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Channel Elements

Welcome to Channel Elements, the channel on RemObjects TV that is all about the Oxygene and RemObjects C# languages, and software development on .NET, Java and Cocoa with tools related to Oxygene and C#.


Webinar - Metro Development with Oxygene for .NET (56:38)

This hour long webinar on Windows 8 Metro application development with Oxygene for .NET covers Oxygene features like await, and Metro features like AppBar, Style, MessageDialog, VisualStateManager, Suspending, Storyboard, GridView, ListView, Data Binding, ItemTemplate, SearchPane, Search, Notification, and LiveTile.


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More Videos:

# Dave's Tale
10 years ago

Meet Dave, a C# developer diving into new platforms.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 3:33 minutes


# UIAlertViews with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 7:49 minutes


# UINavigationControllers with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 12:40 minutes


# UITableViewCells with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 10:13 minutes


# UITableViewControllers with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 5:45 minutes


# UITableViews with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 8:44 minutes


# Cocoa: IBActions with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 4:10 minutes


# Cocoa: IBOutlets with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 8:29 minutes


# Your First Android Application with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Walks you through creating your first Android applications with RemObjects C#, from Visual Studio on Windows.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 30:02 minutes


# Your First iOS Application with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Walks you through creating your first iOS applications with RemObjects C#, from Visual Studio on Windows.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 27:44 minutes


# Set Up for Android Development with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Walks you through setting up your development environment to create Android applications with RemObjects C#, from Visual Studio on Windows.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 8:56 minutes


# Set Up for iOS and macOS Development with RemObjects C#
10 years ago

Walks you through setting up your development environment to create iOS and macOS applications with RemObjects C#, from Visual Studio on Windows.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 9:35 minutes


# Storyboards with Oxygene "Nougat"
11 years ago

A brief introduction to building Oxygene "Nougat" applications for iOS using Storyboards and Interface Builder. Storyboards provide a better approach for interface design and controlling the user experience. Oxygene "Nougat" provides full support and integration for storyboards for iPhone and iPad development using Cocoa Touch.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 10:50 minutes


# Introducing "Nougat" - Oxygene for Cocoa
11 years ago

Introducing RemObjects "Nougat" - Oxygene for Cocoa. Bringing the Oxygene programming language to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch for Mac OS X and iOS development. Demonstration includes CrossBox, Interface Builder and Instruments integration.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 18:47 minutes


# Advanced XML
11 years ago

Oxygene for .NET makes it easy to work with XML documents. This video shows you how to use XML Namespaces, Schemas (XSD), XML Validation, Serialization, Deserialization, XPath and LINQ to XML.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 39:24 minutes


# Building an Android Torch App
11 years ago

Brian Long walks through the process of developing an Android Torch app using Oxygene for Java. Covers Intents, Permissions, Activities, and other features common to Android App development. [Get the code.]

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 49:25 minutes


# Overview of the Oxygene Programming Language
11 years ago

A general overview of the RemObjects Oxygene programming language and features. Includes demos of Visual Studio 2012 enhancements, Windows 8 Modern UI programming, Android development and iOS app development. [Echoes, Cooper & Nougat]

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 37:46 minutes


# Fix-It, "Reloaded"
11 years ago

Oxygene 5.2 takes the Fix-it functionality to the next level with Fix-All and Treat Fixable Errors as Warnings. Fix-it is all about increasing your productivity and keeping you in the zone of productivity.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 4:01 minutes


# Gendarme Code Analysis
12 years ago

Gendarme Code Analysis introduced in Oxygene for .NET 5.2 is integrated in Visual Studio 2012 makes it easy to detect code smells and other concerns in your Oxygene source code.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 10:58 minutes


# WPF Development with Oxygene for .NET
12 years ago

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Development with Oxygene for .NET and Visual Studio 2012. An introduction, a look at the tools, and behind the scenes.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 17:08 minutes


# Android XML IntelliSense with Oxygene for Java
12 years ago

Introduction to Android XML IntelliSense support in the latest Oxygene for Java. Shows the new IntelliSense in action with Visual Studio 2012

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 3:45 minutes


# Webinar - What's New in Prism XE2
12 years ago

This hour long webinar covers what's new in Prism XE2 and how to get the most out of Prism and the Oxygene for .NET language that powers it. Covers new IDE features and productivity enhancements, duck typing, parallelism, class contracts, oxidizer, plugin interoperability and even some Windows 8 Metro application development.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 52:15 minutes


# Windows 8 Metro with Oxygene for .NET and VS11
12 years ago

A quick look at building a Windows 8 Metro App with Oxygene for .NET and VS11.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 5:11 minutes


# Wearable Android with Oxygene for Java
12 years ago

A short introduction to wearable Android application development with Oxygene for Java and the WIMM One module.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 9:21 minutes


# Announcing Oxygene for Java
12 years ago

Announcing the Immediate Availability of Oxygene for Java - bringing the power of Oxygene to Android and the entire Java Platform

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 8:27 minutes


# Android development with Oxygene for Java
13 years ago

A short introduction to Android development with Oxygene for Java. Also check out the primer at wiki.oxygenelanguage.com.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 9:37 minutes


# ASP.NET Web App development with Oxygene for .NET and WebForms
13 years ago

A short introduction to ASP.NET Web App development with Oxygene for .NET and WebForms. Also check out the Primer at wiki.oxygenelanguage.com.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 12:10 minutes


# Windows Phone 7 Development with Oxygene for .NET
13 years ago

A short introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with the new Oxygene for .NET compiler that is included in Embarcadero Prism XE2.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 9:36 minutes


# Oxygene 5 IDE Enhancements
13 years ago

A look at some of the new IDE Enhancements that come with Oxygene 5. Includes Fix-it, spell checker, error notes, error ranges and C# & Delphi native import. These IDE Enhancements work with both Oxygene for .NET and Oxygene for Java.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 7:11 minutes


# 3D with the JMonkeyEngine and Cooper
13 years ago

Showing off a little 3D fun with Cooper and the JMonkeyEngine for Java.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 2:54 minutes


# New IDE Features: Markers and Inline Errors
13 years ago

Looking at some of the new IDE features in latest Delphi Prism release: Makers, Caret Animation and Inline Errors. These features are available in Oxygene powered languages, including Delphi Prism and 'Cooper' the Object Pascal for Java project.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 3:10 minutes


# "Cooper" Beta Intro
13 years ago

Introduction to the Beta for RemObjects Cooper - Object Pascal for Java and Android in Visual Studio.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 4:35 minutes


# Project "Cooper" Preview
13 years ago

A preview of Project "Cooper" from RemObjects Labs - Object Pascal for Java and Android.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 7:55 minutes


# Oxfuscator Introduction
13 years ago

An introduction to RemObjects Oxfuscator - the .NET assembly obfuscator that integrates in Visual Studio IDE and MS Build.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 6:56 minutes


# Delphi Prism in Visual Studio IDE Overview
14 years ago

A brief introduction and overview of Delphi Prism integration with the Visual Studio 2010 IDE and how to get started creating new projects.

Watch | Download (H.264) | Watch | 9:17 minutes