Connecting to Databases | RemObjects Software
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With its flexible driver architecture, Data Abstract allows your application to talk to virtually any relational database system available. Support for common database vendors is provided in the box both with Data Abstract for .NET and Delphi, as well as with Relativity Server. And hooking up new or more esoteric database types is easily done.

And because Data Abstract is a true multi-tier system, no database client libraries are required on the client, of course, allowing for true thin-client deployment on all the supported platforms, and keeping your database safely tucked behind your firewall.

.NET-Based Servers and Relativity Server

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server (Compact Edition)
  • Oracle
  • PostgeSQL
  • mySQL
  • SQLite
  • Firebird & Interbase
  • ElevateDB
  • NexusDB
  • Actian Zen / Pervasive SQL
  • Sybase Advantage & Sybase SQL Anywhere
  • Access (via ODBC or OLE DB)
  • Paradox (via ODBC or OLE DB)
  • DB2 (via ODBC or OLE DB)

As well as any other database that can be targeted with the more generic ODBC.NET and OleDB.NET data layers.

Data Abstract for .NET (and Relativity, which is build on DA/.NET) uses ADO.NET database drivers, so in theory any database that an ADO.NET driver is available for and that conforms to a reasonable variant of SQL can be made to work with Data Abstract, easily – usually with as little as a few entries in the .daConfig XML configuration file.

Delphi-based Servers

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server (Compact Edition)
  • Oracle
  • SQLite
  • PostgeSQL
  • mySql
  • Interbase
  • Firebird
  • Sybase
  • ElevateDB
  • NexusDB
  • dBase
  • Paradox

Data Abstract for Delphi uses Delphi's standard TDataTable infrastructure for its database drivers. It ships with a wide range iff drivers based on existing component sets, including database-specific ones such as IBO or DbGo, and generic ones such as DBX or AnyDAC/FireDAC. Support for any DAC component set not listed below can easily be added, by you or – upon request – our product team.

Support for the following DACs ships with DA/Delphi, including full support. Some of the DACs themselves are open source or commercial third party components that might require a separate purchase:

Included w/ Delphi

  • ADO (generic access to many database types, recommended for SQL Server)
  • DBX (generic access to many database types)
  • IBX (Firebird/Interbase)
  • FireDAC (generic access to many database types)
  • BDE (dBase, Paradox and other legacy desktop databases)

Provided by Data Abstract

  • SQLite

Third Party

  • AbsoluteDB
  • AnyDAC (generic access to many database types)
  • DOA (Oracle)
  • ElevateDB
  • FIB (Firebird/Interbase)
  • IBDAC (Firebird/Interbase)
  • IBO (Firebird/Interbase)
  • MyDAC (mySQL)
  • MySQLDAC (mySQL)
  • NexusDB
  • ODAC (Oracle)
  • PgDAC (PostgreSQL)
  • PostgresDAC (PostgreSQL)
  • SDAC (Microsoft SQL Server)
  • SQLitePass (SQLite)
  • TurboDB
  • UniDAC (generic access to many database types)
  • ZEOS (generic access to many database types)

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