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Welcome to RemObjects Radio, the regular podcast on all things RemObjects, where our host and developer evangelist Jim McKeeth brings you up to date information about what's happening at RemObjects Software, sneak peaks at future plans, interviews with team members and customers and in depth discussion about core technologies.

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Episode: Delphi Tage 2010

13 years ago

Sitting down at Delphi-Tage (Delphi Days) 2010 in Berlin Germany with David I., chief developer evangelist for Embarcadero; Sebastian Gingter, developer evangelist for RemObjects; Daniel Wolf, runs Delphi PRAXiS and organizes Delphi Tage; Daniel Magin of Delphi Experts; Jim McKeeth, developer evangelist for RemObjects; marc hoffman, Chief Architect for RemObjects; with Arvid Winkelsdorf, Indy Core Team and Uwe Schuster of Delphi SVN and Jedi VCS Integration joining us later. This is a special combined episode of the Podcast at and RemObjects Radio.

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