What's new in Elements 8.1 | RemObjects Software
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What's New in Elements 8.1

Elements 8.1 is a pretty significant update to Version 8, which we shipped last year. It brings advancements to both the Oxygene and RemObjects C# languages, and adds Swift as a brand new language option, with our new “Silver” compiler front-end.

Find out what else is new in our feature summary below – and check out our detailed Change Log for a complete list of all features, enhancements and bugfixes.

Silver: Swift for .NET, Java and Cocoa

Probably the most significant addition to Elements 8.1 is our new Silver compiler front-end, which brings Apple's new Swift language, recently voted as the most loved programming language, into the compiler.

With Silver, you can now use Swift to write apps for .NET, Android and Java, as well as of course for Mac and iOS. And you can do it inside Visual Studio on Windows, or Fire on the Mac.

And best of all — Silver is completely free of charge.

Read More and browse the Docs.

Fire: Finally, Elements comes to the Mac

We're hard at work on Fire, our brand new Mac-native development environment for Elements. While still in “Preview”, Fire is now useable for production work, and available to all Elements users, including as Trial version.

Read More, browse the Docs, get the Trial.

C# 6.0

C# 6.0 is coming, and we've updated RemObjects C# with all the new features – from string interpolation to using static classes, from property initializers to exception filtering. And of course RemObjects C# has always had the indispensable "Elvis Operator", ?., for null-safe member access.

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Android Studio Sync

Elements 8.1 makes it even easier to design your Android Layout XML files by directly integrating with Google's designer in Android Studio. Simply click "Edit User Interface Files in Android Studio" in VS or Fire and you're set.

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Language Improvements

Elements 8.1 keep improving the core languages, as well.

RemObjects C# also gains support for __inline methods, and all three languages now support type inference for property declarations. Support for Events and Sets has been extended to Java and Cocoa, and boxing support on Cocoa has been improved, among many other things.

New IDE-Integrated Documentation

With Version 8, we also introduced a new docs site at docs.elementscompiler.com, which covers all three languages and platforms. With Elements 8.1, these new docs, alongside platform docs for .NET, Java, Android and Cocoa, are now deeply integrated with the IDE and just one press of F1 away.

iOS Extensions, including WatchKit

Inside Fire, Elements 8.1 provides tentative and experimental support for creating iOS Extensions, including support for building Custom Keyboards, Share Extensions, Today Widgets and WatchKit Apps.

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Visual Studio 2015

Elements 8.1 provides integration with the next version of Visual Studio, currently available as Late Preview from Microsoft and expected to ship at //build/.

Download the Visual Studio 2015 Preview.