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For going on twenty years, RemObjects Software has been dedicated to creating state of the art tools for software developments that our users love and cherish.

Elements is a development toolchain comprising compiler, IDE and various supporting tools and technologies. With Elements, you can build applications for all modern platforms using your language of choice, without sacrificing direct platform access or succumbing to "lowest common denominator" experiences.

Data Abstract is an industry-leading framework for building database applications using the well-established "multi-tier" data access approach. It works with a variety of platforms, providing uniquely efficient and secure data transport, flexible data abstraction models and more.

Our products support all major desktop and mobile development platforms: .NET, Cocoa and Java/Android. Data Abstract is also available for JavaScript and Embarcadero Delphi.

Too many applications fall into the "cross-platform" trap: Mediocre applications that run poorly and unoptimized. Avoiding this trap is the driving force behind RemObjects Software's two product suites and our vision of what "native" means.

We're a cross-platform company that doesn't believe in the old "one size fits all" way of doing cross-platform. We supply the best possible solution for each environment. We've designed and tailored each of our products for each platform. You work with the language you want, targeting the platforms you need.

Executive Team

marc hoffman

Chief Architect and CEO

As co-founder of RemObjects Software, marc has been part of the team since the beginning in 2002. With over thirty years of experience in the software industry and most of that time focused on developer tools, marc's main focus as Chief Architect is on planning and driving the technological directions of the products and shaping the future of how software development is done. To a large part, this entails enhancing the Oxygene Language and Fire IDE, of which marc is the lead designer.
Direct Email: mh@

Alexandre Arnaud-Levi

VP of Sales and Business Development

With a solid 25-year tenure in Deep Tech IT, Alexandre has demonstrated consistent value and expertise in the sector. His primary emphasis has been on driving product success through both innovative approaches and a deep-rooted commitment to customer satisfaction. His professional engagements are primarily with Tier 1 and Tier 2 tech organizations, highlighting his depth in managing and advising on high-level tech initiatives.

Furthermore, Alexandre possesses significant experience in due diligence, particularly with respect to funds targeting investments in publicly listed companies. This is a testament to his ability to navigate and provide insights in complex financial landscapes. Additionally, Alexandre has established himself as a reliable IT strategic consultant, with prominent organizations in Europe regularly seeking his counsel.
Direct Email: alex@


RemObjects Software is a privately held company owned by two partners: marc hoffman and Carlo Kok.


Company Address:

RemObjects Software, LLC
8062 Kingsbury Drive
Hanover Park, IL, 60133

RemObjects Software, B.V.
Pietermaai 1-7

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Unless otherwise stated, the contents of these sites, including, but not limited to, the text and images contained herein and their arrangement, are property of RemObjects Software, LLC. All trademarks used or referred to in these websites are property of their respective owners.

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Any other website using “remobjects” or variations thereof on their domain name does not officially represent RemObjects Software.

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All portions of this website, including, but not limited to text, images, and layout are © copyright RemObjects Software 2002 thru now. All rights reserved. No part of the content of this site may be reproduced without explicit written permission.

All graphics, illustrations and screen shots are © copyright RemObjects Software 2008 thru now. All rights reserved. All photos are copyright dwarfland.com photography and marc hoffman. All rights reserved. Used by non-exclusive permission.

RemObjects Software Trademarks

Data Abstract™, DebugServer™, DevCenter™, DevStudio™, Fire™, EBuild™, Elements™, EWF Server Pack™, Hydra™, Hydrogene™, Internet Pack™, Iodine™, Olympia™, Oxfuscator™, Oxygene™, Pascal Script™, Relativity™, RemObjects™, RemObjects Builder™, RemObjects C#™, RemObjects Software™, RemObjects Script™, RemObjects SDK™, Remoting SDK™, ROZeroConf™, Silver™, Sugar™, Train™, Water™, Wolpertinger™, “The Infrastructure Company™” and “Any Platform You Like™” as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of RemObjects Software, LLC in the United States of America, the European Union, and World-Wide.

The absence of a name or logo in the above list does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that RemObjects Software has established in any of its products, features, service names or logos.

About this Website

This website was built with and is powered by core RemObjects Software technologies, including Oxygene and Data Abstract. The site is built using ASP.NET and makes heavy use of DA LINQ; virtually every piece of data presented is retrieved from our back-end databases via Data Abstract.

It is hosted on Amazon EC2, RDS and S3, with Relativity Server.

The following tools are essential in its development: Oxygene, Data Abstract, Fire, Coda, CSS Edit, Photoshop, Illustrator, ImageOptim, Safari, Araxis Merge, GitBox.