when assigning unwrapped to non-nullable values
  • Nullability: syntax in C# and Oxygene to omits W46 — similar to ! in Swift.
  • Support "override" on C# .ctors
  • Better error recovery when missing ";" makes the compiler mistake the next line for a multi-part method
  • Provide cleaner message(s) for mismatch method override parameters
  • Require mapped .ctors to return a proper value
  • Convert compiler to .NET 4
  • Convert GTD and many other IDE features to use CodeGen4
  • Compiler magic function "Contains" on sets for C# and Swift
  • Port missing templates from Oxygene to C# and Swift
  • Improve CC when declaring lambda expression

Features and Enhancements in Fire Preview 2

  • tvOS Support
  • watchOS support
  • "Open Quickly"
  • Remloting SDK 9 and Data Abstract 9.0 integration (Beta)
  • Implemented "comment/uncomment selection", Cmd-/
  • "File|Favorites" menu item (also in Welcome screen)
  • Optional inline symbol info in editor
  • "Reformat on Paste"
  • "Add Breakpoint" dialog
  • Improvements to window restoration behavior
  • "Show first build message" should favor non-ignored errors.
  • New "cwst" snippet to dump stack trace
  • Smart Enter improvements for C#
  • Silver Syntax highlighting support for #available()
  • "Deploy" support for iOS Device
  • Support for device pairs, and show generic iOS+watch paired instead of indivdually
  • Find Mono binary in full path, if its not in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
  • Expose option for Bitcode support
  • Show detailed iOS deployment error, where available.
  • Smart-enter should trim whitespace behind the indent, and clean up trailing whitespace on preceding line
  • Adjust the position of build messages as the user types in code close by
  • Speed improvements
  • Exposed "Use compete file path when resolving Breakpoints" preference
  • Better display of Android emulates in CrossBox menu (name, sorting)
  • Syntax highlighting support for some unsupported languages (Java, JS, Go, VB)
  • Keywords should be escaped in templates
  • Embed new Mono 4 (master) with fixes for OS X El Capitan
  • Includes the new Elements 8.2 compiler and Swift 2.0 support, of course.

  • ... and hundreds of smaller fixes and improvements

Features and Enhancements to Swift

  • @warn_unused_result swift
  • Support enum shortcuts with comparison operators
  • Swift 2.0: if #available and @available
  • Swift 2.0: @convention(c/block)
  • Swift 2.0: Exception handling
  • Swift 2.0: New Enum/flags syntax
  • Swift 2.0: if case MyEnum.Entry(123) = abba
  • Swift 2.0: if (let a, let b) = sometuple
  • Swift 2.0: guard statements
  • Swift 2.0: defer statements
  • Swift 2.0: for in where loops
  • Swift 2.0: repeat while loops
  • Support for static classes
  • Support for private(get) or (set) modifiers
  • 73206: Labeled break/continue
  • 72142: Silver: allow extensions for generic types


  • 73635: CC for class operator "|" shows GreaterEqual and LessEqual
  • 73634: Cooper anonymous interface issues
  • 73633: Cocoa anonymous interface issues
  • 73605: Android validation error
  • 73602: Deployment target warnings for watchOS use iOS logic
  • 73598: tvOS project shows Mac certs, not iOS certs in Project Settings in VS
  • 73595: Generic type to value type will crash VS2015 during compilation on iOS
  • 73589: Silver: cannot compare NSDecimal? to nil
  • 73587: Can't access instance members of mapped struct/interface in c#
  • 73572: Bad reformat in Oxygene
  • 73571: Android bug
  • 73571: Cooper: regression: nullable property fails with supposedly needing initialization
  • 73570: Fatal execution engine error using struct in XNA
  • 73569: GTD is broken in lockdown
  • 73567: Cocoa: debugger gives "invalid Objective-C method 0x002e (DWTAGsubprogram)"
  • 73563: Implement Interface members didn't work
  • 73562: Cocoa: "in" with strings is broken
  • 73559: Hydrogene: Wrong values in CC
  • 73553: Problem with named param in param1 (Silver, C#, Oxygene)
  • 73548: Android conversion error
  • 73547: GoToDef doesn't work after particular steps
  • 73545: Silver gets confused in first line in closure starts with (
  • 73543: Regression in && and nullable values
  • 73541: Silver: compiler ignores cast if "if let"
  • 73540: Sugar/Mapped Classes: weird error trying to use List.Replace
  • 73539: GTD shows "$New" magic ctors badly
  • 73539: GTD shows $New magic ctors badly
  • 73534: Cocoa: NRE when combining nullable, "and" and member access
  • 73532: Comparison ops should always return bool; not nullable bool
  • 73530: Reformat: bad indent in Oxygene after "if"
  • 73527: Struct .ctor issue
  • 73526: Cocoa: HI: ClockKit (maybe others) dont get factory methods converted as .ctors
  • 73525: Reformat: Silver: bad indent when pasting multiple lines after "case"
  • 73523: FPS doesn't compile in lockdown
  • 73508: Compile error on iOS when member field + ternary operator + ivar_getOffset
  • 73506: crossboxhelper would sometimes launch the wrong sdk version of a named simulator
  • 73504: Supported Deployment Targets: expand with 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.4
  • 73500: Silver: internal error on bad "try"
  • 73492: WinRT Unit Test Library shows TestPlatform reference as unresolved
  • 73491: ASP.NET Web API Template missing
  • 73489: Silver: weird "override" warning
  • 73488: Silver: confusing error for rogue {
  • 73486: Cocoa: CC stills shows "$New"
  • 73482: CrossBox gets confused if Simulators for multiple versions exists in Xcode
  • 73481: tvOS (properties project): Target SDK contains wrong values
  • 73480: Errors in Language project
  • 73475: CrossBox: Use the same layout in the menu and the picker dialog
  • 73474: Event behaviour differs in Java, iOS and .NET
  • 73473: Silver: Internal error: System.InvalidOperationException: No element on stack
  • 73465: Verify error on android
  • 73462: Oxygene CodeDomProvider should register extension with dot, not without.
  • 73454: Silver: no error/warning for not returning a value
  • 73447: Set copy-local to true for support libs
  • 73446: Hide -sources and -javadoc jar files in reference list in Elements
  • 73445: CrossBox: the menu shows “(Simulator)”. the dialog doesn't
  • 73444: Core debug: Cocoa: output sometimes come thru as #0 instead of real characters
  • 73443: CrossBox: Simulators get disabled when deployment target isn't set
  • 73441: Error in old codegen
  • 73428: Silver: can't loop a dictionary's "keys" in Echoes (ok in Cocoa)
  • 73426: Bad automatic indentation
  • 73417: Latest libCocoa fails with "error: Invalid record"
  • 73414: CC for require in nested class
  • 73413: Fails to pass byte[] as ISequence on Android
  • 73411: Silver: can't call concrete property called "id" on "id"
  • 73410: Cocoa: "case type of" is broken
  • 73409: Silver: can't call 'Type' on an instance
  • 73404: Silver: compiler ignores "as" cast
  • 73403: Silver: "//" after "?" confuses compiler
  • 73402: Silver: cant pass array literal as NSArray
  • 73400: Cocoa: Zombie when using LINQ
  • 73399: Silver/Cocoa: Extension methods show badly in CC
  • 73395: Designer (Hydrogene): new field is inserted in wrong place
  • 73393: Silver: bad followup for trailing closer eon unknown method
  • 73386: CC and GTD not working on new in Silver
  • 73385: Compiler generated members are no longer marked with CompilerGenerated attribute
  • 73382: Unable to run Universal project in Release mode
  • 73375: Oxidizer doesn't convert code with methods with parameters?
  • 73373: Better error for calling on VOID
  • 73372: Silver: dictionary literal gets reverted in "return"
  • 73371: Bug in metaclasses
  • 73369: Regression with comparison of NSRange.location to NSNotFound failing
  • 73366: ClassView: There's no folder "Base" in hierarhy when type doesn't have method
  • 73362: CC and the space char
  • 73361: iOS Base Project crash on iPhone6 v9.0 simulator
  • 73358: NuGet not functioning
  • 73357: Optimizations
  • 73353: Flags in operator in mapped class instantiated from referenced project won't compile
  • 73349: Cocoa: C#: value types now show as "!" in Peek at Definition
  • 73348: Cocoa: Internal error "E0 Def No Field" on __inline methodr
  • 73346: Silver: can randomly assign to an uninitialized "let" field from outside the .ctor
  • 73345: Silver: cannot assign NSArray to non-null Swift Array on - Cocoa only
  • 73344: Cocoa: enumerating a dictionary is still broken
  • 73343: Silver: CC inside closures append "self" to stuff that is not a member of the oder class
  • 73340: Cocoa: VS "Add References" dialog mixes together all platforms
  • 73339: Designer (Silver, Hydrogene): NRE after double clicking on button
  • 73338: Error opening proejct file
  • 73337: IJSExport protocol export issues
  • 73335: Running on a candeploy-false device now gives error
  • 73328: Hide anonymous types in CC
  • 73326: Error invalid record at end of build log
  • 73323: Silver: class w/o visibility specifier isn't treated as internal?
  • 73320: Cannot assign Object to NSArray
  • 73319: "Cannot simplify global"
  • 73309: Silver "Peek at Definition" shows struct types as "!"
  • 73302: Two Oxidizer ObjC issues
  • 73300: Winforms (Silver): Property definition isn't removed after removing of the control
  • 73296: Cocoa: Crash in "BoxedStruct valueForStruct:" where no boxing should be involved. Device (arm64) only
  • 73293: Silver: nullability not enforced when returning a nullable value type as non-null
  • 73292: CrossBox says “unknown server” twice and more for an OFFLINE server
  • 73287: Remove output for changing caret pos on reformatting
  • 73282: Silver: should not require "self" to access static members from inside block
  • 73278: Visual Studio Editor CC/Syntax Highlight Crashes
  • 73277: Bug with Automatic Parenthesis Completion
  • 73276: WP8.1 nd WinRT project failed to compile
  • 73276: Echoes: WP8.1 nd WinRT project failed to compile
  • 73275: tvOS: need to add path for library
  • 73273: Designer for Installer class doesn't show in WinForms project
  • 73271: Cocoa: linker ,not compiler error, when i forget () on method call
  • 73270: Silver: Internal error: LPUSH->U88
  • 73267: Silver: .ctor inheritance issue
  • 73266: System functions ord/chr in extension method cause ambiguous call error on iOS
  • 73265: E448: Cannot access protected member "XXX.YYY" through instance of type "not nullable XXX", instance must be "XXX" or a sub class
  • 73264: Missing slash in "DeveloperToolchains" not found
  • 73260: Silver: "Parameter is open array, should be Swift.Dictionary" when in fact it IS a dictionary literal
  • 73259: Fixes needed for CrossBox menu in VS
  • 73258: Regression: "Add namsepace to interface section uses clause" creates duplicate uses clause
  • 73257: Implicit operators don't work (in Sugar)
  • 73256: Sugar: doing anything with HTTP triggers bad Struct Boxing
  • 73254: Oxidizer->Silver dupes method names
  • 73253: Silver: duplicate error for cast to unknown type
  • 73252: Silver: confusing message on ".ctor"
  • 73251: Silver: cannot concat multi-line string consts — weird error instead
  • 73250: Silver: confusing message when assisting super.init to self
  • 73249: Silver: doesn't allow "[NSObject: AnyObject]" due to generic constraints
  • 73248: Oxidizer: bad import for string with line breaks
  • 73247: Oxidizer exception
  • 73246: CrossBox get the wrong start app path
  • 73243: Oxidizer/ObjC is utterly broken for whole files
  • 73241: CrossBox: tvOS devices being disabled for tvOS projects
  • 73240: CrossBox: there're no any devices in list when creating Mac project
  • 73236: Cocoa properties dont show “simulator architectures” for tvOS
  • 73235: return [] to IEnumerable uses dyn array on Cocoa, instead of nsmutablearray
  • 73234: No type completion after -> in silver
  • 73230: Null values of different types are not equivalent on iOS
  • 73229: NRE doesn't have forced frame
  • 73228: CrossBox: Device item is gray after creating project
  • 73221: Winforms Hydrogene (Silver): Extra code is left after removing of the control
  • 73212: Need to retarget WinRT templates to Windows 8.1 for VS 2015
  • 73211: Silver: #if os() now supports "tvOS" as value
  • 73210: Typing "for" in swift inserts junk
  • 73209: CrossBox: determine whether a device is real vs simulator
  • 73207: NN call on Genpar can go wrong in some cases
  • 73200: Winforms Silver (Hydrogene): Wrong cursor position after adding event for the control
  • 73199: Metaclass bug in calling inherited method
  • 73197: Winforms Silver: Control doesn't have definition in autogenerated code
  • 73196: Hydrogene Winforms: Unable to add event for control
  • 73193: Oxygene: bad reformat on "for" w/o "begin"
  • 73192: NRE in Peek At Definition codegen
  • 73190: Winforms Silver: Designer for custom control is broken
  • 73188: Double clicking a class in the class view doesn't do anything
  • 73187: Verify error for extension method of boolean array on Android
  • 73186: Nested methods bug
  • 73183: Winforms Hydrogene: Designer for custom control is broken
  • 73182: Hydrogene Winforms: Bad formatting in auto generated code
  • 73181: Hydrogene: New field is inserted before "{"
  • 73180: Bad reformat in Oxygene
  • 73179: Compile error of UIElementCollection on Universal Windows
  • 73178: Hydrogene: New field is inserted in wrong place in Designer file
  • 73177: Two CodeGen API requests for Fire
  • 73170: Regression: "Ambiguous call " that isn't ambiguous at all
  • 73169: Hydrogene WinForms: CastException in FormDesignerInfo.UpdateCMReferences
  • 73168: Silver: Cannot use unmanagedptr
  • 73167: Hydrogene: Designer file doesn't use OxygeneEditor after creating project
  • 73165: WinForms templates for Hydrogene and Silver
  • 73161: TypeMismatch error after loading Designer Winforms
  • 73160: Silver: can't use ".ctor" syntax for calling static factory methods
  • 73154: System functions ord/chr can't be compiled in inlined methods on iOS
  • 73153: Silver: Can't iterate over dictionary
  • 73148: Create testbase for open/close bracket
  • 73147: WinForm-Designer almost unusable
  • 73144: 3 aspect errors
  • 73139: Cooper: regression: can't call clone() in SwiftBaseLib
  • 73138: Silver: GTD shows swift ctors badly
  • 73134: Silver: didSet not working as expected
  • 73133: PEVERIFY error in StandardAspects
  • 73129: Regression Compiler Error
  • 73128: Universal UnitTest app: Application main file must be named App.xaml error
  • 73126: Silver designer doesn't show form
  • 73125: Hydrogene (Silver) designer: double click on the control doesn't work
  • 73123: Compile errors for overload methods of Assert in EUnit
  • 73122: Fail to instantiate a generic inner class on iOS
  • 73121: NRE in customer project
  • 73120: not implemented exception pasting C# as Oxygene
  • 73113: Override default string type with attribute
  • 73111: Hydrogene: Oxygene: GetDefinitionText shows method infos when on "return" statement
  • 73110: Hydrogene: GetDefinitionText shows method infos when on "return" statement
  • 73109: Objc to swift converts code to the oxygene instead of silver
  • 73107: Still bad cursor location after paste/reformat
  • 73106: "Cannot assign expression" in complex assignment
  • 73105: Regression: customer project fails with "error: Invalid record" on arm64
  • 73104: Cannot invoke base method through current type cast
  • 73102: GTD-generated code now as NO multi-part mehtd names at all
  • 73099: Use valueof for boolean/nullable casting in the nullable boolean code
  • 73097: CC for Hydrogene doesn't show interface member in particular case
  • 73096: Silver: GetDefinitionText doesn't shown info in following case
  • 73093: reformat doesnt indent # directives
  • 73089: The current line is centered vertically when a ';' is typed
  • 73088: C# 6.0 Expression Bodied Property can't work with Explicit Interface Implementation
  • 73084: Record mapped, nullable and assigned = exception
  • 73083: CodeInsight for Swift adding invalid code
  • 73082: Silver WinForms: Exe-file doesn't start
  • 73079: Cocoa: Header .h CodeGen emits AnsiChar as "Char", should be "char"
  • 73074: XML comment for params array
  • 73073: Allow swift .ctor call on imported structs
  • 73072: Cirrus on .cctor removes existing bodyr
  • 73064: "Complete Class" generates multi-part with empty Names
  • 73063: Protocal Extension can't provide default implementation as Swift 2.0
  • 73062: Internal error in compiler using linq in an extension class
  • 73059: Two bad reformats in Oxygene
  • 73058: Reformatting a range should not reformat the code above it
  • 73057: Silver: cannot match overrides that Apple Swift handles ok
  • 73055: Aspect attributes are passed wrong
  • 73054: Silver: GetDefinitionText gets wrong information for const
  • 73053: Unable to create Universal project in latest version of VS 2015
  • 73052: Interface completion CC gives wrong result
  • 73052: Interface completion cc gives wrong result
  • 73051: Can't set breakpoint in Swift app
  • 73050: Compiler crash on two struct inits on one line
  • 73049: Bad reformat for multi-line if statement (C#)
  • 73048: Cocoa LINQ ToArray and ToDictionary methods
  • 73047: VerifyError when make extension methods for array on Android
  • 73045: Cooper: cant use private get_ method for property
  • 73042: CodeDebug: no stack symbols resolve on x64 Simulator
  • 73035: Cannot update CrossBox, gets renamed to ~CrossBox
  • 73034: Too much false warnings
  • 73028: Cocoa: cannot pass dynamic as (nullable?) concrete type
  • 73024: warning on casting nullable to non-nullable, even when using "!", if expression used "?."
  • 73023: Four more minor issues with GetDefinitionText
  • 73021: Deployment fail dialog doesn' fit on screen
  • 73020: reformatSelection passes back bad new cursor location
  • 73019: Warning in uninitialized ref parameter ONLY if function is inline
  • 73018: More issues in Java nullable binary ops.
  • 73017: Internal error in 1829
  • 73012: Oxidizer wrong translation
  • 73011: Wrong auto-bracket
  • 73010: Potential fix. Needs more testing.
  • 73010: Cocoa: Memory corruption in 64bit only
  • 73008: CC seems to show private members from ancestor classes
  • 73006: Silver: compiler allows implicit conversion from nullable value type, NREs
  • 73004: InvalidCatException when call GetDefText in C#
  • 73003: NRE in ApplyAttributes method when call GetDefText in C#
  • 73000: GetDefinitionText: need show (method) in C#
  • 72999: GetDefinitiontext: parameter could be "(param) Foo: String"
  • 72998: GetDefiniionText on the TYPE in a parameter doens’t show info for the type, but for the parameter
  • 72997: GetDefinitionText: name of parameter is empty
  • 72995: Silver: can't pass a dkrictionary literal as NSDictionary
  • 72994: CC for nested namespaces shows root namespaces, at end of token.
  • 72990: GetDefinitiontext shows wrong info for $ variables in Swift anon.
  • 72986: Silver: "cannot simplify"
  • 72985: Cocoa: CoreDebug: cannot eval static properties in instance method breakpoint.
  • 72984: Silver: cannot ++ a nullable int.
  • 72983: Inconsistent generics infos in GetDefinitionText
  • 72982: Cocoa: Float const * Int64 const = 0
  • 72981: "this" pointer in mapped class to string gets confused about nullability
  • 72980: Oxidizer: ObjC->Swift duplicates parts of multi-part name
  • 72974: Fire: can't get locals for debugging Mono app.
  • 72972: GTD: wrong code for property in private section in metadata
  • 72962: Issues with "__kindof"
  • 72961: Dynamic syntax
  • 72960: Ancestor is missing from GTD text
  • 72959: Self should be considered non-null, even in extension methods.
  • 72958: GetDefinitionText shows method infos when on "return" statement
  • 72957: Silver: no CC after .ctor call
  • 72955: regression in string concat
  • 72951: GetDefintionText does not show on subsequent parts of a multi-part method call
  • 72949: Hydrogene CC: wrong insertion after override
  • 72948: Nulability: error when using "new" in "?." operator
  • 72947: Regression: Linker error in FWM with latest
  • 72946: Nullability: can't assign to self in "init2" method.
  • 72944: Silver: No CC in anonymous method
  • 72942: Method CodeCompletionCompiler.FinishComplete uses old CG
  • 72941: "self" should be considered "not nullable" (outside of Cocoa init* methods)
  • 72940: Nullability: iterators should be allowed to have "not nullable" specifier
  • 72939: NRE in ApplyAttribites method
  • 72938: Silver: string type inference broken with latest
  • 72937: Tuple regression
  • 72929: Hydrogene: can't handle two colons in __selector
  • 72928: Cocoa:pre-initialized field causes class to not be deallocated properly
  • 72925: regression: tuples and duck() are broken in latest
  • 72923: Improvements to CC for replacing parts of a multi-part method call.
  • 72922: Cocoa: two problems with struct .ctors
  • 72921: Cocoa: Compiler NRE when using __inline
  • 72917: GTD: NRE in following part of code
  • 72915: Type inference should always be "not" not nullable in C# and Oxygene
  • 72913: Nullability: treat "new" calls on Cocoa as returning non-nullable and emit no W46 (but still NRE when assigning to a nullable)
  • 72911: property_getAttributes differences to obj c
  • 72910: Nullability: for C# and Oxy, move the NRE check when passing nullable to non-nullable into the callee
  • 72909: Infer "const" values as non-nullable type in C# and Oxygene, assuming they are non-null
  • 72901: Oxygene: regression: Using single-char string literals triggers BoxedChar, badly
  • 72900: Cocoa: relatively straight forward ARC code seems to have unexpected memory leaks
  • 72897: Silver: compiler fails on inverted exclamation point operator
  • 72896: Cannot override an "init" (imported fromObjC) with a ctor syntax
  • 72894: CC C#: inserts "public" twice for override method
  • 72889: Can't use QuickTime ActiveX
  • 72888: problem with Code completion
  • 72886: Option to show implicit to nonnull casts as warnings
  • 72885: Oxidizer wrong translation
  • 72884: Custom future class gives strange errors
  • 72882: Improve Extract method
  • 72880: Silver: function override CC inserts bad prefix for first param
  • 72879: HI: ObjC Nullability keyword changed in Xcode 7 eta 4
  • 72878: GTD: NRE in Language project
  • 72877: CGRectMake call fails with weird error. Sometimes.
  • 72875: Silver: CC in closure shows "self." prefix on members of $0
  • 72874: Siler: totally broken CC in main()
  • 72872: Unable to add few WinRT Silver item templates
  • 72871: Silver: code on lines after a "return" is considered as parameter to "return", not as independent statement
  • 72870: Fix stable cc testcases
  • 72870: Fix develop cc testcases
  • 72868: csC on nullable is incomplete
  • 72865: Wrong data in properties window in Android project (Build Action)
  • 72862: Invalid error on matching
  • 72859: cmd is null in private methods
  • 72856: Errors when make extension methods for array on COOPER/Cocoa
  • 72855: Internal Error in compiler
  • 72848: IECI in FBL
  • 72847: Regression: Sugar fails with latest 8.2
  • 72845: NRE in outlining visitor in silver constructor
  • 72844: Silver, Oxygene: wrong Description for items in CC
  • 72842: Regression: SwiftBaseLib fails to build on 8.2
  • 72840: Cocoa: "spell checking" treat as fixed doesn't work on "id"
  • 72837: Better/separate message when assigning null to a non-nullable
  • 72835: NRE in Peek at Definition
  • 72834: Cannot simplify on nested java methods
  • 72833: Oxidizer wrong translation
  • 72832: Wrong/duplicated namespace for "Accelerate.vecLib". regression,
  • 72831: C#: Editor wrongly inserts parenthesis
  • 72829: "invalid cast" error message should show full namespace for both types
  • 72828: Cannot implement Silver anonymous class in android
  • 72827: Two 8.2 regressions (.NET and Java)
  • 72826: Cocoa: linker error when throwing a "mapped" exception type
  • 72824: Swift string interpolation fails with curly braces
  • 72823: Cocoa: unboxing an NSNumber compiles in C#, but not Swift
  • 72821: Internal error: LPUSH->U65520
  • 72819: Regression: more boxing issue with integer vs char
  • 72816: Android doesn't compile (wrong comment output)
  • 72815: C# out of memory (internal error)
  • 72814: Yet more regressions building Fire in 8.2
  • 72809: GTD in Silver: There is no constructor's definiton in metadata file
  • 72804: GTD: NRE in rodl2code
  • 72802: Peek at Defintion escapes Swift "init" methods
  • 72800: Regression: Internal error on Cocoa, only when libSwift was built (locally) with 8.2
  • 72799: Class completion ends up as class constructor UnaryExpressionTransform .cctor;
  • 72797: Cocoa: five more regressions with the nullable .fx files
  • 72796: Cocoa: Debugger shows inconsistent info
  • 72795: Int exceeds bounds of Int
  • 72794: Silver: Smart-indent in main() indents too far
  • 72792: Regression: Compiler crash building libCocoa in 8.2
  • 72790: Warnings in RemObjects.Oxygene.Tools project
  • 72789: Hydrogene: ImplementInterface doesn't work
  • 72788: Three regressions with nullable types in today's build
  • 72787: No CC inside system function
  • 72784: Swift 2: Fail to make protocol extension
  • 72782: Code that handles nested exception is compiled program that is reported by CLR as incorrect
  • 72780: Regression: internal error building DA on CI2
  • 72779: Oxygene: no CC for exception type after "except on E:". in some cases.
  • 72772: Silver: ImplementInterface return empty string
  • 72770: Oxidizer wrong translation, loses multi-part method names
  • 72769: Oxidizer doesn't preserve exact literal values for float constants. Has to.
  • 72767: Rewrite override list using new codegen4
  • 72766: Invalid access error when accessing stirngspan length on Androi
  • 72763: Rename: NRE in Interfaces.pas
  • 72759: WinForms application problem
  • 72758: Form designer problem: WPF invalid markup
  • 72755: Regression: cannot assign "NSNumber" to "Float64"
  • 72754: Silver: CC doesn't honor that "self" is needed inside closures
  • 72753: Silver: cannot new up a generic dictionary
  • 72752: Swift: smart-indent for } is wrong for trailing closure
  • 72751: GTD generates duplicates ""
  • 72748: "async" is broken
  • 72745: Visual Studio 2015's new diagnostic & performance tools not supported
  • 72744: (E496) Cannot access member "xxx" before it is initialized
  • 72741: Oxidizer wrong translation
  • 72739: FatalExecutionEngineError
  • 72737: Go to type definition not always working
  • 72735: Internal error with indexed property
  • 72734: Wrong type autoformatting for oxygene
  • 72733: "cannot simplify" error
  • 72729: Silver: "invalid program" with falthrough
  • 72728: Complete brackets adds extra "("
  • 72727: Cocoa: fxgen imports DISPATCHTIMEFOREVER = 0
  • 72724: Java and (E318) No overloaded method "getStrings" with 0 parameters on type "TStrings"
  • 72723: Regression: crash in VDKQueue dealloc wit latest compiler
  • 72718: Regression: Something broken in csC
  • 72715: Cocoa: "Cocoa" namespace alias doesn't work anymore
  • 72712: Silver: @IBOutlet should imply "!" nullable.
  • 72711: Regression: cannot build FPS, "Cannot Simplify Identifier"
  • 72710: Regression: Fire: DebugEvaluate crashes every time
  • 72709: Regression: XcodeSync crashes. doesn't matter what project.
  • 72708: Indent after case in swift is wrong
  • 72707: Make auto-format save comments as they are
  • 72706: iOS gradient NSArray problem
  • 72702: Oxidizer wrong translation
  • 72700: Problem with complete class
  • 72699: sugar string.isnullorempty gives wrong result
  • 72697: Cocoa: regression: can't call MIN() inside lambda
  • 72696: Oxygene.exe fails with invalid cast expression
  • 72695: NRE in GTD (in Language project)
  • 72694: Not nullable cast in Oxygene fails to compile
  • 72692: Enable Shared project for Windows version older than 8.1
  • 72691: Silver/Cooper: cannot override property
  • 72688: MZ cannot simplify
  • 72687: Silver: "let" variable captured not a block becomes modifiable.
  • 72686: NRE in CC after 5 min waiting
  • 72686: Fire: NRE in CC after 5 min waiting
  • 72682: A VS2013 Silver editor bug?
  • 72681: Invalid.NET code generated for initalizing array of set of enum
  • 72680: CC fails on KNOWN identiiers
  • 72679: VS2015 Android project fails to compile with NRE
  • 72677: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.r
  • 72676: Cocoa: Regression: calling Add() on Sugar.Dictionary crashes.
  • 72675: NSNotFound not found in serialized assembly
  • 72674: Silver: "if let" executes second statement even if first was nil
  • 72673: There's only one parameter in method definition after callingCreateMethod
  • 72671: Oxidizer hangs
  • 72670: "Cannot simplify identifier" error
  • 72667: NRE's while building Fire
  • 72666: Windows Phone 8.1 templates use old wizard in VS2015
  • 72663: Silver: Echoes: Source array type cannot be assigned to destination array type.
  • 72662: Silver Android do unwanted deadly cast
  • 72658: Add Window... Silver (Hydrogene) WPF project forwards to dialog with selected Oxygene item
  • 72657: No WPF Window template for Silver project
  • 72653: (E0) Internal error: EC Cannot Simplify Identifier for UInt32 property
  • 72644: No Extension SDK found for Oxygene WP 8.1 project
  • 72640: Automatic completion and format with "else"
  • 72639: Swift private attribute behaviour on Java
  • 72634: Proguard doesn't like Swift.jar and Elements-generated .jar files
  • 72626: Wrong CsC result in Android project
  • 72624: Misplaced Refactor.Rename function in context menu
  • 72616: Accessing C_ARGV sometimes NREs, on Cocoa and Echoes
  • 72615: Swift: should be able to return from main() w/o a value
  • 72611: Silver: scope issue with class field vs local variable.
  • 72610: Sugar.Dictionary fails on Cocoa and Echoes
  • 72607: NRE in GTD in following testcase
  • 72606: Oxygene: Cannot create new WP8 project
  • 72605: Silver: cannot handle loop with multiple variables.
  • 72603: Silver: confusing error about overloads, for simple mismatched () in "if"
  • 72601: Unable to change Properties/Settings.settings - Access Modifier
  • 72598: Problem with overload method selection
  • 72596: Manage NuGet packages + VS2015
  • 72595: Swift ternary operator type inference bug
  • 72593: confusion using "case type of" with mapped types
  • 72590: StandardAspects Lib no longer compiles
  • 72584: Silver: various issues with records and Any/AnyObject
  • 72583: Cannot pass Tuple literal as parameter of type "Object"
  • 72582: LLVM crashes with "invalid record"
  • 72579: GTD don't work on DateTime (Sugar)
  • 72578: Sugar.DateTime.ToString fails in Java
  • 72571: Browse button in Add Reference dialog doesn't work for WP8 projects
  • 72570: Mixing C# and Oxygene projects in the same solution breaks the new VS2015 Analyzers pane
  • 72568: Cocoa: Bad code in generated .h for SEL array
  • 72565: Fix the ShowAlltypes for Silver
  • 72559: Provide new Namespace property for CC item
  • 72550: Ambiguous calls to overloaded method "" in Oxidizer project
  • 72543: Silver: cannot check if nullable struct is assigned
  • 72542: Cocoa: "OR" fails for nullable Booleans
  • 72539: Hydrogene: case sensitive cc selector
  • 72538: CC: concrete type should have precedence over others
  • 72537: CC: "if" after "for"
  • 72531: Silver/Android doesn't have CC after opening project
  • 72525: No range provided when invoking GTD on a member
  • 72509: Convert methods in Parser.IDE.pas with CG4
  • 72497: Convert ImplementMembers method to CG4
  • 72496: Internal Error when building CI2 CIStarter.exe
  • 72493: Compiles with error asking me if I meant the variable I had?
  • 72492: Possible equality type error trapping problem?
  • 72490: Remove the warnings from the oxygene solution
  • 72489: .swift: Problem with renaming
  • 72485: Compiler allows to define fields on mapped type, should not.
  • 72484: Refactoring: sort methods in implementation alphabetically - hide menu item for unsupported languages
  • 72482: Problem with code folding in .swift
  • 72481: System.StackOverflowException in RemObjects.Oxygene.dll
  • 72475: (E0) Internal error: EC Cannot Simplify Identifier
  • 72466: VS IDE is unresponsive for a long time when loading solution
  • 72464: Missing values in the Build Action field of file properties
  • 72459: Completing List in C# ends with Listlt;lt;
  • 72458: Press enter in Hydrogene inserts sbad }
  • 72425: csC doesn't skip identifier in generic type
  • 72423: "For each" on string is broken
  • 72421: Allow setting a breakpoint on undefined ifdefd code
  • 72408: Two identical methods in CC
  • 72402: Can't overload == and != operators by mapped class of NSString on iOS
  • 72400: Build Action and drag&drop operation
  • 72398: SharedProject and Properties window problem
  • 72395: Build Action property and combobox for selection
  • 72389: Copy local value of a file properties
  • 72384: Loaded default event handler doesn't compile
  • 72381: Problem with refactoring
  • 72380: csC still doesnt keep “class” in sync
  • 72378: Should the code completion offer known generic types?
  • 72371: Can't rename a local variable with Refactor|Rename?
  • 72364: Cocoa: no decent call stacks for crash reports and in NSThread.callStackSymbols
  • 72358: Auto fix (WO) fails in following case
  • 72356: Swift: Add possibility to compact methods
  • 72354: VS shows error for a floating point number
  • 72327: PostBuildEvents window is screwed up
  • 72323: Elements should support "collapse to definition" in VS
  • 72308: Debugger shows wrong values for local variables
  • 72291: Fix default var params (lockdown fails)
  • 72286: GTD gives index out of range
  • 72284: Cocoa: misleading error when trying to write a private property from outside the class
  • 72279: "Cannot simplify identifier" on WinRTApps
  • 72276: Cocoa: emit "not nullable" and "nullable" in ObjC .h headers
  • 72272: FormatSelectionFixit: provide cursor position
  • 72271: Cooper: still warnings for case mismatch for upper-case namespaces - but now for inline namespaces only
  • 72270: Wrong data in properties window for selected Android project
  • 72269: Class completion replace unknown type name with "dynamic", and loses "nullable/not nullable flags"
  • 72266: Wrong data in properties window for selected Cocoa project
  • 72265: Allow attach to Android source code in Visual Studio
  • 72265: Is it possible to attach Android source code in Visual Studio?
  • 72253: "notify" bug
  • 72236: NRE in GTD in particular testcase
  • 72235: Provide APIs to return useful errors when CC cannot show details
  • 72228: Hide arguments when they're used in blocks so they don't show twice in the local window
  • 72222: Internal error: EC Cannot Simplify Identifier
  • 72216: Fire: Stack overflow in automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey when built with latest develop
  • 72215: Wrong data in properties window for selected project
  • 72198: Can't implement Hashable in Silver (displaying of ==)
  • 72195: GTD: NRE in following example
  • 72192: GTD: Could not find external type member
  • 72191: Cocoa: compiler lets me call static method on instance, runtime doesn't.
  • 72190: "did you mean X" error message for mere typo shows full namespace
  • 72185: CC after nested type no CC
  • 72183: NRE after GTD on String
  • 72182: GotoDef throws error Fixed NRE
  • 72181: LLVM error when building FireDA
  • 72180: 'Go To Declaration' doesn't work in Swift
  • 72178: Error "Out of range" when call GTD on generic type T
  • 72176: nullable to regular assignment goes wrong on Cocoa
  • 72172: Advanced refactoring
  • 72170: Remove NativeHelper library
  • 72166: Add option to clear servers list
  • 72164: Runtime crash if parameter is marked as nullable
  • 72161: CG4: GTD return empty metadata file
  • 72161: GTD return empty metadata file
  • 72150: two issues with GTD (lockdown) gtd on class_copyPropertyList a type mismatch
  • 72150: two issues with GTD (lockdown) gtd on objcpropertyt gives an NRE
  • 72125: CC: Preffered selection prefers extension methods to regular methods
  • 72122: Problem with Introduce variable in following case
  • 72112: CsC throws nre
  • 72107: How do I add Sugar to a WP8 project?
  • 72103: Oxygene/C#: allows passing of nullable values as non-nullable parameter
  • 72085: Silver: latest CG4 fails to build with NRE, Cooper only.
  • 72081: Silver: NRE in "if let"
  • 72079: Silver: code reformatting indents one } badly, for "else"
  • 72075: Wrongly added ( when typing )
  • 72051: Silver: after "if let x = x as? Foo", x still has the less concrete type. Sometimes.
  • 72047: Port Objc oxidizer to CodeGen4
  • 72045: Silver: wrong compiler error while assigning event handler
  • 72040: CB doesn't compile with new compiler in debug mode
  • 72037: Silver and Tuples
  • 72036: cannot introduce local for biaryExpression.Left
  • 72035: Turning Range Checking On
  • 72033: NRE in BufferTaskProvider
  • 72022: GotoDef doesn't work on new Type expression
  • 72021: Java and event problem
  • 72020: .NET inline problem
  • 72019: Silver: NRE with "if let" in CG4
  • 72018: Silver: enum switch claims that not all cases are covered, and doesn't resolve enum values
  • 72015: Cocoa: [Lazy] is causing problems in MZ
  • 72012: NRE invoking Peek at Definition
  • 72011: Insert var does nothing
  • 72010: FormatSelection stops working
  • 72009: EUnit fails with "cannot simplify expr"
  • 72002: Allow block at the beginning of a swift statement
  • 71994: NRE when trying to use "lazy"
  • 71986: Implement Replace Introduce Variable
  • 71963: Give nested methods a proper name in debug info
  • 71957: Problems with closures
  • 71935: Oxygene: insert opening ) at the right place
  • 71933: SwiftBaseLib: Error building project
  • 71930: CC List problems
  • 71928: New issues for the MoveType
  • 71927: "last" not available on swift.array
  • 71924: "Move type" refactoring doesn't work properly on MappedExpression
  • 71923: Android R generation on develop is broken (doesn't generate nested types anymore)
  • 71917: Problems including .inc file and line sections in editor
  • 71916: Problems with syntax highlighting, define and sharedproject
  • 71905: Live errors shows old file name
  • 71890: SwiftBaseLib needs (E)Unit tests
  • 71889: SwiftBaseLib is missing Cooper implementation for startsWith
  • 71876: Silver: code formatting doesn't handle trailing closure well
  • 71865: Better error message when assigning to fields of record property?
  • 71859: Test class item should add the reference to the EUnit too
  • 71850: better error message
  • 71843: Silver/Cooper: can't set BP in some places for Mandelbrot sample
  • 71842: Silver: allow ? to index a nil array
  • 71827: Silver: Can't assign function result to _
  • 71823: Echoes: Using slash in .NET project breaks debug info
  • 71811: Indentation bug
  • 71806: Property CC loses indexer args
  • 71804: Tooltip on an extended constructor call
  • 71791: Problem deleting folders in a sharedproject
  • 71780: Case and syntax highlighted problem
  • 71767: EE doesn't expand some values
  • 71736: Select the identifier on double-click includes &
  • 71715: Silver: CC adds "UIApplicationMain" with "Aspect suffix
  • 71705: Shared project bug
  • 71699: Renaming an identifer that is a keyword fails
  • 71687: Strange effects with the debugger, hover related
  • 71686: Error with syntax highlighting and define
  • 71655: Internal type is shown in hint
  • 71529: Implement class library
  • 71438: Compiler gets confused by sequence of type from unreferenced assembly
  • 71431: Xml Doc warning W21: "param" not applicable here
  • 71275: Universal Store project templates
  • 71201: Unable to open Sugar.Tests.sln without Oxygene license
  • 71147: Oxidizer: j2pas: annotation problem for methods
  • 71092: Make parser save comments and compiler directives (for Oxidizer)
  • 71078: Bugs in Oxidizer C#ToOxygene
  • 70764: Echoes: WinRT item templates for Silver
  • 70356: Silver: array literals should be assignable to Swift arrays
  • 69691: Echoes: Very strange behavior - recompiling EXE when XAML saved
  • 69668: Cooper: Problem with breakpoint in some circumstances
  • 69527: Echoes: WPF user control and WinForms user control creates same name in one project
  • 69438: Silver CC: no results after "nullable with ?.", but works with "!."
  • 69423: RescanRefs is called more several times while creating project into solution
  • 69080: NRE in GotoDef in particular testcase
  • 68907: Cocoa: Xcode-sync support for code data models and asset catalogs
  • 68743: Oxidizer converts compiler directives in an invalid way (C#)
  • 68352: Echoes: Add new projects for WinRT 8.1 project templates
  • 67628: Show error when project fails to launch
  • 67325: IDE gets slower when new projects are loaded in the same session
  • 67325: IDE gets slower when new projects are loaded in the same session Fixes exception
  • 67279: Echoes: MVC4: Razor: ASP.NET MVC4 Razor Facebook application should not install by default
  • 67276: Echoes: MVC4: Razor: WebAPI and SinglePage projects are created with .cs files
  • 66013: Properties with assembly visibility aren't shown in Locals
  • 65896: "var" parameters in GTD codegen.
  • 64119: Problem with CC when opening WPF project
  • 62852: VS "deploy" hangs if crosssboxhelper fails
  • 53375: Improve CC when declaring lambda expression
  • 0: MacPack: better error when Info.plist file can't be read as XML or Binary.
  • 0: EUnit iOS Sim binary got distributed badly
  • 0: Changed C_ARGV to be a [String]


New in the "July 2015" Interim Update Release, Version 8.1.85 (Build .1801)

(Built: July 14, 2015)

Enhancements to Elements

  • 72261: Oxygene: make "nullable" prefix on value types translate to a wrapped nullable.
  • 72252: Port Windows Phone 8.1 Templates to RemObjects C# and Silver
  • 72225: Cocoa: support for importing Xcode 7 SDKs: iOS 9.0, OS X 10.11, watchOS 2.0
  • 0: Ship iOS 8.4 .fx files

Enhancements to Fire

  • Show JumpBar in color even when windows doesn't have focus
  • Show yellow jump bar while debugging.
  • Improved device filtering for CrossBox dropdown
  • "Generic" devices could duplicate in CrossBox popup menu
  • Newer Silver 8.2 keywords
  • Proper/smart sorting of OS X SDK versions (10.11 should not be between 10.10and 10.9)
  • "Tools" Menu item to launch watchOS Simulator
  • Switch away from search pane when clearing search term with Ctrl+Option-Cmd-F
  • Improvements to drag and drop: allow copy vs link when dragging in from outside (and never move); smarter handling when dragging within project vs between projects (move vs link)
  • Support for watchOS simulators in CrossBox popup
  • Better & more consistent grouping of devices in CrossBox pop, by type and platform
  • Option-Left should jump to smart-indent offset, before jumping to column 0
  • Fixed license refresh for non-trial scenarios
  • Better display for expired licenses
  • "Contribute" button on project page when using community license
  • Improved display of debug execution points (mark top one, show index)
  • Execution Points didn't redraw when selecting between them in thread tree.
  • Delay updateTypes after launch project launch, to avoid waitForQueue delay
  • Fire/DA: show newly generated file(s); UI tweaks, generate/update .licx file when turning project into a DA client, tweaks to generating code for DA table Definitions.
  • Automatically expand.collapse projects as they get enabled/disabled.
  • Blacklist System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException on Echoes debugging, by default.
  • Linker "rpath" setting

Enhancements to Sugar

  • Vastly reworked/improved HTTP support
  • JSON Support
  • SQLite suppoer
  • Sugar for watchOS

Fixes in Elements

  • 72473: Compile error iterating ISequence in mapped class on iOS
  • 72472: Cannot call registerClass:forCellWithReuseIdentifier: on "id"
  • 72470: Empty "Add New Item" dialog in VS2015 for WinRT and WP projects
  • 72469: Make 'OK' the default button in CrossBox Device Picker
  • 72467: AFter downloading new iOS/OSX SDK zip, VS needs to be restarted to "see” the new SDK
  • 72464: Missing values in the Build Action field of file properties
  • 72462: Java 8 allow assigning lambdas to default interfaces
  • 72457: Set in property and class library error
  • 72454: Internal error on 'Complete Class'
  • 72453: Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in BasicGLSurfaceView sample (Oxygene)
  • 72452: Java.lang.IllegalStateException in Firstandroidapp sample (Silver)
  • 72451: WinRT/Basic Page (also split page) shows error during compiling
  • 72449: Unable to create Resource file item template
  • 72448: Unable to create the new WCF RIA Service Class Library projet
  • 72446: Cooper: reverse domain prefix missing from .apk name
  • 72444: Installer template fails to show the designer
  • 72442: Web user mobile control has incorrect file name
  • 72440: Silver WPF sorter sample doesn't work
  • 72437: coalesce() has wrong result type when using type alias
  • 72431: Oxfuscator imports mscorlib 4.0 for hidestrings
  • 72428: Unhelpful compile error when forgetting ": id" in Cocoa init method
  • 72427: VS2013 crash while testing silver
  • 72424: Silver: NRE in "?." expression that should be null-safe
  • 72422: "new <static class>" complains about abstract
  • 72401: NSString bug on iOS: null != null
  • 72398: SharedProject and Properties window problem
  • 72395: Build Action property and combobox for selection
  • 72394: Inline function bug for iOS pointer operation
  • 72393: Cocoa: regression Sugar.String.Replace doesn't compile
  • 72392: Silver: "as? Type!" causes compiler errors
  • 72389: Copy local value of a file properties
  • 72385: Empty EUnit iOS project crashes when Runner.RunTests
  • 72383: Cocoa dynamic Library problem (LinkerRPath setting)
  • 72383: Cocoa dynamic Library problem (MacPac support for AdditionalBinaries)
  • 72379: FLTMIN/FLTMAX/... on iOS are undefined
  • 72375: Silver WinRT project fails to start
  • 72374: Cocoa: cannot access member of boxed/nullable struct; can try to call NSNumber members
  • 72366: Silver: internal error when using dictionary literal in NSLog()
  • 72365: Silver regression: cannot assign "Implicit member" to "UIStatusBarStyle"
  • 72363: When compiling error E0: Internal error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  • 72356: Swift: Add possibility to compact methods
  • 72354: VS shows error for a floating point number
  • 72352: Compile time error E62: Type mismatch, cannot assign "Double" to "Double"
  • 72329: Can't compile slSvcutil generated class
  • 72327: PostBuildEvents window is screwed up
  • 72322: Why does namespace not get added to proper section?
  • 72320: Buggy String Interpolation in RO C#
  • 72306: Dropped support for VS2012
  • 72301: ARC issue with "ref" parameter
  • 72299: Wrong highlighting in libCocoa project
  • 72296: Cooper: "handle is invalid" when running cmdline app in VS, c
  • 72291: Fix default var params (lockdown fails)
  • 72288: Compile problem
  • 72287: Disallow default values for out/var parmaeters
  • 72282: Cocoa: class "cannot be used as nullable"
  • 72278: FXGen doesn't properly parse dragged-in bundles
  • 72275: Cocoa: protocol gets emitted to .h files without members
  • 72270: Wrong data in properties window for selected Android project
  • 72268: Cooper: can't pass anon method to a parameter if its defined as "not nullable"
  • 72267: Is there a way to increase CrossBox's timeout?
  • 72266: Wrong data in properties window for selected Cocoa project
  • 72251: Auto-complete in comments starting with (*
  • 72249: Preparations for watchOS 2.0 toolchain support
  • 72248: Can't goto definition on ROCodeGen
  • 72247: NRE in RemObjects.Oxygene.Code.Output.Java.OutputGeneratorVisitor.VisitCastExpression
  • 72246: Problems with OX and ROCodegen4 (cannot call nullwrap)
  • 72234: Silver: don't shown keywords in member CC dropdown, for an unknown type
  • 72233: Silver: can't use unary minus operator in string interpolation
  • 72229: android sync jb_old issues
  • 72215: Wrong data in properties window for selected project
  • 72205: Type CC in silver
  • 72204: Enter after var inserts random }
  • 72184: Java.lang.VerifyError
  • 72173: Silver: bad nil check in property setter causes NRE
  • 72170: Remove NativeHelper library
  • 72164: Runtime crash if parameter is marked as nullable
  • 72163: Cannot use "unit" as visibility on property writer
  • 72160: HI doesn't handle #defines with string values
  • 72153: Problem with nullable values in some cases
  • 72152: Java CoreDebug: Can't call intf method
  • 72151: class_copyPropertyList gives wrong result
  • 72146: "using" bug
  • 72145: Cooper: NRE when using "is not"
  • 72116: Delegate block sig doesn't export properly
  • 72103: Oxygene/C#: allows passing of nullable values as non-nullable parameter
  • 72096: Silver: cant use "await"
  • 72095: Silver: trailing closure syntax doesn't work for Task ctor
  • 72086: Silver should allow closures to be called using the explicit syntax
  • 72083: Silver sometimes went into "Trial" mode
  • 72074: Compiler doesn't recognize named constructor
  • 72039: Silver: build failed with 0 errors
  • 72019: Silver: NRE with "if let" in CG4
  • 72018: Silver: enum switch claims that not all cases are covered, and doesn't resolve enum values
  • 71927: "last" not available on swift.array
  • 71919: Java and array context display
  • 71686: Error with syntax highlighting and define
  • 0: Better error for when Shell fails to install on Win10
  • 0: LLVM assert fixes
  • 0: Wrong data in properties window for selected project
  • 0: crossbox: tweaks to handle Simulator API changes in Xcode 7 Beta 2
  • 0: Removed IgeMacMenuGlobal and Gtk dependency from MonoHelpers
  • 0: generate.train & FCGen vastly refactored for new SDKs
  • 0: armv7k support in core compiler
  • 0: JSON and reworked HTTP support in Sugar
  • 0: MacPack is way to verbose

Fixes in Fire

  • Internal error on 'Complete Class'
  • Projects with missing AssemblyName should fall back to filename, not display name.
  • "The debug session failed to start because the device is locked." message didn't show properly.
  • fixed default values for project settings (Optimize, Allow Globals, Warn on Deployment Target Concerns, Allow Legacy out/var Parameters, Enable Assertions) to be inline with actual compiler behavior
  • Underscore should be considered a token character for text selection, in non-code editor files.
  • Browsing for debug source files did not let you map whole folder trees if the local filename case didn't match (and symbols sometime seem to get lowercased)
  • iOS Simulator moved again in Xcode 7 Beta 2
  • NRE when invoking "Reveal in Finder" on an unresolved reference.
  • Fix for malformed xbuild build messages w/ line breaks
  • Shop Fire as .dmg, not .zip
  • Fixes to build Fire itself against 10.11
  • Cursor would not redraw when moving between error message within the same file
  • Search tree shows matched files in duplicate, if they are part of multiple projects
  • changing search options (but not string) did not update full-solution search tree; also fix for all-files search refreshing when the solution changed on ways that could not affect search.
  • Fix for empty space appearing at the top if the window when entering Full Screen mode, in some rare occasions.
  • Shared projects should not influence CrossBox popup.
  • Made error message parsing more robust against bad messages
  • Crash on startup if download of version infos failed.
  • Cocoa: empty string was passed as command line param, if no params were configured
  • Crash in Locals inspector when switching between stack frames.
  • Could not properly activate code editor when selecting node via Thread or Types tree
  • Code editor needs to draw as "inactive", when whole window is inactive
  • Active/selected source file did nor persist across restart, if it was selected via a build message.
  • Renaming a physical folder would rename the folder on disk but not in the project
  • Sorting of folders would be wrong in some cases, most notably in Android ./res folders
  • Filtering of advanced project settings didn't work

Fixes in Sugar

  • 0: Issues with Sugar.DateTime
  • 0: XmlNode.item[string] is needed
  • 0: WinRT implementation for the Environment.CurrentDirectory() method
  • 0: Path: Possibility to convert relative path to absolute
  • 0: Url.UrlEncodeString(String): String - Support for WP 8.0 and WinRT
  • 0: New HTTP (still wip, but basics work for Echoes and Cocoa)
  • 0: New HTTP (wip, not functional)
  • 0: constructor SugarException withError (for Cocoa)


New in the "May 2015" Interim Update Release, Version 8.1.83 (Build .1761)

(Built: May 13, 2015)

Fixes in Elements

  • 72004: Cocoa: Twonkd project fails with NRE on latest lockdown (May 11)
  • 72003: Crash in German VS
  • 71989: Android and "var" parameter verify problem
  • 71982: C# license needed for Entity Framework migrations?
  • 71953: Silver: Switch still doesn't do String ranges properly.
  • 71950: Silver: Wrong output from given sample project
  • 71949: Static iOS library gets UNKNOWNTYPE instead of types
  • 71947: Cocoa: asset catalogs don't generate iPad launch images
  • 71942: Silver: creating new Swift dict fails
  • 71941: Cocoa: can't find static or dynamic libs via project ref
  • 71941: Cocoa: .dylib doesn't get copied to /bin
  • 71927: Cooper: "last", not available on swift.Array
  • 71920: Calculator sample (port to C# and Oxygene)
  • 0: Setup tweaks for reboot loop with Shell

Improvements and Fixes in Fire

  • Theme support (currently code editor only, and work in progress)
  • Support force touch for Peek at Definition on new MacBooks
  • Show "Generic Android Device" in CrossBox menu,for consistency with iOS
  • Fire doesn't pass stricter Gatekeeper test on 10.10.4, due to bad "monograph" executable
  • Possible crash on startup, when Mono was called into too early
  • Extra protection against crash if "mono" file isn't executable due to bad unzip
  • Extra protection against crash if certain standard command line tools don't exist on the local system
  • Cannot rename file/folder when changing only the case
  • "Edit in Android Studio" menu was grayed out
  • Project references to Dynamic Library get added badly
  • "Reveal Output in Finder" should show the folder, if the file itself doesn't exist (yet)
  • Problems adding project references, and in general adding references via drag and drop.
  • Filtering of advanced project settings didn't work
  • WatchKit support tweaks (still work in progress)


New in the "April 2015" Release, Version 8.1.83 (Build .1751)

(Built: April 29, 2015)


  • 71776: iOS Extensions Project Templates (Fire only)
  • 71756: Ship support files for iOS 8.3
  • 71698: New IDE-Integrated Online Help
  • 70969: H2: Support for all new C# 6.0 language features
  • 70949: Type inference for properties
  • 70805: H2: support for __inline functions in C#
  • 70740: Edit Android layout files visually in Android Studio
  • 70670: Tentative/Experimental WatchKit support (Fire only)
  • 70482: Support for Events on Java an Cocoa
  • 70346: Support for Oxygene Sets in Cooper and Cocoa
  • 69952: Integration with the upcoming Visual Studio 2015
  • 69277: Option for generating .dSYM files on Cocoa
  • 68907: Support for Asset catalogs on Cocoa
  • 66096: Oxidizer now supports all language combinations
  • 65636: Support for "dynamic" on Java


  • 71778: H2: syntax for named .ctors
  • 71679: New CoreDebug-based debug engine for Cooper, in VS
  • 71656: Struct Initializers
  • 71572: Cocoa: Allow boxing of structs
  • 71402: Make ConditionalAttribute accessible without "using" (cross platform)
  • 71194: Support code-first Entity Framework
  • 71033: New Item Templates for Windows Phone 8.1
  • 70963: Allow Cocoa classes to implement ISequence
  • 70877: Cocoa: proper boxing for Chars and AnsiChars
  • 70828: Cocoa: modernized all project templates
  • 70796: Cocoa: converted all templates to use Asset Catalogs and Launch Xibs
  • 70730: Feature request: Clickable links in comments
  • 70670: Tentative Extensions and WatchKit support (inside Fire only, for this release)
  • 70582: New FileOpenPickerContract and ShareTargetContract item templates for WinRT
  • 70479: Show proper "case" error in C# if case is wrong, instead of "unknown identifier"
  • 69260: Add "Show All Files" ability for Add files and folders
  • 68116: Unpacking tuples in for each loop
  • 67032: Support for defining Namespace aliases
  • 66821: Implement "Find Callers/References" command
  • 66586: Obsolete support on classes
  • 52899: Allow external/linked files in VS to stay in subfolders via <Link> tag
  • 49598: Fix-It for 'W7 Type is not marked "abstract" but has one or more abstract members'
  • 70699: New cross-platform Calculator sample (Silver and C#)


  • 71895: CC issues
  • 71894: ISequence does not show in code completion
  • 71891: Inferred type gives runtime error in Java
  • 71870: Problem adding reference to Excel 15.0 Object Library
  • 71869: Decimal consts become 0
  • 71860: Cannot assign "array of Object" to "String" error with no location info
  • 71858: Errors on item templates
  • 71857: Oxygene.exe compiles hardcodes WinRT referenes to "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4beta1\"
  • 71853: Shell does not install in some Windows 10 CTPs (better error recovery/reporting)
  • 71849: Can't start ASP.NET MVC4 app (IE)
  • 71848: ASP.NET Web site debugging issue
  • 71840: Cocoa: new NSException("foo") gives an NRE instead
  • 71832: H2: Empty iOS project template not compiles
  • 71830: Oxygene: empty java project template not compiles
  • 71813: H2: one more place where we need a better message when missing () for a method call
  • 71810: Continue after BP in Cooper/CoreDebug fails in IDE
  • 71805: Complete Class on XmlComment doesn't do anything
  • 71803: Compiler allows write to a readonly property using extended constructor call, fails runtime
  • 71797: Stack Overflow in customer project
  • 71793: Cannot debug anonymous in SwingSample
  • 71791: Problem deleting folders in a Shared Project
  • 71790: Internal error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (Last version:
  • 71777: Wrong path in project file after "Add file as Link"
  • 71774: Cocoa: linker, not compiler errors,when using AppKit classes w/o AppKit reference
  • 71761: H2: compiler thinks method returns no value, when in fact all cases of switch are covered
  • 71759: Enum and Generics Issues
  • 71753: Cocoa: Treat-as-fixed "Unknown type "StringArray", even though DataAbstract namespace is in uses
  • 71744: Mono compilation doesn't work in Oxygene.exe
  • 71720: Cocoa: badly reports "Class method recursively calls itself"
  • 71716: error E415: Multi-dimensional array with open high bounds not supported on this platform
  • 71711: H2: cannot call base .ctor using "named/multipart" convention
  • 71710: Java and VS IDE exception control problem
  • 71705: Shared project bug
  • 71696: Compiler gets confused about result type of local method, in ROSDK codegen (Oxygene only)
  • 71690: Fixes for Java.
  • 71685: NRE in GetList2
  • 71680: Cocoa: confusion over picking concrete method vs. one from Sequence extension
  • 71674: Cocoa: still confusion with List<> vs NSMutableArray<>
  • 71670: Cocoa debugging stops on "nil" thread after Stepping
  • 71658: Cocoa: HI misses extension for GKGameCenterViewController
  • 71653: Oxygene Class Completion generates multi-part .ctor badly
  • 71652: Oxygene: multi-part .ctor compiles, even if implementation is missing "withXXX" part of name
  • 71647: Java and Char problem
  • 71629: No "self" in locals when debugging a method in an extension class
  • 71627: Cocoa: linker error for objcsyncenter
  • 71625: Extension method in an extension class: wrong code generated
  • 71608: Oxidizer paste error
  • 71599: Java reference resolving doesnt take into account /Andorid vs /Plain subfolders for the XML files
  • 71590: Oxidiser does nothing
  • 71589: (E129) Cannot cast from "String" to "String"
  • 71588: Sugar shared project can't be opened
  • 71585: CC: Incorrect hint is shown
  • 71580: (E253) Error while generating executable:
  • 71579: Cocoa: unhelpful error when badly passing "var" parameter w/o var prefix
  • 71578: Oxidizer paste error with NSData
  • 71571: CodeGen4 fails on Echoes with two locationless, detail-less Type Mismatches
  • 71569: Sugar: "Cannot return without a value" when calling AppendLine
  • 71567: No hint for treat-as-fixed type name misspelling
  • 71565: Cocoa: can't define extension method on integer
  • 71561: Exceptions/breakpoints inside dispatch_async get reported w/o proper callstack
  • 71557: ArgumentOutOfRangeException in method BaseParser.GetText
  • 71555: Internal error: Object reference not set to an instance of object
  • 71551: HI: bad/confusing codegen for categories
  • 71550: GTD is broken in current case
  • 71549: Reference to Shared Project
  • 71548: Go To Implementation doesn't work when parameters are differ
  • 71538: Confusing error when number literal is too large
  • 71536: Exhaustive branching and function return
  • 71531: H2: bad auto format on curly-less if/else
  • 71524: SharedProject and 'object reference not set to an instance of an object'
  • 71523: Debugger doesn't eval when using : operator
  • 71519: Problem with syntax highlighting, sharedproject and references
  • 71518: SharedProject and selector problem
  • 71505: Virtual space in Visual Studio
  • 71504: Android: Assembly section problem
  • 71503: Problem with CC and numbers
  • 71497: Internal error using sets in Java
  • 71493: CC for selector name has all items duplicated
  • 71492: Android apps fail to build with an error from dx, about bad ranges.
  • 71483: Tuple in for loop causes syntax error
  • 71474: GTD on Code doesn't go anywhere
  • 71472: Class Completion adds stuff badly for table view controller
  • 71471: NRE in class method ParserCollector.ChangeParser
  • 71468: NRE in Implementing interface
  • 71466: Need to fix warning in projects
  • 71465: Verify error in sets
  • 71464: Fix failing stable testcases
  • 71461: Implementing interface indexer parameter loses parameters
  • 71460: Implement interface generates a bunch of weird stuff
  • 71459: Overriding a virtual property STILL does virtual instead of override
  • 71452: H2: wrong indentation for { after case
  • 71450: H2: wrong indentation after default in switch
  • 71448: H2: wrong indentation for comments in switch
  • 71447: H2: autoformatting for case is wrong
  • 71441: Internal error: EC Cannot simplify Identifier - Assigned with event
  • 71440: Cocoa: Dynamic Library doesn't link
  • 71437: Cocoa: Weird/misleading compiler error on private extension method
  • 71432: Problem with set, in and :
  • 71429: No method tooltips inside ()
  • 71424: H2 autoformat still has issues
  • 71421: Load from array doesn't work on Android
  • 71420: Changes in Cocoa method pointers
  • 71418: sets/enums in var parameters
  • 71416: Oxygene samples contain outdated $(Framework) definition
  • 71411: Problem with "class of"
  • 71407: "User-defined operator method 'Boolean get_HasValue()' must be static." in CI2
  • 71406: Two problems with events (Echoes)
  • 71400: Events regression
  • 71399: Invalid IL code in RemObjects.Oxygene.PList:LoadBinaryPList@3
  • 71395: Elements setup contains outdated Sugar.Data.dll
  • 71391: Forward tostring, gethashcode and equals (all virtual methods in Object) when ducktyping
  • 71390: SharedProjects and errors
  • 71389: better error for missing () in string.Format
  • 71388: H2: Misleading follow-up error for de outside of method {}
  • 71385: Include Unmanaged Type attribute in COM interface
  • 71375: Problem with latest compiler
  • 71374: Problem with renaming
  • 71369: "Multifile selector" is still shown after deleting file (As Link) from second project
  • 71368: Problem with renaming properties
  • 71366: Duplicate VSEditor settings (indent style and such) for 2015
  • 71363: Problem adding file as Link
  • 71343: Android: Sets: EXCEPTION FROM SIMULATION
  • 71341: Cocoa: Sets do not work on iOS
  • 71339: CC for event before property doesn't show any completion
  • 71338: Problems renaming a file in a project
  • 71337: Enter in "case" indents wrongly
  • 71336: XmlComment should ignore case for param names (Oxygene)
  • 71335: Java debugger: "Ignore namespace" option
  • 71333: Complete class with extension class
  • 71330: All Cooper templates need to reference rtl.jar
  • 71327: Visual Studio editor slowness
  • 71326: Cocoa: Internal error: Index was outside the bounds of the array (delegates)
  • 71325: Incorrect warning: Events are not supported on Java and Cocoa (they are)
  • 71320: Compiler doesn't accept undefs
  • 71319: Debug oxygene JSP in VS2013
  • 71318: Problem with renaming enums
  • 71317: VS Oxygene Text Editor Options do not save
  • 71307: H2: wrong indentation inside case block
  • 71306: CSC/CC set of doesn't give valid display value
  • 71303: Optional comparisons cannot compile
  • 71301: Core debug: array of X evaluator
  • 71300: Complete class works incorrectly
  • 71299: H2: Wrong indent after do-while block
  • 71298: Duck-typed objects cannot be inspected with refection
  • 71297: Cocoa: $HIDE/$SHOW pair to hide some warnings leaves the state to "hide"
  • 71295: Warning in MVC4 projetcs. Could not locate the assembly "System.Web.Providers".
  • 71293: H2: wrong indentation for switch block
  • 71291: H2: wrong indent after 2 ifs and empty else block
  • 71290: ctlr+shift+m (create method) should work on static/instance of other class
  • 71289: Go to implementation doesn't work in some cases
  • 71288: H2: wrong indentation for else when if has empty body
  • 71287: Wrong indentation when have empty lines in formatted code
  • 71284: Importing java "byte" should import as SByte into Oxygene
  • 71283: H2: indent after locking statement is wrong
  • 71282: When overriding a property in Pascal it inserts virtual instead of override
  • 71280: Possible Bug with Simple Program
  • 71278: Wrong indent with 2 while statements
  • 71274: Cannot duck-type & dynamic fixes
  • 71272: Compiler does not fail on not nullable type when used as an alias
  • 71270: NRE in compiled app
  • 71263: Expose ExtensionAttribute on the assembly level when defining extensionmethods
  • 71260: "Go to definition" go to wrong place
  • 71259: Recover from missing ; in multi-part parameters
  • 71255: Error opening a source file in an ASP.NET site
  • 71252: Overriding a property can result in a new virtual property, not an override of the existing one
  • 71238: Extension class and XML documentation
  • 71234: H2: two more bad autoformats
  • 71229: Debugger crash when stopping Java app
  • 71227: SharedProject selector problems
  • 71226: Mapped type, global var and class library problem
  • 71211: Indentation works weirdly
  • 71198: Collapsing XML comments
  • 71190: CS2Oxy: NRE when insert code without attributes
  • 71185: Moking OAProperties serializable
  • 71183: Oxidizer CS2Oxy: "Unable to cast object" when paste code with spaces
  • 71175: Wrong hint
  • 71164: Problem with ':' and mapped
  • 71160: Shared Project: After adding project .projitems file isn't updated
  • 71159: Problem with $message directive
  • 71156: Project never finishes compilng
  • 71147: Oxidizer: j2pas: annotation problem for methods
  • 71140: Breakpoints do not work on shared projects
  • 71137: Silver: scoped attributes do not work
  • 71136: H2: bad reformatting after "else"
  • 71133: H2: bad reformatting on multi-line "if" clause
  • 71132: H2: bad reformatting after nested "if"
  • 71129: H2: bad code reformatting
  • 71127: Oxidizer: j2pas: annotation problem for typeof
  • 71125: Shared Project: Selector upper-right is lost when scrolling unit
  • 71124: Serious problems to rename a project file
  • 71123: Another problem: Shared Projects, syntax highlighting and defines
  • 71110: Mutiples problems with shared projects, syntax highlighting and defines
  • 71102: Compiler error: Not seeing indexer by Index override
  • 71101: SharedProject and .inc files problem
  • 71100: Shared Project - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  • 71099: Cocoa: Excepton in debugger/IDE (VS) when running agains Xcode 5.1.1 Simulator.
  • 71098: Oxygene Cocoa project failed to compile
  • 71094: Oxidizer: j2pas: "end;" is missing in class interface
  • 71093: NRE in j2pas for annotation (Oxidizer)
  • 71092: Make Oxidizer C# parser save comments and compiler directives
  • 71088: "inline" fails with odd "mapped" error
  • 71087: Using code completion to add virtual method adds virtual instead of override
  • 71084: Better error for cannot subclass static class
  • 71080: Cocoa: autoreleasepool not working?
  • 71078: Bugs in Oxidizer C#ToOxygene
  • 71075: Error processing Asset Catalog in MSBuild
  • 71072: PEVerify founds errors in RemObjects.DataAbstract.Server.dll
  • 71071: Cocoa: debugger crash while evaluating
  • 71070: Codegen gives key already found in dictoinary error
  • 71069: Latest compiler crashes building CodeGen3.
  • 71068: Class completion in projects puts method BEFORE uses
  • 71065: VS2015: Unhandled Exception:Unable to cast object of type during building
  • 71058: H2: better error recovery on missing closing }
  • 71056: type mismatch in large project
  • 71041: Internal error when a ":" is used after a void method call
  • 71040: Cocoa: Index out of range in code with mapped classs
  • 71031: Resx includes obj in the resource name when compiling with XBuild
  • 71017: Java: show proper error when base class is in an unreferenced library
  • 71016: Enum bug?
  • 71003: Incorrect warning in mapped to class
  • 71001: Unknown identifier findViewById
  • 70996: Access to the path '...\Common7\IDE\Temp.txt' is denied.
  • 70995: Elements fails to load in Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5
  • 70994: H2: need to disable WinForms Designer
  • 70992: Review how we determine (and use) the "language" of an Elements project
  • 70991: Review the check for Hydrogene/Oxygene/Silver/Mixed project
  • 70983: iOS Project Templates fail in VS on .xcassets file
  • 70980: H2: rather bad error error recovery from a missing ; after do/while
  • 70977: Oxidizer for Java parsing problems for field
  • 70976: Oxidizer for Java parsing problems for float statement
  • 70951: Cocoa: (E0) Internal error: Def No Field
  • 70945: Windows Phone 8.1 app throws an unhandled exception
  • 70937: Need better error message if override fails based on parameter types
  • 70934: InvertedExplamationMark for NullableIfReferenceTypeOperartor in swift
  • 70920: oxidizer java2pas: fails testcase
  • 70919: Cooper: Android template compilation error
  • 70915: Cooper: Unsigned issue
  • 70897: CsC for operators still/again insters "class"
  • 70893: (Very) large expression can cause IDE to lock up
  • 70889: Error cliking project in SwiftBaseLib
  • 70841: H2: cannot call named base .ctor, when not using init* syntax
  • 70834: Oxidizer: Oxidizer Out of Memory when importing given Objective-C snippet
  • 70824: Nullable Double cast produces compiler internal error
  • 70821: Cannot create silverlight project
  • 70803: Generics, operator and mapped problem (
  • 70800: Cooper: Generic parameter doesn't fulfill constraint "Enum" for "E"
  • 70787: Imlement interface return wrong code for property
  • 70786: Java show get/set methods
  • 70785: Shared Project: Error when deleting file
  • 70784: NRE in Editor when inserting text
  • 70782: Equals on string creates call instead of equality op
  • 70781: Shared Project: NRE when deleting file after "Show All Files"
  • 70774: H2: CC isn't shown after "Include in Project"
  • 70773: H2: NRE when typing after "Include in Project"
  • 70769: Cooper: xbuild should look for Android SDK in "~/Library/Android/sdk/"
  • 70763: Adjust indentation testcases to accept swift tests
  • 70759: Array of array shows wrong in debugger in Java
  • 70757: File isn't deleted after "Show All Files"
  • 70756: Parallel loop error
  • 70753: Shared Project: "Exclude from Project" works only once
  • 70748: NRE in compiler with Dynamic code
  • 70747: Different results for SHR on Java and .NET
  • 70744: Option to show get/set methods for Android/Java Clearing code
  • 70743: SharedProject: VS shouldn't ask "Save changes in project file" after closing"
  • 70738: No CC in foreach in code
  • 70734: Cannot change build action to Compile for
  • 70731: Cocoa: set/unset exception in VS doesn't work as expected
  • 70729: $IFDEF bug
  • 70726: shr on byte on java gives wrong result
  • 70725: NRE's when click on file after "Show All Files"
  • 70716: SharedProject and .inc files problem
  • 70715: SharedProject and Include in Project option problems
  • 70713: Property-Setter generated via IntelliSense (?) are "upside down"
  • 70711: EUnit not count the tests correctly
  • 70701: Cooper: code causes dex error
  • 70698: Indenting the return on the last line from col 1 gives unspecified error
  • 70689: Add "Exclude from project" ability for added files and folders
  • 70687: No CC in type sig
  • 70686: Switch CC should hide Op_ operators
  • 70682: Cooper: event problem when running app
  • 70672: 8.0: Syntax highlighting for Sugar / Oxygene broken in C#-only install
  • 70668: Aspect attributes such as UIApplicationMain missing from CC
  • 70667: Bad debug symbol line info for [UIApplicationMain] aspect
  • 70665: Constraint not fulfilled
  • 70651: 'Boxing non-standard value types is not supported on Cocoa'
  • 70650: Cooper: exception from simulation (
  • 70648: Create method has wrong names for parameters
  • 70634: Event without parameters is called directly, ignoring raise_XXX method
  • 70632: NRE in user's project when compiling
  • 70622: Extract method doesn't work for if statement when true statement contains begin/end keywords
  • 70621: Extract method doesn't work for if statement
  • 70619: VS crashes with Solution Properties window open.
  • 70610: Exception editing interface section in .pas in Visual Studio
  • 70607: Include empty problem
  • 70590: trying SI gives strange coloring issues
  • 70588: Array extension doesn't compile
  • 70574: Echoes: detect if a project js build for a lower .NET version that some of the linked dlls
  • 70569: Add "Include in project" ability for Add files and folders
  • 70569: Add "Include/Exlude in/from project" ability for Add files and folders
  • 70568: Make arrays parameters compatible with not nullable NSArray/NSMutable
  • 70567: Breakpoint in "for" loop covers whole block
  • 70554: Operator function error
  • 70553: Generic function example generates internal error
  • 70550: NullReferenceException with code completion
  • 70548: Type Checking test failure
  • 70547: Nested struct assignment fails to compile
  • 70546: Array type missing "count" attribute
  • 70545: Named Parameters do not compile
  • 70543: Character parameters do not match
  • 70540: Intellisense not working prepoerly
  • 70525: EUnit: missing method expception on Mono/Mac
  • 70521: Wrong icon for pas files in Shared project
  • 70520: Allow not nullable in arrays
  • 70512: Don't allow IN ranges when using java non int enus
  • 70504: csC: Produces wrong code for method with parameters not referenced in uses
  • 70490: Oxygene CC: wrong CC list in the proeprty type
  • 70478: Oxygene highlighting is invalid when removing the close bracket for compiler directive
  • 70452: Using implements in Cocoa
  • 70437: Problem with renaming
  • 70433: Oxygene CC: No namespaces after system.
  • 70430: Unable to run WP 8.1 application
  • 70409: CC: Check for places where CC should be soft
  • 70408: XML comments: reference a method in another class with generic parameter
  • 70406: Expand Sugar licensing to cover new shared project
  • 70404: Oxidizer/Java converts while statement with inline var decl badly
  • 70363: Space vs tabs issue
  • 70347: Cocoa: misleading error for format string waring
  • 70328: Two Debugger issues on Android
  • 70309: Casting to a dynamic
  • 70279: Dynamic fix
  • 70279: Type Mismatch with dynamic
  • 70236: OxygeneBinderException - No Overload with these parameters
  • 70107: CC: no CC for "except on E|"
  • 70047: Oxidizer for Java parsing problems
  • 70004: String To Resource refactoring screen does not cope well with High DPI
  • 69986: Oxidizer: ObjC: NRE #3
  • 69984: Oxidizer: ObjC: NRE on this code
  • 69972: Impossible to rename unknown variable
  • 69909: Oxidizer: ObjC/Ox: NRE pasting code Testcase
  • 69909: Oxidizer: ObjC/Ox: NRE pasting code
  • 69869: Cocoa: compiler sometimes can't see "setTextColor:" on "id"
  • 69868: Unclear compilation errors when "type" keyword used for extensions methods
  • 69856: Simplify usage of codegen classes
  • 69805: Project Node - Open in File Explorer
  • 69756: Cooper: Inherited Runnable Classes
  • 69691: Very strange behavior - recompiling EXE when XAML saved
  • 69629: Cocoa: Bad .h file codegen for language-level array type
  • 69603: Java app: wrong variable for 'self' in Watch in the class methods
  • 69595: Need better message if it's not possible to run project (library)
  • 69587: Strange errors when the compiler can not find an include file
  • 69552: iOS category from item templates is shown for Mac project
  • 69316: "destructor" and breakpoints
  • 69087: "Complete Class" loses Cocoa name on constructor
  • 68932: Go To Implementation broken
  • 68844: C# to Oxygene conversion bug
  • 68742: Oxidizer generates bad code on this object array declaration (C#)
  • 68741: Oxidizer inserts empty Where constraints on generic methods (C#)
  • 68539: Oxidizer completely fails when faced with this C# delegate type
  • 68537: Oxidizer has trouble with #region blocks in C#
  • 68536: Trouble with the [Flags] attribute
  • 68444: PCL Support: Newly created Oxygene PCL Class Lib is not compiled into a Portable Class Library
  • 68409: Change Oxygene codegen to emit hanging begins, as is the proper style for Oxygene
  • 68231: Add parameter to skip result type into codegen
  • 68215: Check elements (dynamic et al) for wp8/winrt compatibility
  • 68089: Refactor: Wrong renaming of method's parametr (RO C#)
  • 68070: Codegen: H2: generate more compact property declaration if default getter and setter
  • 67780: Confusing error messages for "Twonkd.Twonkd" namespace issue
  • 67717: IDE error when hiding CrossBox menu from toolbar
  • 67619: 'View Code' button on Property pages Settings tab has no effect
  • 67461: Oxidizer: Objc: unnecessarily escapes single quotes in doublewquoted string
  • 67440: Cocoa: Goto definition within SLN goes to codegen'ed version
  • 67368: Oxidizer: ObjC: Keeps some comments, loses many
  • 67359: Oxidizer: ObjC: parser excpetion
  • 67356: Oxidizer: ObjC: @autoreleasepool imports badly
  • 67345: Consts are missing value in navbar, fields are missing
  • 67323: Oxidizer: Invalid code when importing C# increment operator
  • 66945: Oxidizer: ObjC: code in IFDEFs gets ignored
  • 66924: Oxidizer: ObjC: for loop gets messed up scarily
  • 66923: Oxidizer: ObjC: parenthesis needed for complex expression in method call
  • 66853: Oxidizer: ObjC: inline dictionary gets translated badly for C#
  • 66843: Oxidizer: ObjC: imported interfaces are missing properties
  • 66842: Oxidizer: ObjC->H2 badly converts float literal
  • 66841: Oxidizer/ObjC->H2 generates dupes for proeprties
  • 66747: Improve codegen formatting abilities; work in progress
  • 66697: More Oxidizer/ObjC failures, this time on Bugs/Mac
  • 66641: Implement second-part CC in multi-part method decl (H2 and OX)
  • 66541: Properly implement event add/remove in CSharpGenerator.pas
  • 66517: H2: cursor jumps to column 1 when right-clicking on empty line (e.g. to invoke oxidizer)
  • 66459: Add flag for throwing/ignoring add/remove for events
  • 66432: H2: Implement interface members doesn't work for INotifyPropertyChanged
  • 66301: .ctor and finalizer completes to garbage
  • 66283: Research ability to implement "parsing exception safe" mode for Oxidizer Objective C
  • 66118: Operators are not correctly displayed on navigation tools
  • 66095: Oxidizer: Switch C# and Java import to use new codegen for output
  • 65996: Oxidizer Objective C fails to process goto operator
  • 65991: H2: Application override| does not show onCreate
  • 65867: Signature for overridable methods
  • 65705: finalizer ends up with a name
  • 65700: When addin a file with a bad extension & renaming it to .pas it doesn't get CC
  • 65646: Oxidizer: ObjC/H2 ascending not escaped in multi-part method name
  • 65645: Oxidizer: ObjC/H2: bad code for interface decls
  • 65643: Oxidizer: ObjC/H2: enums cant be static
  • 65642: Oxidizer: ObjC/H2: odd 'this Entity @this' code in category
  • 65640: Oxidizer: ObjC/H2: __selector() syntax problem
  • 65639: Oxidizer: ObjC/H2 generates bad code for 'delegate'
  • 65638: Oxidizer/Hydrogene needs to escape keywords-named-identifiers even after.
  • 65558: Oxidizer: ObjC/Pas: global methods should not be intended by 2
  • 65557: Oxidizer: ObjC/Pascal: two issues in About Window
  • 65447: Oxidizer: ObjC: loses ":" on @selector
  • 65070: Navigation dropdowns have multi-line entries
  • 64948: Show xmldocs in hints for projects in one solution
  • 64889: Add parameter IncludeKeywors into BuildField method
  • 64838: Design better preflight for WinRT and Windows Phone (change check to 8.0 fw instead of 7.1)
  • 64238: GotoExternal Def fails for UIButton
  • 64169: Refactor IDE parsers for pascal and CSharp
  • 64065: Go To Definition: codegen emits @@ instead of ^^
  • 63597: Codegen (HI): 'class vars' are missing 'var' prefix
  • 63563: GTD: extension methods/categories show as regular classes in external codegen
  • 63559: Codegen: missing space before multi-part method names
  • 63100: Go To Definition: fails for NSObject
  • 59927: Conflicting error messages when file from template already exists
  • 59516: Oxidizer: Convert inline ++ or -- to extra statement
  • 57151: Log file path isn't created if necessary
  • 56746: Framework references get added with full path in Hint
  • 56506: improve "invalid signature for operator" should be something like "Explicit/Implicit operator needs the parameter or result type to be the containing type"
  • 55969: Oxidizer: j2pas: annotation problem
  • 55027: R.pas needs to be generated at project startup if it isn't already present
  • 53012: Color coding of types not always correct
  • 52841: Error while compiling solution with oxfuscated project
  • 52351: "Unable to load assembly" error when starting obfuscated assembly
  • 52349: Nested classes or enums are obfuscated even they are excluded
  • 51866: Target framework and mscorlib for obfuscated assemblies
  • 51822: More precise error message if explicit method declaration conflicts with a property's implicit methids
  • 51495: CC not auto-offering overrides any more
  • 51383: New folders created in Visual Studio has wrong order
  • 50120: Add Cirrus References should get disabled when debugging
  • 41409: Add tooltip helper for array indexes
  • 39976: Context menu entries when adding new files to a WPF application do not open the "Add New File" dialog with the correct selection.
  • 39318: Enabled option 'Hide Strings' results in TypeInitializationException during start of obfuscated application
  • 29495: Save As has interesting results for project file


New in the "January 2015" Interim Update, Version 8.0.81 (Build .1681)

(Built: Janaury 07, 2015)


  • 70852: Unable to evaluate the expression error in obfuscated build


New in the "December 2014" Release, Version 8.0.81 (Build .1667)

(Built: December 02, 2014)


  • 70242: Allow Sugar contributions w/o requiring Oxygene license
  • 70104: More standard LINQ query operators for Cocoa and Cooper
  • 69974: "Extract Method" refactoring support
  • 69732: Brand new managed debug engine for Cocoa and Java
  • 69725: Shared Projects
  • 69669: Cocoa: support for ARC'ed members in structs/records
  • 69656: ISequence&lt;T> cross-platform type to work with sequences in C# (and Oxygene)
  • 69559: Cocoa: method overloading based solely on parameter type
  • 69348: Support for C# 6.0 initialized properties syntax
  • 69314: Lazy properties
  • 69214: not nullable types
  • 68526: Cocoa: support for generating .dSYM files
  • 67987: Support for "for" loop expression in Cougat and Cooper
  • 67592: EUnit Cross-Platform Testing Framework
  • 66830: H2: Enable XAML (WPF and WinRT) support RemObjects C#
  • 67637: Ship iOS 8.1 and 10.10 SDKs in installer


  • 70204: length() CMF should work with NS(Mutable)Array, and with Silver [T] arrays
  • 70076: Support for advanced flow featues such as "for each" in mapped classes
  • 70031: New Fix-it: AddCocoaReference
  • 69741: H2: better error recovery for a bad line of ObjC code left in the file
  • 69728: H2: better error recovery for missing "get {}" in property body
  • 69659: Cocoa: performance optimization: Retain/Release self and args only when they're written to
  • 69509: H2: New Fix-it and "treat as fix" for "return = "
  • 68849: Improve "no such overload" error message, when its not really an overloading issue
  • 67751: MacPack: support for copying stuff to folders other than Resources (more logging)
  • 67312: Cooper: Compile time errors for not supported SDK elements
  • 67138: Compiler warning when accidentally comparing boxed value types
  • 52696: Cooper: Expose AAPT errors as proper MSBuild error messages


  • 70627: Oxygene WinRT projects failed to compile
  • 70540: Intellisense not working prpoperly
  • 70501: H2: Refactor -> Rename doesn't work second time in WPF application
  • 70495: Warning in UITableViewCell sample
  • 70472: H2 WinRT: Change item templates to match latest WinRT wizard
  • 70470: H2 Empty Project template has broken references
  • 70460: Andoid samples failed to compile
  • 70455: "Add New Item" does not have all the file types
  • 70439: Unexpected result inside mapped method
  • 70438: Check CC testcases: stable
  • 70436: Add New Item Dialog for WinRT project contains to few item templates
  • 70431: Mapped method fails inside try/except block
  • 70414: Cocoa: Wrong nil handling in string concatenation
  • 70400: exception cc/typing in shared project class1.cs
  • 70352: Oxygene CC escapes "Platform" as keyword even when Delphi compatibility is off
  • 70335: Method with enum from referenced project causes crash
  • 70333: Regression: Wrong result when using generic method from other generic method
  • 70330: Cocoa/H2: "hides a method in parent class with the same name and signature" even though case differs
  • 70324: Chained methods return wrong result
  • 70313: Return types for some Sugar.String .ctors lose the mapping
  • 70313: Cooper: Return types for some Sugar.String .ctors lose the mapping
  • 70293: TypeLoadException when class inherits from "sequence of"
  • 70280: Cocoa: Unable to use enum in tuples
  • 70271: CC shows inside string literals
  • 70257: The image on the first page of install is too smallon HiDPI screens
  • 70256: Cooper: Android compiler doesn't like "com" in the namespace
  • 70255: Cooper: Project fails to DX
  • 70237: Cooper: Compiler Warning - LinearLayout has invalid child element ImageButton
  • 70218: Cocoa: some methods show twice in CC
  • 70194: Typing in *Systems.pas gives internal exceptions
  • 70189: when using code completion with a delegate left hand side it inserts regions
  • 70150: NRE in WPF project
  • 70148: The project options screens have issues with HiDPI screens
  • 70147: XML comments: reference a method in another class with generic parameter
  • 70135: Cooper: Java type annotations are written differently in Java 8
  • 70131: CC: "then" missing from CC list
  • 70129: Cocoa: no warning and no weak linking on iOS-8-only UIUserNotificationSettings
  • 70126: Can't mix negative literal values and UInt in "if" expression, even if target is signed
  • 70120: Problem with implicit cast in mapped type in Sugar
  • 70108: CC should not escape keywords unless necessary.
  • 70106: Cocoa: properties show duplicated as method as well in CC
  • 70079: Found a case where case inserts value__
  • 70078: GTD on named constructor argument doesn ot work
  • 70070: Cooper: Problem with reusing generated Java libraries when using VarParameter
  • 70068: Cocoa: UILayoutPriority enum missing?
  • 70065: Implicitly defined array has incorrect type
  • 70056: Problem assigning arrays
  • 70045: Cocoa: only fails on some .NET namespaces being in uses clause (caused by Cirrus reference)
  • 70044: H2: No CC for multi-part .ctor call
  • 70030: Comparing nil boolean to nil evaluates to true
  • 70026: Cocoa: Assertion compiling RemObjects.CodeGenerator.Cocoa
  • 70006: Internal error with compiler
  • 69980: Invalid cast assertion when compiling JSONObject.cs in customer project
  • 69967: New CC doesn't insert private var
  • 69963: Escaping symbol is added into unnecessary places
  • 69950: Compiler checks bounds for positive int consts, but not for negative
  • 69930: NRE in Complete Class
  • 69924: Dependency of files is not displayed in the solution explorer
  • 69918: H2: three CC issues with "for" loops
  • 69917: Problem with aliases in .NET (unable to use members of class alias)
  • 69902: Crossbox: timeout in session expiration
  • 69897: Problem with casting methods to string - System.InvalidProgramException was unhandled
  • 69895: No "exit" in cc after "case" item
  • 69889: Conditional field on files in a shared project
  • 69888: NRE in indent code
  • 69879: Two-dimentional array behaves differently when defined in var declaration of method vs inline var declaration
  • 69867: "case of" for mapping string fails to compare values
  • 69864: Compiler error: Problem with variables by reference
  • 69861: Echoes: Problem with const visibility in .NET
  • 69855: Cooper: does not enforce "var" keyword when passing parameter by reference (template default setting issue)
  • 69854: Extra metadata should include result in signatures when dealing with operator implicit/explicit
  • 69853: H2: misleading error when single switch/case block is missing break
  • 69801: Case mismatch fix-it gets applied in wrong location
  • 69798: Cocoa: block crashes with declaration & assignment in same statement
  • 69797: "CrossBox error LocateMobileProvision: Invalid provisioning profile '.DS_Store'"
  • 69796: Constants and mapped problem
  • 69789: H2: Cooper: Enums don't work properly in "switch" statements
  • 69788: Cannot use "Dynamic" in generic parameter
  • 69778: Cooper: Internal Error with compiler (NRE)
  • 69762: Error E253: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
  • 69751: Cocoa: multi-part interface members are not properly enforced to be implemented
  • 69747: EXCBADACCESS at the device, same code working at the iOS simulator or when written in ObjC
  • 69712: Updating Oxygene losed Hydra templates
  • 69708: Build should fail on missing source file
  • 69700: Get Definition doesn't work on mapped types after build
  • 69699: Cocoa: E0: Internal error: LPUSHV->DString
  • 69695: NRE when completing attached class
  • 69688: Cocoa: string enumeration support breaks enumeration of "id".
  • 69679: Some H2 snippets are missing from CC
  • 69678: Get LineFixIt to use deltas
  • 69677: Cocoa: Adjust compiler to not compile for armv7s architecture by default (tomatch Xcode)
  • 69675: "foreach" snippet generates wrong code
  • 69672: Cooper: Default Namespace should be inherited from the Archive name
  • 69671: Implement interface members problem
  • 69658: Mutating enum entry ends up as 0
  • 69653: No CC for local variables
  • 69652: CodeModle NRE in Xcode Sync with attached project
  • 69639: GTD doesn't work on mapped types after build
  • 69638: "mapped" keyword is missing from CC inside mapped method body
  • 69635: "Save changes" dialog is triggered even if no changes were done
  • 69630: GEP error in source file
  • 69629: Cocoa: Bad .h file codegen for language-level array type
  • 69628: Statement in "if then begin end" block is called - without matching condition
  • 69619: GTD doesn't work for extension method on generic classes
  • 69612: GTD doesn't work for generic types
  • 69608: Cocoa: integer value gets corrupted during method call
  • 69607: Renaming lambda parameter breaks code
  • 69600: Opening given project gives internal error in IDE
  • 69594: Wrong rename on a generic type inside extension method
  • 69593: "Index out of range" when trying to rename parameter in extension method
  • 69581: Refactoring allows to rename type to invalid name
  • 69574: VS craches after creating Xaml and Direct 3D App
  • 69567: "require" and "ensure" keywords are missing from CC
  • 69566: Oxygene Windows Phone Preflight check - update link to download 8.0
  • 69563: No CC for extension methods in generic classes
  • 69558: No CC for generic parameter inside lambda
  • 69556: Warning in Cocoa iOS item template
  • 69551: Cocoa: Unable to add Asset catalog and Spritecit Scene item templates to Dynamic Library
  • 69550: Cocoa: CC does not shows type as generic
  • 69544: Wrong class completion for mapped constructors
  • 69543: Wrong method items in CC for classes inherited from generics
  • 69542: Cooper: Problem with Android project under source file management
  • 69537: Cocoa: H2 post increments (++) not working on iOS
  • 69536: H2: T4 text template for C# adds .pas generated file
  • 69535: Class completion generates wrong code for sequence parameter
  • 69533: Missing Data category for Oxygene class library project
  • 69530: After adding new manifest file into class library project fails to compile
  • 69510: Echoes: Strange location-less error w/ referencing Windows Media Player COM lib
  • 69499: Cocoa: Constructor "Go To Interface" not work
  • 69473: Cooper: Message "Unable to find Android Manifest file" shouldn't be displayed for ClassLibrary
  • 69456: H2: weird followup error for misspelled "nil"
  • 69455: Duplicate method name in CC
  • 69453: H2: frequent CC NREs typing bool expression
  • 69428: Cocoa: EXCBADACCESS when using generics and extension methods
  • 69427: "Complete Class" in OperatorSupport creates broken code
  • 69394: GTD on matching property name type goes nowhere
  • 69393: Auto CC shows weird result
  • 69384: Echoes: "View Code" does not work on WPF window
  • 69333: Cocoa: No CC for "withXXX" on constructor decl
  • 69330: Cocoa: Class Completion still completes init / .ctor inconsistently
  • 69320: Cocoa: Attributes are not supported on Cocoa (Incorrect warning)
  • 69318: Echoes: Nullable guid type "changing" when moved to separate assembly
  • 69301: NRE in Go To Definition
  • 69299: Echoes: New problems with syntax highlighting
  • 69296: Bug in resolving generics with semicolon in XML comments
  • 69282: Cocoa: dependency checking for storyboardc fails on incremental build (workaround making sure we code sign when MacPack was run)
  • 69281: Cocoa: Weird warning when using coalesce() in mapped type
  • 69276: Wrong Go To External Definition on second attempt
  • 69274: Cooper: Bad error message when "aapt" can't be found
  • 69261: Echoes: "mapped to" ToString problem
  • 69254: Cocoa: Internal Error when implementing IMFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate
  • 69252: Fix for type aliases
  • 69252: Problems with syntax highlighting (define)
  • 69250: Cooper: ZipAlign.exe problem (Android SDK Tools 23.0.2) - tools vs build tools
  • 69239: Echoes: mapped to constructor and WPF
  • 69212: Cocoa: CrossBox did not capture iOS Simulator output for Xcode 6.x
  • 69200: Cocoa: name missing from error message with wrong named ctor
  • 69184: Cooper: Comparison of items in open array fails
  • 69183: NRE on particular testcase
  • 69181: CC should be the same when invoked on a half-typed token AND w/o any token, in same location. Always.
  • 69164: Cooper: NRE in code that uses byte in sequence of T
  • 69163: Cocoa: mapped generic parameter not recognized
  • 69161: Cocoa: (not really) ambiguous call to overloaded method "bounds"
  • 69147: Cocoa: weird Zombie crash if string contains "j".
  • 69128: Cooper: Unable to use byte in sequence of T
  • 69110: Support optional parameters for Office
  • 69092: Compiler doesn't like mismatched "class" keyword on static .ctor
  • 69088: Cannot assign virtual readonly property in .ctor
  • 69037: Cooper: (E62) Type mismatch, cannot assign "Enum" to "MyEnum"
  • 68996: Echoes: Failed to create MVC4 projects: Object does not match target type
  • 68956: Ambiguous call to overloaded method "put"
  • 68867: Cocoa: EXCBADACCESS in Linq code
  • 68715: Cocoa: Wrong parameter warning in NSLog() with %llx
  • 68636: Cocoa: "protected set" property is not settable from descendant
  • 68032: Cocoa: EXCBADACCESS from using Cocoa Linq
  • 67837: Cooper: Debugger reports wrong values for array of single on Android
  • 67740: Cocoa: Local Crossbox: Find a way to get certificates with a local server
  • 67543: Slow typing after "method" keyword in class decl
  • 67487: "Complete Class" in a file that has multiple projects only hits 1 project update method
  • 66850: Oxidizer: ObjC: bad code generated for Category
  • 66641: Implement second-part CC in multi-part method decl (H2 and OX)
  • 64064: Cocoa: Codegen properties show as methods
  • 61883: Show Caret Animation option doesn't work
  • 61674: Setting breakpoint inside an anonymous sets the whole block
  • 61334: Cooper: Bad layout file causes R.pas to be generated without "layout" and "string" nested classes
  • 60518: Copy and pasting the files into Solution Explorer results in "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error
  • 60267: Annoying bug with detecting of previous brackets
  • 59025: Echoes: WinRT projects don't run in simulator
  • 57266: Problem with asynchronous method and XML comments
  • 43632: Files added as reference show in folders, until project reload, then they show properly as ...\


New in the "September 2014" Release, Version 7.2.77 (Build .1621)

(Built: September 19, 2014)


  • 69066: Display begin...end matching
  • 68631: Cooper: Integer-based enum types
  • 68618: Cooper: Func/Action support
  • 60355: CC should remember/pre-select "most frequently used" items
  • 58529: Non-mapped Operator overloading for Java and Cocoa


  • 68714: H2: improvements to error recovery
  • 68590: DynamicProperty attribute for Cocoa
  • 68566: Generate better internal names for blocks
  • 68545: Mono strong name support from an SN installed key
  • 68509: Inline Block Declaration without specifying return type
  • 68485: H2: improved error recovery for extra "in" in "foreach"
  • 68370: Disable warning "H7: Field is assigned to but never read" for __strong fields
  • 68250: Cocoa: Support for running the Xcode 6 iOS Simulator
  • 68225: Return type covariance in Cooper
  • 67523: Make "?." and ":" right associative
  • 62257: Cooper: Detect default Java home folder on Mac, if not configured in CooperPaths.xml


  • 69671: Implement interface members is broken
  • 69627: System Argument Exception in WPF
  • 69618: Internal error
  • 69578: Errors after adding Unit Test item template to WinRT project
  • 69577: Blank Page item template for WinRT contains error
  • 69576: Basic page item template contains errors
  • 69575: Cannot add Templated control item template to WinRT project
  • 69574: VS craches after creating Xaml and Direct 3D App
  • 69566: Oxygene Windows Phone Preflight check - update link to download 8.0
  • 69560: H2: The Designer fails to show after adding installer item template file
  • 69554: Cannot add Empty XIB item template into Mac project
  • 69553: NSWindowcontroller template doesn't compile
  • 69549: Warning after creating Java applet project
  • 69533: Missing Data category for Oxygene class library project
  • 69526: Warnings for WPF item templates
  • 69525: Non-functional H2 WinForms item templates are available for adding into Oxygene WinForms project
  • 69524: Warnings for Web item templates
  • 69519: Unable to create WCF RIA Services Class Library project
  • 69517: Case mismatch warnings for Silverlight item templates
  • 69381: CC isn't shown in second project
  • 69340: H2 CC shows types in wrong place, in method declartion
  • 69313: Cooper: NRE when adding a new Activity from template
  • 69284: H2 CC: shows only keywords after !=
  • 69274: Cooper: Bad/confusing error message when "aapt" can't be found
  • 69259: Echoes: Visual Studio crash with include file
  • 69254: Internal Error when implementing IMFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate
  • 69250: ZipAlign.exe problem with Android SDK Tools 23.0.2 - tools vs build-tools folder
  • 69249: "Go to Definition" doesn't work on NSLog
  • 69199: "Complete Class" on static class adds "class" keyword
  • 69191: "Complete Class" completes "constructor" as "init" method
  • 69182: H2 CC: after "var" shows two invalid CC items (should show none)
  • 69174: CC after “type” keyword is always “extension”
  • 69173: Internal Error in Oxidizer
  • 69161: Cocoa: (not really) ambiguous call to overloaded method "bounds"
  • 69146: Error renaming class in opened file
  • 69140: WPF: Can't rename class in .xaml file
  • 69135: Compiler internal error
  • 69108: Error in the Fix-its property page
  • 69091: Complete Class doesn't insert empty line before new method
  • 69090: CC: NSArray & Co show twice in CC
  • 69087: "Complete Class" loses Cocoa name on constructor
  • 69080: NRE in Go to Definition in particular testcase
  • 69068: Cocoa: too much in CC in H2 property, after getter/setter
  • 69064: GTD inside an anonymous method just jumps to the outer call
  • 69054: H2: CC only shows "private" if keyword is fully typed.
  • 69052: CC gives no result right after /* */ comment
  • 69042: "Implement Interface Members" does not work for given case
  • 69017: CC completes wrong item, even though right one is selected
  • 69004: Internal error compiling generic class method
  • 69003: VisualStudio crashes when opening XAML view in particular project
  • 68998: Wrong breakpoint selection in loops
  • 68996: Failed to create MVC4 projects: Object does not match target type
  • 68994: No CC result in given testcase
  • 68983: Renaming class doesn't rename current file name in the token stream
  • 68981: Failed to create basic C# HTML MVC4 project
  • 68950: Problem with CC in "uses" clause
  • 68941: Compilation errors using GoogleApiClient.Builder() with LocationServices.API
  • 68933: GTD on a class field jumps to class header
  • 68915: VS 2012 "Fonts and Colors"
  • 68914: IDE too zealous when completing a constructor in the implementation
  • 68891: No CC in "uses" clayse
  • 68890: Arrows key not working when both parameters information and CC displayed
  • 68886: Go To Interface/Implementation broken in libCocoa LINQ.pas
  • 68879: Hide Add Service Reference menu item for Cocoa and cooper projects
  • 68871: Cocoa: Internal Error in compiler
  • 68836: Cooper: Failed to compile the project with latest beta
  • 68828: H2: NRE in mapped struct
  • 68820: Problem with ASP.NET MVC project
  • 68810: Cocoa FXGen: refresh SDK list, if base folder setting changes
  • 68809: Internal NRE in Cocoa FXGen when no SDK version is available/selected
  • 68807: Cocoa, new DA iOS Master-Detail project: Error on project properties page
  • 68804: Weird follow up errors with space in namespace
  • 68795: Cocoa: weird error on getter when using [notify] w/ name
  • 68792: Unable to reference a generic class with 2 arguments in XML comments
  • 68785: "Value cannot be null exception in aspect"
  • 68774: Adding uses clause breaks highlighting
  • 68766: Internal error with dynamic
  • 68765: Don't allow "partial" on ctors.
  • 68752: Go to Intf/Impl doesn't work when cursor is in the start of line
  • 68748: Cocoa: assert when assigning Class type
  • 68725: Cooper: Cannot debug on ART runtime
  • 68712: Given project fails to build on latest beta compiler
  • 68707: CC shows inherited methods instead of properties after property| in a class
  • 68687: Strange auto generated code in main.designer.pas
  • 68683: Cocoa: Compile error in code with mapped types
  • 68680: Setting breakpoint on "for" loop selects the whole thing
  • 68679: Cocoa: Undefined symbols in class that descends from generic class
  • 68676: New Generic Handler (.ashx) created as web service
  • 68675: H2 gives "(E63) Type mismatch" error when adding to generic collection.
  • 68662: Cooper: Verify Error when using generic methods with sequences inside block
  • 68637: CrossboxUI initialization failed
  • 68632: Provide better error when assigning fields of a struct property
  • 68628: Installer creates odd folders with Ionic.Zip.dll in the root of the target drive
  • 68622: Project with no files won't see license in VS
  • 68619: Cocoa: Parameters not recognized in generic methods
  • 68612: Cocoa: Sequence not properly recognized
  • 68611: Code gives internal error (No element on stack)
  • 68610: Deadlock in Go to Intf/Impl
  • 68600: Cocoa: Type mismatch in a mapped class
  • 68598: Suggest item: Prefer items lower in scope
  • 68582: FBL fails with "T is class" generic constraint error
  • 68581: Assert in FireEverwood due to IncompatibleIntegerPush
  • 68580: Make ResolveAddReference not throw internal exceptions for failures
  • 68579: Fixes to Master-Detail (universal) template
  • 68565: Cocoa: can't evaluate "self" & co inside block
  • 68551: Wrong position when autocompleting brackets
  • 68548: Two issues in Oxygene with Integer comparison of signed vs unsigned in different sizes
  • 68541: Cooper: Debugger automatically exits in ART mode
  • 68512: Cooper: Compilation errors are displayed on a different line
  • 68498: Cocoa: IndexOutOfRangeException when using mapped class in nested method
  • 68484: Cocoa: weird NRE in extension method
  • 68482: Cocoa: Implicit failing cast when using non-INSCopying class for generic dictionary key
  • 68481: Cocoa: Pascal-style pointer syntax in error message for missing interface method in H2
  • 68480: Cocoa: can't evaluate "errno"
  • 68479: Cocoa: sizeof() newly broken in H2
  • 68468: Cocoa: deployment warning about OS X 10.6, in iOS (!) project
  • 68451: Cocoa: Error when converting object to a sequence in mapped class
  • 68442: Cocoa: Unable to inc() field
  • 68440: Turn Off CC in comments
  • 68438: Code generates an NRE
  • 68436: Unable to debug Android application
  • 68425: Cooper: Include problem in .1543
  • 68423: Cooper: Android and "async" keyword
  • 68417: .xcent file gets updated with every build, even if it didn't change, causing re-codesign
  • 68409: Change Oxygene codegen to emit hanging begins, as is the proper style for Oxygene
  • 68403: Variable expected in "with matching"
  • 68400: Auto-brackets and -quotes issues
  • 68396: Calling delegates doesn't compile in Elements .1543
  • 68388: "Complete Class" fails to complete the default parameters
  • 68387: IDE generates wrong code
  • 68383: NSCountedSet/RemObjects.Oxygene.Elements.NSCountedSet is displayed in CC
  • 68381: Cocoa: two asserts in Fire H2 code
  • 68379: Bug in for loop behavior when the counter and count is the same indentfier
  • 68378: StackOverflow when compiling the project
  • 68372: Multiple issues: Intellisense not working
  • 68371: Cocoa: BAD_ACCESS in trivial-looking enum code
  • 68363: Highlighting &begin as keyword even though it's an identifier
  • 68361: Type can not be "partial" and "mapped" in the same time
  • 68345: Unable to assign array to sequence
  • 68328: EE hangs when evaluating indexer with name same for class name
  • 68323: Oxidizer - can't make it work with given code snippet
  • 68317: UpdateFileInsert doesn't recalculate lines when adding uses
  • 68286: Support for globals in expression evaluator
  • 68285: "Value cannot be null" error with invalid CrossBoxServers.xml
  • 68262: No error when writing to a readonly field using extended constructor call
  • 68257: Unable to add attribute from Windows.winmd assembly
  • 68251: Cocoa: OutOfRangeException building FPS
  • 68242: Cocoa: dispatchqueuecreate() crashes on Yosemite
  • 68231: Add parameter to skip result type into codegen
  • 68227: Compiler NRE
  • 68221: Cooper: "class of" problem
  • 68211: xbuild generates .resource files from .resx files outside of /obj
  • 68203: Eliminate relative path when compiling xibs by ibtool (and misc warning fix)
  • 68201: H2: Problems with compiler directives
  • 68199: Oxidizer Stumbles on constructor/methods with parameter initialisation (C#)
  • 68195: Refactoring works unreliably for Cocoa Hydrogene projects
  • 68189: Project with output type winmdojb compiles with error
  • 68165: Use folder name in namespace for new files
  • 68164: Aspects namespace not listed in CC
  • 68152: : with := after it
  • 68148: Still problems with automatic parenthesis completion
  • 68146: Sugar: Operator isn't called on a mapped type in Cooper
  • 68130: Oxygene: Complete Class feature does not work.
  • 68127: Compiler assert() in Fire
  • 68126: No debug symbols in iOS Simulator app
  • 68125: Symbol paths are concatenated with hardcoded "\" rather than Path.Combine()
  • 68121: Oxidizer fails to convert C# generators in a valid way
  • 68120: Parser doesn't update self inside Arguments properly
  • 68119: LocateMobileProvision is horribly slow (Mac-local)
  • 68115: Tuple unpacking fails with fields on Oxygene for Java
  • 68105: H2: bad error recovery with "=" after "return"
  • 68104: Refactor: error changing namespace name
  • 68099: H2: Wrong identifier when renaming keyword "public"
  • 68098: Echoes: Can't += an event which type is in an unreferenced assembly
  • 68097: Cocoa: Wrong/bad "unsafe modifier is required" errors in Fire
  • 68085: Irrelevant keywords in CC for method parameter list
  • 68082: H2: Wrong identifier when renaming keyword "Class"
  • 68079: Warn on calling an unsafe method with safe input
  • 68074: H2: Unnecessary CC after number and dot
  • 68071: H2: ?? isn't shown after switch ()
  • 68063: Cooper does not trigger breakpoint on anonymous lines in (CoreDebug)
  • 68045: H2: Unnecessary "@do" in the list CC
  • 68044: NRE in baseParser.FillTypes2(list);
  • 68033: H2: Incorrect CC after "if", "while", "for"
  • 68032: EXCBADACCESS from using Cocoa LINQ
  • 68029: H2: Unnecessary "}" is added after for()
  • 68022: H2: Wrong "unknown type" in the function inc()
  • 68017: Cocoa: SKColor is mission from SpriteKit import
  • 68009: Cooper: "mapped to" and private classes problem
  • 68000: Echoes: Thread.VolatileRead() on a volatile var fails
  • 67985: Bad "Accelerate.veclib.veclib" namespace for Accelerate.veclib import.
  • 67977: Cooper: "Element is not allowed in an interface type" errors in R.pas
  • 67976: Wrong default extension for Add Existing Item dialog
  • 67949: Cocoa: class vars not set to value
  • 67945: Build problem with latest, for Fire project
  • 67920: H2: better error recovery for common mistypes
  • 67907: "Implement Interface" doesn't give me everything
  • 67901: Oxidizer completely fails to convert
  • 67900: Oxidizer/Java does not correctly convert the Java prefix decrement operator
  • 67895: Cooper: Issue with {$ELSEIF} in .1521
  • 67870: xbuild doesn't see Reference Path from /Library, only ~/Library
  • 67867: Issues with type members for Navigation dropdown
  • 67842: Cocoa: "return" in block wrongly expects result type matching the outer method
  • 67811: H2: improve error for property decl with ()
  • 67790: Cooper: Constructors and Intellisense
  • 67750: Cocoa: compiler still confused about different cases on "id"
  • 67708: H2: Unable to set breakpoint in "switch"
  • 67683: Cooper: Visual Studio gets locked up
  • 67678: Cooper: LayoutParams constructor problem
  • 67671: No CC on property Initializer
  • 67666: H2: Problem with hints
  • 67637: H2: confusing error when calling field as method
  • 67623: H2: Problem with refactoring arrays
  • 67515: H2: CC doesn't display before and after switch expression
  • 67513: H2: Keyword "break" is not shown in CC after body "case" and "default"
  • 67511: H2: CC doesn't display after local variable assignment
  • 67510: H2: CC doesn't display in "if" conditions and after body "{}"
  • 67487: csC in a file that has multiple projects only hits 1 project update method
  • 67408: CC Enhancements
  • 67337: Cooper: Problems with Unload/Reload Project
  • 67329: Indent cursor for XAML event insertion
  • 67307: WPF: Update "app" when renaming a XAML
  • 67291: Add smart else/begin/end when pressing
  • 67230: C#2Oxy: Named parameters are not ported properly
  • 67209: Events are not created for Web project
  • 67144: Marzipan: cant call methods with concrete generic parameters
  • 66903: O2: Refactor>Rename does not detect getter/setter methods in properties
  • 66902: O2: CC: Namespace is added to method declaration during generation getters or setters
  • 66810: Cocoa: "folder based" file types in Solution Explorer
  • 66742: H2: Wrong indentation after press Enter
  • 66734: The number of overloads displayed is not correct
  • 66622: XAML designer shows error after insertion event handler
  • 66599: Tip shows parameter in method declaration as "<see cref="T:System.Window.Window" that represents... "
  • 66577: H2: CC using clause gets added outside namespace, even when set to insert inside
  • 66464: Enable Auto-CC-dropdown by default
  • 66444: H2: Highlighting for matching curly brackets and round brackets
  • 66340: Oxidizer: ObjC: remove "(experimental)" from the menu items for ObjC
  • 66335: "Complete Class" should not perform, if the file's CM is broken
  • 66033: Option for Method completion to honor CC namespace settings
  • 65951: Entering an XML comment centers the current line
  • 65908: Extension method is shown on the wrong type
  • 65384: Get XML reference path files working for Echoes
  • 65053: No XML docs for the property in project from the same solution
  • 65029: Can't reference an operator in an XML comment
  • 64660: Hovering mouse over "Where" shows nothing
  • 64610: SQLiteApp sample warning fix
  • 62342: Project Switcher Instabilities
  • 61728: Iterator method as nested method gives less than ideal error
  • 61691: FXGen Crashes on 10.7 due to weak NSWindow references
  • 60656: Oxidixer/Java (probably C# too) badly imports multiple assignment operation
  • 60551: Missing AndroidManifest attributes in the schema
  • 60475: Cocoa: bad "," in parameter list for CC tooltip
  • 59267: Handle IFDEF in Complete Class
  • 58636: Cirrus references are copied to output folder
  • 57879: XML IntelliSense doesn't like fragments
  • 57550: Focus after Fix-it is no more on the editor
  • 57430: "Configure Service Reference" context menu does not respond
  • 56725: CC sees property over type in Activity
  • 54598: Project Properties shows app icon preview even if there's no app icon
  • 54237: Text Editor option "Fold closed on file open" needs to be renamed
  • 52632: Problem if res files on disk doesn't match filename case (lower-case in project, bnut upper-case on disk)
  • 33481: "Implement Interface Members" enhancements


New in the "July 2014" Interim Update 2 Release, Version 7.1.75 (Build .1557)

(Built: July 14, 2014)


68722: No project templates on fresh install of .1551


New in the "July 2014" Interim Update Release, Version 7.1.75 (Build .1551)

(Built: July 7, 2014)


  • 68555: Support for the latest Android SDK version


  • 68441: Internal error creating COM object
  • 68378: StackOverflow when compiling given project
  • 68358: Intellisense not working, crash on compilation in Hydrogene


New in the "June 2014" Release, Version 7.1.75 (Build .1541)

(Built: June 12, 2014)


  • 68349: WinRT project templates for 8.1 in Visual Studio 2013
  • 68246: Support for importing the OS X 10.10 and iOS 8.0 Beta SDKs
  • 67909: Automatic completion of parenthesis and brackets
  • 67732: Need way to download new SDKs when .fx files are found locally
  • 65708: Context sensitive help for all 3 platforms, with new HelpViewer (separate install)
  • 63745: Ship source for com.remobjects.oxygene.rtl & libCocoa.fx
  • 60971: Cocoa: building without a profile and certificate selected now uses default, if present


  • 67864: Hide Cross-Platform Warnings if inside an ifdef
  • 67751: MacPack: support for copying stuff to folders other than Resources
  • 67573: Cocoa: Support for "new NSArray {"x"} in RemObjects C#
  • 67447: Cocoa: support for 64-bit Retina iPad Simulator from CrossBox menu
  • 67444: Cooper: automatically find .jar files in Android "extras" folder
  • 67413: Editor feature: Indent/format selected text (RemObjects C#)
  • 67411: Editor feature: Ignore "}" typing after "{" if it was added automatically
  • 67410: Editor feature: typing { adds }, cursor is inside {}
  • 65758: Adding second Cocoa project to solution now inherits selected CrossBox server
  • 65416: New Cross-Platform warning if overload is differentiated just by type


  • 68268: Unable to compile WP 8.1 project because of XAML compiler errors
  • 68257: Unable to add attribetr from Windows.winmd assembly
  • 68249: Cocoa: SDK sorting still doesn't handle .9 vs .10
  • 68243: Chars added at the end of the file with auto-fix
  • 68242: Cocoa: Properly import "NULL" as pointer and allow calling define functions
  • 68235: New WinRT app throws exception when being run
  • 68234: Bad case in WinRT codegen & fix-it breaks the code (case fixes)
  • 68189: Project with output type winmdojb compiles with error
  • 68167: Cocoa: compilation error that member does not exists at object with type "id"
  • 68166: Cocoa: (instancetype) keyword shoud not to cast void
  • 68160: Code view scrolls after I type method call with ()
  • 68147: NRE in mailed project
  • 68140: Cocoa: FXGen - "semicolon expected" issue
  • 68080: Sugar: java.lang.ClassFormatError when mixing mapped and non mapped string
  • 68069: Generic parameter doesn't fulfill constraint
  • 68063: Cooper does not trigger breakpoint on anonymous lines in
  • 68048: Internal Error compiling this iOS and OSX class library
  • 68038: WinRT (Grid/Split) Application fails to compile
  • 68026: iOS applications has issues on arm64
  • 68019: After using aspects, "async" and futures were broken
  • 68014: Internal error w/ missing () parent
  • 68007: "Invalid markup" in WP8.0 app
  • 68005: Link error using libSugar in
  • 67981: File|New WiRT project fails to build
  • 67960: No New Item templates for Windows Phone 8
  • 67934: Retargeting Windows Phone 8 to 8.1 throws exception
  • 67895: Cooper: Issue with {$ELSEIF}
  • 67894: WPF User Control template shows when it shouldn't
  • 67883: Cocoa: Bridge.transfer doesn't seem to work
  • 67853: Commit cc when entering '('
  • 67842: Cocoa: "return" in block wrongly expects result type matching the outer method
  • 67823: Cocoa: Internal error & odd build errors
  • 67815: Type initializer exception in CocoaSettings
  • 67810: Extra error messages with sealed partial classes (.NET, Oxygene)
  • 67805: Cocoa. h-gen: IBOutlet for properties is in wrong location.
  • 67798: result := inside a mapped method inside an anonmyous used wrong result type
  • 67791: Cocoa project references don't work on xbuild
  • 67789: Cooper: Using constructors of base classes and "mapped to"
  • 67787: H2: misleading error when "return" misses return value
  • 67777: Delphi compatibility divison operators not working
  • 67771: Cocoa: ivars are not properly registered with the objc runtime, breaking CopyWithZone.
  • 67771: Use storestrong isntead of release in cxx destriy
  • 67770: Undo Tools.dll requiring .NET 4.0
  • 67769: Cocoa: NRE in compiler
  • 67767: Incorrect result when indexing const String with Int64 vs Int32 index
  • 67763: VS crash when defining interface
  • 67752: Cocoa: regression: can no longer += a pointer
  • 67750: Cocoa: compiler still confused about different cases on "id"
  • 67749: Cocoa: [Optional] items arent optional
  • 67748: Contradictory wording in error messages
  • 67747: Cocoa: cannot use NSZone type (confusing error message, only)
  • 67746: Cocoa: cannot compare "this" to class reference
  • 67745: Can't access non-public member on own class ref
  • 67743: CC/csC inserts "String", should insert NSString.
  • 67742: Cooper: Inherited classes and mapped to problem
  • 67738: VS lockup with code after "end."
  • 67737: CC descriptions can't return nil
  • 67734: Cocoa assertion failure in latest FireBaseLibrary
  • 67719: Cooper: Inherited classes and mapped to problem
  • 67715: Cooper: android.view.ViewGroup inherited class problem
  • 67714: Cocoa: can't apply [Notify] aspect with string parameter
  • 67711: "Cannot access member because it is public"
  • 67710: Can not build project with mapped type
  • 67706: Mapped class leads to error with fixed arrays
  • 67705: NRE when deploying WinRT projects
  • 67701: Profile loading seems to slow down the build
  • 67698: Mac-Local CrossBox runs code sign on /debug, not /obj folder
  • 67694: Wrong members on Console CC
  • 67685: Property field should not have "var" inserted, unless it needs it
  • 67684: "Insert abstract members" does not have 'override;' modifier
  • 67679: Cooper: Inherited android classes and mapped problem
  • 67670: CodeGen: partially implement Objective C generator
  • 67664: Code completion: event overriding doesn't work
  • 67663: No CC in particular testcase
  • 67662: Code completion: property overriding doesn't work
  • 67661: Code completion: "property" keyword is absent
  • 67658: .ctor" showing in the cc listning
  • 67653: Cooper: can't find references from ref paths if "jar" extension isn't specified
  • 67642: Cocoa: .h-gen emits queue with interface syntax
  • 67638: H2: "treat case mismatched as fixed" doesn't work for all identifiers
  • 67635: Cocoa .h-gen: implementing an interface with a r/o property hides r/w property from base class
  • 67634: H2: error message for "reintroduce" is Oxygene-speciifc
  • 67631: Cooper: xbuild generates .jar and .apk for Android with invalid names
  • 67630: Cooper: Strange problem with class of, constructor and abstract classes
  • 67612: H2: error message for assigning a read-only property could be better
  • 67611: Oxidizer: ObjC: loses leading 0 from octal number literals
  • 67609: H2: Cocoa: No member "endSheet returnCode" on type "id"
  • 67591: H2: Debugger stops at next line after breakpoint.
  • 67586: Error in source code of "Utility App (Universal)" template
  • 67581: Cocoa: disable special "this" call behavior inside init methods
  • 67579: Cocoa: H2: can't call "new X with()" if there are no params
  • 67570: Cocoa: simple-type properties don't work valueForKey()
  • 67555: Calling .NET-style ext method on Cocoa fails at runtime
  • 67553: Cocoa: can't call real init* method from a category
  • 67551: Class becomes private if it contains extension methods
  • 67550: Cocoa: .h-gen: @protocols need to be emitted before any classes that use them
  • 67549: Cocoa: .h-gen: wrong property visibility of descendant overrides getter only.
  • 67548: H2: unnecessary second error on wrong assignment to misspelled variable
  • 67546: Cocoa: .h-gen: interface not emitted using proper protocol syntax, in block parameter
  • 67544: H2: CC isn't displayed in LINQ expression
  • 67542: Fx export issue due to enum
  • 67541: Cocoa: can't call extension method for NSArray on id
  • 67539: "Add namsepace to interface section uses clause" doesn't work w/ “resort list” option
  • 67538: H2: CC doessn't contain variable's name in LINQ expression
  • 67533: H2: CC doesn't contain keyword "var"
  • 67527: H2: Unnecessary "}" adds after delegate
  • 67524: "Add New Item" is empty in VS2013 with Update 2RC only (workaround for MS bug)
  • 67519: Cocoa H2: inline dictionary syntax doesn't work with Mutable ones.
  • 67516: Show better error on unknown static member when the member does exist as instance
  • 67514: H2: ?? doesn't display in empty "()" Read, ReadLine, WriteLine
  • 67508: Sugar: EXCBADACCESS when using code with generics
  • 67504: H2: Unnecessary "}" is added after press key "Enter" before "do...while"
  • 67501: H2: CC doesn't display in body "while"
  • 67498: H2: CC doesn't display in "for" condition
  • 67496: CC doesn't contain color's name in both variant
  • 67491: double hint in helpviewer
  • 67490: "Invalid program exception" in testcases
  • 67488: HI fail with NRE on importing GooglePlus lib
  • 67486: Oxidizer: ObjC: mixes up statements between default and previous case, in switch statement
  • 67484: arm64 debugging support / update llvm
  • 67472: Hydrogene events show in long form in the navbars
  • 67470: Location-less error in CirrusCache sample
  • 67469: Errors and warnings in samples (Oxygene for Java). Wiktionary Sample
  • 67469: Errors and warnings in samples (Oxygene for Java). Snake Sample
  • 67463: Cocoa H2: compiler doesn’t see init* method that should be visible, when called on “Class” reference.
  • 67456: Echoes: WPF designer generates wrong code for some events
  • 67452: Oxidizer: ObjC: loses ^ operator
  • 67451: Oxidizer: ObjC: loses "static" prefix for vars declared inside a method
  • 67421: Reference paths are broken for Mac-local build
  • 67389: Oxidizer: ObjC: Change visibility defaults
  • 67388: Oxidizer: ObjC: another parser exception
  • 67380: Symbolfile (.pdb) for WinRT Samples corrupted
  • 67371: H2: Inconsistent CC for field decls
  • 67368: Oxidizer: ObjC: Keeps some comments, loses many
  • 67367: Oxidizer: ObjC: loses VDKQueueDelegate protocol
  • 67366: Oxidizer: ObjC: 'struct X' imports as 'UnknownType'
  • 67363: H2: compiler error mentions "var" instead of "ref"
  • 67359: Oxidizer: ObjC: parser exception
  • 67357: Oxidizer: ObjC: imports enum with unnecessary prefix
  • 67356: Oxidizer: ObjC: @autoreleasepool imports badly
  • 67346: Navbar shows __Global/Extension methods, when there are none
  • 67345: consts are missing value in navbar, fields are missing type
  • 67343: CrossBoxL local: LocateMobileProvision doesn't seem to work
  • 67342: inconsistent build message reporting in xbuild
  • 67338: Cooper: Error message imprecise and problem parsing the remaining lines
  • 67324: InvalidProgramException when using inc method as array indexer
  • 67318: Project is slow to type and has no CC after Unload/Reload
  • 67303: Oxidizer/Delphi crashes on attached file
  • 67209: Events are not created for Web project
  • 67191: Wrong source reformatting
  • 67184: Four Oxidizer/C# issues
  • 67059: Oxygene: No Windows Phone section in the Add Reference window
  • 67023: Oxidizer: ObjC: fails when pasting given snippet
  • 66924: Oxidizer: ObjC: for loop gets messed up scarily
  • 66920: HeaderImporter CodeGen error
  • 66889: Oxidizer: ObjC: fails to paste simple list of statememts
  • 66885: H2: Fix-It and "Treat as Fixed" support for "(E20) Invalid value in character literal"
  • 66853: Oxidizer: ObjC: inline dictionary gets translated badly for C#
  • 66845: Oxidider: ObjC: generates dupe method body
  • 66733: Method parameters not displayed when the cursor is in a string literal
  • 66730: Tab is not working correctly when not at end of line
  • 66729: H2: CC for # directives
  • 66635: Improve Extension Methods sample
  • 66574: Register Sugar WinRT and WP8 folders as Assembly Reference Folders
  • 66570: Refactor: Can't rename class from referenced assembly
  • 66390: "Make String Resource" does not like the degree char
  • 66380: Cocoa: Build then Run causes some msbuild phases to run aguin
  • 66347: Hovering mouse over const definition shows class name
  • 66248: csC loses default parameters
  • 66118: Operators are not correctly displayed on navigation tools
  • 66117: Constants are displayed as variable in navigation tools
  • 66058: Update Service Reference/Configure Service Reference don’t work
  • 65829: CC after override in cooper/hydrogene
  • 65637: Review Cocoa toolchain to not use floats for OS X (and iOS) version numbers
  • 65532: "Make String Resource" is case sensitive and resource names are not
  • 64866: Reference handling in WinRT projects is broken
  • 64232: Rename "MainForm" in WinForms app fails
  • 63340: CC errors for add/remove method of an EventHandler
  • 62996: Cocoa: Method tool tip in CC has parameter names with namespaces (should be without)
  • 62954: Item templates for WinRT are not shown in the Add New Item... dialog window
  • 62863: Crossbox: Unable to remove server from VS
  • 62833: Check all dialogs for initially auto-focusing the right control


New in the "April 2014" Release, Version 7.1.73 (Build .1515)

(Built: April 23, 2014)


  • 67454: [Category] aspect for declaring Cocoa extension classes in C# (and Oxygene)
  • 67286: Support for ASP.NET Razor view engine (with C# syntax)
  • 67020: Implement C# 6.0 "?." operator for RemObject C#
  • 66947: Ship SDK .fx files for iOS 7.1
  • 65764: Full support for Generics on Cocoa, as requested by Miguel
  • 65431: Support for methods on records/structs on Cocoa and Java


  • 67620: Cooper: force "android.jar" to always be CopyLocal=false
  • 67500: Expose processiOSFramework() in generate.train
  • 67242: Convert Shell distro from .iso to embedded .exe
  • 67194: Auto-Fix for "E26: Unknown namespace"
  • 67182: Fix-It for namespace case warnings in RemObjects C#
  • 67177: Replace "init: id" -> "init: instancetype" in all Cocoa templates
  • 67056: Export [IBAction] and [IBOutlet] to generated .h file
  • 66744: Cocoa: Add proper iOS 7 icon sizes to templates, OX and H2
  • 66425: Cross-Platform Mode: ignore case difference on first letter, ignore case difference in namespaces
  • 65543: Refactor MSBuild/CrossBox to allow serverless builds on Mac with xbuild (and Fire)
  • 65515: Build check if selected device doesnt fit SDK type
  • 64958: Refactor: Rename: support full renaming WPF forms
  • 64145: .NET Caller attributes support
  • 57918: Support for building Portable Class Libraries


  • 67652: Echoes and Cooper installers are mixed up, ISO only
  • 67636: Echoes: NRE when navigating to a WPF event
  • 67618: Cooper: java.lang.VerifyError "Accessing value from uninitialized register"
  • 67617: Uninstaller leaves folders with compiled samples which may show incorrect info in the EW welcome window for the next install
  • 67616: Android XML Layout DTD is missing newer details
  • 67585: H2: Missing file in "Empty iOS Project"
  • 67577: H2 templates: CollectionViewController. Wrong delegate method declaration
  • 67576: H2 templates: No member "BaseinitWithCollectionViewLayout" on type "UICollectionViewController"
  • 67575: H2 templates: Invalid value in character literal error in ViewController with xib
  • 67543: Really slow typing after "method" keyword in class decl
  • 67531: H2: Fragment template problem
  • 67520: Can't call "removeObjectForKey" on "id"
  • 67512: fx-to-code uses library name as namespace
  • 67508: Sugar: EXCBADACCESS when using code with generics
  • 67476: Oxygene.exe doesn't accept .cs files
  • 67472: Hydrogene events show in long form in the navbars
  • 67470: Warnings in Oxygene samples
  • 67439: Better error on duplicate type with the same short name
  • 67401: Cocoa: linker error with LINQ Where
  • 67400: Cocoa: identifier case gets lost when both cases are available on "id"
  • 67399: Cocoa: LINQ's FirstOrDefault returns nil
  • 67398: Cocoa: error E0: Internal error
  • 67390: Cocoa: Extension methods don't work with "new X with*" syntax
  • 67386: Move skipping background files to the IDE side
  • 67369: Mapped types show incorrectly in Go To Definition codegen
  • 67365: Cocoa: H2: internal error in attached project
  • 67355: Shell installer no longer requires IE10 or IE11
  • 67350: Oxidizer: ObjC: new parsing exception in Fire/TextFile.m
  • 67349: Cocoa: Crash when using callback in Sugar.HTTP
  • 67340: Echoes: I can't add "new Item" to Windows Phone project
  • 67334: Cooper: BluetoothChat sample fails to compile on CITestServer
  • 67333: Cooper: "stack: underflow" error at runtime
  • 67328: Auto-Fix options in Tools|Options don't update until VS restart, if turned on via error bubble
  • 67322: Sugar: Unable to build Android application with library containing mapped types
  • 67311: H2-Cooper: uint problem
  • 67306: Rename code presumes there's only 1 project but there could be multiple (or none)
  • 67305: H2: Cooper: invalid jar file generated for given code sample
  • 67300: H2: bad cursor location after smart enter
  • 67296: invalid "method reaches end without returning a value" message
  • 67294: csc in GenerateHelperTypes.pas does not complete the class
  • 67290: Investigate timeouts in CrossBox
  • 67285: MVC4: Add View dialog contains only ASPX view engine item in the combobox
  • 67270: CrossBox: odd/confusing error message in VS when no CB server selected
  • 67268: Navigation with Finalizer
  • 67267: Cooper: Multidimensional array problems
  • 67262: Can't add "new Item" to Silverlight project
  • 67254: Can't call class method on generic type
  • 67239: AutoFix for E464 is borked
  • 67238: CrossBox: error messages are worded awkwardly
  • 67235: Bug in dropdowns when class has properties
  • 67231: method CC inserts "abstract;"
  • 67228: Can't use tuple syntax on left hand of assignment
  • 67227: No CC on "GotoPosition" in SingleFileAdrenochrome/MainWindow.xaml
  • 67225: Add 3 MVC 4.1 templates that are razor only
  • 67215: CPM: Manifold issues with Cross-Platform Mode
  • 67214: H2: another internal error in user project
  • 67211: Identifier case
  • 67206: H2: Internal Error in switch statement
  • 67196: H2: Switch can emit an empty block
  • 67195: Cocoa: can’t set individual values of a struct class field (part 1)
  • 67190: Failing testcases
  • 67187: Sugar: foreach on Sugar.List`1 gives "object", not concrete loop type
  • 67183: Cooper: Can't override interface-only abstract methods in abstract class
  • 67181: CrossPlatform build flag doesn't work when set from IDE
  • 67180: Cocoa: Missing file causes Oxygene, Simple iPhone template to fail
  • 67176: Crossbox Link copies back the wrong file; more xibtool issues
  • 67170: Previously selected references in Cocoa use specific version of serialized FxFileInfoRecord
  • 67168: building Marzipan without a server gives a weird error
  • 67160: No refs in no server selected build
  • 67159: NRE in CrossBox
  • 67157: Cocoa: Internal error when using generics in static class
  • 67153: IDE doesnt know about the location of extension methods
  • 67137: Cooper: Unable to compile project with other referenced project
  • 67133: H2: Internal error: Invalid BR record
  • 67126: Internal error with extension method
  • 67124: CrossBox: "Server X not found" does not register as MSBuild error
  • 67121: Cooper: '"is Record" constraints not supported on Java.', but the constrain is a class
  • 67119: H2: Cocoa: issues with generic array of enum type
  • 67118: H2: MIN() can't be called if parameters have different signage
  • 67117: H2: odd/misleading Oxygene message for semicolon after method decl
  • 67108: Cocoa: Linker issues with string consts, if libA uses libB and both are used from third project
  • 67102: H2: Customer reports Internal error, i get "error E260: "Error" not supported in aspects"
  • 67099: Constructor csC in Cocoa appends "id" to implementation
  • 67098: H2: && is broken "on revisit"
  • 67096: Snippets should not show in CC where they don't belong
  • 67093: Cocoa: .h-gen strips I off interface names inconsistently
  • 67092: H2: "return" skips out of lock() statement w/o unlocking
  • 67084: Oxidizing a C# finalizer locks up the ide
  • 67083: Cooper: default properties on mapped classes
  • 67082: Strange Cooper compile error
  • 67081: typeOf() CC in attribute only shows attribute types
  • 67073: renaming XAML breaks cs
  • 67072: Cooper: android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener problem
  • 67064: H2: Properly fail on missing namespace identifier
  • 67063: New warnings/hints from inline methods like NSRangeMake
  • 67057: Strip "I" prefix from interfaces where needed, in generated .h file
  • 67054: Unable to create Windows Phone application
  • 67048: Error in Sync Xib and Storyboards to xcode
  • 67047: Property setters not displayed in the navigation tools
  • 67039: Cocoa: .h-gen needs to emit consts/#defines for all types, not just classes
  • 67038: H2: compiler internal error when concating two strings
  • 67037: H2: can't compare a nullable integer
  • 67034: Oxidizer: ObjC: should preserve begin/end blocks in if statements as they are in source code.
  • 67030: H2: NRE in customer project
  • 67024: Cocoa: .h-gen: consts/defines come thru badly:
  • 67019: Cocoa: blocks need to get objc_retainBlock when passed as id
  • 67014: Cocoa: can't call copy() on a block
  • 67010: Undefined symbols "-[NSObject init]" when calling this.init istead of base.init
  • 67004: Non-critical assert in output code for FCE
  • 67004: Bug in remapped property read/writers
  • 66998: Cocoa: .h-gen emits "#import "
  • 66997: Cocoa: .h-gen: "write only" is not a valid property attribute
  • 66996: Cocoa: generated .h file treats protocols like classes
  • 66992: Problem in Class Completion and generic class
  • 66985: Cooper: Build error
  • 66983: Cooper: Bluestacks, Oxygene and breakpoints
  • 66982: Add parentActivity to the android xml
  • 66976: Oxygene and TeeChart
  • 66971: Cocoa: can't overload inline functions on integer type
  • 66967: NRE when completing Generics
  • 66959: Bug: Intellisense stopped working after one failed attempt
  • 66956: H2: Don't allow fields on interfaces
  • 66944: Cocoa: generic NSMutableArray should be compatible with NSArray
  • 66943: Java.lang.IllegalAccessError
  • 66942: Cooper Abstract method issue
  • 66940: OSX class library asserts
  • 66935: Cooper: Strange problem with constructors and projects with more than 16 classes defined
  • 66934: No CC with constants in some cases
  • 66933: Dynamic objects requiring casting
  • 66929: Paths to files outside of the project root folder get mangled and not found during compile.
  • 66928: Cooper: multi-part method names don't work across assembly boundaries
  • 66928: Echoes: multi-part method names don't work across assembly boundaries
  • 66927: Cocoa: missing MIN, MAX, INTMAX and other macros
  • 66922: Working Objective-C code crashed on H2, depending on variable location
  • 66921: CrossBox: Confusing error about URL when project uses unknown CB server
  • 66920: HeaderImporter CodeGen error
  • 66919: Filenotfoundexception at customers
  • 66914: Possible bug with com/pinvoke (.Net)
  • 66912: Bug: FXGen/HeaderImporter wont expand macro with leading/trailing space in argumet
  • 66898: OX: Cannot instantiate abstract class
  • 66897: Tools.dll has problems referencing others due to msbuild version
  • 66894: Default access fix for global methods.
  • 66893: Problems assigning ot floats in struct
  • 66892: Cocoa: isEqual ins't called on custom class inside generic class
  • 66890: H2: confusing errors for inline dictionary with non-"id" types
  • 66887: H2: dictionay literal syntax doesn't work with Sugar.Dictionary
  • 66881: No CC for second-part of method call, if there's a ";" behind it
  • 66878: H2: improved error message for using => without __mapped
  • 66877: Can't invoke Rename refactor on a generic
  • 66876: H2: CC shows extra pair of ()
  • 66875: H2: pressing enter badly formats a later }
  • 66874: H2: still multiple "string" entries in CC
  • 66873: H2: bad compiler message for "void" method missing override
  • 66872: Oxfuscator project fails to compile
  • 66866: Map void(^)() as any delegate
  • 66862: H2: can't assign to NSMutableArray via []
  • 66856: Oxidizer: ObjC: loses interface ancestry
  • 66855: H2: Two odd errors on Cocoa .ctor call
  • 66854: Support Inline dictionary syntax for H2 (and maybe OX too?)
  • 66852: No item templates for MVC4 project
  • 66851: Oxidizer: ObjC: storage modifier needs to go on field, not property
  • 66849: H2: Cannot pass a block as id
  • 66846: Oxidizer: ObjC: adds colon to selector when there is none
  • 66844: Oxidizer: ObjC: property-backing field gets generated twice
  • 66843: Oxidizer: ObjC: imported interfaces are missing properties
  • 66841: Oxidizer: ObjC: generates dupes for proeprties
  • 66840: H2: NRE (among 170 other valid errors) in ported FCE project
  • 66839: H2: compiler message contains Oxygene method signature for C#
  • 66838: H2: cannot override "id init()" with "instancetype init()"
  • 66836: Make type coloring case sensitive for Hydrogene
  • 66822: Expand case items doesn't work
  • 66807: Solution load speed improvements
  • 66802: GTD fails on specific class
  • 66799: GTD fails with missing method exception
  • 66788: ASP.NET MVC4 problem
  • 66783: FXGen failed to import methods with "keyword" in method name
  • 66778: Cooper: compiler error with methods of parent interface
  • 66772: Cooper: problem setting BPs in .cs files
  • 66771: Cocoa H2 extension method not working properly
  • 66769: Cooper: Problems with implicit cast
  • 66768: Cooper: The operator ':' does not work correctly with mapped classes
  • 66762: Sugar: Problems with casing when using Sugar in H2 projects
  • 66761: Cooper: Error expression: if not Enum1.a1 in [Enum1.a1, Enum1.a2] then ;
  • 66746: XAML: bad cursor location when inserting an event
  • 66741: Add codegen tests to Afterhours
  • 66740: H2: auto-closing brackets at enumeration not work
  • 66739: CC: Problem at creating f* variable
  • 66719: H2: "default()" instead of "default" in CC
  • 66716: Warnings in "Web->Java Applet" template
  • 66698: CC dropdown contains duplicated items for simple types
  • 66697: More Oxidizer/ObjC failures, this time on Bugs/Mac
  • 66692: H2: issues with CC inside "for" statement
  • 66677: Added unnecessary "}" after pressing enter in body {} "switch"
  • 66674: H2: Added unnecessary } before keyword "switch"
  • 66673: Type coloring is really flaky
  • 66659: H2: Attribute fields is missing from CC
  • 66644: H2: Java applet template has number of mistypings.
  • 66634: Folded methods are missing class name
  • 66633: "require" and "ensure" section sometimes can't be folded
  • 66628: Echoes: async/await creates invalid code
  • 66619: Class completion allows duplication
  • 66613: CreateVariable works incorrectly
  • 66611: CreateMethod works incorrectly
  • 66574: Register Sugar WinRT and WP8 folders as Assembly Reference Folders
  • 66546: H2: no method folding inside #regions
  • 66532: Atrocious formatting in C#->Oxy import
  • 66505: Add += into Autopopup CC
  • 66504: Change the name for autocreating event method
  • 66450: Cooper: 'class of' not working properly between projects
  • 66404: Cooper: "Complete class" creates setter/getter of the property starting with lowcase whereas the method begins by uppercase in declaration
  • 66310: H2: does not warn or raises an error for methods that missing return value
  • 66145: Cocoa: FXGen shows "Version 1.0" in About box, instead of the proper version info
  • 66131: Cooper/Java project fails to build in xbuild/Mac
  • 66041: No inline error marker for case auto-fix
  • 65727: Class isn't checked as abstract
  • 65507: case fix goes wrong for "using"
  • 64992: investigate CheckDesignable - one form in particular keeps losing it's value (OptionsPageBase)
  • 64233: Refactor: Renaming inside typeof() is not allowed
  • 64120: Android build cant locate aapt on Mac
  • 63190: review Mono samples (don't install any of them anymore)
  • 62370: csC inserts new variable underneath "class var"
  • 57196: WPF application: XML comment in automatically generated file


New in the "February 2014" Release, Version 7.0.71 (Build .1477)

(Built: February 28, 2014)

This is the initial Release of RemObjects C#.


  • 00000: RemObjects C#
  • 66219: LINQ support for the Cooper (Java/Android) platform
  • 65586: LINQ support for the Cocoa (Cocoa) platform
  • 65574: Support for anonymous classes on Cocoa
  • 65473: Oxidizer: support for importing Objective-C code (experimental)
  • 65423: Support for Iterators on Cocoa and Cooper
  • 65408: New Cross-platform Attributes and Aspects
  • 62989: Full support for multi-part method names for Cooper and Echoes
  • 62129: Support for the "notify" keyword for Cocoa and Cooper
  • 60380: New "Cross-Platform Commpatibility" compiler mode


  • 66535: Several new New Cocoa and Android samples
  • 66518: New UITableView template
  • 66239: Support for iterating Array types on Java
  • 66211: Support for the + operator on Sequences, on Cocoa and Cooper
  • 65696: Preflight check should check if Mono installed, when opening Mono project
  • 65555: Improved compiler error recovery for extra closing parens.
  • 65538: Allow anonymous methods to be non-block function pointers on Cocoa
  • 65406: Allow aspects to be applied like attributes, without "aspect:" prefix.
  • 65398: Allow warnings/hints wo be hidden with wildcard ({$HIDE CPW*})
  • 65364: New attribute for aspects to mark them as platform-specific
  • 65363: Support for "finalizer" methods on Cooper
  • 65362: New 'virtual' "length" property on dynamic arrays in Cocoa
  • 65238: high()/low() functions can now retrieve upper and lower bounds of multidim arrays
  • 65199: New Conditional Defines for "ELEMENTS" and for version 7.0
  • 42993: Improvement to "Create Method" (csM) to allow adding method to different classes


  • 66682: MVC4 projects failed to create in the environment with only VS 2013
  • 66680: Cooper: "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: B." with var parameters
  • 66662: Cocoa: Odd uppercase namespace "MAPKIT" in CC, for globals
  • 66649: Problem with Simple Asp.NET 2.0 sample
  • 66648: Problem with Windows Live ID sample
  • 66639: "Using Generics" sample contains outdated comments
  • 66636: Extension Methods sample contains unprintable chars
  • 66629: Problem with generics in Java
  • 66628: Echoes: VS crash compiling async/await particular testcase
  • 66617: Windows Phone 7.1: Warnings in Audio playback agent project
  • 66616: Windows Phone 7.1: Panorama App project is created with errors
  • 66615: Review ALL Buffer BeginUpdate/EndUpdate calls to be using proper try/finally
  • 66593: Echoes: NRE in finally block when using await-async in the try block
  • 66585: CC should filter attribute types in the attribute type CC
  • 66556: Implement internal support for Namespace Aliases
  • 66545: Some Duplicate template IDs and more template cleanup needed
  • 66542: NRE when trying to rename "DateFormater" in Sugar
  • 66534: "new" fails on meta classes
  • 66531: Cocoa: extension methods and "instancetype" don't compile > Type mismatch
  • 66528: Odd Device Picker behavior
  • 66521: Append "(Unknown Server)" to grayed out CrossBox servers
  • 66497: Warning in Oxygene Sample TreeViewDemo
  • 66495: Problems with Bonjour CrossBox Servers (disabled Bonjour for now)
  • 66490: Cooper: 'length()' and check errors in compilation
  • 66489: Cooper: Error checking in compilation and abstract classes
  • 66488: Cooper: Add a uninitialized string with another string fails
  • 66477: CrossBox: "unknown" server sticks around for new project
  • 66475: CrossBox: Internal NRE when opening project with unknown CB server selected
  • 66468: Protected members are shown in CC lists when they shouldn't
  • 66467: Cirrus Errors in Oxygene Samples
  • 66451: Disallow annotations on properties in java
  • 66439: Unable to create Windows Phone 7.1 templates
  • 66437: Debugger shows '1' suffix on anonymously used variables
  • 66423: Cocoa: unable to call inherited constructor
  • 66413: Cocoa: casting "id" to a type does not check types
  • 66411: Sugar: Mapped method causes invalid binary on android
  • 66394: Cooper: Problem with override methods that return different types
  • 66382: Problem with assigning to field on ':' operator
  • 66381: Cooper: This type of cast produces errors when running
  • 66368: Autocreaing event method emits names in uppercase
  • 66367: Sugar: Unable to access mapped method from anon method
  • 66354: Invalid Program with casting from nullable Double to Int32
  • 66336: Cocoa: VS blocks for too long when selecting offline server in device picker
  • 66322: Properly support comparison operators on Cocoa Strings.
  • 66314: Null helper gives Assert
  • 66312: Applications based at Cocoa-iOS-PageBased App (Universal) fails with NRE
  • 66309: Error in Cocoa\iOS\Master/Detail App(Universal) template
  • 66303: Colon ":" operator crashes on 64-bit iOS
  • 66302: Failed to create WP8 templates in Oxygene
  • 66301: CC: .ctor and finalizer completes to garbage
  • 66280: Echoes: WinForms Event code is created in the public section
  • 66266: Simulator support needs updating to support Xcode 5.1 Beta 4 and later
  • 66264: Cooper: Activity with async method can't be build.
  • 66257: Debugging on Nexus 7/ART crashes the app
  • 66245: Echoes: Web item templates in 2013 have a 2012 version tag
  • 66240: Cooper: VS doesn't see Nexus 7
  • 66238: Cooper: invoke method for anonymous types should be assembly, not private
  • 66237: "Complete class" has a few minor issues
  • 66236: "Complete class" doesn't work for async method.
  • 66235: Inherited enums in .ctors give strange errors
  • 66233: Cooper: method gen params aren't always loaded back properly when .fx record is present in .jar
  • 66232: Cooper: no CC in for each
  • 66225: Cooper: nil default param
  • 66224: Cocoa: implementing INSFastEnumeration complains about missing method — but it's there.
  • 66221: Cooper: NRE on recursive java constraint
  • 66218: Cooper: class completion improvements and fixes
  • 66210: Cocoa: odd "UInt64" should be "Error" error in anonymous class
  • 66209: Sugar: mapped string concatenation is broken
  • 66201: No override CC in project
  • 66190: Cooper: projects don't have conditions on pack & sign
  • 66182: Cocoa: "Ok" vs. "Skip" buttons on device picker move position
  • 66179: Cocoa: Global functions from unused namespace dont show in CC
  • 66176: Cooper: can't be used
  • 66175: Cooper: debugger crashes in ShoppingList
  • 66168: Exception: EXC_BREAKPOINT debugging iOS application with older Xcode 4.x
  • 66162: Refactor: Cannot rename variable in using clause
  • 66157: ArgumentException with a certain combination of external extension methods
  • 66148: Various oxidizer bugs, most involving curly braces
  • 66139: Cocoa: iterator/sequence can only be enumerated once
  • 66138: Cocoa: runtime error in iterator
  • 66137: Problem with local variables
  • 66130: $I should work properly even if the include file is empty.
  • 66124: Incorrect error message
  • 66123: Need Better template names and sorting for top-level templates
  • 66122: Cocoa: Collections Views sample needs to be adjusted for iOS 7 titlebar
  • 66119: Cocoa: EXCBADACCESS when passing array as object
  • 66114: NRE in Form Designer
  • 66105: Sugar: Compiler error when using inline case
  • 66085: Project switcher doesn't (always) react to clicks
  • 66082: Drop sample Button from Mac/Cocoa template
  • 66081: Method hints are broken in testcase project
  • 66079: Cocoa: Xcode Sync adds to nameless ".framework" items
  • 66078: Cooper: no CC inside ShopingLists.Save
  • 66077: Weird warnings for mapped types
  • 66076: CC with "var" after will not allow for proper completion
  • 66075: No CC for items in for loop
  • 66070: Bad/confusing error message when iOS device's debugging support is't found
  • 66065: Completing "using" inserts whole string
  • 66064: "SmartCopy" and MacPack tasks should also delete files no longer on source
  • 66063: "Clean" doesn't delete Cocoa .app and .ipa from /Bin, just from /Obj
  • 66061: Better code model recovery when setting breakpoints in Delphi/VCL.NET code with "destructors".
  • 66057: Echoes: Service Reference for WSDL not created correctly
  • 66055: Debugger shows "nil" entries as garbage
  • 66046: CC shows both all types and expression members in given scenario
  • 66045: Cocoa: dispatch_async() not listed in CC
  • 66043: Cocoa: "async begin end" crashes
  • 66035: Exception in compiler
  • 66015: "Create Method" generates method as 'self'
  • 66008: Cooper: Cannot use a type "class of" in a parameter
  • 66007: Wrong places for code snippets
  • 65994: "Show types not in current uses" still working when disabled
  • 65988: Method hint are shown after closed bracket
  • 65985: Adjust RemObjetcs.Oxygene.Test project to acept cooper tests
  • 65973: Internal compiler error with if statement
  • 65968: Check all strings for 'Cocoa' vs 'Cocoa'
  • 65966: "read protected write" property in generic class fails
  • 65964: Echoes: WPF: Semicolon added into a wrong line of event handlers
  • 65961: No CC/MH at setPositiveButton
  • 65954: Cocoa: Problems adding a UITableViewController
  • 65939: Method name that starts with __ fails to compile.
  • 65938: IDE Lockup in DoneReferences
  • 65937: No nested type CC after new alertbuilder.|
  • 65935: Android R class generates readonly fields instead of consts
  • 65912: cref does not see properties
  • 65890: Go to Definition on ShoppingListView ends up in error metadata
  • 65889: XML comment fails to compile
  • 65883: CC shows keywords only in expression start
  • 65879: IDE generates metaclass for Cocoa projects classes
  • 65873: Property notification on cooper fails at runtime on android only
  • 65867: Signature for overridable methods
  • 65866: Wrong file name for installer on .iso
  • 65864: Echoes: "Cannot sign an assembly with partially signed or unsigned reference" should show name
  • 65863: Apply latest obfuscar & make Oxygene use it
  • 65858: Exception in visitor causing highlighting problems
  • 65854: Cooper: no cc with "for" after expression
  • 65849: Cooper: List of override methods contain "Error" type for generic class
  • 65848: Cooper: First char missing in Java interface missing method messages
  • 65846: No method hints for method call at the end of a property
  • 65828: CC bug
  • 65827: Cooper: Building of Android HTTP Chat RO sample fails
  • 65825: Cocoa: NSInvalidArgumentException when getting EKEvent allDay property
  • 65816: Set beforefieldinit if there is no class constructor
  • 65810: Regression: Don't initialize fields on block holders to nil
  • 65809: Dropdowns are empty
  • 65807: Sugar: mapped list causes EXCBADACCESS
  • 65806: Adjust OxidizerRunner to refactored Oxidizer
  • 65805: StandardAspects doesn't compile
  • 65793: Sugar: Project uses wrong reference
  • 65777: Sugar: Unable to access to a member of a mapped class [Regression]
  • 65766: existing VS2012 web app project fails to load in V22013 if VS2012 isn't installed
  • 65763: Class completion completes extension method wrong
  • 65753: Hover over aOwner.ObsoleteAttribute shows the TYPE ObsoleteAttribute, not the property
  • 65750: NRE on Go to Definition in particular case
  • 65703: CC bug in attributes
  • 65701: Problem with method in assembly section
  • 65692: currentMethodName() doesn't honor multi-part method names properly
  • 65657: Project Properties: Architectures list doesn't update properly when switching active configuration
  • 65655: Cocoa: VS crashes when trying to debug Cocoa iOS app on device
  • 65628: Cocoa: libCocoa doesn't build with LINQ.pas
  • 65608: Declaration of event-handler-method is assigned to the wrong class
  • 65606: Echoes: WinForms creates invalid code for binding events
  • 65597: Cocoa: NaN works incorrectly
  • 65592: Error converting Enum to Integer
  • 65583: Method completion for generic method loses generic parameter
  • 65582: Method completion for iterator changes sequence to IEnumerable
  • 65577: Cocoa: Passing "array of id" to ^id parameter
  • 65576: Cocoa: "type assignment" compiles, should give error
  • 65569: Cocoa: Internal/caught exception for CC anywhere in the attached Cocoa project, from Fire
  • 65568: Cocoa: Avoid creating a category label for interface categories
  • 65566: Cocoa: NSComparison result causes problems in anonymous methods
  • 65565: "__Extensions*" class name should not show to user in error messages
  • 65562: Cocoa: Extension method on "sequence of id" crashes the compiler due to debug info
  • 65551: Overriding of class virtual properties seem to be not working
  • 65550: "uint16" unavailable in develop
  • 65548: Nested methods show up in scope when they shouldn't
  • 65547: Echoes: Problems compiling against WinRT 4.5.1 framework
  • 65542: Way to provide non-Android-only ref paths for Cooper (add /plain to addref list)
  • 65542: Cooper: Provide a way to register non-Android-only reference search paths
  • 65539: Cocoa: Ambiguous overload calling countByEnumeratingWithState on NSArray
  • 65536: Cocoa: Protocol extension methods
  • 65522: New NRE in Cocoa
  • 65516: Odd CC after "extension method |"
  • 65512: NRE when invoking Refactor from Fire
  • 65501: Bugs with Autofix
  • 65491: If a property "write" is more visible than "read", the AccessMod has the wrong value
  • 65477: "Method hides a method in parent class" on mapped class
  • 65475: CC doesn't work at particular testcase
  • 65474: Add Uses doesn't work at some cases
  • 65470: Member Completion in Generic Classes
  • 65456: NuGet won't install packages properly
  • 65446: No CC after dot
  • 65428: Persist soft bit for Cocoa & Cooper
  • 65400: Cocoa: Go to Definition shows incomplete Cocoa interface metadata
  • 65399: Cocoa: No CC and "Implement Interface" or class ancestors in File|New|iOS App
  • 65382: Make sure all installer paths use Elements instead of Oxygene on fresh install
  • 65373: NRE in CC
  • 65331: Placing the debugger on self in "" evaluates "abc" instead of "self"
  • 65285: Sugar: unable to create mapped constructor for a target class parent constructor
  • 65269: NRE when completing class declaration
  • 65268: Oxidizer testcases for stable
  • 65260: Problems with "raise" inside "except"
  • 65237: SmartTypeWrapper throws NRE
  • 65231: Minor issues with Create variable and CC
  • 65230: CC fails to works after dot in stable
  • 65226: cooper doesn't emit "array of T" properly in class library signature
  • 65216: Sugar: Mapped constructor definition doesn't work without ()
  • 65212: Sugar: Using mapped constructor breaks interaction with other mapped objects
  • 65197: Sugar: Unable to use generic class in other mapped generic class (again)
  • 65196: Cocoa: inc() doesn't work inside blocks
  • 65189: {$Include directive throws exception
  • 65180: Code completion list in "uses" section contains keywords
  • 65141: Bug: oxidizer errors on using(uses) clauses
  • 65137: Refactor: Rename a member that has a reserved name
  • 65119: CC sometimes inserts duplicate generic parameter
  • 65110: Breakpoints on delegates
  • 65109: Oxidizer: Paste C# to Oxygene fails on conditional
  • 65055: Anonymous method params don't appear in CC inside the method's body.
  • 64998: (Large) project takes like 10 minutes to fill the error list
  • 64949: Error changing name of new form in WinForms appliqcation
  • 64791: Don't check for device being allowed, when building with App Store profile
  • 64701: Adjust WP8 wizard & templates for VS2013
  • 64701: Adjust WP8 wizard & templates for 2013
  • 64602: Improve class completion
  • 64487: CrossBox menu reads "Crossbox:", lowercase B, before project loads
  • 64324: Oxidizer/Java fails on "native" keyword
  • 64273: Cocoa: sample "Maps" need GUI adjustment for IOS7
  • 64241: Set 'Generate PDB Info' option to true in the WP8 project templates
  • 63976: Compiler allows non-nullable int to have a nil default value
  • 63690: Codegen: wrong syntax for interface-implements methods
  • 63682: Oxidizer: C# To Oxygene: 'type' is missed in conversion
  • 61004: Oxidizer NRE on attached Java file
  • 60536: Editor should mark <> in the same way as ()
  • 60533: Oxidizer to Java doesn't handle static constructors
  • 60523: Oxidizer to Java converts Interfaces to malformed classes
  • 58932: CC shows incorrect tool tip
  • 58820: Echoes: New Web Form cant be added to project
  • 57607: csC generates bad code or globals
  • 55844: Echoes: Bug in "async" keyword in Silverlight 5
  • 55799: "__Extensions" shows in navigation bar
  • 53648: Autocomplete for classes doesn't work at some cases
  • 49077: Bad cursor position on enter after indented multi-line method call
  • 44436: Support for csC "Complete Class" on new extension method syntax
  • 44281: An error is displayed when invoking help (F1) on an attribute.
  • 41472: Smart-end on "try/except" adds "end" at wrong location
  • 38440: Extra "end;" added when compile directives are used.
  • 32320: Class completion adds rogue "public"
  • 29851: smart indentations problem
  • 27771: csM should detect result type, too (where possible)


Changes in Oxygene 6.0 and prior

Please check here for Changes in Oxygene 6.0.